St. Albans Weekly Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont (2024)

inr, ra'nHv ami alto her mother, JERICHO. ducted by-Miss Florence Perley, of Man's Mission on Earth fhe Scleiee ol Life Sell Frcservatioa EAST HIGHGATE. Rlxford Knight, of Ansonia, is passing a few. weeks at the hoiae of his grandfather, O. S.

Rlxford. BAKERSFIELD. Mrs. J. M.

Mead 1b expecting her on, Prof. Harold Mead, home from Carlton College in Missouri, where he has been teaching for the past two years. While playing ball. Professor Mead became seriously injured, his who is 111 at the home of her sister, Mr. Tnhn tnrtin.

in East Bakersfield. The condition of Mrs. Jewett, who has been verv ill the Past few months, is somewhat better aV present Robert Newcity, an employee on me rtrmrnn Miiino railroad, with Miss Mudgett, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newcity.

There were six candidates lor baptism inthis place July 3. Sholdnn nnssed the latter part of last week In East Berkshire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R.

Gates. umv Rennit has employment with W. Shangraw for ah indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Rushford were recent visitors in Richford. Henrv Shanaraw was a' business visitor in Enosburg Falls MONTGOMERY CENTER. The Rev Mrs. J. H.

LeRoy and eon, Gerald, of Campton, are visiting Mr. Le Roy's former parish-oners here. Mrs. Butler and Miss Anna Butler, of Indiana, are visiting at the home of Mrs. A.

L. Mrs. Betsey Styles 1s recovering from an attack of pleurisy. Clement Ducharm has moved nto Mrs. Martha Porter's tenement on School st Glenna McDonald is home from Watcrbury for a vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Martjn went to Boston July 1.

C. B. Barnard is visiting his parents in Richmond. Mitchell Martin Sr. is moving his family to Greenville, Me.

Joel Lamore is home from Greenville, for a few days. Hugo Herzog, of New York city, Is at the home of A. T. Kingsley. Several of the relatives and friends of Mr.

and Mrs. A. C. Barnes passed a day last week at their home on the south road, it being the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. B.

C. Wells is repairing his barn. Joel Lamore returned Sunday night to Greenville, Me. Mr. and Mrs.

George Bates have returned home from Brome, Que. The Rev. C. A. Nutting occupied the pulpit of the Baptfst church at Richford Sunday morning.

William H. Stiles, of Flushing, L. who visited his mother, B. M. Stiles, over Sunday, went to New Hampshire Monday.

Carlton Gilman, who has been visiting C. A. Gardyne, returned to Man-sonville, Monday. C- A. Gardyne is in North Troy this week.

Mrs L. D. Garrett Is ill. Miss Amy Goodspeed is home from Boston. J.

B. Johnson, of Pasadena, is passing the summer on his farm here. George Porter has gone to The Weirs, N. where he has a position in a large summer hotel. Delia Cole, of Pawtucket, R.

is visiting at the home of Joseph Girard. Mrs. Butler and daughter, Anna, of Indiana, left town Monday for Fairfax. An institute of the town Sunday-school association was held Sunday morning at the Baptist church. Several interesting papers were read on the work.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational church served dinner Tuesday evening on the church lawn. The Rev. and Mrs. J. H.

LeRoy and son, of Campton, N. who have been passing several days iii town, left here Tuesday for Enosburg Falls. MORRISVILLE. Mrs. Emma l3harr: and daughter have pone to Lancaster, N.

for an extended visit Mr. and Mrs. WJ D. Grout, of Worcester, came here Saturday July 2 for a few weeks' visit fat the home of Mrs. Grout's parents, Mr.

ind Mrs. G. W. Doty. Mrs.

W. R. Nicholson and daughters, of Kansas City, have come to pass the summer with Mrs. Nicholson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

George Norton. F. O. Lunt and his father-in-law, J. F.

Holton, are making an extended Western trip. They will visit in Milwaukee, Kansas, Iowa, and Akeley. Minn. Mr. and Mrs.

Morse and child, cf Providence, R. came here Saturday The Kind You Have Always In use for otct 30 Tears, atu Cay DTTctm Oq. Your hens can't loaf i them on THE PARK Feeds. You can evety chicken you put into Brooder, and they only cost do better' than the kinds Ask t0' a cop, -THE PARK POLLARD Pnw ALMANAC. Costs you one dollar or more.

Messrs A. S. Hyde Son. 88 No. Main St Albany -TnTt, 9 iu ijuss a laUer's mother, Mr, a ami sister, Mrs.

E. I. Iho condition of Charles uv who became suddiih- of his daughter, Mrs. honia July 3. is mUoh imp White, who is 78 tft.

unusual of never before to cail a physician. The condition of ster, who is ill, ia verv' critical The Rev. P. A. Kmith, of was in town rencentlv.

jr contemplates locating here. Mr. and Mrs. II. Valte MI Waite, Blanche Peek, and Carrie Mocre enjoyea an aula trip St.

Albans last 'week Tuesday ret! ing home -Wednesday Missal went to; her home in Swanton and Mrs-. Waite will be a guest at the h-1 of W. H. Ellis for a few lavS 2 Agnes Linehan returned with Mia Peck for a visit. Master Islie of IfanchWfr N.

came here July 9 for a fis with his grandmother, Ifrs. ler, after a few weeks' visit with Us aunt, Mr.i. Alton Littel, of St Albaia Mrs. W. Knight as Burling, ton Friday, goinj; that tvenin? to Bakersfield where jjr.

and Mri Knight visited the hitter's pareo Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Darnes, for a fef days.

Miss Minnie Bedell has gone to Sugar Hill, ST. here she la employment for the summer. Mr. and Mj-s. J.

F. Jackson in passing several week? at Kmore liii at the Jackson cottage. Mrs. H. J.

Fisher and sons, Clams and Harold, are camping at tin Drowne cottage at Elmore lake. A. A. Kendall, who has befn la Tacoma, for the past year, hai returned and purchased the route o( the Union Tea at EnosSurs Falls of Wallace Junes. He will move bit family soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Terrill rat given a reception Tuesday evening, July 5, by the Philathca class ssi young men's class nf the church. A fhort program ni given and Mr. and iirs.

Terrill wm presented a handsome elpht-daf clock and a hand-painted china Refreshments of ice cream and can were served. 1 SOUTH HERO. The Rev. W. C.

Clark and famSf, of Barnet, have gone inta camp on the west shore, north of Easle Camp, a few weeks. They will be jom by Mr. Clark's parents and oUmt friends while hero. Mr. BreVver, of Burlington, who n-cently bought a farm adjoining Ea! Camp on the south, is in camp witi his family.

lie has erected a two stcry cottage with the latest improv-ments. He has a wind raill Wi supplies -the cottage, farmhouse, mi barn with writer. There passed through the town recently a caravan of sypsies. Tn were ten horses and no one cooM could count the children. Mrs.

C. V. Hurlburt. of Winoosfe, visited her sister, Mrs. H.

E. Ferri In this place last week. Bought, and which has bea has borne the signature of Signature of sail ssav A party consisting of Miss Phyllis Brown, Miss Edith Derby, Miss Grace Perley, Miss Sara Safford, Miss Carlle Safford, Alton Safford, Chester Derby, nntlov Ttrnurn climbed -Mount Mansfield June 30. There was a snowbank In the big cave nd snowballing was enjoyed, Mrs. a.

G. Hanley is ill. .1 rwhv left town Thursday for Tpper Saranac Lake, N. to pass the summer. Mr.

and Mrs. O. S. Moffatt and -infant daughter, Katherine, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Safford returned to East Berksnire July 6. Miss Grace M. Perley, of Berkshire, is -visiting Miss, Safford.

O. H. Brown and Miss Thvltla Rrnwn nrtenrled the Wilder recital in Burlington Tuesday even ing, July 5. P. H.

Brown, or. mis place, was one of the soloists. Frank K. Howe lost three cows in a thunder storm Monday afternoon, July 4.v E. Bailey Brown is working lor A.

P. Safford. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanley were In Burlington Friday.

Miss Myrtle Alger Is working for Mrs. Arthur Packard this summer. JOHNSON. The enrollment at the opening of the summer school Tuesday, July 5, was 20 students, and more are expected later. The Fourth.

of July celebration given under the direction of the Grange was very successful. Every thing was done for the enjoyment of the people. The Bpeech and the sports were well attended, and the play in the evening "The Brookdale given by members of the Grarige, drew a- crowded house. Miss Bertha is at home from her school at Mlddletown Springs. Miss Minnie-" Winchester, of Stan- nartf, visited In town over Sunday.

Misses Susan' and Helen Collins started for Waverly; Monday morning, July 11, to visit their uncle, David Holmes, for a few weeks. The condition of Mrs. D. A. Bar-1 rows, who is at the Mary Fletcher hos pital, Burlington, is a little more comfortable.

LAKESIDE. Miss Edith Hayden has gone to Old Orchard Beach, where she has employment at the Old Orchard house for nine weeks. MILTON. Mrs. James A.

Kennedy is in Al burg for a few days. Miss Mary White, of Washington, D. is visiting Mrs. C. F.

Skeel3. The Rev. John G. Currier, rector of Trinity church, is passing a three months' vacation in Michigan and Illinois. Miss Relief Levanway is home from Washington where she has been teaching school.

Calvin Manley has purchased a new auto. Mr. and Mrs. Glazier were given a surprise party at their home Friday evening. Miss Genevieve Mogan has returned to her position -in Northampton, Mass.

Mrs. A. B. Landon and guests, Mrs. Burnham and Miss Hall, of Cleveland, Ohio, went on an automobile trip to Sheldon Wednesday with Mr.

Hewey. Mrs. Myrtle Teachout and daughter, Harriet, of Lancaster, are visiting In town. Mrs. R.

W. Jocelyn and daughter have been visiting in Swanton the past week while Mr. Jocelyn was in Boston. Mrs. William Mayvllle, of Atlanta, who is visiting here, fell down the cellar stairs Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs, Ellen Mayvllle, but luckily escaped with only a few bruises.

Mr. Donohue was badly poisoned recently by eating canned meat The prompt action of a doctor saved his life. Samuel Allen's horse was frightened by an auto while coming to the creamery Sunday morning and tipped out the milk cans, spilling the milk. Mr. Allen escaped with but little in- Jury.

I George Wood and sister. Miss Ella Wood, attended the ordination of Ralph H. Mix to the Congregational ministry which took place at South Hero last Thursday Mrs Clark of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and iMrs. O.

G. Phelps this week'. -a Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pattee and daughter, Ruth, of New London, are visiting relatives in town.

Mrs. Arthur of Hartford, is with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C.

A. Pratt this week. Miss Mary Rood, of Bridgeport. is in town for a-short vacation. Paul Fountain, of Mlddlebury, was with" his sister, Mrs.

J. F. Laraway, ortr Sundav. MONTGOMERY. Mr.

and Mrs. V. RnnHiiwud have returned to Poultney after pass ing several weeks In town. Mrs. Sherman Bennett has gone to Newport to care for her son.

Wnlter Bennett who is 111. Mrs. Emma Cofffln, who has been visiting her mother. Mm Marv Ijivm has returned to St. Albans.

Mrs. Arthur Doyle has returned to her home in Lawrence, after visiting relatives and friends in town. Miss Vena Shlna is heme from Enosburg: Falls for a visit Little Daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. T.

J. v-erien Drowned in Tub ef Water. The eiehteen-month-clri of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James O'Brien orHUlwest fell into a tub or water Saturday and was rtmwnri1 Rha an only child.

The funeral was at the church Sunday, W. O. Mans- ncia orriciating, and the body was taken to Eden for burial Monday. Hillwest. Mrs.

G. W. Gushing has returned home from a few days' visit with rel! tives in Canada. Chnrles Ddge closed a successful term of school July In district No. T.

Mr. ana Mra Locke Mvnd children, who visited relatives in th place recently have returned to their home In Craftsbury. F. W. Dcmtna has returned to hit home in Denlsport.

Mass. i Mrs. Phoebe Shangraw is 111. Mrs. Aura Murray, of Hectorvlll.

visited her father, Jiles Jewett, in this Enosburg Center, in the schooi-nouse in this place Thursday ana Friday. Miss Latona McKay is very ill at th hom*o of Mrs. H. N. Kimball.

John suffered a severe hemorrsge of the lungs bat uAlay morning, and her condition is very critical. Joseph E. Betters, who travels in New York state for the Pratt Food Co. of Philadelphia, is visiting In town. Miss Effie Waldron, of Hardwick, is visiting her sister, Miss Ethel Waldron x- Mrs.

O. W. Holden Is visiting at the home of her son, Arthur Holden, of Allston, Mass. The Rev. W.

T. Forsythe conduct ed services at St. Luke's church, St. Albans, Sunday in exchange with the Rev. S.

Halsted Watklna, of that place. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. W.

Woodworth are visiting In Grand Isle. Mrs. Fred Blair and daughter, Hazel, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Blair's parents In Highgate. Harlow Whitney, of North-field, was the guest of Mrs.

H. B. Farrar Monday and Tuesday. Charles Hyers, of Philadelphia, who has been visiting his son, Edgar Hyers, in this place, has returned home. Mrs.

C. E. Briteh and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. George of Highgate, visited at the home of Mrs.

E. J. Himes last week. Miss Ella Fairbanks is visiting in Greensboro. W.

O. Himes, of Minneapolis, who has been visiting at the home of his mother, E. J. Himes, the past week, left for his home Monday night. Mr.

and Mrs. H. C. McGregor and granddaughter, Miss Mary Pierce, of Swanton, are visitors the home of H. Martin.

i Miss Nellie of St Albans, Is visiting at the home of D. M. Rose. Thei Junior: Auxiliary of St. Mat thew's church will hold a lawn party it the home of E.

J. Tyler, of Or chard st, Wednesday evening. The condition of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence, who are ill, remains about the same.

Miss Joanna D. Croft who teaches school in Maiden, Mass.came Friday night to pass the summer vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.

Crolt She was accompanied by Miss H. J. Bary and Miss May J. Bary, of Maiden. Mrs.

Clara Pratt and daughter, Miss Ruth Pratt, are in camp at Highgate Springs. Edward Tyler, and Clair Ruulee visiting at the home Of Kenneth Aseltine in Burlington. Mrs. T. H.

Armstrong visited in St. Albans Tuesday. 1 Miss Bessie Hawley, of Richford, visited at the home 'of H. B. Farrar Tuesday and Wednesday.

Col. I C. of Richford, was in town Mrs. Vena Vadney, who is a clerk in tl; store of E. F.

Greenwood, Is having a two weeks' vacation, and went to her home in Montgomery Tuesday. Miss Hilda Cantell is visiting at ITTe home of her grandparents in Mohf-' gomery. The condition of Miss Latona Mc Kay, who has Hi, is Dr. John Brigham, of Winchendon," was in town Tuesday. Mrs.

E. McFeeters is passing two weeks at Highgate Springs. R. E. Sault, of Randolph, is in town this week on business.

Mrs. J. M. Ruiter, ef Burlington, Is visiting at the home her daughter, Mrs. A.

A. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spear, of Bur lington, are passing a week at the Quincy house.

Roy Fullington and Miss Jessie Sweet were married Tuesday evening by the Rev. William Shaw at the Methodist parsonage. Mr. and Mrs, Fullington left immediately after the wedding for Johnson where they will visit Mr. Fullington's parents.

Mrs. I. A. Vincent who has had employment in the Dr B. J.

Kendall laboratory during the past fif teen years, has resigned her position and her place will be taken by Miss Marguerite Stetson Brown St Holden lost one of their lvery horses Saturday night It was found in the stall with the bone of one fo're leg badly broken below the knee and was shot. FAIRFAX. Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrllt and daugh ter, of Salt Lake City, Utah, who have been visiting Mrs.

Cosgrlft's parents, Mr.1 and Mrs. W. D. Stewart, left for the West July S. They were ideompanied by Miss Blanche Stewart who will Visit In the West and by Donald Stewart who expects to make his future home in the West Leon Butler has gene to Detroit for a two weeks' vacation.

Mrs. C. Bishop and two children, of St. Louis, have arrived in town and are visiting their mother, Mrs. M.

V. Hicks, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L.

Rogers, of Boston, are visiting Mr. Rogers's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers, for a few weeks. Mrs.

C. Baker and son, Russell, of Brockton, are visiting Mrs. Baker's mother, Mrs. A. E.

Southard, for a few weeks. An Infant child cf Charles Taylor was buried Tuesday, July 6. FAIRFIELD. St. Rocks.

Chauncey Potter, an aged man. died very suddenly recently at the home of his son, Arthur -Potter, of Pumpkin village. The body was taken to Bakersfield for burial. A. W.

Leach and H. were In St Albans Friday. Mrs. Mary Northrop Is 111. Mrs.

John McDonald, of Richford. is passing a few days at the home ef her sister, Mrs. William McEnany. Mr. and Mrs.

Hsskell Reed were in St Albans Friday. Help Is not very plentiful for haying. Mrs. John Plumb Is confined to her bed by illness. Mrs.

John Callan" Is suffering of blood poisoning In one hand, caused by a cut Miss Hortense Glrard at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ella Myutt, of East Sheldon. Mrs. Nellie' McDonald, who has been passing a few days with her sister. Mrs.

Kate MrEnnny. has re turned to her home In Richford. Good hardware is still cheap good hardwire store! Mrs. Susan Chowen and little granddaughter, of Pelham, N. and Mrs.

F. C. Cushman, of Richford, who have been visiting at the home of S. Rlxford, returned to their homes last week. Miss Susie Rixford returned home July 2 from a visit in Ansonia, Conn.

Mrs. Charles Arms and son, Har old, of Enosburg Falls, arc visiting at the home of L. Miss Bessie Bickford, of Highgate Center, is visiting in this place. Mr and Mrs. O.

H. Rlxford and party took an automobile trip to Derby Line and attended the celebra tion in that place July 4. Miss Alexcena LaboUnty Is visiting relatives in Que. v- Mr. and Mrs.

F. W. Crowell and little Irene Longe returned home July 5 from a few days' visit at the home of J. F. Lambert in Newport.

Miss. Beatrice Leach, who has been teaching school in Franklin, returned to the home her grandfather, H. B. Leach, Wednesday, July 6. Mrs.

Manley. of Franklin, Is visiting at the home of her son, C. E. Britoh. Mrs.

Eva Rice is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrsi Pearl Kneeland, in Fletcher. News has been received here of the birth of a daughter, Vanza Helene, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Badger, of.Al-burg. Mrs.

Badger was formerly Miss Edna Bates, of this place. Mrs. A. A. Bates is passing a few days in Alburg with her daughter.

Mrs. Mary Shepard, of Highgate Center, and Mrs. Guy Shepard and little daughter, of Gardner, vis ited relatives in this place reecntly. Mrs. C.

Britch and daughter, Gladys, are passing two days at the home of Mrs. Britch's mother, Mrs. E. J. Himes, in Enosburg Falls.

Miss Susie Rixford was Swanton and St. Albans Wednesday. ENOSBURG FALLS. The Woman's Auxiliary of. St.

Matthew's church realized about $18 from the supper served on the rectory lawn Wednesday, July Mrs. Thetis Smith and child, of Lynn, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry D. Smith, of School st M.

P. Perley, who, with his son. Kent, and daughter, Miss Katherine Perley, has been visiting the Holy Land and other points in the Far East, returned home Wednesday evening, July 6. James Caldwell is visiting relatives In Lincoln. Miss Phoebe Towle; who has been visiting in Massachusetts, has returned home.

C. L. Ovitt was in Boston and New York last week on business Prof. William Mason Towle has been Boston attending the meeting of the National Educational Association. Dr.

J. A. Archambault and sister, Miss Emma Archambault of Essex Junction, who have been visiting at the home of their mother, Mrs. G. Ar chambault, of Missisquoi st, have re turned' home.

F. L. Gillis, of Ellendale, N. is visiting at home of nis sister, Mrs. H.

A. Fairbanks. Mrs. E. J.

Best and son. Perry, left town Tuesday morning July 5 for Elk Creek, N. for a visit of several weeks. Miss Edith Best has been there for some time and Mr. Best will join the family at the close of the meeting of the National Educational Association in Boston, which he is attending.

Mrs. J. H. Mears Is visiting in Northfield. Gordon Cross, of Pittsfleld, visKed at the home of William Cross July 5.

Mrs. Minnie Burt is visiting rela tives and friends in Burlington and Fairfax. Archie E. Lanctot, of St Johns- bury, is isiting his sister, Mrs, L. A.

Depatie, and brother, C. W. Lanctot, in this place. The Rev. M.

S. O'Donnell was in Burlington last week attending the retreat at -St Michael's College. Mr. and Mrs. H.

M. Wells, of East Fairfield, who have been visiting at the home of PL W. Clark, have returned home. Mrs. Hiram Campbell and daughter.

of St. Armand, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.

Burt The family of S. K. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. V.

A. Irish, E. N. Judd, Mr. and Mrs.

M. C. Cramton, Mrs. A. J.

Smith, and Miss Florence Smith attended the funeral of Mrs. J. S. Boutell in Bakers-field June 30. Homer D.

Smith, carrier on rural free delivery mail route No. 0 from the Enosburg Falls post-office, has tendered his resignation, the same to take effect as soon as a successor can be appointed. Miss Kathryn Holmes, of St AJ bans, has been visiting at the home of Dr. F. H.

Brown. Mrs. J. A. Browley is visiting in Bedford K.

A. Paul, of East Berkshire C. W. Gates, of Franklin, C. T.

Hall, of Montgomery, and E. M. Brown, of Sheldon, were in town Friday to at tend the semi-annual meeting of the trustees of the Enosburg Falls Sav ings Bank Trust Co. A dividend of 4 per cent was voted to the stockholders, the same to be paid October 1, 1910. The full board of trustees was entertained at the Quincy house at dinner.

Miss Ruth Draper attended an entertainment at St Albans Bay Friday evening. An accident occurree! at camp, Sheldon, Friday, which, causing but little damage, might easily have resulted seriously. An attempt was being made by the camp superinten dent J. C. Towle, to uproot a stump on the lot of Mrs.

E. J. Parmelee by the use of dynamite. Whether or not the stump was uprooted is not learned but the blast resulted In ruining a tent on the adjoining lot, belonging to Mrs. W.

E. Fuller, tearing as many as thirty-two holes In the tent The Ladies" Aid Society of the Methodist church served a supper on the lawn of Marsh, of North Main st, Friday. The proceeds were about $29. -'Mrs. Florence Southwtck, of East Montpeller, and Mrs.

Stella E. Ayers and two daughters, Gladys and Mattle. of South Dakota, are visiting at the home of Ovitt. Miss Mary Cassidy and Miss Mar. guerite Stetson visited St Albans Friday.

An entertainment was held In the Baptist church Friday evening Ice cream and eake were served. Teachers examinations were con Jaw being twice broken. An abscess soon formed, followed by blood pol sonlng, and he found it necesary' to go to the St. Louis Sanatorium for treatment, yet the abscesses have conJ tinued for, about eight weeks. He ex pects that home and Vermont will beenfit him.

At the last meeting of the Bakers- field Grange, Saturday evening, July the crooked program was well carried out. Several members were fined for not being crooked. Not as many were present to enjoy the sport as was expected. It was voted to observe "Ladles' night" at the next meeting and the officers were appointed. This is to followed by "Gentlemen's There is to be a literary contest with Mr.

and Mrs. Ovitt and Mr. and Mrs. Montague as judges. Members of the Grange who are ill are Mrs.

Cornelia Dunham, who Is in the Mary Fletcher hospital, Burlington, but who is expected home the coming week; Mrs, Frank Leach, whose condition is Improving slowly -r and Mr. Sherman, who has been confined to his bed for the past five weeks, but is now recovering his health. EAST BAKERSFIELD. The condition of Mrs. Fred Monett, who has been ill the past two weeks, is slowly improving.

Alfred Joyal, of Bristol, Conn, is visiting relatives in this place. The condition of Mrs. Lottie Start, who is III of slow fever, is somewhat better. Miss Lillian Cook is passing a few days in St. Albans.

Several, of the farmers this plrce have begun haying and a good crop is anticipated. Mrs. S'. G. Archambault and children visited in Cambridge a few days last wsek.

Miss Ruth Giddings, who has been employed in East Enosburg, Has returned to her hqme in this place. BERKSHIRE. Miss Kate Libby and Miss Alma Berry have gone to St. Albans Bay where they have employment for the summer. In the thunderstom Sunday, July 3 the lightning struck in the Mark Dufeny's pasture near a horse, which, being frightened, ran into the barbed wire fence and was cut so badly that it was necessary to kill it.

The Rev. AV. T. Forsythe, of Enosburg Falls, will conduct services in the Second Congregational church this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs.

A. H. Bowen is ill. Mrs. Charles Hope, of Montgomery, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.

H. J. Tracy. Miss Jessie Sutherland has gone to Sugar Hill, N. wnere she has employment for the summer.

Mrs. J. C. Weld is visiting in Rich-ford. CAMBRIDGE.

Mrs. M. M. Reynolds has returned nonie irom xianover, wnure she attended the commencement exercises at Dartmouth College. Her son, R.

G. Reynolds, was one of thf graduates and received the prize of $50 for the class poem. Walter E. Perley war in Bmlington last week packing his household pools preparatory to moving Ms family back to this town where they will occupy the house in which Mrs. Douglass now lives.

Mrs. Douglass will move to Aden Brush's tenement. Mrs. F. M.

Reynolds has been taken to Burlington where she will receive medical treatment. EAST FAIRFIELD. Leo Chase visited his Darents. Mr. and Mrs.

I. N. Chase, in Fletcher over Sunday. Frank has completed his service in the United States pavy and has returned home. H.

B. Sturtevant was in Swanton Saturday. George W. Wright, of East Hard wick, passed Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. V. Wright The farmers are all busy haying these days and a good crop of hay i Miss Fearl Chase, who has been HI for the past three weeks, is aBle to be about the house. EAST BERKSHIRE. Mrss' Carlin Wooster, of Briclge- fa-tt farm.

Mr. iand Mrs. A. M. Pond and infant son and J.

Conger, of Richford, were guests In town Sunday. Miss Pauline Perlev entertained friends from RTehford Saturday. E. W. i Peterson, of Burlington, is home for a few days.

Miss Irma DeMar and Miss of Burlington, visited Miss De-Mar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. De-Mar, last week. EAST ENOSBURG.

The mercurv registered 90 degrees in the sahde July Robert Newcity, of White River Junction, Miss Bertha Mudgett, of Woodsville. N. and Mr. Newcity's sister. Miss Ida Newcity, of South Montgomery, visited at the home of the former's cousin, Leon Rushford, and his uncle, Rushford, Wednesday and Thursday of last week.

Mrs. M. L. Whitcomb and son, Lyle, Mrs. H.

T. Snell, and Mrs. C. Whitcomb, were at the home of Mrs. B.

J. Rushford. of Samsonville, Friday. The Ladies' Aid Society met witti Mrs Charles Hart Friday, about 43 person being preesnL- Supper was served was realized. Farmers who have begun haying re- nnrt an extra croD.

form of Bowel Complaint may come to anyone. Every family should be provided with a bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam. Warranted by Fred'k Dutcher Drug Co. Hisses.

Ruth and Jessie Gilbert, who were recently graduated from MontpeIier Seminary. have returned to Their nome. The Union Sunday-school held picnic social July 4, afternoon and evening, at the home of the superin tendent, E. H. Chambertin.

Games were played, races Indulged In by old and young, and fish chowder was served and in the evening a bonfire and fireworks were the entertainment About too people were present KNOW THYSELF fliuon T.lMht far Enrv Man. OKI 1 by mall, sealed in plain package, 87Q 123 prescriptions for acute and chronic diseases. Including Nervous and Physical Debility, Exhausted Vitality, Atrophy (WaBtlng), Stricture, Varicocele anil al Diseases and Weaknesses of Men fron whatever cause; how produced, how cured Write for It today. Address tbs PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE No. 4 Bulanch opposite Revere House, Boston, famous for FORTY YKAIU.

KNOW THYSELF MAN FA I. A popular Medical Brochure, 44 chapters, with 'great lecture. Man's Mission on Earth," Free to those Inclosing 10 cents for postage. Sealed. Send now.

Consultation with the famous author. FLETCHER. About 80 of the friends of Miss Mildred Crosier gave hef a surprise party Wednesday evening, July 6, in honor of her eighteenth birthday anniversary. Ice cream and cake were served, and an enjoyable evening was passed, The hostess received many gifts. Mr and Mrs.

Joel Hooper have re turned home from their wadding trip. W. S. Shepardson was In Burlington on business Juljt 6. George Hill Eyota, is vis iting in town Mrs.

E. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Wil liam Boozan visited in Waterville last week. Burt Reynolds has bought the Brush wood lot -and will move his portable mill there soon. George R.

Gillilan was in Burlington July 8. Binghamville. B. G. Hill and granddaughter.

Miss Edith Blair, and Miss Ethel Blair, of Eyota, are visiting in town. Giles Rugg and daughter re cent visitors in town. The Rev. G. H.

Lock, of Georgia, visited in (own recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Lamb, of Mil ton, were in town last week. C.

H. Scott visited a sister in Stowe last week. FRANKLIN. Miss Hilda Hopkins Is at home from Simmons College, Boston, for the summer vacation. Miss Margaret Hopkins was in Burlington recently.

Joseph Whitney is at the home of his parents. H. B. Chaplin has laid. a cement walk in front of his property.

Carl Miner, of Richford, is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. RJley. C. S.

Gates, of Swanton, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Helen Randall. Doctor Whitney and Miss Helen Whitney are: at "Camp Silver lake. -t Mrs. F.

R. Clement, of Burlington vtHfted in town Monday. 'Linford Elrlek Jhas resigned his position at VHlle-. River Junction 'aha is'af the home of his mother, Mrs. 't' SIr.l: and 3ltfrs.

I Chauneev Johnson. 'of 'AliercHrn', visited at the heme'of their 'son, H. Johnson, rerenuv. GEORGIA. The town library, which has been moved to the home of Newell Coburn.

of Georgia Center, with Miss Cora Webster as librarian, will open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays instead of Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The Banner Grange baseball team the Kill Kare boys July '4 on Nat Hayden-'s grounds and was defeated by a score of 13 to 11. Mrs. S. Bliss, who has been very ill of pneumonia for three weeks, is convalescent- but not able to sit up yet.

EAST GEORGIA. Mrs. W. E. Barkyomb and baby of.

Fairfax, visited at the home of L. E. Hollembaek Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Blaisdell have move to Milton. Miss Jane Kemp, of St. Albans, who has been passing a lew days in town, returned home Monday. Miss Jessie Spanlding, who has been visiting in St Albans since Friday, has returned home. Mr.

and M)tb. W. Leblanc, of Bur lington, are visiting Mrs. Leblanc's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

N. Viens. Mrs. N. Viens has been ill for the past few days.

Miss Dora Lapan, who recently underwent an operation for appen dicitis at the St- Albans hospital, has so far recovered as to be able to be brought to her home here. Charles Russln and family are moving to Milton. The condition of F. A. Lapan, who has been seriously ill, being poisoned by eating canned fish, is scmewhat improved.

Mr. and Mrs. T. I Marvin, cf Fair fax, visited at the home of L. E.

Hollembaek Monday. HERRICK. The funeral of J. C. Aboil, who died at his home in this Saturday morning, July 2, was held Tuesday, July 5, being largely attended.

The burial was in the Herrick cemetery. Dr. Van Herrick, of Worcester, visited his uncle, Newton Herrick, July S. Orland Leach, an old resident of this place, has been visiting here for i few days. H.

S. Herrick has a gang of masons and carpenters repairing his house. HIGHGATE SPRINGS. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Jerome July 4. A son was born, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reynolds July B. Calista, eldest daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Andrew Hemlnway, and Gardner theeseman, (if Alburg, were married at 6 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. July 6, by Rev. E. S.

Stone, of wanton. Following trie ceremony refreshments were served after which Mr. and. Mrs. Cheeseman left short trio t1 Montreal.

as farr'f M-ore, r)-" had employment In Morrisville for the past three returned home Wednesday aftenieon. Julv 5. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson and doughter.

Gracelyn. ot Barre, are the gursts of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.

Peters. Arthur Page, of St Albans, passed the Fourth of Jury with Mr. Page's mother, Mrs. O. A.

Page. Mi in l3 and has been made nnder bis Sonal Bupervlsioa since its Infancy. JL tfA4l A Tlvor iAMi.l eivA vou in AH Conrterfeits, Imitations and Jut-as--oocl a la Experiment that trifle with and endanger the healtk Infants and Children Experience against What is CASTORIA Castorta Is a harmless sabstltnte for Castor Oil, Pw gorlc, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is rieat- contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Xare: substance. Its age is its guarantee.

It destroys Worn and allays FeTcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipw nd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, rejrulat Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural 1 The Children's Panaeea--The Mother's Friend, OEfioitiE CASTORIA, ALWA1 Bean the JO Hie Kind You Have Always Boi In Use For Over 30 Years..

St. Albans Weekly Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.