Car Rental Germany im Vergleich | (2024)

Rentacar Germany

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  • Autovermietung
  • Weltweit
  • Deutschland

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Das sagen unsere Kunden zu ihrer Mietwagenbuchung in Deutschland:

71.605 Kundenbewertungen

(Durchschnitt 90%)

  • 23.06.2024, 20:56:04 Uhr

    5,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Deutschland

    Hat alles gut geklappt.

    von Jürgen S.

  • 22.06.2024, 18:44:36 Uhr

    4,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Deutschland

    Weil sie mich fragen

    von Olaf B.

  • 22.06.2024, 16:28:10 Uhr

    4,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Deutschland


    von Uwe W.

Germany attracts travellers with its varied culture and landscape which are best explored by rental car. Rent a car in Germany and enjoy the freedom of visiting the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Cologne cathedral or the scenic mountain landscape and fairytale castles of Bavaria in the south of the country.

Car rental in Germany - the most important rental sites

Whether you visit historic cities such as Berlin and Frankfurt with their wealth of cultural treasures or discover the picture perfect villages of the Black Forest, one way Germany can be explored is by renting a car. With car hire in Germany every taste is catered for, no matter if you are looking for the busy high life of the German cities or relaxation and scenic views of the countryside. All of this and more can best be explored when driving with a rental car through Germany. You can find cheap car rental in Germany in any of these locations and many more:

  • Berlin

  • Dresden

  • Hamburg

  • Frankfurt

  • Cologne

  • Munich

  • Heidelberg

  • Freiburg

Rent a car: Germany and its sights

If you are looking for auto rental in Germany and maybe even planning for the long term, Germany is best explored with a hired car. With its great variety of sights and things to do, one of the major destinations of any tour through Germany will be the country's capital, Berlin. When driving through Berlin with your rental car the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag building and the sky-high television tower will be the main attractions but you shouldn't miss the historic Museum Island or the upmarket shopping on Friedrichstrasse.

Another of the popular urban destinations in Germany is the lively port city of Hamburg. Enjoy strolls along the Elbe or Alster rivers or visit the town hall and the unique fish market for a culinary treat when exploring Germany in a rental car.

With its cultural diversity and historic elements, Dresden should be part of your tour when you rent a car in Germany. Explore Castle Pillnitz, visit the many art galleries and learn about the city's impressive history in the municipal museum or relax in the colourful Rose Garden.

If you are looking for a truly unique experience rent a car in Germany during Munich's Oktoberfest and enjoy the sight of Germans carousing in traditional clothing at this world famous beer festival. Another uniquely German event is the carnival which is celebrated every year in February. The streets of many towns and cities host wild and colourful parades.

Getting around when you hire a car in Germany

Germany is famous for its outstanding automotive industry and for the most part its infrastructure reflects this. Driving on the autobahn can be a new experience, as Germany is one of few countries with many motorways without speed limits. Enjoy the ride, enjoy the speed but make sure to always be safe! Also know that there are speed limits in cities as well as on many minor and major routes. Be careful and watch out for radar traps.

When driving with your rental car through Germany remember to drive on the right side of the road and always use your seatbelt. Parking is possible anywhere where there are parking signs or in paid parking garages, always make sure to check if a parking ticket is needed for your rental car.

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  • Rentacar Munich
  • Rentacar Stuttgart

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Car Rental Germany im Vergleich | (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 5748

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.