Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (2024)


Upper Blackrock Spire Entrance Location

Upper Blackrock Spire is actually a dungeon within a dungeon. The entrance isinside the entrance to Lower Blackrock Spire, which can be found insideBlackrock Mountain. Once you enter Lower Blackrock Spire, the first door on your leftis the entrance to Upper Blackrock Spire. The door is locked by default however,and at least one person in your group will need to have the Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (1) Seal of Ascensionto open it.


Seal of Ascension

At least one person in your group will need the Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (2) Seal of Ascension to openthe door of the dungeon. To acquire the seal, you first will need to get aUpper Blackrock Spire Guide (3) Unadorned Seal of Ascension from the trash mobs in Lower Blackrock Spire.Once you have it, find Vaelan inside LBRS. Once you have his quest, youwill need to pick up three gemstones from killing three bosses in the dungeon.

Once you have all three stones, you can turn in the quest to Vaelan.He will give you a chest containing some items that you will need for the next quest.You then will need to go to Dustwallow Marsh and find Emberstrifein his cave. You will need to fight him, so bring along a group to help you. FightEmberstrife, and once he is at 25% health you will use your Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (7) Unforged Seal of Ascension.At 10% health, stop attacking and use your Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (8) Orb of Draconic Energy. This willmind control Emberstrife. Once you have him under control, use his Flames of the Black Flightspell to forge the seal. Now that you have the seal, you can enter UBRS.


Quests in Upper Blackrock Spire

There are not tons of dungeon quests to pick up, but the ones available involvingUBRS are extremely important, so it is worth making sure you keep up with when youmight want to do them.

The quests are all outlined in our separate dungeon quest guide for thisinstance.

Upper Blackrock Spire Quests Guide


Layout of Upper Blackrock Spire

Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (9)

Upper Blackrock Spire has a relatively linear path. However, there are a few partsthat are not intuitive. In the first room of the instance, you will need to clearout all of the trash before the next door will open. In the hatchery with all the eggs,you will want to run to the back right of the room from the door you came in toclimb the debris up to the second floor. On that second floor, go around to the doorway,and clear out the trash that is necessary. Through that door, you will want to hugthe right wall all the way to the big pit that Warchief Rend Blackhand is standingin front of. Jump into that pit to start the event that leads to the next boss fight.


Notable Trash in Upper Blackrock Spire

The trash in UBRS can be overwhelming if you are not careful. Most of the trashconsists of groups of orcs, meaning they are susceptible to spells like Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (10) Sapand Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (11) Polymorph. If your group is newer and less geared, use more controlspells to fight less of each pack at a time. UBRS also has lots of pats and groupsthat are quite close to each other within rooms, so always pull back and be very carefulabout where and how you are pulling groups.

In particular, you should watch out for the first pulls that you do leading to thenext room after the hatchery. Several of the melee orcs that you will pull can charge andknock back, so make sure that ranged are positioned well to not get knocked backinto the hatchery below. If you do, you might break some of the eggs and pull extramobs, which could result in a wipe.

Lastly, watch out for the Blackhand Summoners in the first room of UBRS.Interrupt their summons so that they do not summon additional enemies.


Bosses in Upper Blackrock Spire

There are 7 main bosses in Upper Blackrock Spire, all of which have a high chance to dropa blue item once killed. There is also a very valuable rare boss that occasionally spawns,Jed Runewatcher. Due to some items from specific bosses being quite valuable,groups occasionally will form to target specific bosses, such as casters only wantingJed Runewatcher or melee only wanting Warchief Rend Blackhand.


Pyroguard Emberseer

  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (13) Fire Nova
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (14) Flame Buffet

Pyroguard Emberseer will spawn at the end of the encounter. To startthe encounter, several players will need to click and channel the Altar in the room.The even starts with several enemies spawning and running towards you, but thesecan be easily AoE'ed down without much trouble. After they all are dead, PyroguardEmberseer will spawn. Pyroguard himself is quite easy, and just needs to be tankedwhere he spawns facing away from the group. The melee can hit him from behind whilethe ranged and healers stand away from the platform.


Loot from Pyroguard Emberseer

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (15) Wildfire Cape56Cloak
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (16) Flaming Band56Ring
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (17) Truestrike Shoulders56Leather Shoulders
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (18) Emberfury Talisman56Neck
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (19) Gauntlets of Elements54Mail Gloves


Solakar Flamewreath

  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (21) War Stomp

Solakar Flamewreath is also part of a longer encounter. To start the encounter,have your group hug the far wall upon entering the hatchery and run to the left.Clear out all of the dragons that are there to start, but do not bother breaking the eggssince they will just respawn. Once the adds are dead, start the event by clickingon Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (22) Father Flame and looting the item from it. The event consists of multiplewaves of adds that will come at you before the boss eventually spawns. The key tosurviving the waves is to not break eggs and to kill Rookery Hatchers sincethey will break eggs themselves. Besides that, just kill the enemies as they come,making sure to AoE the weaker whelplings if they spawn. After making it through thewaves, Solakar Flamewreath will spawn. He just needs to be tanked away from thegroup so that everyone can avoid his stomp while the group finishes killing adds beforekilling him.

It is worth noting that many groups choose to skip this boss since it is oneof the harder encounters in LBRS and does not have many valuable gear drops.


Loot from Solakar Flamewreath

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (23) Crystallized Girdle56Leather Belt
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (24) Dustfeather Sash56Cloth Belt
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (25) Nightbrace Tunic56LeatherChest
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (26) Polychromatic Visionwrap56Cloth Chest
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (27) Devout Mantle55Cloth Shoulders


Goraluk Anvilcrack

  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (29) Backhand
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (30) Head Crack
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (31) Strike

Goraluk Anvilcrack can be found at the western end of the room thatyou enter after the hatchery. As long as you clear out the trash before engaging him,it should be a simple fight. Just tank him facing away from the group and burn him.


Loot from Goraluk Anvilcrack

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (32) Handcrafted Mastersmith Leggings55Plate Leggings
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (33) Handcrafted Mastersmith Girdle58Plate Waist
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (34) Flame Walkers57Mail Feet
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (35) Mastersmith's Hammer55Main Hand Mace


Jed Runewatcher

  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (37) Charge
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (38) Heroic Strike
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (39) Shield Bash

Jed Runewatcher can be found at the east end of the same room as Goraluk Anvilcrack,but is a rare spawn, meaning he will only be there sometimes. Jed is a very easy fight,and as long as you kill all the surrounding trash first, should pose no threat.


Loot from Jed Runewatcher

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (40) Briarwood Reed55Trinket
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (41) Serpentine Skuller51Trinket
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (42) Starfire Tiara55Cloth Helmet


Warchief Rend Blackhand & Gyth

  • Gyth
    • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (44) Corrosive Acid Breath
    • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (45) Flame Breath
    • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (46) Freeze
    • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (47) Knock Away

Warchief Rend Blackhand will appear riding his dragon Gythafter the event. To start the event, your group just needs to jump down into thepit that Rend is standing in front of.

The event itself is quite easy. Just kill the enemies as they spawn and you shouldbe fine. If you feel like you are getting overwhelmed at any point, you can alwayscontrol some of the orcs out of each wave, but you most likely will not need to.The only thing to look out for is to make sure you focus Rage Talon Fire Tongues whenthey spawn since they can cast a large fire nova.

After killing several waves, Rend will fly down on his dragon. The dragon Gythneeds to be faced away from the raid to avoid his breath, and he should be focused downfirst. Rend will ride on Gyth's back until 20% health, when he will hop off and fighthimself. Kill Gyth first before switching to Rend. Rend casts a whirlwind occasionally,so melee need to make sure to look out for it. If you have cooldowns, Warchief Rendis a great boss to use them on.


Loot from Gyth

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (53) Gyth's Skull55Plate Helmet
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (54) Dragoneye Coif55Mail Helmet
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (55) Tribal War Feathers55Leather Helmet
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (56) Pauldrons of Elements55Mail Shoulders
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (57) Dragonskin Cowl55Cloth Helm


Loot from Warchief Rend Blackhand

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (58) Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge58MH Sword
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (59) Dal'Rend's Tribal Guardian58OH Sword
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (60) Felstriker58Dagger
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (61) Eye of Rend58Leather Helmet
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (62) Warmaster Legguards58Plate Leggings
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (63) Dragonrider Boots58Cloth Boots
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (64) Band of Rumination58Ring
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (65) Battleborn Armbraces58Plate Bracers
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (66) Spaulders of Valor55Plate Shoulders
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (67) Feralsurge Girdle58Mail Belt
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (68) Blackhand Doomsaw58Polearm
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (69) Faith Healer's Boots58Cloth Boots


The Beast

  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (71) Berserker Charge
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (72) Fireball
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (73) Flamebreak
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (74) Immolate
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (75) Terrifying Roar

The Beast has more mechanics than most other bosses in the instance, whichmakes it more difficult. The main things to watch out for are the charge and fear.The Beast will sometimes charge a random target before returning to attack the tankagain, and will also sometimes fear nearby players. Ranged and healers just need to bespread out at max range away from the boss to avoid getting feared as much as possible.He also will use a fire nova that knocks back, so the tank should tank with their backagainst a wall to avoid the knock back.


Loot from The Beast

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (76) Finkle's Skinner58Dagger
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (77) Blademaster Leggings58Leather Leggings
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (78) Tristam Legguards58Mail Leggings
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (79) Spiritshroud Leggings58Cloth Leggings
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (80) Blackmist Armguards58Leather Bracers
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (81) Bloodmoon Cloak58Cloak
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (82) Frostweaver Cape58Cloak
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (83) Seeping Willow582H Mace
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (84) Lightforge Spaulders55Plate Shoulders
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (85) Ironweave Boots56Cloth Boots


General Drakkisath

  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (87) Cleave
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (88) Conflagration
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (89) Flame Breath
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (90) Flamestrike
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (91) Pierce Armor
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (92) Rage
  • Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (93) Thunderclap

General Drakkisath is by far the most difficult fight in the instance.General Drakkisath starts with two Chromatic Elite Guards, which are hardhitting elite mobs. There are two main strategies used for this encounter. The easieststrategy requires a Hunter, and is the kiting strategy. You start the pull by having yourHunter attack General Drakkisath, kiting him out of the room and back through theinstance. The Hunter can keep Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (94) Aspect of the Cheetah up, tagging General Drakkisathwith Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (95) Arcane Shot on cooldown to make sure he does not reset. While the Hunteris kiting, the rest of the group just kills the two adds with each tank picking upa separate add. Once they are dead, the Hunter uses Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (96) Feign Death to dropaggro, and Drakkisath will return to the room where the group can kill him. Oncethe General is back, just tank him facing away from the raid and burn him down.

The other option without a Hunter is to just kill everything together. You cantank everything together, cleaving down the guards, and blowing all of your cooldownsat the start of the fight. If needed you can have a Warlock use Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (97) Fear onone of the guards while the group kills the remaining guard and Drakkisath. Thisis doable, but much more dangerous than the kiting strategy. If you choose to dothis, make sure to focus and kill the adds before killing Drakkisath.


Loot from General Drakkisath

ItemRequired LevelSlot
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (98) Draconian Deflector58Shield
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (99) Painweaver Band58Ring
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (100) Tooth of Gnarr58Neck
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (101) Brigam Girdle58Plate Belt
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (102) Blackblade of Shahram582H Sword
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (103) Spellweaver's Turban60Cloth Helm
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (104) Shadow Prowler's Cloak58Cloak
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (105) Draconic Infused Emblem58Trinket
Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (106) Tome of the Lost58Off-hand

Additionally, General Drakkisath can drop all of the Tier 0 chest pieces.


Recommended Classes for Upper Blackrock Spire

If you are going in underleveled, Rogues and Magesare excellent choices due to their CC abilities against the many humanoid Orcspresent in the dungeon. You can Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (107) Sap / Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (108) Polymorph one or moreenemies in almost every single pull. This is primarily meant to be a level 60instance, but 58+ is viable.

Upper Blackrock Spire is designed to be a 10-man instance. For your 10, you willwant 2 tanks, 3 healers, and 5 DPS. Depending on how geared and confident you are,you can +1/-1 to those numbers as needed. At minimum you will want 1 tank and 2 healers,but 2 and 3 is a safer setup.

Once of the more important things to consider is gear. UBRS drops several highvalue items that many people will farm for. Specifically, Rogues and Warriors areafter the Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (109) Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge and Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (110) Dal'Rend's Tribal Guardian combowhile casters are all after the Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (111) Briarwood Reed from the rare spawn Jed Runewatcher.If you are after one of these high value items, check with your group to make surethey are not reserved, or make your own group if you want to reserve one.



  • 05 Apr. 2024: Added boss pictures and abilities.
  • 26 Jul. 2020: Updated with Phase 5 drops.
  • 30 Jan. 2020: Guide added.

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Upper Blackrock Spire Guide (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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