Love isn’t blind, forgiveness is forgetting (love finds you in the darkest rooms) - ghostgirl_anna - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Arc 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Arc 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Epilogue Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

He doesn’t remember much, only vague snipbits. He remembers getting excited for a summer trip he had coming up and that he had come with friends to get some stuff he needed for that. He can’t remember who they are though. All he seems to be able to recognise as someone he knows is the person standing before him looking just about as confused as he is. The boy doesn’t seem much older than him, maybe only be a few years. He’s wearing a funny hoodie that hints that he likes to game, Izuku recognises the game from his own ever lasting time on the internet. He wants to comment on it but the other boy seems like he’s a bit busy being confused, maybe he should ask anyway? Strike up a conversation to defuse the clear tension?

“Just spit it out, though I doubt I’ll be able to answer much, I’m not even sure why I decided to ear this today, let alone buy it.” The boy answers in a gruff voice, he sounds older than he looks. Smoker perhaps?

“Allergies. Do you always mutter?” Izuku reddens at that in embarrassment, he hadn’t realised he’d been mumbling again. Kacchan had always hated that. Wait. Who’s Kacchan? He blinks to himself for a couple of beats until he realises he hasn’t answered the boy. “Oh, uh, yes. Sorry.” He must look really stupid right now.

“Not stupid, it's just weird cuz I can’t remember sh*t about myself right now.” The boy answers going with the fact that once more Izuku said his thoughts out loud. He almost wants to face slap himself. “Can you remember your name?” Izuku asks, let's start out simple. The boy nods and then something shifts in his eyes. “But something in me is saying I shouldn’t say it out loud.” Izuku co*cks his head confused at that and the boy smiles at him. “Too many people.” he adds and Izuku looks around to see that they are in a busy section of the mall. “We can go sit somewhere quietly?” he suggests and the boy nods.

They wander for a while before finding a nice quiet corner of the mall, something makes him feel like he needs to hide when he sees a class group of teens run through the mall confused. He’s glad that the spot they chose seems to settle him enough against that. “My name is… Midoriya Izuku.” He had to think about his last name for a while there but he got it out in the end, why it was so difficult he isn’t sure. The older boy smiles. “Shigaraki Tomura.” He answers and something strikes Izuku, as if that name means something to him, even though he can’t remember. “I think I know you, from before?” He says honestly, Shigaraki looks at him as if he understands but doesn’t say it. “What’s your story?” He says instead. Hitting personal it seems. Izuku thinks about his answer for a moment, but in a single glance at the pale haired boy before him he’s decided. “I’m quirkless. I think that speaks for itself, but I’ve always wanted to be a hero regardless of my lack of quirk. I don’t think saving people requires a power, I think it’s something within you that lets you be a safe beacon for people. I want to be that. Society won’t let me though.” He adds that last part with a little less power to his words and more uncertainty. He knows why he told Shigaraki of his status, because even though he’s scared about being discarded for being less that, he knows the boy will most likely understand. His hands are wearing gloves, but not just any kind, artist gloves, the ones that cover the pinky and ring finger. Telling him that he has a five point touch quirk, and can’t control it yet. By the state of his pale skin, pastel blue hair and red eyes, he can guess that that is a side effect of his quirk. Whatever quirk he has, he must have gone through a traumatic event to activate it, if it attacked his body in the process, the original wave was far too powerful for him at that time. That tells him enough that he can trust the boy’s judgement, he just hopes he’s not wrong.

Tomura scoffs when the broccoli boy says he wants to be a hero. Why did he have to want to be one of them? They are so obnoxious and he can tell this boy isn’t. He’s damn right though in thinking that society won’t accept him. They couldn’t even bother to aid a five year old boy in the streets, they won’t dare praise a quirkless hero. Many still believe quirkless to be less worthy, to be trash. Tomura could probably go out into the street at point randomly at someone who is trash, quirk or not but even so it won’t be the boy sitting before him. He immediately realises that this prologued silence is probably only aiding to the teens anxiousness over his quirk status and scrambles to think of something to say. “Well, society seems to think my quirk makes me a villain. Clearly they shouldn’t be in charge of telling anyone anything. Do what you want, that’s my motto.” He understands now, the statistics for quirkless people are horrifying to say the least. He must have suffered in his childhood, but he still wants to be a hero regardless of the way he was treated because of the exaggerated hero society in which they live. In which these biased close minded ideas form. The teen’s eyes look at him curiously and his lips love but Tomura can’t hear his mumbling, in the end the teen voices his thoughts for him to hear. “What’s your quirk?” he seems to jump from his own question and starts to fumble an explanation. “Uh, if you don’t mind telling me, I don’t believe that a quirk can be villainous or heroic. A quirk is a tool, some use them villainous others use them heroically, in the end it's up to you how you wield it.”

He blinks carefully at the teen and the boy seems serious, he nods once pulling off one of his gloves and carefully reaching out to a ticket on the ground. Picking it up with two fingers and then slowly adding all five to watch it disintegrate. He expects the greenette to shout in fear but all he gets in return are star lit eyes, glowing in admiration.

“So I was right, a five point touch quirk. The gloves that cover only two fingers are to help you control it. If your demonstration says anything, it means your quirk decays or disintegrates solid objects. Does your quirk work on fluids? Living things?” His voice sounds more confident than ever as he seems to think of something. Going through his bag to pull out a notebook and pen to start sketching a profile? When he seems to be happy with the diagram, which from where Tomura’s sitting looks amazing, he looks up at him expectantly and thats when he realises the teen expects him to answer. “No, it doesn’t work on fluids, yes it works on living things.” The teen goes right back to writing it all down before pulling his head up to ask more. Going more and more into detail before looking happy with his work and handing the spread over to Tomura.

“From what you’ve told me of your quirk and from what I can gather, here are some things you could try to gain control. In your case I suspect your quirk was trauma indused, which means control is all mental. It’s in your mind.” He adds to his very detailed analysis, he’d managed to gather all of this in the time they were speaking? Is he sure he’s quirkless, because he has the skills of someone with an intelligence quirk. He jumps past the little slip that the teen gave about his trauma activating his quirk, because he doesn’t want to think about it. Out of everything he forgot, why couldn’t it be that?

“Society has no idea what kind of an asset you could be. They’re all stupid.” He tells the teen when he’s done reading and the greenette flushes bright red. “You don’t think it’s creepy? Kacchan always does.” He mumbles that last part quietly as he looks away with a distant look.

“No, it’s not creepy. You're incredibly intelligent Izuku, I want to get to know you better, I want you on my team.” the greenette looks at him curiously. “Team?”

“Yes, we are going to change society. We are going to make them question who their heroes are today and who they praise. We are going to change society to make it better for people like us. The ones that they shun and belittle.” The idea is suddenly clear in his head, as if this is all he needed today. Even if he can’t remember anything or why he’s here, he feels accomplished.

Izuku can’t believe what he’s hearing. He doesn’t entirely understand the past half hour. He told the older boy that he’s quirkless, was met with understanding. Managed to make an analysis on his fascinating quirk, the boy didn’t find it creepy. And now he was being offered a seat at a table that wanted to change society so that someone like him could have a better life. Shigaraki’s right, the way the heroes today are praised regardless of their actions. It's absurd. The idea is a clear one and while Izuku can see the benefit and the appeal, something within him clenches at the idea. As if some part of him knows that there is another way and that Shigaraki’s way isn’t the one. “Can I think on it? It’s a lot to take in…” he asks hopefully and the pale haired boy smiles in return. No one has ever looked at him that way, not after hearing what he was. Shigaraki looks at him as if he’s special, unique, worth something. It’s a new feeling and he doesn’t understand the unease he feels at the back of his mind.

“Deku-kun!” A voice calls out from closeby and Izuku spins in his chair in absolute fear. Warm strong arms find him in an instant. “What’s wrong? Who’s Deku?” Shigaraki asks him calmly and Izuku gulps. “That’s me, it's a crude name that… my bully calls me.” He answers honestly and the arms on his squeeze tighter. “Where is he?” He asks in a new tone and Izuku scans the crowd. “That’s the thing, the voice wasn’t his… it was female? But anyone who calls me by that name… isn’t a friend.” Shigaraki nods in agreement, Izuku suddenly doesn’t feel comfortable and repacks his bag before standing up to scan the crowd again. His eyes meet with brown ones belonging to a brunette girl, she seems to recognise him, but he doesn’t recognise her, doesn’t remember her. Instead he holds on to Shigaraki tighter. “I found her. She’s spotted me, we have to go.” he tells him getting more and more agitated, the pale boy notices and nods. Pulling his hood up over his head and leading Izuku amongst the crowd. A chorus of names suddenly follow him and he caves within his mind, allowing himself to be led by the only one he trusts at the moment. Maybe trust is too soon for they have only met, but he trusts him more than the chorus of voices. He can never trust groups, he’s learned better than that. “Izuku we can’t stay here. They are dead set on finding you.”

“I-if I join you? We’ll do it right, we won’t hurt innocents, we won’t go after those who didn’t know better. We go after the false heroes, the ones in a position of power that they used to hurt others and form painful beliefs.”

“Like who?” Shigaraki looks at him carefully.

“Like All Might, the number one hero. Who didn’t think before telling a quirkless boy on a roof that he should think more realistically and then left him there.” The words come out of him without a thought, he doesn’t remember that moment… but he can feel it to be true, it happened. “Like Endavour who doesn’t think of who his fire burns, who’s only focus seems to be being number one. Regardless of who falls to that.” He doesn’t understand where this sudden rush of information comes from, all he can suddenly remember is a roof and a boy. A boy who had told him his story in a dark corridor, as he held his burn across his face.

Shigaraki seems taken aback at the sudden clear ambition and nods. “I promise, we won’t hurt the innocent, we’ll do it right. You and me.”

They leaves the mall, the greenette hiding in his side as they carefully navigate the dark alleys. He remembers where home is, he does, but he doesn’t go there. He knows that master would not accept the greenette, would not accept his plan, his ideals. He had promised the teen and he truly believed they could do it. Together, just him and Izuku, they would change society. They would change it for the better and they would do it the right way.

Midoriya Izuku and Shigaraki Tomura were not seen again since that day. As witnesses saw the villain lead the hero student out, they believe that the student might have fallen to the cruel hands of the League of Villains. One that never reapeared to bring forth the chaos he promised.

Izuku’s memories started fading back in over time, just as Tomura’s did. Slowly with the closer they got certain memories of their past before that day came back. But not all, some the universe decided was best to leave forgotten. Tomura to this day has no idea what brought him to that mall that day, all he knows is that he came out richer than he came in. He found love in the greenette, he found hope and he found a future.

All they needed to do now, was to bring forth the change that they had promised. After a year of careful planing, all was ready. Their plan starts now.

Missing student Midoriya Izuku makes his villainous debut at the Hero Billboard Charts with his partner by his side Shigarki Tomura.

Chapter 2


UA's reaction to his reappearance.


Ok so now that my serie of tropes is done, I decided to see whether I could build further on this... and I have 3 more chapters after this one lined up.
So we'll just see how this goes.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Protocol dictates that if no solid proof supports the claim of villainy, then he can still be pardoned without serving any time or it affecting his permanent record. For the moment all we know is that he is bordering vigilantism and maybe not even that. Since there have been no reports of him using his quirk.” Aizawa defends his student before his fellow teachers and Nedzu. It has been a whole year since Midoriya Izuku had gone missing, in that year they had learned a lot. All Might retired due to his quirk weakening after passing it on to the missing student. They learned what that quirk entailed and the power it held. After thoroughly reprimanding the hero for his recklessness and irresponsibility, they made sure that the information stayed secret. All Might then spend the rest of his time fretting and helping the police search for the boy. Aizawa had spent his own time also on that mission trying to hear about any sign on the underground network… and it had shown up to nothing until the Hero Billboard Charts of Japan only a week ago.

“That is just a technicality Aizawa, he was publically seen standing beside a known villain. Regardless of their year long disappearance and the fact that Shigaraki has not made any more attacks after the USJ. He is still a Villain and with Midoriya standing by his side, this indicates that so is he. Actions or not.” Nedzu responds and Aizawa sits down.

“Nedzu, he’s still a minor and he was a hero student before his disappearance. He’s our responsibility one way or another. We should give him the benefit of the doubt. As far as we know he hasn’t committed any illegal acts except for being seen with a known Villain. We don’t know under which circ*mstances that is. For all we know he could be held against his will.” Midnight speaks up for her friend and Nedzu considers her words. There is a reason that they kept All Might out of this discussion considering his ties to the child. The heroes make a point. He’s only 16 and he has the power of One for All thrumming through his veins, if he really had villainous acts up his sleeve, he would have used that power. So what is keeping him from doing so?

“The matter is that we don’t know anything about this situation except for the obvious conclusion. We need to discover more. By student witnesses they lost the boy in the mall that day and they only saw him for a split second leaving with a hooded figure. He didn’t seem like he was going against his will, but we don’t know all that occured between the time he arrived with his friends, and the moment he was last seen.” Vlad King voices as he looks at his fellow homeroom teacher. Losing a student… it's indescribable, he can only imagine how Eraserhead feels responsible for anything that happens to the child next. Nedzu considers all the points that have been made. “Has Midoriya Inko been informed officially?” A new voice speaks up and the whole room turns to find the tall blond in the doorway looking very worse for wear. “All Might, this is a private meeting.” Nedzu informs him and his blue eyes look dormant, they only look at Aizawa. “Does she know? Has anyone gone to check up on her?” The blond asks him again and Aizawa stands to confront him. “No. I went by as soon as we found out with Detective Tsukauchi but she wouldn’t open up. She probably saw the news and is trying to digest the media’s opinion.”

“We need to find him. We need to talk to him.” All Might demands with no real life or strength in it, he’s pleading. “We know he’s alive… Its time we start moving.” His voice cracks and Aizawa’s patience goes with it. He pushes back his chair and moves towards the retired hero that seems genuinely surprised at the reaction from the usually unemotionally stoic and logical hero. “You’re right. We know he’s alive now we just need to find him and get some answers.”

“Aizawa, we must follow the procedures for this. We can’t just go in blind. He may not be the same boy you remember.” Nedzu reminds his former pupil and the man turns to face him, Nedzu knows the man is decided and nothing will convince him off of this now. “No. He’s the same boy I remember, I just won’t underestimate him this time.”

Toshinori can’t believe it as he follows Aizawa through the halls of the school. He didn’t think anyone would listen… but he had to try… for Izuku. The boy he failed long before he disappeared. He’d gotten a lot of reprimanding when their secret came out and he knows that he was very wrong for the way he acted. He should have done it properly, he should have made sure the boy would be safe instead of breaking his bones each time he tried to control it. There are a lot of things he can worry about, things he should’ve done and he has managed to do that over this last year. But he’ll never forget the dormant feelings of something to hold on to when he saw his student, his kid on that stage on Tv, alive. There he was full of confidence, stealing the show from the top Ten heroes and more importantly from Endeavour the new default Number One Hero. He hadn’t heard his words the first time, all he’d heard were his own thoughts screaming something else than the self deprecating and blaming voices. He’s alive and he’s right there.

“You know him best, now that he’s made himself publicly known, how do we contact him.” Aizawa breaks him out of his thoughts and Toshinori has to actually think for the first time in a year. “That I don’t know, but I do know of some places we can leave messages for him to find.” The man nods, seemingly finding that to be good enough and Toshinori gets himself together. “We’ll take my car.” That’s when Aizawa objects, eying the slick new car. “No. We’ll easily get spotted in this.”

“That’s a chance we’ll have to take. I can assure you, your box on four wheels doesn’t have the functions and gadgets this one has.” The man scoffs. “What? It's equipped with support gear?” He asks jokingly and Toshinori gives him a look. The man looks at the car more seriously now. “You must be joking.” He doesn’t reply, getting into the car instead and the younger man joins him. “Nedzu always said that you’d become a shell of yourself when the boy left. What are you now?”

“The one he needs me to be.” They both know he doesn’t mean Nedzu.

“Huh, this was covered in trash last time I saw it.” Aizawa comments with his hands in his pockets looking out to the sea beyond the spotless clean beach. The question behind his comment goes unsaid but understood. What does this place have to do with Midoriya Izuku?

“Cleaning this beach was part of his initial training. To build his muscle up, we came here everyday from 6am. We spent 10 months on this.” He answers shortly, he doesn’t elaborate. Those memories were his anyway, the other man doesn’t need to know it all. It’s all he’s had of the boy, he’s not sharing. Aizawa whistles lowly at the answer. “Now that is a steep goal. How has it managed to stay clean?”

“He filled in the paperwork to have this be comunially protected. Usually things like this don’t stick because they are filled in hopes that someone does the work. He already had, the paperwork was there to be sure that people kept it that way.” Toshinori answers with pride filling in his chest. He hadn’t known the boy had done it till he got a call that said the boy put him down as the Hero that would patrol to protect it.

It’s only for now. When I get my licence, you can retire and I’ll take over. Keep it safe for me?’ He had promised and he’d kept to it. Even now, even now that he retired, he’s still patrolling the area. Izuku’s not ready yet, someone has to keep it safe.

“Public service with no compensation.”

“The true essence of a Hero.”

‘The time for this generation of heroes is over. The ones you are praising today are not those that should befit the title of hero. The guidelines at which society decided this are wrong and it is time someone stood up for those that the guidelines are pushing under. There is no such thing as a Villainous quirk or a weak one or a useless one. A quirk doesn’t make you a hero and it doesn’t make you a Villain either.’

“What did you make of it?” Aizawa asks as if they had both been thinking back to the same thing. “His speech, his words?”

“They are not uncommon thoughts. He wants change in a world that wouldn’t have allowed him to be a quirkless hero.” Toshinori ponders over the exact words he said, the way he was so passionate. He’d thought the boy had moved past the mistake he made the first time they met… but clearly he didn’t.

“But he’s not quirkless anymore.” Aizawa states the fact and Toshinori nods. “Maybe he feels he always will be.” He had never thought of himself as quirkless before he received One for All, but that is because in those days it didn’t matter. The quirked and quirkless were balanced, it made the heroes that much rarer and more special. That wasn’t the same for Izuku growing up, he’d learned that when he met Inko for the first time when he had just gone missing. She’d shared that he’s had it tough and that she couldn’t have been happier for him when his quirk came in 10 years late. The woman seemed to blindly believe the occurrence out of simple relief for her son. That all said enough. Izuku was right that nowadays society has built their high beliefs off of their heroes. Flashy quirks are what make a hero in society’s eyes, regardless of who owns the quirk. Toshinori doesn’t believe he was any better, he might have been in the beginning when he was reaching his goal to be a pillar… but once he reached it, he got comfortable and he forgot.

“I’ve left the message. Let’s move on.” He calls out and the younger man looks at him curiously. “What makes you think he’ll come back here?”

“I’m hoping this made enough of an impact that he’ll want to come make sure it’s okay.”

“How are you choosing these places? You spend a lot of time together, how do you know which ones he would come back to?” Aizawa asks, his voice echoing within the graffitied tunnel. “There was something in the way he used his words. Like you said, he’s acting as if he’s still quirkless. So i’m going back to the beginning, the places that became the fork in the crossroads for him.” The man nods as if thats says enough and looks around the tunnel. “So what happened here?” Toshinori sighs, the memory coming to him.

“I saved him.” He’ll never forget the look he saw in the boy’s eyes that day, he had been ready to give up then. At 15, ready to stop fighting, it had hurt him more than him reaching his time limit. “Wasn’t the sludge incident around here?”

“A couple blocks down.” Toshinori corrects and he can see it all connect for the dark haired man. “Bakugou and Midoriya?”

“Before you say it, when he’d rushed in to help the other boy out he was surrounded by the care of heroes. I assumed that’d be enough…” He trails off remembering the anger he felt when he found out what had actually happened afterwards. “But they only chastised him and with one look at his residency card, they refused him medical attention.” The silence felt deadly between them. “They’d said that they didn’t have the equipment to deal with unquirked.

“How did you learn this?” Aizawa asks, keeping his anger in check but Toshinori recognises it for what it is. “I found him later on, on his way home. I could tell that they didn’t bother tending to his wounds. It was after I offered him my quirk that he’d shared what had happened.” The way Izuku had told him… it was as if he’d accepted it, he hadn’t expected any different. He’d tried to reassure him that he could heal his own wounds, that he had done it before. That had only made it worse. But they were strangers then, even after what he’d shared. He couldn’t have brought the boy home to take care of him. He should’ve brought him to his doctor, anywhere that wasn’t quirkist. With his paygrade it wouldn’t have been a problem, but he hadn’t thought of it then. And now he’s left with the consequences.

“Let’s go, we have one more place left.” The other man doesn’t say anything else the rest of the way.

He does question their last stop. Each floor they walk past and only climb higher he knows the man is dying to ask but is waiting for the moment when he understands the full picture. When Toshinori opens the door to the buildings roof, Aizawa stops in the doorway putting down a rock to block it from slamming shut behind them. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

Toshinori looks over at the skyline view that the roof gives. He hadn’t been looking at it at the time, but now that he truly realised what could have happened up on this roof, he’d imagine whether Izuku had been looking at the skyline too.

‘Can I be a hero without a quirk?’

Of course he could have been. But that is not what he had said that day. “No, you’re not.”

“Why are we on a roof, All Might?” He all but demands.

“Toshinori.” He says instead. He doesn’t want to use his hero title right now.


“I’m not All Might right now. Please call me Toshinori.”

“Does Midoriya call you by that name?” He sighs, he knows where this is going. “No.”

“Then you are All Might until we find him.” Aizawa states simply, he knows why. He had said he’d be who Izuku needed, but the man misunderstood him when he thought he’d meant as a hero. “I want to be Toshinori when we find him. All Might already failed him enough. I won’t.” He argues and is met with silence.

“Toshinori then. Why are we here?” Aizawa comes to join him at the railing. “Aizawa, do you know the suicide statistics for quirkless kids?” He asks back instead and the man sighs heavily. “Yes.”

“Well, I didn’t until I researched the statistics on quirkless kids in general. After I had met him.” He explains letting that set in first, not as a cushion or an excuse. But to allow himself to find the words that will voice his greatest mistake. “I left him on this roof when I crushed his dreams.” He said the words and he could feel the life threatening glare that was shot his way. Any shred of respect the man had left for him was definitely gone by now. “In hindsight, I didn’t think I would ever be more happy to see the kid run into a villain attack half an hour later.”

“I’m not going to say anything because I can only imagine you’ve tortured yourself enough over this. I wouldn’t be able to add anything you haven’t heard before.” Aizawa reassures him for some reason. “Why would you think he’d come back here?”

“Because one way or another. This would have left a mark that could never be erased.”

Izuku can’t quite put his finger on it. He stops by a particular building and lets his conscience lead him. It leads him way way up until he hits the door that leads to the rooftop. When he pushes it open he notes a brick and pushes into place. He only needs to take one look at the roof to know he’s been here before. Which memory does this roof hold? he asks himself and no one answers of course. But he walks further onto the roof, noting the skyline view. He remembers the view. He remembers what he had pondered up here, what he’d pondered many times before. He just can’t remember why he was up on this specific roof, it wasn’t his usual one. His phone rings and he breaks his eyes away from the skyline beyond to the caller ID. A smile paints his face immediately when he notes the number. “Hey.”

‘You coming home?’ Home. The place they had gotten for themselves now that they are done hiding. Well, now that they are done hiding their plans, now that they have announced their intentions they are looking into finding a close knit team to help them build it up off the ground. To do that, they needed a better place to hold their operations and now they have one and a home. The couple decided to have their own place to hide back too when they need it. As they don’t have a team yet, they are coming back to it daily. Which is why Izuku is out here, he’s making sure that he wasn’t followed from their den of villainy. He doesn’t want that place especially to be sold out. They’d worked hard to get a place for themselves, nothing will ruin it if he can help it.

“I’m making sure that I’m being safe. But yes, I’m coming home.”

‘Be safe faster, Bunny.’ Tomura hangs up afterwards and Izuku can only smile to himself. He pushes back from the railing of the roof to start his descent and way home when something catches his eye. A note stuck to a wall, fluttering in the late evening chilly air. His curiosity gets the better of him and he reaches out for it.

Young Midoriya,

We need to talk. Give me another chance.

Tomorrow. 4pm.

“One of the alarms I set up near each of your notes has been pulled.” Aizawa tells him in a form of greeting as he barges into his UA apartment. Toshinori might not be faculty here but Nedzu insisted on it and he knows better than to argue with the Rat. “Which one?” He answers groggily, in his defence it is almost midnight and he needs his sleep. Aizawa’s already void of emotions face drops further. “The roof.” Toshinori’s own mood drops. He’d hoped it’d be any of the others… but he’s suspected it would be that one.

“So he got the message.” Toshinori mutters in thought. “That’s where we go, tomorrow, as the note said. And come armed one way or another. I have a feeling he won’t come alone.” Aizawa warns him before closing the door behind himself. “If he comes at all.” Toshinori retorts to himself and the empty room around him.


Kudos are appreciated and loved <3 <3

Chapter 3


Izuku and Tomura unaware of the turmoil they have caused in the wake of their reveal.


Not entirely sure where this fits in on the timeline but let's say its a day or two after their debut
Majority fluff


Chapter Text

Missing student Midoriya Izuku makes his villainous debut at the Hero Billboard Charts with his partner by his side Shigaraki Tomura.

He waves the article in his sleepy boyfriend's face. “Tomura look! We are all over the news!!” the paper flutters in his hold until his grumpy boyfriend decays it by a brush of his hand. Izuku pouts at him. “I knew you’d do that, so I have copies.” He retorts and moves to bounce off the bed to go get his copies only for a pair of strong arms to stop him and pull him back against a warm chest. “Tomura! Let me go!” Izuku tries to scramble out of his boyfriend's hold, squealing and flailing his arms only to have the older boy laugh right in his ear. His voice is still musky from sleep and Izuku can’t help but fall limp in his hold so that he can turn to kiss his boyfriend for the first time today. Tomura hums in the kiss. “Good morning, bunny.”

Izuku pulls away with a wide smile. “Did you see it before you destroyed it?” Izuku lights up and Tomura flops back down against his pillow in exasperation. “Why did you print it off? I could have read it online.” He asks instead and he looks up again in time to see the greenette’s pout. “No, because I caught the moment that the first news outlet commented on our performance and the first person to comment on said article and performance.” Izuku explains and sighs heavily at the blank look he gets in return. “It's a momentous occasion Tomura! This is our start!” he tries to pump his boyfriend up just a little bit to this huge step they have taken. It all starts now and Tomura doesn’t seem to be even half as excited. Instead he just smiles at the greenette, one full of love as he attempts to pull the boy back to him. Izuku steps out of his reach. “No. No touch until you read!” He demands and Tomura sits up sporting a pout of his own. “I just woke up bunny, the least you could do is greet me with my morning love instead of a paper annoyingly fluttering in my face.”

“If you won’t muster excitement for our first step in our mission to change society like we have both been planning for a year! Then I won’t muster the energy to bother with your morning love.” He retorts back and leaves to get his stack of copies since he knew that his grumpy boyfriend would at least decay a couple. He doesn’t make it back to the bedroom when he bumps into Tomura. “Wha-”

“I’m going to get coffee.” He answers simply and Izuku changes his course to follow him into the kitchen. Placing his stack of papers on the kitchen table as he sits to watch Tomura fiddle around with the coffee machine. “What happened to you last night?” he mutters as he looks down at the coffee draining into the pot drop by drop before turning into a steady trickle. “You woke up suddenly in the night and then you didn’t come back to bed.” Izuku looks down at his hands that he'd started playing with.

“I had one of those dreams again.” He shares truthfully. It's amazing how he does that so easily now, he used to point blank refuse to bother anyone with his problems… but ever since he met Tomura… it’s different. They share it all. The nightmares, the memory loss, the strange feelings of deja vu that they can’t place. And now even the dreams he’s been having lately, he never remembers them when he wakes. But sometimes voices linger, and sometimes he can feel a presence he doesn’t understand… it has never led him astray. Instead, it has saved his life a couple of narrow times. Tomura joins him at the table without his coffee. “Do you remember what happened?” He asks the standardised questions, it's a routine they built up when things like this happen. Sometimes certain dreams are old memories poking through that they don’t understand. But they work them out together. Izuku shakes his head. “No. But I couldn’t go back to sleep afterwards so I just… went online…” He trails off and Tomura suddenly understands. “And that's when you saw the article.” Izuku smiles again now but less wide than before. “It helped raise my spirits, Tomura, it's a big deal. It means we made a mark and we got their attention without violence.” Rough hands find his and Izuku looks down at his hands folded in Tomura’s. “It means your plan worked and change will happen.”

“And the comments on the article were not plain angered attacks, on some forums people are debating and discussing our words.” Izuku chimes in and Tomura smiles at him. “So show me. Show me the blasted paper you were waving in my face earlier on.” He prompts the greenette and Izuku does just that, handing him over a sheet from the pile. Tomura eyes the pile suspiciously. “Why are there so many?”

“Backups for your decaying mood.” Izuku says simply and his boyfriend gives him a look and decays the sheet he is holding without a second thought. Izuku gives him a new one completely unfazed. He knows this is on purpose, this is not like before that when he’d be ungloved that he couldn’t control it, oh no, no, no. Izuku helped him get past that, no, now he can control it with everything he touches. He had been right in thinking it was mental and once they got that sorted out mentally the training and control of quirk got on without any bumps in the road. Izuku figures whoever this master was from before, was fueling his brainwashing on Tomura’s trauma. They meant to keep it unchecked for their own uses, which Izuku reverted. He doesn’t decay the next one though and actually gets on to reading it just as the coffee machine beeps that it's ready. Izuku leaves him to it and gets up to get them both cups of coffee, making Tomura’s just the way he likes it. He turns around, both cups in hand, just in time to see Tomura decay that sheet too.

“Why did you decay that one!” He calls out and Tomura turns in his seat before standing up and waving the next sheet in his hand. Izuku puts the coffee cups down on the counter when the older boy joins him.

“The first comment reads; ‘That green villain is cute. I’d gladly join them if it meant a night with him.’” He says disturbed and Izuku beams at him as if he hasn’t been catcalled in the first comment to their villain debut. “No one else can say that the first reaction to their villainy was a catcall.” He grins at the look Tomura gives him to that response.

“You’re gonna want to frame this aren’t you?” Tomura mutters still in disbelief at his boyfriend's antics. The boy nods his head grinning happily. “It’ll be part of our Wall of Documented Villainy Milestones.” He presents with his arms and Tomura snorts. “Sure bunny, we’ll do that.”

“Really?” Izuku can’t believe it was that easy to convince him and Tomura brings him in for a kiss in answer. “Whatever you want, bunny.” He says when they pull back and Izuku smiles at him genuinely. “I only want you.”

“Then I believe some of my morning love was promised me once I read your article.” Tomura grins at his suggestion and Izuku doesn’t waste a moment to jump into his arms. Tomura catches him easily and Izuku slots his legs around his boyfriend's waist. “I do keep my promises.” Izuku tells him between peppered kisses and Tomura smiles at him. “That you do, my analyst.” They had come so far in a year and Izuku couldn't be happier about it. They were going to do it. They were going to reform the world for all of those drowned by societies warped ideals and beliefs. They were going to make the world fair for kids like him and like Tomura. They had made their mark and there is no going back now.

This number tried to message you.

This is a blocked number.

Do you want to read the message?

Bakugou Katsuki: Izuku, I’m sorry.

“Bunny?” Tomura calls out to him and he’s suddenly thrown back into what they were doing. Starting their morning properly after their morning love routine. With a cup of coffee in hand, one that they had to remake since the old ones got cold when Tomura demanded him back to bed to have their slow morning wake up sex. He’d just been checking his phone since he’d spent all morning on his computer. He'd forgotten to see if they’d heard back from the black net links he posted for party members as Tomura calls it. When they had formed their partnership in the beginning, Izuku had destroyed his phone in the same way that Tomura destroyed any means for him to be tracked. He’d kept the sim card though and had managed to download its contents onto his new phone. But there were certain numbers that he’d blocked when he found them. He never knew why he even had them in the first place but kept them assuming they might lead to something one day. He’d never thought that Bakugou Katsuki would be the first to reach out when he reappeared. Even his mother couldn’t be bothered to try, which didn’t surprise him all that much. He looks through the rest of his messages and finds no other notifications so he clicks his phone shut and looks up at his boyfriend who is sipping his coffee carefully now since he drank it too fast at first and burned his tongue. “Who was that?” He asks, blowing on his coffee and Izuku can’t help but smile at the soft sight. “Bakugou Katsuki.” he replies simply before taking a long sip of his own coffee. He can feel his boyfriends glare on the phone still lying on his lap where he discarded it. “Why?” Tomura growls and Izuku sends him an unbothered look. “If I knew, i’d tell you.”

“I don’t like it. That bastard has no right reaching out to you after all he’s done.” Izuku snigg*rs at the use of words and Tomura sends him a glare. “Sorry, that’s just ironic considering his message consists of an apology.”

“What does he think that will gain?”

“Maybe he hopes that I won’t use what happened to me against him. All those years that he discriminated and tormented me. Or he thought I finally took his advice and killed myself and has been living with that guilt. Maybe he’s just happy I turned to villainy instead.” Tomura eyes him curiously. “That's a lot of theories.” Izuku just shrugs.

“He’s a complicated guy.” Tomura raises a brow in confusion at that. “I thought you always said he was predictable?” Izuku turns to him and puts his own coffee cup down to face his partner properly as he turns to sit so on the couch. “Oh he is, but emotionally he’s a very complicated guy. Right now it seems this has hit him emotionally. It's anyone’s guess what he does with it.” Tomura huffs. “I know you said we weren’t going after UA kids because it's not entirely their fault, but I don’t like the way he thinks he can get away with what he did with a simple apology by text.” Izuku smiles at him.

“Oh he won’t. He knows what cards we can play and we’ll play them. We’ll just play them when the time is right. I’ll never forgive him for that Tomura.” Tomura nods as he brushes along the starburst scars littered across his arms as if he knows them by memory. Which he probably does with the amount of times he has kissed them and promised that he would avenge each one of them. He would avenge every scar on Izuku’s body, just as Izuku had promised him. Tomura had laughed that time, not a happy one but a dark one, that’s when he’d said that those who hurt him were dead.

“Well the bastard has ruined my morning.” Tomura grumbles and Izuku kisses him on the lips to make up for it. “The bastard ruined my childhood, I think you got off easy.” Izuku retorts and his boyfriend kisses him back. “Ready to get back to work, bunny?” Izuku grins.

“Let’s go break in our new office space and plan for our world reformation.”

“I like the way you think, bunny.” Tomura grins back and pulls Izuku onto his lap. Izuku smiles against the older boy's lips and lets himself be carried to the bathroom. It’s time for them to start their day and Bakugou f*cking Katsuki is not going to ruin it for him. Katsuki might be sorry, but he damn well isn’t.

Chapter 4


Izuku and Tomura stake out the rooftop appointment.


Tomura and Izuku being domestic villains


TW: implied panic attack at the end of the chapter. Not graphic but it's there

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku arrives home slightly out of breath. Closing the door quietly to not alert his partner so that he can catch himself on time before explaining himself. His mind is on high alert and something tells him when he’ll close his eyes tonight a familiar presence will be there waiting for him. He doesn’t understand, he doesn’t know what led him to that roof… but clearly he shared that place with someone, someone that was looking for him. Someone that expected Izuku would know who they were since they didn’t sign their name on the note. But he doesn’t know anyone that would call him ‘young Midoriya ’ No one that would use his last name so endearingly. They knew that one day this shared lack of memory problem might become an issue, but so far they hadn’t reached any bumps in the road…

“Bunny?” Tomura calls out to him and Izuku fumbles with his sneakers and shrugs his hood and gear off before walking in to join his boyfriend in their living room. He finds the older boy hunched over Izuku’s computer. “You better not be playing your games on there, I can’t have your data take over all my memory space.” Izuku says in a way of greeting and Tomura looks up to smile. “No, bunny, I wouldn't dare. I’m actually looking at the files you pulled up here.” he turns the computer around for Izuku to see and the greenette understands the interest. “Yeah I finally managed to get in, the HPSC’s fire walls were tough but I managed to crack them when I caught sight of a file moving over between a police station and their servers.” he raises a brow in further interest. “Which file?”

“Mine. It seems now that I’m no longer a missing person’s case, it's up to the heroes to deal with me.” Izuku says simply and Tomura gestures for him to come sit next to him, even opening his arms to allow the greenette to sit right in a hug. “Isn’t that dangerous? Can’t they track your IP address this way? The HPSC’s protection firewall is tough for a reason.” Izuku rolls his eyes and kisses his partner's cheek. “Tomuchan, I’m a little insulted that you think so recklessly of me. I’m not so irresponsible to not hide my IP address and let them track me.” he types away on his computer successfully getting it out of the older boy’s hold as he saves all the files he managed to access and his entrance key code before closing all his tabs and closing the computer with a sense of finality on this discussion.

“Sorry, Bunny, you’re right.” Tomura apologises with his own kiss to Izuku’s cheek and the greenette smiles at the affection. “Did you find anything good?” he asks and Izuku scoffs, that a dumb question and the boy knows it. The HPSC has been hiding files of information from the public for years. Izuku hit the jackpot by coding himself a key for permanent access, he only managed to scroll through recent files but can only imagine what he’ll find. “Didn’t you have a good read through?” he asks instead and Tomura shakes his head and scrunches his brow. “No I wasn't really focussed on your files, I just wanted to figure out what was making it purr so loudly and then I came across your load of open tabs just before you came in.”

“Sorry I'm a little late coming home, I ended up taking a detour.” Izuku starts honestly and Tomura waves him off. “Yeah you mentioned you were being careful, its okay bunny. Though I can’t be bothered to cook tonight, so does take-out work?” Izuku nods before starting again while Tomura reaches over for his phone to start scrolling through his take-out apps. “Well it wasn’t just that…” Now he’s got Tomura’s full attention as the boy turns to him better, putting his phone down in his lap. “I think someone is looking for me, someone that knows me well enough to have an endearing tone to my name.” Tomura’s face lights up with concern and the arm that Izuku was sitting against suddenly tightens around him. “They left a note for me to find, asking to meet up tomorrow at 4pm on the roof that I was led to today.”

“Another one of your feelings?” The older boy asks, it's a common thing that Izuku feels led to places, usually something in him wants to subconsciously remember something but it never triggers a memory. As if his mind now, doesn’t want to remember or maybe nothing then is worth remembering. That’s the way Izuku sees it now and he’s ok with it. Izuku nods in reply to Tomura’s question and the boy hums. “You want to go stake it out, don’t you?” Izuku gives him a sheepish smile. “In my defence I want to know who’s looking for me.” Tomura nods in understanding. “We’ll stake it out, but no engaging until we know exactly who they are and what their moves are.”

“We?” Izuku asks a little scandalised and Tomura looks at him in full seriousness. “You’re not going alone, Izuku.” Izuku shrugs out of Tomura’s hold and the older boy doesn’t falter in his argument. “Why because I can’t defend myself?” Izuku snaps at him, hurt and Tomura’s face turns softer but no less decided. “We don’t know their quirk and I prefer if you had backup.”

“Because I’m quirkless?” Izuku spits viscously and Tomura looks hurt that he’d even suggest it. “Because they might know your moves, while you don’t know theirs. They’ll have an advantage, quirkless or not.” He settles choosing his words carefully and Izuku huffs, getting up from the couch. “So what? You’ll be there to look after me?”

“I’m a known Villain, Izuku. You’ve seen the file they have on me. I’ll be there so that if something goes wrong I can enter the fight and they don’t get any information of your abilities. You are my trick up our sleeve, I don’t want some nosy NPC’s to learn anything about you that they don’t already.” Izuku pouts at the reasonable defence and moves back to sit beside his partner. “Fine. As long as we both agree, it’s my stake out. Don’t but in on what I do.” Tomura strokes his fingers along Izuku’s hand closest to him. “You’re the boss.”

“I’m sorry for immediately assuming the worst.” Izuku mumbles and Tomura moves his hand to stroke the greenette’s cheek. “I know, Bunny. I know it comes from an old fear, and I’ll tell you again and again as much as I need to. Quirkless doesn’t mean useless or worthless, you are so much more than your quirk status.”

“I love you.” Izuku tells him in return and the hand on his face tilts his head to accept a kiss. “I love you too.” Tomura replies against his lips and Izuku smiles. When they pull away Tomura reaches out again for his discarded phone. “So what you in the mood for?”

“Katsudon?” The older boy smiles at the predictable option. “So the usual it is. Should be here soon.” He confirms and Izuku hugs in closer to his boyfriend.

“And how was your day?” Tomura kisses the top of green curls before replying. “I got some messages back from people who’d seen our ad. One guy I would like you to look into and a young girl too.” Izuku perks up at that. “Sure I can do that now.” He says getting his computer from the coffee table and searching for one of his notebooks that he has lying around various rooms in their apartment. Tomura hands the one he found between the couch cushions giving the names. “The guy goes by the name Dabi, but I would like to know his real identity. He can keep code names for all he likes, but I prefer to have all the info.”

“You want to be sure that we’re not being used for an ulterior motive.” Izuku clarifies in agreement as he notes the name down. “The other is a girl called Toga Himiko. I think she’s around your age by the way she spoke.”

“Well… texted.” Izuku comments and Tomura shoves him for the unnecessary correction.

“I’ll look into them, if they are low type criminals in the eyes of society then the police database will probably have all we need to know.” Izuku starts typing their names in just as the doorbell rings signalling the arrival of their food. Tomura goes to get it from the doorstep and settles it all in the kitchen before coming back to the overworking himself greenette. “Dinner's ready, Bunny.” he calls out and the greenette hums. “Uhuh, yeah, just a minute.” Tomura scoffs and smiles to himself before closing the greenette’s computer on him, for which he receives a shocked sound of protest. “You can do that tomorrow, Izuku. You’ve done enough for today.” Izuku pouts but follows his boyfriend to eat his dinner anyway. The rest of their evening goes by uneventful, except for an unnerved feeling in the back of Izuku’s mind that warns him. For what he doesn’t know, but when his eyes finally close sleep washes over him and he can’t control what happens there.


‘He’s come looking for you, you knew he would. Now that he knows you're alive, he wants to make it right. He’ll be there for you this time.’ First tells him and he knows that once again all he can do is listen. He’s never heard here, he can’t speak, he can’t think. All he does is listen and watch as his mind and body never remember when he wakes up. At first he had been scared at what had happened. Then he understood what had gone and somehow being around the villain had made old heavy truths lighter. He didn’t quite understand how the waking Izuku didn’t feel One for All thrumming under his skin, but for all he knows he wouldn’t need to feel it. He hasn’t needed to use it, it will most likely end up to be a fight or flight response. But as he has learned to use other aspects of his skills in battle, he can’t be certain that day will be any time soon. He’ll just hope that when it does activate, his body will remember to control the power and won’t let it explode.

‘Give Toshinori a chance, Izuku. He deserves that at least.’ Seventh adds and Izuku isn’t even sure why they bother anymore, it’s not like he’ll remember any of this when he wakes up, it's just a vague sensation guiding him. He does wonder though how UA would have taken the sudden change. Kacchan deciding to come straight out and apologise was out of character… he wonders what else changed, or who else.

‘Leave the boy alone, he’s smarter than he looks. He knows what’s good for him, he’s got good instincts if not a little reckless.’ A new voice adds and Izuku doesn’t have the chance to see who it belongs to before feeling himself being pulled back and into the waking world once more.


Immediately after waking up, Izuku felt this rush of productivity fuel his mind. It had him slipping out of bed carefully, not to wake his grumpy sleeper of a boyfriend to go hunt down the two potential members of yesterday. He’d gotten used to the odd hours of productivity and sleep. Tomura liked to complain but as a gamer in his downtime, he played at odd hours himself so he had nothing to say. Besides they needed this information and Izuku loved the hunt as he swerved between serves that he technically shouldn’t have access too.

“You better have gotten some sleep, Izuku. Or you’re not going on that stake out this afternoon.” A kiss of the head and a grumpy grumble has him looking up at his newly awoken boyfriend and glancing away at the time. “I’ll sneak in a nap before that, I’ll be fine.” Tomura scoffs in acceptance before retreating himself to the kitchen for his morning cup of coffee. He comes back with two in hand and Izuku beams. “I knew I loved your grumpy morning ass for a reason.” He says as he sips his brain fuel happily. “I already knew why i love your morning ass, but you’d already woken before I could get any.” Tomura retorts with a lazy smile and Izuku sticks his tongue out in reply. “You better have found something good to make up for depriving me.” He jokes and Izuku smiles. “You’ll be happy to know then that I have learned all we needed to for Toga Himiko.” He sets down his cup to bring his laptop closer as he clears his throat. Tomura only sips his own coffee and watches his nerd prepare for the ramble of the century. “Currently 16 years old and born on august seventh. Her appearance is described to have light dirty blond hair, styled up in two buns on her head. Golden yellow eyes, slitted like a cat, a mutation of sorts and her quirk is registered as Transform. Allegedly she can use her blood to transform into those she drank the blood of. Nothing else can be found about it but I have my own theories. Her teeth have fangs, likely for her quirk. She has been noted to be skilled in close combat and long range with the use of her knife throwing skills. It seems she had a run in with a kid from her school that ended up dead and her parents reported her to the police, they have yet to bring her in.”

He takes a breath afterwards and Tomura shoots him an impressed look. “So what are your theories on her?” He prompts and Izuku grins. “By the police file that was put together with her parents statements, I’m assuming her quirk relies on blood not only to transform, but as a means for her to stay healthy. A lot of people with a blood quirk, need the vitamins and bacteria within it to survive. Her parents had seemed horrified by this concept and kept her away from it, which is why when the quirk originally came in she had been found sucking the blood out of birds and stray pets. What led her to a criminal life is probably the only means of survival she has.” Izuku’s tone changes from robotic rambler to concern and Tomura notices the change fast. Izuku wasn’t to help her, but they need to figure out how they can do that without any resources. “What can we offer her? Blood Bags?” He prompts and Izuku’s face lights up with an idea. “Remember that woman we helped a couple of months ago that was being harassed by a gang in the area?” Tomura nods in understanding. “She owned an off-book clinic for the less fortunate.”

“She also said that some of the blood that she got from the recently deceased would never be good for transplants but could come in handy on a rainy day .” Tomura reaches over for Izuku’s hand. “I’ll send her a message and I’ll contact the girl too, we’ll set up an actual meeting. Even if she doesn’t fit our descriptors we can still help her get what she needs.” Izuku just send him a soft look in thanks. He can’t believe that he’d managed to find someone to go into villainy with him but still prepared to help those he can. He leans over to press a kiss against Tomura’s lips in thanks and the older boy returns it happily. “Please take a nap, I don’t want to leave your sleepy ass at home when I go to that stake out.” He mumbles against his lips and Izuku pulls away a little surprised. “You’d go without me?” Tomura only smiles. “I need to know who’s after my boyfriend. I’m not going to waste a stake out opportunity just because you didn’t sleep during the night.” He presses another kiss on Izuku’s temple before retreating back to his coffee and typing away on his phone to do what he promised. “Did you find anything on Dabi too?” He asks nonchalantly and distracted. Izuku hums as he pulls up the files he’d been going through when Tomura had shown up. “I’d started on it, and you were right to think there was more behind him. I’d still like to meet him though, I think it would help figure him out.” Izuku spitballs and Tomura looks up curiously. “What do you have?”

“Not enough for someone who is a known arsonist.” Izuku supplies with a frown. “All I have is his vague description, which is another reason why I would like to meet him, and paper trail that leads to when he was roughly 17. Anything before that… I can’t seem to find. I think I need to meet him to get hints on where to look.”

“Ok, i’ll set up a separate meeting for him too. Get some rest now, Bunny.” Tomura pleads in a soft tone and Izuku looks up at him apologetically. “I just had a full cup of coffee…”

“No, you just had decaf.” Tomura retorts proudly and Izuku lets out a gasp of betrayal. “That’s the placebo effect, Zuku. Bed. Now.” he grins before ordering his pouting boyfriend to bed and the greenette does so, closing his computer and scuffling off to their bedroom. Tomura feels proud of himself as he lays down on the couch to send the second message through before switching on the news and seeing what the world is fussing about today.

“Can’t I at least get a comforting hug to send me to sleep after my betrayal!” An indignant voice calls out from the bedroom and Tomura chuckles as he stands to go answer his boyfriend's call. The world can wait.


“At what time did you say this meeting took place?” Tomura asks quietly from their position on a nearby roof that allows them a clear view of the roof the note was attached to. “4pm.”

Izuku answers and Tomura goes back on the lookout with his binoculars while Izuku fishes out his notebook and pen carefully so he is at the ready when the perpetrators deem to show up. It's still reasonably light out so they had to make sure that the roof they were hitching on still hid them from sight while they still had a full view. Izuku looks down at his phone to check the time. “They still have five minutes.” He reports. “Maybe they are waiting for a sign of you before showing themselves.” Tomura suggests and Izuku snorts. “Then they’ll be disappointed.”

It's a couple more minutes before two figures open the door to the roof and step out into their sights. Izuku gasps when he recognises one of them. “Holy f*ck, that’s Eraserhead!” He whispers in excitement and Tomura rolls his eyes at the telltale sign of his partner fanboying. He makes a note to ask later and instead continues to scan the two men that answered the call. “Do you recognise the second one? The lanky blond one?” Izuku focusses for a moment and then shakes his head. “He looks familiar I think? But I can’t place him.”

“So how does he know you?” Tomura thinks out loud and Izuku shrugs. “How does Eraserhead know me, i’ve never met either of them as far as I know.” the greenette gets back to his sketching and noting as Tomura just watches the men. Some time goes by and they are still waiting. “They seem to be under the impression that you would show.” Tomura states the obvious and Izuku twitches as if he wants to learn more closer up. “Can you scan them for any weapons or support items?” Tomura raises a brow. “Aside from the hero in his gear?” he answers sarcastically and the greenette seems unperturbed by the tone. “I have an idea.” He pulls out his voice changer and lifts his hood on his hoodie (one of Tomura’s but thats a detail), as he puts his voice changer on he lifts his mask and prepares to jump as close as he can without being heard. He signs to his partner his plan, not trusting the voice changer to not whine at a whispered voice. Tomura looks like he wants to object but doesn’t have the chance to as Izuku jumps to another roof. He’s going to be in so much trouble tonight. He gets in closer and analyses what he can from their conversation and their postering. He won’t engage, Tomura was right, if they know him they have an advantage over him. He won’t take any unnecessary risks. He scans the lanky blond for anything to distinguish him. By one scan he can’t get anything from him other than he looks sickly, as if his body is fighting him and that if you’d blow hard enough he’d probably blow over or cough up some blood. He eyes the two men curiously as more time goes by, they just keep waiting. With no sign of his arrival, they just keep waiting as if they are sure he’d come. Sure that he’d respond to their near plea. He tries to think back on everything he knows of the underground hero that might give him a hint to why he’s gearing up with death on legs .

‘Eraserhead also known as the Eraser hero. Quirk: Eraser, can erase someone’s quirk by looking at them. Range unknown but theorised that it only works within his line of sight. Fighting style includes a binding cloth at which he seems to have telekinetic control over. Known for mostly fighting quirkless paired with hand to hand combat.’

When half an hour goes by in silence, the lanky blond speaks in a hushed voice. “Maybe we should have chosen our words on the note more carefully. He might not respond his name anymore.” Izuku can’t see Eraserhead's expression but can only imagine a blank face to match the emotionless tone. “He introduced himself to the media with that name.”

“Exactly, maybe that is his media name now, so we should refer to him by a more appropriate name.” The blond suggests and even Izuku is curious at the choice of words and what the man is leading up to. Eraserhead scoffs. “What? Deku?”

He ignores his rage and the pang of betrayal. Disappointed that a man who fights essentially quirkless and would have faced judgement in his youth for the ability his quirk possesses, still believes in using such a demeaning name. He doesn’t think twice as he jumps away, feeling two sets of eyes follow him into the darkness. They hadn’t noticed him before, but with his sudden departure they definitely saw him leave. He ignores their continued calls of that name. Haunting his memories as he tries to push down the pain of his burns that name always brought. With two sets of eyes following his every move he doesn’t stop when he reaches the roof that his partner waits on and continues on. Tomura knows the drill and packs up, leaving in another direction. They’ll meet at home when they’re sure they are not being tailed.

Izuku arrives first and collapses against the door the moment in closes shut behind him. He doesn’t know why the betrayal stings so hard, but he can’t control the flow of memories and fear that name brings. Tomura arrives only twenty minutes later to the sight of his boyfriend in the middle of a panic attack. He kneels down beside him to get him to breathe along side him and go down the list of things he can see, touch, hear, smell and taste. By the time they’ve gone down the list twice, Izuku’s breathing evens out but still curls on himself. Tomura knows better than to attempt to touch him in comfort, someone touching him is the last thing he needs when the memories flow back and throw him in this state. He curses the explosive teen for the millionth time for hurting his bunny before moving around the boy. Taking off Izuku’s sneakers, weapons, notebook and pen, voice changer and mask. He then removes his own gear and helps Izuku stand up, careful to avoid touching his arms and back where his scars rest. Not wanting to put pressure on the old wounds even if they don’t physically hurt him anymore. They manage to make it to the bedroom where Tomura lets Izuku walk himself to the bed and lie down numbly. “Bunny, I’ll be right back with a glass of water, ok?” Tomura calls out to him and gets no answer in reply, he also hadn’t expected one. When he gets back, glass of water in hand with a packet of tissues, Izuku sits up to look at him. Eyes red rimmed and puffy. “Bunny? Want to explain to me what happened?” Tomura tries, offering the tissues and Izuku snuffles, taking a tissue out of the box and blows his nose with it. “They called me Deku.” He answers in a small voice and Tomura feels his rage burn within him. “So why are they after you then?” He growls more to himself than anything, this is all very weird and his bunny did not need that going on. “I don’t know.” He sniffles as he blows his nose again. A new determined look fills his eyes. “But I’m going to find out.” Tomura smiles and carefully leans in to place a kiss on the greenette’s forehead. “That's my bunny.”


Posted chapter 4 on the fourth of June... fun things :)

Chapter 5


At UA, Aizawa and Toshinori go at a new angle and try to learn everything about Midoriya Izuku prior to his time at UA.


Editing the tags for angst. This would only really apply to the angst happening on UA's side of the story, Izuku and Tomura are just living the life in domestic villain fluff-land.


TW: mention of suicide baiting

Chapter Text

He had felt him arrive, he had felt the quirk being nearby. The boy was being careful for some reason, he wasn’t visible to their eyes but he was here. Toshinori was sure. He had passed that signal on to Aizawa and they had waited patiently for him to make a move towards them. When half an hour went by and it had felt like the boy had actually come closer something strikes him. They had been careful not to talk out loud in case there was a reason that he wasn’t showing himself for the reason that he hadn’t come alone and didn’t want to engage.

“Maybe we should have chosen our words on the note more carefully. He might not respond to his name anymore.” Toshinori voices to the younger man, Aizawa looks so bored that he doesn’t tell him off for speaking out loud. “He introduced himself to the media with that name.”

“Exactly, maybe that is his media name now, so we should refer to him by a more appropriate name.” Toshinori tries to get the man to understand and he seems to find it a far stretch, he scoffs before replying. “What? Deku?”

There is an immediate scuffing sound behind them that has both men on edge as a black figure retreats. Along with it the quirk he felt and he reaches out for it physically as he shouts for his mentee. “Deku! Deku!”

Aizawa chastises him the moment that he realises the boy is gone. “He was behind us the whole time and you didn’t think to mention that!”

“Sensing a quirk is not an exact method, Mister situational awareness!” Toshinori retorts back and the younger man doesn’t appreciate the shove at his skills. “The student surpasses the master it seems.” He grumbles in reply as he stares past the blond to where his student would have been. “He was here the whole time but didn’t show himself? What was he doing then?” Toshinori doesn’t want to think that his successor had just been watching him all this time but not daring to come closer. Was he afraid of what they’d do? What they would say or think?

“And why did he suddenly leave? He didn’t just stand up and leave… it felt like he fled.” Aizawa continues thinking out loud and Toshinori doesn’t know the answer. “Maybe we did something that scared him off?” He suggests with no real belief behind him, Midoriya was right there… he was so close…

“Or we said something…” Toshinori hears the change in his tone. “We called him by the name ‘Deku’.” Toshinori suggests and raven eyes find him with a sudden certainty. “Where did that name come from?” He asks and Toshinori doesn’t need to think hard on it, it had been that first battle trail where he truly understood the meaning behind the name and was proud of his student for taking it for himself. “All of his friends use it, but originally it came from young Bakugou.” Aizawa’s face lights up with a spurt of determination. “Then that’s who we need to talk to. The name scared him off, we need to learn why.”

When they returned to UA it was too late to interrogate the second year student. They waited till morning instead, or so Toshinori thought as he met up with Aizawa at the second year dorm to see the man far more exhausted than he’d seen him last and with what looked like case files under his arm. Young Bakugou had looked nothing short of surprised when both of them came up to him during his breakfast asking whether he could answer a few questions. “This is about Izuku isn’t it?” Both men shared a look at the change in name from the explosive boy and decided at that moment that they should talk somewhere private. Aizawa leads them up onto the rooftop garden of the dorm and Toshinori can’t help but remark to himself at the irony. Bakugou on the other hand seems careful about joining them on the roof. “Are you afraid of heights?” The dark haired man asks the student and the red eyes narrow accusatively. “Of course not! I just don’t have great memories with roofs.”

That earns another shared look between the men and Toshinori can see in Aizawa’s eyes that he is not going to like where this conversation will lead them.

“Bakugou, the information we are about to share with you is confidential but essential for you to know regarding the questions we will be asking you. You will be trusted to keep this information to yourself, if you have any questions regarding this you may approach either one of us about it. Is that understood?” The blond stares dumbly at them for a moment before firmly nodding. “We’ll need verbal confirmation.” Aizawa clarifies and the blond scoffs. “Yes. Understood.”

“The day that Midoriya Izuku went missing we had his peers that had seem him last file statements of what they saw and did. This included the statement of Uraraka Ochako who had likely been the last to see Midoriya. In her statement she had seen him talking with a hooded figure and had turned in her direction when she called for him.” Aizawa stops for a moment from his recounting to make sure the young boy is still following before continuing. “When asked to clarify which name she was using to call out to him she replied. ‘Deku-kun’ A name that she had begun using for him in the beginning of the school year after overhearing you use it to address him. Soon after she had started using it, he made it his codename as we call them in the field.” Aizawa closes the case file and leans in closer on the seats they had found on the roof for better comfort. “Two nights ago we tried establishing contact with Midoriya.” Toshinori watches as Bakugou reacts to this entirely new information, his mouth opening as if he wants to say something but stops himself when he understands that Aizawa isn’t finished. “He didn’t show himself to a meeting we had put in place. And he fled the scene at a certain name used to refer to him, a reaction that implies us to worry about something we’d overlooked before.” He uses his words carefully and the blond looks down at his hands as if they are at fault for something. “You were the one that gave him the name originally. Explain.”

Bakugou sighs heavily, not lashing out like his usual self, he seems… guilty and has accepted the penance for it. “Deku is a demeaning name I used for him when his quirk didn’t come in. Deku means useless, worthless. Or at least that was the origin, I know round face gave it a new meaning when we got to UA, she said it sounded like someone who could do anything.” Toshinori can’t keep his reaction to himself, understanding painting his face at what that name truly brought. For all his mentoring he never knew how much the boy suffered. Aizawa’s face says nothing of the sort, staying calm and controlled through this information. “Bakugou, do you know the quirkless statistics?”

“I know the statistics aren’t good to them.” The boy answers truthfully and Aizawa nods. “Quirkless children are prone to suicide far more than the quirked kids. Mostly due to the influence of a toxic home environment, bullying and discrimination. Many Quirkless kids don’t make it to high school and if they do they are in the minority when they reach adulthood.” Red eyes widen drastically at this information and a blond head hangs lifelessly in his hands as he digests the implications. Aizawa lets him come to his own words, lets him choose whether he’ll speak or they’ll have to pry it out of him.

“Yes, I bullied him. He didn’t seem to realise that with his new status he was less than all of us. He kept acting the same, he didn’t change, didn’t let this change the way he viewed his future. He still wanted to become a hero, but I was scared for him. I couldn’t keep watching as our old friends tried to scare him using their quirks and he only analysed them. He’d go on and on about how cool they were and he didn’t realise the hole he was digging for himself. So I made sure that it was clear that I was the only one who could hurt him. I was the only one who could use Deku to insult and demean him. I was the only one that would be allowed to destroy that light in him. The one that would make sure that the promise we made as kids to be heroes together, was clear to never become true.” Red eyes look away from his former homeroom teacher and his favourite hero. Look away in shame. “When he made it to UA, I couldn't believe that everything I did, didn’t demotivate him. It kept him down in middle school but it didn’t keep him there. When we fought at that battle trial and a quirk shot out of him, I was terrified of all I did to him during those years in fear that he would get hurt worse somewhere else if I didn’t do it only for him to have a quirk to protect himself.”

“False negatives are not common, but they can happen. Usually traumatic events activate the dormant quirk.” Toshinori supplies and the boy nods. “That’s what I thought had happened and it only made me worry more and what could have brought it on.”

“Did you ever apologise?” Aizawa asks, breaking the tension and red eyes look up at them, tears lining them. “I tried.” he sucks in a breath. “I was planning to during our time at UA, after I was shown how wrong I was. But he disappeared before I could. I tried again recently when he reappeared. He saw it, but he didn’t reply.”

Toshinori looks at the boy. “That’s not right.” He mutters and the young boy gives him a look that says it all ‘you-think?’ seeming to think that was his reply to the boy's apology over text. Though that is a cowards move, in this case the other option wasn’t available.

“No, he would have replied. Izuku doesn’t keep grudges and isn’t petty, he would have replied.” Aizawa then looks between him and Bakugou. “So why didn’t he?” The blond shrugs. “Maybe he finally learned some sense to stop blindly forgiving.”

“Or maybe during that split second where he got lost from the class group that went with the mall, his mindset changed.” Aizawa seems to run on a thoughts when he sits forwards again to ask another question. “Can you remember a time stamp where Midoriya’s attitude lightened up?” Bakugou eyes him strangely before thinking on it. “He stopped squirming a lot a while after the sludge incident. As if his quirkless ass saving my quirked one gave him a new hope on his situation.” Aizawa seems surprised at his honest retelling of the attack. The old Bakugou that he’d taught in the beginning would have never laid a weakness open that easily. To admit that he’d been saved… he’s grown a lot.

“So he did save you then?” The blond looks over to Toshinori, remembering that he’d been there in the end to save both kids. “He fought at least, he tried to. Better than those other heroes who waited for someone with a better quirk to show up.” His eyes cast low when he sees a lighter look pass between the heroes.

“There’s one more thing I should tell you.” That brings the attention of men back on the boy. “The kids at school had this nasty habit of leaving spiderlillies on his desk and on the day of the sludge incident, I told him to take a swan dive off a roof and wish for a quirk in his next life.” He winces at his own words and Aizawa’s eyes turn red with fury. Toshinori goes pale with a new connected realisation. “That was the same day that I left him on that roof…”

“Well than you both better be f*cking overjoyed that his will was stronger than either one of your words or you would have been responsible for another quirkless suicide.” Aizawa snarls and both blonds wince. The dark haired man releases his quirk in a deep breath before standing. “We’re done here.”

“Sensei-” Bakugou calls out to Aizawa and Toshinori can only hope that the next words are not a plea for himself. “Be careful, you might need to know that Zuku’s always been smart. He’s good at analysing people in a split second with one look at their quirk. If he’s a villain now, don’t engage unless you are prepared to fight unfairly.”

When All Might and sensei left, Bakugou went back to his room. He knew that his classmates would ask about the sudden integration and would want to know whether it was about Izuku. It always is these days. Ever since the nerd made his appearance known at the Hero Ranking Billboards, thats all anyone can talk about. Whether they are with or against what he said, whether he has a right to talk about the unfairness with a flashy quirk of his own. But all Bakugou can think about is how well spoken the greenette became. He was surrounded by heroes that he praised before and managed to work through a whole 7 minute speech without gawking at them once. The words he’d spoken… Bakugou can’t forget them, they are playing in his head now, every minute of every day.

‘When did we start praising abusers, assaulters and tormentors? When did we start allowing people to get away with this behind the public eye just because of their flashy quirk? As a society we have failed so many, but now that word ‘we’ stops. Now it's just you. We, those who have suffered, those who have been tormented, threatened and abused, will stand on our own now and bring forth a just society. We will root out the filth within the title of a hero and leave only the truly worthy standing. Those that save lives, those that bring hope, those that sacrifice. A hero is simply one that puts the needs of others above his own, a quality that many of you in this room lack. Now you know, you may have been giving a ranking today, but it means nothing to us. We will decide whether you are worthy to stand on that peddelstoel you believe you’ve earned.’

His words were said in a careful tone but the emotion behind them was felt. Sensei was right. That day it all changed, with one new confrontation, everything was placed in a new perspective. Izuku gave up on being a hero like Katsuki always wanted him too. And now he became a villain to destroy Katsuki, the way that he’d destroyed his childhood friend’s innocence. And it was nothing short of what he deserved.

“I learned far more than I was ready for.” Toshinori honestly tells the younger man when they get back to his apartment. Giving Aizawa a coffee that he’d offered and sipping his own tea. “Those boys really had an effect on one another, that much was clear before all of this. But this new information has me thinking that Midoriya had always had a similar mindset from the beginning, whereas Bakugou’s changed along the way. Until the day Midoriya went missing and then his mindset did a full 180.”

“Where Midoriya had just been pushing forward to become the hero he’d wanted to see growing up. He turned to instead criticise and comment on the heroes that decided to overlook or downright ignore a quirkless kid being tormented and suicide bated.”

“Instead of becoming the change he’d wished to see, he decided to break into the kinks and screws of society’s corrupt hero system.” Aizawa refines and they both sit in silence at the revelation. “So what made him do that full 180?” Aizawa asks in the sudden silence and Toshinori shrugs. “Aside from an apparent in depth conversation with a known villain?” He sarcastically replies. “A lot can happen in a mall filled with people and quirks.” He very unhelpfully adds and the dark haired man’s cup hits the coffee table hard enough that the blond flinches. “Aizawa-kun, please be careful…” He winces not wanting to think that the cup may be cracked by the force at which it hit the table, but the younger man has something else on his mind when he mutters his sudden realisation.

“He’s been affected by a quirk.”

Chapter 6


Izuku and Shigaraki meet Toga and Dabi on separate occasions.
Izuku learns a lot about the spiky haired ravenette, bringing forth information that the criminal may not have been ready to release just yet.


I have a feeling some of the timeline of the fic vs canon should be explained. Just so that you can follow the logic of events :)

Before the mall incident.
-> the sports festival was not televised due to Nedzu deciding that the villains that attacked the school didn't need any more info on the student. But it still went on and its footage was sent to hero agencies for internship requests.
- Shigaraki meets Stain but doesn’t interfere with his job at Hosu, so that incident doesn’t happen, Iida doesn’t go after Stain and so the kids don’t get involved
- Shigaraki goes to the mall because he’s angry that he doesn’t get Stain but hasn’t met Toga or Dabi yet (that comes now)
-> This allows for Shigaraki to stay a one time villain, League hasn’t bee publicaly named yet

After mall scene (Chapter 1)
- All for One finds out that Deku, the hero student, was the last seen with his protoge and assumes that UA has him.
He confronts the heroes and the fight between him and All Might ensues. All Might retires afterwards due to the loss of his quirk in the fight and AFO is imprisoned in tartarus.
-> The fight wasn’t televised and so the media has no clue. All they know is that All Might retired after his years of service. The first fight between AFO and All might wasn’t televised due to his injury, this one neither due to his loss of quirk. By Nedzu’s control
-> Thats why Izuku and Tomura don’t recognise the lanky figure beside Eraserhead.
-> The "league" forms under different circ*mstances and ideals.

If there are any questions, you can always ask in the comments!


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Dabi just responded. We’re meeting him this evening at some ratty old bar in Kamino.” Tomura greets his working boyfriend with a kiss on the forehead when he enters their new villain's office space. “His suggestion or yours?” Izuku dutifully replies, multitasking.

“His. So obviously we are offering our own. Any ideas?” Izuku snorts at his cleverness. “Suggest somewhere neutral, then add your own suggestion, say…” Izuku waves his hand for inspiration before emerald eyes find his with a certain excited shine to them. “That old rickety playground nearby!” Tomura types up the answer and sends it with a grin as he stalks towards his partner to land a kiss on the greenettes cheek.

“How’s your search into those brats from that stake-out going?” He pulls a chair over to sit himself next to Izuku to watch as he pulls up some tabs. “I can’t find much, only that Eraserhead apparently teaches at UA. A little snippet I found from an article that mentioned him warding off about 40 villains on his own when protecting his class from a villain attack.”

“I thought he was underground.” Tomura comments and the greenette hums.

“He is, they didn’t mention him by his hero name, but they did however allow a snapshot through in which half his face is visible. Anyone who knows what he looks like would be able to spot him, those who don’t wouldn’t know he’s there at all.” He zooms in to prove his point and Tomura nods, recognising the man easily in his gear. “So who was the lanky guy?”

Izuku clicks his tongue. “Another teacher from UA I would believe, maybe underground too since I couldn't find anything on him at all.”

“That is strange.” Izuku shakes his head. “Not if Nedzu is protecting him.” And if Nedzu’s protecting him they won’t find any trace of the teacher in the HPSC’s database. Tomura curses the Rat before remembering that his boyfriend has a knack into recklessly throwing himself in situations.

“I don’t want you trying to hack Nedzu’s system, bunny. We’ll figure it out some other way.” Izuku turns halfway to somewhat face him. “I wouldn’t be able to even if I wanted to. You don’t get into the Rats system unless he wants you there.”

“Then we’ll figure it out the old fashioned way. Once we get some more hands on deck. Until then…” he trails off hoping that once they get a better handle on members, they’ll have more players to move.

“I have you.” Izuku picks up on his trail and Tomura smiles at him. “You’ll always have me, Bunny.” He’ll make sure those brats don’t get near his Bunny again.

His phone buzzes and ruins the moment, with a quick look he opens the chat thread immediately. “Toga says she can meet now. Police is on her tail though.” He rushes to stand and Izuku throws him his gear, signature hands and all. “Go get her and bring her here.”

Once the gear is on Tomura leans over to kiss his boyfriend before putting the hand on his face. “Be careful.” Izuku asks him and he squeezes his hands carefully in reply before rushing out the door and through the streets to the teens last known location. His bunny assists through the comms the moment he hits the main streets.

‘Stick to the alleys, she’s managing to outrun them. You just need to catch her and then decay a dumpster or something to block anyone following you. Then make sure to keep to roofs and be careful on your way back.’

“Rojer that, bunny.”

‘Shig, I love you but no pet names on comms.’ Tomura smiles at himself, he loves that boy so much. “Rojer that, Zuku .”

Izuku was right in saying that catching up to Toga was no problem at all, she had already started using the alleys when there were too many people, so catching her and hiding her from the police was no extra hassle. She also seemed to recognise the get up immediately so she followed him with no questions asked. When they eventually did make it to the hideout, she did have a lot of questions for the greenette that nearly shot a bullet into their skulls. “For f*cks sake, call next time! I thought someone was breaking in! We didn’t go through all that trouble to make a code, only for you to decide not to use it!”

He only chuckled a little nervously as he slowly removed the gun pointed at his head. “Good to see you too, Zuku .” He can see emerald eyes swirl with need in time for him to remind the boy that they are not alone.

“Toga Himiko meet my partner Midoriya Izuku, he’s also my analyst.”

“Izuku-kun, you're cute, can I drink your blood? I love drinking the blood of people I like…” She trails off with a slightly crazed smile that doesn’t unnerve them much.

“He’s my partner in more ways than one Toga, you’d do well to remember that.” Tomura warns and Izuku smiles at her. “Once we learn the parameters of your quirk, we can discuss letting you drink ours.” She returns the smile between them and Izuku doesn’t miss the way Tomura inches closer to him. He loves the boy he really does, but this girl is just hungry. She won’t really aim for anything else.

“We have someone that can supply blood for you to supplement it in your diet. It is common for those with blood quirks to need to add it into their diet. Anyone who told you otherwise is the reason that the backlash affected your mental state.” Izuku moves in closer to her and she co*cks her head curiously in a movement very much resembling a cat. “When was the last time you ate a decent meal and drank blood?” He asks her genuinely and she frowns. “I was in the middle of my latest meal when those police brats tried to arrest me.”

“Did you attack the person you were drinking from or was it consensual?” Tomura asks a little sarcastically with his arms crossed. Her frown turns to a scowl. “Well he tried to sexually harass me, so I thought it was fair game. He didn’t ask for my consent, I won’t ask for his.” Izuku nods in complete agreement. “Checks out.”

“I think what you can get from us in this agreement is clear, the question is what will we get from you?” The girl looked down sheepishly. “Your aspirations sound a lot like Stain’s, I want to be able to live in a world where I can do anything I like.”

“Where you can eat what you need to survive without being called a monster?” Izuku asks and she nods. “I’m a good fighter with my knives and I can throw them long distances. I have perfect aim and if I drink the blood of someone I can transform into them. Clothes included, the effects last longer with the higher amounts of blood I digest. I prefer to get naked before transforming because then it gets hot and sticky afterwards.” Izuku shares a single look with Tomura and the older boy nods. “We can see whether we can get you a suit that can work with the terms of your quirk. As for knives, we can supply weapons too.” Tomura reassures her. “As for your quirk information and all its qualities. We’ll have Izuku go crazy on it and his theories and he’ll work on it with you.” Izuku smiles at her in agreement with his partner's words and her shoulders seem to lose their tense posture. “Welcome to the team, we’re still working on finding an official name so if you have any ideas let us know.” Izuku adds and Tomura sends him a petty look. Izuku doesn’t miss it. “We are not naming ourselves after a game. League of Villains sounds so lame.”

Toga smiles genuinely for the first time since meeting them but both boys let it slide. “We’ll assume you don’t have a place to crash? So you can always stay here, we have some rooms upstairs so have your pick.” Izuku informs her and she furrows her brows. “Don’t you have a room here?” The greenette notices the slip up and his brows shoot up along with the rest of his body. “Right! Tomuchan, let’s go, we need to go claim a room quickly!”

After a quick recap of the rooms available, the couple took the largest one that would be able to fit a two person’s bed the easiest. The other rooms had futons available, in perfect condition. Toga didn’t comment on the fact that they clearly didn’t have a room here before and the boys were glad for it. A shared understanding went through Tomura and Izuku that their alone time in their home was over now that they had a member living on base.

“I’ll go pick up some of our stuff before you go out to meet Dabi.” Tomura tells him when they are back in their office space, having left Toga to her own devices. She’d said that she’d go pick up some of her own stuff from her old squatting place. They had decided that it would make a lot of sense for Izuku to go alone considering this chat is mostly so that the greenette has a personal link to all he wants to ask regarding the criminals lack of paper trail. This way the analyst can pick up on body language and signs of his quirk use via emotions etc.

“While you’re there, pick up the food we have in the fridge. It's not much but it would still be a waste to leave it there.” Tomura sits on the edge of the desk as they discuss the details. “Sure, I can do that bunny, want me to pick up anything for dinner?” Izuku thinks on it before nodding. “Yeah, I don’t think we have enough to cook.” A second thought passes through him as he says it. “Are we feeding Toga too?”

Tomura nods. “I already sent a message through to Seki-san. She was very willing to offer a supply of blood.”

“Ok, I made a group chat for the three of us, so I'll let her know that we are including her in our dinner and that she better make her food choice fast.” Tomura kisses his boyfriend on the forehead before shrugging on his jacket and hood. “You do that bunny and I'll see you soon.”

The moment that Tomura left, Izuku went back to work on his notes for the fire user that he would meet tonight. And the points that he’d attempt to discuss with the man before he realises where Izuku’s prying. He had moved on to attempting to get anything regarding Eraserhead from the underground hero databases when Tomura returned. He returned with boxes of stuff and Toga behind him that was happily carrying the food. Izuku helped him out with said boxes that turned out to be some of theirs and some of Toga’s packed together. Apparently the two caught up at some point and shared the load. When the couple had packed their belongings away in their new room Izuku flopped down with his personal computer on their bed. (blow up mattress)

“Bunny…” Tomura tests and Izuku hums. “Do you think you’d have some time to take a look into someone called Jin? Also goes by the name Twice?” Izuku looks up from his screen to frown at his sheepish boyfriend. “Why?”

“He’s a friend of Toga’s apparently, she says he’s interesting. From what I got, this guy has a type of dissociative identity disorder, an aftereffect from a traumatic event caused by his quirk.” Izuku’s already typing before he’s even done speaking. “Is he a criminal of sorts?”

“She didn’t say.”

“I’ll see what I can find.” Tomura looks over at his adorable genius before remembering that his genius has somewhere to be. Throwing the boy his gear straight at his head has Izuku protesting. “Hey!”

“Don’t you have somewhere to get to?” He prompts and smiles as Izuku realises. Scrambling to close his computer before jumping up to get dressed.

Izuku gets there 5 minutes before meeting time and decides to use his wait time by playing on the swings. Which is a little uncomfortable with the broad knife strapped on the back of his waist, under his jacket. His gear doesn’t consist of much from the outside. A thin jacket with a built-in mask attached to the hood, and a pair or black cargo trousers. Underneath, he’s littered with as many weapons that he can carry and use in a fight if he ever needs to defend himself. Plus his signature notebook and pen of course. His phone pings with an alert to remind him of his meeting and just as it does a black figure stalks his way over to Izuku.

“You the analyst?” A scratchy voice calls out to him and Izuku jumps from his swing. “Depends, are you Dabi?” A gruff sound of acknowledgement is his reply and Izuku takes it. “Then yes, I’m the analyst. But you can just call me Midoriya Izuku.” He takes this moment to scan the older boy, one look says that his description from the police databases was practically on point. He really does have burns all over his body and seems to have staples the seams together.

“How come I got you instead of that Shigaraki guy?” Dabi gruffly questions as if he’s disappointed and annoyed that he doesn’t get the big bad wolf to question his intentions. “Because I was the one that insisted on meeting you. I have questions.” Striking blue eyes roll excessively before the older boy huffs and sits on the roundabout that makes a rusty sound of protest. Izuku chuckles a little before getting to it and bringing out his notebook. Dabi eyes it with an exasperated look. “What are you, my therapist?”

“Depends if I deem you desperately need one. Then we can see if one can be provided for you.” Izuku snarkily replies and the older boy seems to appreciate the answer. “Let’s start easy, did your own quirk do that to you?” Izuku points at the burns with his pen and the dark haired man nods grimly. Izuku co*cks his head somewhat in disbelief. “Then I'll assume that your quirk councillor was a sh*thead and misdiagnosed your quirk.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because if your body can’t withstand heat, it shouldn't be producing it. Your flames were never meant to be the strongest fire or the hottest. They were meant to be the coldest.” Izuku explains simply but to the fire user this seems to be life-clarifying information.

“I can help you train your quirk to see how low it can go, if you want.” Izuku offers but gets no reply so he waits for the arsonist to digest the new information, his face scrunching up in different stages of anger. Genuinely looking as if he’s experiencing the stages of grief in one timespan, so Izuku lets him be. It's only ten minutes or so later that the gruff voice speaks up again. By that time Izuku had spent his time piecing parts of the puzzle in his mind together.

“I’ll take the training or whatever. What other questions do you have?” Izuku perks up and grins. “What was your original hair colour? Do you have any siblings? And why do you have no legal history till you were 17?”

Blue eyes bink dumbly at him before a heavy sigh is released. “Red then white. I have 3, two brothers and a sister. And that’s none of your f*cking business.”

Izuku shrugs at the reply for his last question. He knows he has all that he needs anyway. Fire users are rare and strong fire users like that even more so. The common fire user these days can produce a small flame big enough to light a candle. Others deviate into fire-like categories. Explosion or Fire breathing would be examples of this. So if this arsonist can produce flames like his criminal record says, then his parents must have had equally powerful quirks or the Quirk Singularity theory would have boosted its abilities. Honestly he thinks a bit of both entered the mix. But only until he saw the reflection pass over Dabi’s face at Izuku’s theory on his quirk, did he question that maybe some of the loose threads connect to an entirely different problem. Another suggestion to this would be the stress that someone would go through to have a full head of hair change colour before turning middle aged. It is not uncommon for heroes to take their ambitions so far that they forget their humanity. It seems Dabi is a victim to this. Likely his brothers and sister too.

“Fair enough, except it might be if we’ll be harbouring the son of a hero.” Dabi has no comeback to that.

It was a longshot, he hadn’t been entirely sure until Dabi’s expression gave him away. After that, it was decided. Dabi would join the team. Except…

“Izuku, usually we discuss who we bring home in advance with each other. This meeting was supposed to be so you can find more info before we’d both decide whether he was any good for us.” Tomura starts lecturing him when they finally get some privacy in their room. After having left Dabi with Toga downstairs. Sure the protocol was that they’d decide together who’d join them and he wouldn’t, but Izuku couldn’t let him go now!

“Tomura I get that you’re upset, but trust me, this guy has all we need… once I get him into some decent quirk training.” Izuku attempts to defuse and only raises more questions.

“He hasn’t had quirk training?”

“Well, he has… just the wrong quirk. His dad was an ass.” Izuku explains and Tomura snorts. Izuku can see his comment coming and decides to drop the bomb now so that he’s digested it when they go back down to officially greet Dabi to the team. Yes they’ve all had sh*tty dads, but this one hits the cake especially. “Todoroki Enji’s his dad, or more famously known as Endeavour.”

Tomura’s jaw snaps shut in an instant before dropping to the floor. “And the stories he has to tell you…” Izuku tries to get him hooked on the idea and Tomura shakes his head. “Ok, ok, I get it. You hit the jackpot.”

We hit the jackpot, Tomura. We have just gotten ourselves our first victim.” Izuku tries to soothe his partner and Tomura smiles back reassuringly. “Next time though, at least send me a text or so to warn me.” Izuku leans over to wrap his arms around his partner's neck, his grin wide as the Cheshire cat’s. “I promise.” Tomura sighs into the heavy head of green curls before untangling himself from the greenettes’ arms. “Ok, I’ll go do my side of the interview process and then settle him in.”

“Oh, Tomura, one more thing.” Izuku calls out to him as he settles back down again to continue where he left off before the meeting. The older boy turns to him with a confused frown. “He has an attitude.” Tomura rolls his eyes, having expected something much worse. “Don’t we all.” He closes the door behind him and Izuku cracks his fingers before getting back to work.

He’s done with reprofiling their newest member in his notebook and on his digital file. And is halfway into looking into Twice when Tomura came back in and decayed the first rock in sight. They have a box full for when his emotions, usually the bad ones, get the better of him and he needs to decay a couple of things before he feels better again. Katsuki used to do it too as a kid, he needed to release the tension in his hands via his explosions from time to time… usually when Izuku was nearby so he got the brunt of the burns… lucky him.

“Good to see it all went well, I’ve taken a look at this Twice guy. And well, aside from being known to have a personality disorder, he doesn’t seem to have a criminal record. He’s got connections in the criminal world but doesn’t actually have any marks on his record. His quirk sounds interesting though and I can see how it might have driven him to insanity.” Izuku greets him and the look that Tomura sends him has him pausing over his screen. Izuku had had a feeling that his and Dabi’s personalities might clash, he just hoped that while Tomura was decaying rocks, Dabi wasn’t setting anything on fire…

“You wanted Dabi, I want the schizophrenic.”

“He’s not actually schizophrenic, I have the suspicion that he’s actually OSDD, which stands for ‘otherwise specified dissociative disorder’. ” Izuku corrects and Tomura sends him a look that says that the correction was pointless and unnecessary. Izuku sighs. “Fine, I’ll let him know we're interested.” Tomura’s frown is literally turned upside down at the agreement. “Glad that’s settled, Bunny.” He places a kiss on the greenette’s forehead to support his thanks and Izuku hums. “Look what I managed to pull up from one conversation with Dabi.” Izuku moves on the mattress to allow Tomura to sit beside him as he pulls up the files from the HPSC’s database of the number one hero. There are tons of files regarding complaints against abuse within the family. Or witness reports noting the bruises and burns on the kids. He even had his own wife committed after she had a meltdown and burned their youngest. The Hero commission is protecting this horrible man, all because of his flashy quirk and the efficiency against villains it has. Completely disregarding the property damage and civilian harm he causes during those fights.

“The commission has been protecting a monster.” Tomura comments and Izuku nods gravely. “All for the sake of their Number One.”

“He’s the first one that needs to go.” Tomura states and Izuku promises. “We start tomorrow.”


If anyone has any suggestions about an alternative name for the "League" feel free to share... I need help.

I read somewhere how someone though that the name of the league was inspired from 'League of Legends'. A game that Shig loved to play, and it stuck... so we are following that headcannon.

Chapter 7


UA has made a connection and tries and follow it through to understand what happened that day at the mall.



Also for whoever's interested I have twitter if you want to come talk to me there: ghostgirl_anna

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The moment that the realisation was made definitely clear, Aizawa was calling the station for all sorts of files while Toshinori gently sipped his tea thinking it all over. His being affected by a quirk made sense, but there were many types of quirks out there. How on earth were they supposed to figure out which one hit him? Then came the next questions, could they reverse it? And would Midoriya-kun even want to reverse it? They don’t know how the quirk affected the boy from his perspective, maybe he's’ happy with whatever it did to him. And maybe Shigaraki was the one who did this to him in the first place and then why? His master was defeated, what use could they have for One for All now, and if they were in fact planning on using it why have they played him off as quirkless? He’d have known if the quirk had been passed on, as a former member, he can sense the life forces connected to it and he can still only sense nine. Even with this new revelation, none of it made sense. It was also past his bedtime.

“Ok, Detective Tsukauchi is sending all the files over that relate to the incident that day. With the fact that his disappearance hit the news and his reappearance did too, someone would have seen something that they would have thought to report. Hopefully, anyone who let their quirk loose had the foresight to report the incident so that we don’t have to make that connection ourselves.” Aizawa reentered the room to tell him. “Right, so we’ll do that first thing tomorrow. Good night Aizawa-kun.” Toshinori tells him as he gently starts herding the younger man towards the door of his apartment. Said man stops in his tracks to eye the blond sheepishly. “I actually asked him to send them all to you…. I can work on it overnight.” He reasons and Toshinori gives up. “As long as you don’t break my mugs.”

Toshinori wakes up to the reminder of a house guest when he paddles over to his kitchen in the morning and spots the younger hero fast asleep on his couch. Which has him promptly returning to his bedroom to dress himself properly for company, before starting to make breakfast and warming another cup of coffee for his new work partner it seems. The younger man woke up in time to see the food hit the table.

“You didn’t have to make me breakfast.”

“Nonsense, you likely spent all night working. It was the least I could do.” Toshinori waves him off by handing him a cup of coffee and Aizawa shuts up to take it. When they are done eating Toshinori braves himself to ask. “What did you discover?” Aizawa takes a long gulp of his coffee before standing up to get the files from the computer. “All the witness statements of that day said various degrees of the same thing. They say the boys talking casually at a table or saw them walking away and so on. There were a couple that stood out as some saw them with Shigaraki stalking Midoriya before making contact, but in the end that still doesn’t help us.”

“So you got nowhere.” He summarises and the younger man looks appalled and ready to protest but Toshinori doesn’t give him a chance as he picks the computer up and clicks to the next witness report. Dated to…a couple of days ago?

“What about this one?” He turns it back around for Aizawa to see and the man gasps. “How?!”

“I had a decent night's rest. You should try it sometime.” He deadpans and the younger man throws him an unappreciative glare. “This woman says that her child might have released their quirk in a hysterical tantrum when they bumped into the pair of boys that look like the recent villains that showed up on Tv. She found out later that day that her child had developed her quirk for the first time so she hadn’t thought much about it until now.” Aizawa reads and Toshinori shares one look with the man. “Does it give her address or contact information?”

“No to the first, yes to the second.”

“Call her and we’ll find out what that quirk entails.” Toshinori decides and the man doesn’t object and does as told while the older man does the dishes and readies himself mentally for what he is about to learn.

After some showers and a long-ish drive, they find themselves in front of a somewhat similar layout of apartment blocks. He really should go over and visit Midoriya Inko soon, she should know what they are learning regarding her son. “You getting deja-vu’s too?” Aizawa breaks the silence as Toshinori nods and they make their way into the building to find the right apartment. It's a bit of searching before they find the right door and knock. They hear some clattering on the other side of the door before a small girl opens the door for them. “Hello, my mum asks whether you can wait a moment.” The little girl greets them politely before adding “She’s cleaning the house.” In a whispered voice behind her hand, like she’s muffling a secret. Toshinori nods and smiles. “Tell her to take her time, we are in no rush.”

Her face lights up so brightly that it reminds him of a certain greenette. “Okay!” The door closes promptly on them and Aizawa shoots him a glare. “Don’t go being soft on a small demon who likely turned a good hero into a villain in one afternoon.” Toshinori returns the glare.

The door reopens only five minutes later to show the almost carbon copy of the little girl that opened the door earlier. “Morita-san?” Toshinori asks the woman and she nods. “You must be the pro heroes that called me this morning.” She determines and both men nod.

“I’m Aizawa Shouta and this Yagi Toshinori. We just have a couple questions regarding the report you made to the police department recently as I said on the phone.”

She opens the door further for them and guides them to her living room offering any drinks to which both men reply to a glass of water. When she comes back with the water in hand they start the questioning. “You said in your report that your child bumped into Midoriya and Shigaraki in the mall, was it the little girl who opened the door before?” Aizawa questions and she nods, clasping her hands together nervously. “Yes, she’s 5 years old.”

“You didn’t mention her quirk in the report but you implied that she might have let her quirk affect the villains upon contact. Why would you say that?” Aizawa moves on noting her state of unease. “Oh, well she bumped into them quite exaggeratedly. I hadn’t looked at where she was going until the boys nearly toppled over from the collision. They seemed a bit dazed and confused looking around afterwards.” Toshinori sits straighter before asking for her to elaborate on what happened next. “Well I was a bit preoccupied with my daughter causing a scene but I did apologise to the boys. And when she’d calmed down I turned around to apologise properly but they had gone by then.” She replied a little guilty but Toshonri suspects that has to do with the fact that she hadn’t had the chance to properly apologise to the boys for her daughters behaviour in a public space.

“Can you tell us what your daughters quirk entails?” Aizawa asks returning back to the questioning topic at hands and she fumbles a little to find the words. Refusing to meet their eye for a while that has the men noting her definite unease. They let her take her time.

“Her quirk is a touch one, she needs to be able to touch a person for her quirk to work. The effects it has on another also depend on her emotions. So far we’ve been able to understand that if she is emotional in any way, it affects her quirk and the effect it has on her victims.” She vaguely explains before fumbling again and taking a deep breath. “Her quirk has the ability to make others forget their recent memories connected to their current emotions.” The way that she refuses to meet their eye afterwards has them knowing they better be very careful on how they proceed next. “Are the effects permanent?” Her eyes look up from her hands to the men before her curiously. “It depends on what they erased.” Aizawa ponders on it for a moment. “It likely also depends on the emotions connected to those memories. No two minds are the same. Where for one the effects can be mild and reversible. With another it can be linked to a traumatic event, taking away half of the experiences they’ve been through since then that formed them.” She doesn’t reply.

“What did her quirk counsellor say on this?” Toshinori asks her and she scoffs to herself. “He said it was a mental quirk and left it at that. If it’s only functional by touch, it can’t be mental but he wouldn’t hear it.” Aizawa looks at her curiously. “You discovered all these parameters on your own?” he asks, a little disbelieving and the tone must have shone through because she smiled and waved her hands in a no motion. “No, my husband got her quirk analysed by a new analyst that showed up recently. He gives his profiles for free when they are kids.” The heroes share a new look at that. “What can you tell us about him?”

“O-oh, uh, well I actually don’t know if it is even a him but I know that he doesn’t discriminate towards mental, mutation and so called weak or villain quirks. He profiles the ones that the system doesn’t want to address.” She said the last part with a tint of disgust but seems to remember who’s in front of her fast and gathers herself again. “Did this analyst have a name?” Aizawa asks daringly and she seems to think about it for a moment. “I don’t recall anything that stood out… sorry.” She doesn’t seem that sorry though and Toshinori feels the need to push. Bakugou’s words from before suddenly come back to his mind.

‘Zuku’s always been smart. He’s good at analysing people in a split second with one look at their quirk.’

“Could we have a look at this analysis?” Her body tenses immediately and her face turns reserved. “I believe that information on my underaged daughter to be private. It is not an official document so you have no real need to see it.” Toshinori offers his apologies immediately and the two men know that this conversation is over. Even so, Aizawa has one more question to ask. “You seemed nervous telling us this, any reason why?”

“I-i don’t want you to get the wrong idea..” She fumbles again trying to keep her straight posture and not wanting to cower.

“Try us, I’m an underground hero. My mind is pretty open.” Aizawa soothes and she sighs.

“When I made the report, I had only seen his face on the news. A couple days later I was curious to what this young boy had done that deemed him a villain. So I looked up that scene from the Hero Billboard Chart…” She trails off and looks away, playing with her fingers again and focussing on a child's drawing on the kitchen table. “My daughter, she… you know her quirk…The kids at school have already made comments and the teachers won’t touch her.” She tells them suddenly finding more confidence in her words. “I understand his words, I feel as if giving you this information betrays him in some way.”

“You wouldn’t be the only one.” Aizawa responds and she nods. They thank her for her time and excuse themselves from her home. The moment the door is closed behind them they both release their breaths.

They only dare to talk about it again when they are safe and sound at UA, once again in Toshinori’s apartment. “What did you gather from all that?” Aizawa calls out to him over his fourth cup of coffee of the day. “That Midoriya and Shigaraki sure made an impact on many who have been affected by today's society. Even on simple civilians whose children are being discriminated against from the age of five because of their quirk.” Toshinori replies honestly and Aizawa grunts in agreement. “I can understand Morita-san’s reserve. It was terrible for me growing up with my mental quirk. But I'm sure it was far worse for others. I remember Shinsou Hitoshi’s retelling of his primary and middle school years. It’s a real problem and it gets shoved under a rug because most of the time the victims do indeed become criminals or villains.”

“What did you take from what she said about that day at the mall and how her quirk may have affected both of them?” Toshinori asks and black eyes meet his solemnly. “It would make a lot of sense. Both of them have had genuine character changes, Shigaraki has lost his craze and his childish characteristics. Midoriya… well we’ve seen his changes.”

“They would have been confused together, if they talked and bonded someway, it must mean that both forgot who the other was. Sure they only met once but you would assume that it would have left a mark.” Toshinori comments, mumbling to himself but once again the younger man picks it up. His face lighting up with some form of clarity.

“If he believes he’s quirkless, it could also mean that he genuinely remembers it that way.” He prompts and Toshinori stands up straighter. “You think the recent memories that were erased were connected to his quirkless status?”

“We’ll never know. The problem with these types of quirks is that they are dangerous because if something like this happens, we can’t reverse it because it goes far deeper than one memory in time. We’ll never know what triggered the memory loss.”

“That also means we’ll never know what he does and doesn’t remember.” Toshinori deflates a little.

“No, that part is clear. If he believes himself to be quirkless, it means that all his memories leading up to and during UA are gone.” Aizawa solemnly elaborates. “Think about it, he doesn’t even remember meeting you in either form. That’s why he didn’t come any closer on that rooftop.”

“He was trying to understand who we were and why we were looking for him.” Toshinori says in a matter of realisation and Aizawa nods. “When we referred to him as Deku, he had the same reaction that he likely had that day in the mall when his friends called out to him.”

“He assumed they were degrading him and would hurt him. That they thought he was a Deku.” It’s all falling into place now, it's all starting to make sense. Yet the more they learn… the clearer it becomes that the way Midoriya is now… may not be reversible and that he truly is a villain now. Not because he’s evil or has been brainwashed, but because he doesn’t remember any other options open for him.

“Knowing all of this doesn’t help us get any closer to getting him back though. He won’t be swayed back to UA by us if he doesn’t remember who we are to him. He won’t believe us.”

A long silence passes between them before the younger hero speaks up again. “I don’t think we should sway him back either. He may be a villain, but he hasn’t caused any harm. So far all he’s done is speak his mind and he’s not wrong with the amount of evidence in society that backs him up. We saw that today. He has a plan to change things, that part of him isn’t gone. He was a hero once, we have to believe that those qualities haven’t changed. We have to trust our student.” Toshinori looks at Aizawa wide-eyed, not believing what he just heard. “You’re supporting villainy?”

“I’m supporting Midoriya Izuku. My student. Just like I support all the other hellions that were in the class with him.”

“How can you be so sure that he won’t harm anyone?” Toshinori sceptically asks and Aizawa shrugs. “I don’t but I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

They didn’t say anything else after that. Leaving that conversation there with the information that is still too new to properly digest. But Toshinori can’t forget what the woman had said about the analyst. If his suspicion was right and that the analyst was Midoriya… then Aizawa was right. Who he is, hasn’t changed… only the way that he wants to save people has.

What about you Toshinori? Do you trust your successor?’ A spiteful voice calls out to him, rewording Aizawa’s words of earlier. But the question haunts him. Does he? Because even now… he can’t be sure anymore.

He doesn’t really know what led him to finally come after weeks of putting it off. It’s almost been a month since Midoriya Izuku reappeared. He’d meant to come by even if it wasn’t official… but he couldn’t bring himself to do so with nothing to show for than empty promises. Aizawa and him had been the first to move to bring him back, to find out what had happened and bring him back. But now it was looking like Aizawa believed they should leave him where he is and see what he does instead. Now that they know what happened and they can rule out that he’s being held against his will. But it doesn’t feel right. Toshinori had promised himself he would help the boy, that he’d make up for the mistakes he’s made. He thought that finding him and bringing him back would be the way to do so. Now he wonders whether leaving him would be fairer. The boy that he is… isn’t the one that Toshinori knows anymore, they don’t have that bond or connection anymore. He doesn’t have the right to assume what would be best for him.

He finds the correct door immediately, he’s never been of course… but Midoriya always gave him clear instructions each time he invited him over. The boy had wanted him to meet his mother, not to share their secret, though he’d assume maybe that was part of the reason. The reason he always gave is because the man was important to him, as a mentor and as a hero. He never came though, another regret that he’ll likely never be able to make up for.

He takes a deep breath before knocking. The door opened curiously and Toshinori wasn’t ready for the face that stared back at him. Like mother, like son.

“Midoriya Inko, my name is Yagi Toshinori. I was a teacher at UA when your son was a student there. May I come in?”


This was kind of fun to write because they figure out what happened in a way but they have no idea what's going on.
In case you are wondering, the analyst that the woman was talking about /is/ Izuku. He's honestly offering his talents to kids and anyone who was misdiagnosed to get to learn more about their quirk. For adults he asks for a small fee, for kids and teens its free.

Chapter 8


Team bonding. Toga and Dabi get homework and Izuku slowly goes down trauma lane.


Twice and Mr. Compress make an appearance and so does someone else... a little member of Izuku's former UA life...
(Mentioned bad parent Inko)

This chapter took a while to write... don't know if it was because I was studying for exams this week or because of the outline of this chapter, but it's done!


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku is reminded by their latest additions to the team, when he stumbles down for breakfast. Dressed in his usual sleep shirt that he borrowed from Tomura and his lounge shorts. The coffee pot half filled and still hot to the touch is what has him blinking faster to have his brain reconnect. “Morning squirt.” A gruff voice calls out to him from the kitchen table. Dabi.

The raven haired man smirks at the greenette’s attire and Izuku glares at him, daring him to say anything. The man seems to respect that and continues to sip his coffee instead. “Do you need to pick up any of your stuff from your old place today? I can always help.” Izuku offers when his coffee is done and he is more ready for early morning socialising. The older boy eyes him curiously before frowning lightly. “Nah, no need. That sh*t can burn for all I care.”

“Ok, then go back and do so. Don’t want anyone looking for you until you are ready to be found again.” Izuku settles after pouring himself another cup and Dabi chokes on his coffee, not expecting that attitude from the greenette. Izuku smiles at the scene. “What are you smiling about?” Dabi huffs as he recovers from his sputtering over his coffee. Izuku looks down sheepishly. “Nothing. You just made my day.”

“Fan-f*cking-tastic.” Dabi mutters back before the two resume their silence of simply co existing during their breakfast. Izuku decided he might as well get his notebook out and start working out some ideas that came to him during the night.

“Where the f*ck do those keep coming from?” Dabi comments perturbed and Izuku shrugs with a grin. “I learned to not bother asking and just accept that they appear.” Tomura replies in his stead and Izuku lifts his head up to welcome the incoming kiss from his boyfriend. Which Tomura grants him happily. “Besides, good always comes from what he does in his notebooks so I don’t bother with the how.” He adds as he settles down next to the greenette and looks between the two cups on the table. “Did you leave any coffee for the rest of us?”

“I’m not going to lie to you and you already know the answer.” Izuku deadpans and Tomura stands up again to make a new pot. “You could have at least put another pot on.” The older boy mutters and Izuku sighs. “You weren’t there at the time so I didn’t think we’d need to and it would have been a shame to let it go cold in the meantime.”

“I’m sure you would have drunk it by then.” He retorts with a pout and a scrunched up nose and Izuku holds him back from cooing to defend himself. Which honestly it's too early in the morning for and not enough coffee in his system. “And then we’d be right back here. Look, I need the brain fuel, you just need it to keep you from murdering the next bystander that irritates you.”

“Well I could just go around killing whomever I please, but I don’t because I'm trying to be an honest villain for you, Bunny. I think I should get a reward for that.” Tomura’s pout deepens and Izuku does coo then. “And you do, I give you lots of kisses, lots of love. We probably have more sex than the average couple. I’m a good boyfriend.” He tries to reason, standing up to go over to him and hug his boyfriend's waist.

“He just won’t share his coffee, Shig. All couples have their boundaries, yours is the coffee pot.” Dabi chimes in, pouring a new cup for himself. Looking amused at the morning drama before him, and Tomura growls at his coffee pot in the spiky ravenette’s hands.

“Is it too early to ask what the plans are regarding the flaming trash can?” Dabi asks, sipping his coffee. “I’m one coffee cup short.” Izuku bargains and Dabi looks down at the pot in his hands and at the growling villain behind the greenette. “I’ll ask later. Don’t wanna get between you and Hand Job.” He shrugs towards Tomura in his reference and Izuku smiles. “Oh, and Dabi?” Izuku suddenly remembers his promise during their meeting. The blue eyed boy turns to face him curiously. “Yeah?”

“I’ll let you know when your quirk training starts. I want your quirk fully functional when we make our next stand.” The boy nods and grins. “You got it, Zuku. Looking forward to it.” And Izuku suspects he really is. Not only would they finally be going after his abuser, but Dabi would be able to show how wrong his father was in more ways than one. It would be interesting to see what cold flames do to warm ones. Something that has scientifically never been tested.

Tomura grabs the discarded pot, from where Dabi put it down on his way out, in a huff and pours himself a cup. “All i wanted was a cup of coffee…” He mutters, Izuku places a kiss on his pout and that has him halting his sour mood. “We need to start adjusting to this new dynamic, Tomura. It’s not just you and me anymore.” Crimson eyes find emerald green and then give the greenette a good look over, frowning as he stops at the shorts Izuku’s wearing under the shirt. His gloves hands grab for his boyfriend's ass underneath the shorts. “I’ll miss seeing you, in all your barely dressed glory, in our kitchen first thing in the morning.” Izuku blushes and ducks his face in Tomura’s sweatshirt. The older boy chuckles at the reaction and holds him close.

“Auww you guys are adorable!” Toga coo’s from the entryway to the kitchen and Tomura removes his hands from underneath Izuku’s shorts. Grieveing the touch already. “If you want coffee you’ll have to make a pot.” Tomura tells her and she co*cks her head. “Oh, no thank you. I’m just here for my morning cup of blood, now that I can have it without hunting for it. It feels so luxurious.”

Any attention that Izuku may have had for his boyfriends was gone in a second as he jumped out of Tomura’s hold to address the blond girl. “Is the blood to your liking? Are there any blood types you prefer?” She pours herself a cup of blood out of a blood bag while he gets his notebook from the table and searches for an empty page to take notes on. Toga just watches him amused. Answering what she can before he sets off rambing again, he stops a couple of moments later to chew on the end of his pen before addressing her again. “I’m setting up quirk training with Dabi, do you want to do the same in regards to finding out what else your quirk can do?” She ponders it for a moment before nodding happily. Her lips tinted red from the blood she just drank. “It’ll be no use drinking my blood, I'm quirkless and Tomura’s quirk was difficult to master… but will find you something.”

She smiles then. “Or we can always go hunting.” She suggests and Izuku hums and frowns. “That won’t do though because we might need to know everything about them for it to be useful. For example one of my theories around your quirk that I want to test out is the one that allows you to use the quirk of the person’s blood you drank.”

“It wouldn’t help if you just got any stranger's quirk because you’d have to analyse them using it first…” Tomura chimes in and Izuku nods. “Is there anyone’s quirk that you know that I could hunt?” She asks helpfully and Izuku is about to decline until an idea sparks in his mind. There are many quirks he’s analysed in the past from seeing them, many from people close to him and from heroes. Some would be difficult to get too… but others would be much easier. He looks over at his boyfriend for a moment with a gleam of mischief in his eyes.

“Did you bring the box of my HAF notebook collection over?” Hero Analysis for the Future his childhood notebooks. He’d meant to go visit his mother sooner or later. Ideally he’d go give Katsuki a scare, but with the apparent new dorm system at UA, that will prove unnecessarily difficult. Tomura grins back. “Of course I did, Bunny. They are precious gems of your genius.” He leaves to go get them and when he returns, he’s brought the whole box. By that time, Dabi’s returned to come to attend to the chaos that is now happening in the kitchen. “Wow, so this is what happens when he’s had his fill of coffee.” Dabi notes to himself and Izuku turns to greet him with a playful grin. “Welcome to the party.”

“What’s all this?”

“Izuku’s analysis on every quirk he’s come across since he was four.” Tomura deadpans and Dabi’s eyes bulge out of his head at the amount gathered over the years. “Ok, I'll admit. This is kinda freaky.”

Izuku ignores the comment and goes through the box looking for the ones he needs. When he was a kid and still quirk hopeful he was hellbent on knowing everything on his mother and fathers quirks, since it was likely he’d get a variant of either. When his quirk didn’t come in… he still continued analysing them because he was simply fascinated by that point. His mother humoured him at the time, his fathered f*cked off when he found out he had a quirkless son. Everyone always called this hobby creepy and called him a freak for it. When he started analysing hero fights and going out of his way to find hero fights to analyse, that’s when his mother became less supporting. Insisting that it was a dangerous hobby and that he had to be careful because he wasn’t like other kids. When he came home with burns and bruises it was always his fault for not being careful and not remembering his place on the bottom of the food chain. His mother was a nice and caring woman, she had many good qualities as a mother. But she was always in a state of denial when it came to Izuku’s quirk status. Anything relating to it, any treatment he got for it… didn’t exist for her. Izuku struggled alone for years with the bullying, treating his own burns and wounds in the bathroom. She always saw them and never asked, never helped.

“Ok, these are the ones. Luckily these are from my early years so they are uncoded. Unluckily I was five till seven when I wrote these so it's in kindergarteners speak.” Izuku tells them, piling the notebooks separately and closing the rest of the box to put on the ground.

“We’re going to read through these?” Toga asks hopelessly and Izuku smiles. “Nope, you are. I want you to note all you can on a certain quirk I analysed to the fullest so that you understand it before you attempt to use it.” She sulks at that but takes one from the top of the pile and starts paging through it. “There are lots of different analysis here, which one is the one I’m looking for?”

“Midoriya Inko, but she’ll be more commonly known as mom in there.” yellow eyes shoot up to his in emmediate confusion and borderlining murderous intent. Izuku waves her concern off. “Don’t worry, she was a good mother back then. She became problematic later on.”

“I just wished parents let us do what we need to do.” she huffs and Izuku hums. “Well they think they know better.” he agrees and both scowl at the reminder of their parents. “So what will you be doing then?” Dabi asks from his position where he’s reading another notebook from the pile. Toga notices and calls him out on it in outrage that has the spiky haired ravenette grinning. “That's my homework, Dabi! You go do your own homework.”

“I can’t. My quirk is on probation.” He retorts back gleefully. “Besides, this sh*t is somewhat interesting. It's like a manual of someone’s weaknesses.”

Izuku glares at him for that comment. “That’s not what its for unless I deem it.” Dabi rolls his eyes. “But to answer your earlier question. I’m going out to meet a potential member. How familiar are you with a man named Giran?” The boy looks up from his book surprised with a raised eyebrow. “The broker? He deals with criminals and villains. He’s a bastard, but if he likes you than he’s very useful for gear and other products.”

“What do you know of his quirk?” Dabi sits up properly for this, closing the book on his lap. “Don’t know its name or anything, but don’t let him touch you. It messes with your mind.” Izuku nods, the warning clear. “Why’d you need to know?” He asks in a fake distressed tone and decides to Izuku humour him. “Because the guy I’m going to meet frequents the bar at which this guy does his business deals. Figured that’s not a coincidence.”

Tomura seems worried by all this information and steps forward from where he was leaning against the kitchen counter. “Want me to go with you? Be your backup if you are going into a criminal filled bar.”

“I’ll be fine Tomura.” Izuku reassures him and at that moment Dabi stands up, placing the notebook back on the reading pile. “I know the place well, I’ll go with him. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb. They aren’t very friendly to strangers.” Dabi eyes him smugly and Tomura crosses his arms. “Didn’t you just imply that this broker doesn’t like you?” he deadpans and Dabi smiles gesturing to the greenette. “Yeah, but have you seen Zuku’s face? What’s not to like about that?”

“Isn’t your quirk on probation?” Tomura retorts. “Yeah, but they don’t know that and my quirk is notoriously known.” Izuku rolls his eyes at their behaviour and Toga giggles behind him. “Don’t think of it as them assuming you need protection. Think of it as having scary dog privileges.”

In the end Dabi managed to wear Tomura out and Izuku just accepted that the spiky haired ravenette would likely become his guard dog in any future similar occasions. Tomura seemed less pleased by that new part of information but had understood that in this case it made more sense. Dabi had made sure to dress up in his usual ratty coat and clothes, a signature look apparently. While Izuku went with his more professional attire. This wouldn’t be a meet up on a roof or in some ratty abandoned playground. This would be in a social environment and he’ll need to look the part.

Dabi halted at the bar’s door, partway into a rusty alleway. “Ready to go squirt?” Izuku nods.

“In there, if you need to refer to me, call Midoriya.” He says in an even tone, readying himself to play his part and mask in there. “You got it, boss.” Dabi grins, liking the change in character. The dull look in the greenette’s eyes but enough life and manic showing through to show power in his stature. It’s still early in the day, so there is a lack of drunkards, but not none. Dabi spots the broker immediately and gestures to him with a nod of his head for the greenette to follow. Izuku nods in understanding and they slowly but demandingly make their way towards the man.

They don’t ask whether the seat at the table is available and sit down in front of the man. He makes a sound of protest at the interruption. “That seat belongs to someone else.” The man greets them groggily. “I’m planning on it. I’m here to meet an associate of yours.” Izuku responds evenly. “Do they know that?” The man inquires and Izuku crosses his gloved hands on the table. “We have a common associate. He’ll be interested.” The man scoffs and takes a drag of his sigaret.


“Member.” Izuku replies and the man doesn’t seem impressed or interested. Good. They don’t need him asking too many questions. Giran’s gaze moves away from the cold greenette before him and recognises Dabi in an instant. He seems a little more interested now. “Can I offer you any products?” He attempts to sway the fire user and the man shrugs. “I’m not here to do business Giran.”

“He’s with me.” Izuku states and the broker turns back to him, definitely interested now. “And who are you?”

“You’ll find out when that becomes relevant.” Izuku replies coldly and the man nods, respecting the anonymity. “I’ll find out. I’m good with finding information from faces.” The man attempts a hidden threat and Izuku leans back in his seat relaxed. His lips fighting a grin. “I’d like to see you try.”

Dabi taps him on the shoulder when a new figure walks into the bar. A man with a paper bag on his head. Izuku sits up straight again as the man walks closer to their table before stopping beside it. Giran looks at his associate with a smile and Izuku turns towards the newly arrived man curiously. He doesn’t offer his seat.

Jin Bubaigawara, I presume?” The paper bag nods and takes a chair from a nearby table to join. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. We have a common friend that recommended you to me. She believes that you would feel at home in the set up we’ve created. I’ve come to offer you that chance.” Izuku can feel Dabi look at the man judgingly but ignores him and keeps himself open and friendly. Or as friendly as can be in a bar surrounded by criminals where he is trying to protect his identity. “Toga Himiko.” Izuku gives her name out, she’s already known around these parts as a crazy middle school student going around draining guys. She has a reputation that’ll keep her safe. Bubaigawara relaxes at that name. “Is she okay? That crazy girl better be careful.” Izuku had expected the contradicting voices from him. “Yes, she’s safe and we are feeding her her required diet. She’s healthy.” The man seemed happy with that information. “You’re an outcast, we are too.” Izuku gestured between him and Dabi before continuing on a kinder tone. “We believe that your talents would benefit us greatly. Of course it’s always up to you.”

Izuku takes a napkin from the table and offers his number to the man. “You know how to contact us. Either way Toga would be happy to see you, Twice.” Izuku stands then and walks out of the bar. Dabi follows him side by side. The greenette doesn’t let go of his breath or his mask until they are a couple of streets away. “Didn’t know you had it in you, greenie.”

Izuku takes a breather and mumbles out a thanks. Dabi simply pats him on the back and chuckles. “It looks like you made an impression on Giran though. It’ll come in handy when we’ll start needing his produce.”

“He sells gear and support items right?” Izuku asks and Dabi nods his head to the side. “Among other things.” Izuku makes a mental note to keep that in mind and discuss it with Tomura to see if they could test out this broker.

“Midoriya?” A confused voice breaks him out of his thoughts and Dabi readies his hand in defence. Izuku slaps the arm away and subtly but firmly shakes his head. Instead Izuku reaches for his broad knife under his suit, no matter the outfit he makes sure that he’s alway decked in weapons. He turns to the origin of the voice to find a confused looking spiky red head. “Midoriya, it is you!” He says with a little excitement and Izuku feigns a smile. One look at the boy before him and he knows the boy has some type of skin quirk if he dares to leave his skin that revealed. Which means a knife fight won’t get him anywhere. It also means that even if Dabi could use his quirk, it wouldn’t work either. He carefully fumbles around for something and grabs hold of one of his gas cans. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, hero.” He sneers just as he pulls the ring from his gas can and throws it at the young boy, who as Izuku suspected immediately activates his quirk, turning his skin to some sort of hardened rock. Izuku indicates to Dabi a match and the older boy gets the hint and lights a flame on a finger and throws it at the gas. It won’t hurt the kid, but it will distract him and give them a chance to get far away before it clears.

“Fine magic trick you got there. Are you a magician?” A voice calls out to them from inside the alley that they ran to to take a breather. Far enough away from their hero encounter. They didn’t jump at the sound of the voice.

“Of sorts.” Izuku replies honestly and the voice shows themselves as a man dressed like a magician. Top hat, cloaked coat and a mask covering his face. “I’m a quirkless teen, I cheat to make my chances fair. But sure, let’s call it a magic trick.” He recognises the man immediately and knows that this information won’t hurt him in the long run. The man is a known thief by his record, but Izuku knows something that the police doesn’t. The man doesn’t keep anything he steals. He turns it over into cash and donates it to people who need it. Usually people in the dumps of society. His magician look comes from his entertaining gig as a magician, it’s also his cover when he has his thieving jobs. Izuku had spotted some of his cases over the last year and was amused by his skills. They were genuinely good, he was a master of the sleight of hand.

“You talk a lot about fairness. How do you plan to make it so?” the magician asks and Izuku straightens himself. “We’re not going after the innocents if that's what you mean. We’re going after the ones who abused their quirk and power by the title of a hero. The ones who influence tormentors and bullying in schools to kids with weak or villain quirks. We are going to be the voice for each one of us that slipped through the cracks because we didn’t have a flashy heroic quirk.”

“What is the outcome of this fight? A new world?” He inquires and Izuku answers evenly. “We will build up a new word justly to be rid of discrimination against quirks and quirklesness. Make a world of heroes where they don’t do their jobs for compensation but because they save people and bring peace and hope, like they started out as.” A long silence passes and Izuku can feel Dabi’s patience wear thin.

“I’m intrigued. I would like to join.” The magician steps forward and Dabi moves to stand between. “Back up there Houdini. We’re gonna need a name.”

“Mr. Compress. Would you also like a demonstration of what I could do?” Izuku looks past his scary dog and grins.

They finally make it back when it's a good ways into the afternoon and after stopping for a quick snack in the kitchen, Dabi grumbled something about needing a nap. “Don’t sleep too long Dabi! We have things to do!”

Tomura greeted him with a chuckle at the string of insults and curses the greenette prompted from the fire user and Izuku gladly greeted him with a deep kiss on his lips. “I missed you too, Bunny.” Tomura told him softly. “How’d it go?” Izuku caught him up on all that had happened and by the end Tomura let out a heavy sigh. “So what are your thoughts on my schizophrenic?”

“Well he was wearing a paper bag… so I think we’ll probably need to get him a suit. The broker guy that was there, Dabi says he’s in the market for gear and support items for the underworld. So once we get all our members settled, we might need to invest in some new supplies.” Izuku suggests and Tomura nods in agreement. “I’ll check it out. In the meantime, your student did all her reading and now she just needs the blood.”

“Ok, we’ll head out to get it tonight. Then I can also get a read on her night time skills. Hit two birds with one stone.” Izuku makes a move to stand, to let the blond know but Tomura grabs onto his wrist, halting him. “Do you want to talk about her?”

“She stopped being my mom the moment she decided to ignore the burns and bruises. Now she’s just a convenient woman that I need blood from.” Izuku replies calmly and the words don’t even hurt to get out. Tomura does not look convinced. “I want to go with you. Please don’t make me let you go alone.”

“I don’t want you anywhere near there, Tomura. That place has no good memories left for me. I want to keep the best thing I have away from a stained place.” Izuku pleads and Tomura’s eyes soften. Izuku’s lips tug into a small smile. “Besides your schizophrenic might show up tonight, you can’t let Dabi be the only one to welcome him.” Tomura doesn’t try to hold back the small smile of his own. Izuku lets himself be pulled into his boyfriend's arms. “Don’t engage, Bunny. Don’t let yourself be known to her.” Izuku scoffs in the hug. “Last time she saw me she thought I was weak and fragile and hopeless. If she sees me now, she won’t in a million years think it's me. She won’t recognise me even if i looked straight at her.”

Izuku doesn’t wait for the door to be opened that far before he starts rambling. He doesn’t have much time and he needs to say a lot in that time. Cerulean eyes blink at him dumbly as he does.

“Ok so here is what I’ve learned so far about what I suspect your quirk is. Instead of Hellfire, your father’s quirk, you have the ability to produce a cool flame. The fire that you can create now that is blue and considered the hottest flame… is the entirely wrong way that you should be using your quirk considering the damage it has caused you. You don’t have any heat protection, but you do have Ice protection which is there to make you fire proof from your cool flame. If you are attached to the colour aesthetic of your flame, do not fear a cool flame is a light blue or purple colour. So it will either match with your eyes or your scars.” Izuku takes a breath to look at the very confused spiky haired boy against the open door. “If you would let me in then this would make a whole lot more sense.” The greenette tells him and Dabi finally opens the door wide so that Izuku can settle on the desk chair with all his books in tow. “That’s going to be my reading work, isn’t it?” the older boy eyes the pile of science books with disdain and Izuku smiles. “If you want to learn how to work your quirk, you need to understand how to create the flame your quirk is made for. We’re going to have to erase all you know and start over. Considering your mind is in its maturing stages of life… that will be difficult. So yes, you will need to do some reading. Now luckily for you, these are my middle school science books so they should be easy.”

“Don’t you have someone’s blood to go suck for our resident vampire?” he snarks and Izuku rolls his eyes. “No, that's tonight. Anyway, unlike hot flames that need fuel to spark, a cold flame works a little differently in science, it's a combustion that's formed by a specific air-fuel combination. Also, it's not as dangerous as a hot flame, the flames don’t burn or ignite matches. They don’t require an external ignition source, such as a spark.” Izuku finishes his ramble and takes the candle out of his pocket and the lighter.

“Take this lighter, inside it there is fuel. Due to the mechanics of the lighter, when you flick it on it creates a spark that makes the flame.” Izuku puts the lighter down. “A cold flame wouldn’t need this spark. My theory is that your jackass father spent too much time forcing you to produce a hot flame, that he never noticed you were hurting yourself not immediately from the flame, but because you were trying to produce something that your body didn’t have. I’m also going to assume that he made you train during the day.” Dabi nods a little dazed from the overload of info but regardless still following.” Izuku sighs to himself and Dabi smiles at the fact that the greenette looks like he wants to scream at the flaming trash can. “Cold flames can hardly be seen in the daylight, they also don’t produce heat.” And suddenly it all makes sense. “If I would have started out using my quirk the way it was supposed to be… I wouldn’t have been able to see it in the day or feel the heat of it against my skin…”

“Didn’t you ever use your quirk on your own?” Izuku asks softly and Dabi shakes his head. “My sister and brother weren’t fire proof and even if they weren’t his proteges, he didn’t want them to get potentially hurt. I was only allowed to use my quirk during training.” Izuku nods understandingly. “I want you to read these books and once you understand the scientific formation of the flame, I want you to try creating one. In theory, a quirked flame is different from a real one. So even though the cold flame doesn’t burn in science, it doesn't mean it won’t burn for us.” He places the candle on the table and stands up.

“Something we’ll experiment with later.” Dabi finishes for him and Izuku nods in agreement, happy that his student understands the principle of baby steps.

“Hey, squirt?” Dabi calls out just as he’s about to close the door behind him, Izuku turns towards him, eyebrow raised. “Thanks.” Izuku smiles.

“You’re welcome.”

Tomura finds him in their room just as he’s dressing himself in his gear. The suit is nice and all, makes him feel powerful and not to be underestimated, but it's no use for running through alleys and over roofs for what he’s about to do tonight. The older boy comes to wrap himself around Izuku’s waist and the greenette gives up on fumbling with his weapons. “You are lucky that my knives aren’t cooperating with me tonight.” Izuku grumbles and Tomura kisses his neck lightly. “Relax, Bunny and let me help.” He pulls back from the younger boy’s waist to lift Izuku’s jacket and place his broad knife across the waist of his back and then continues handing his boyfriend the smaller knives to sheath all over the hidden pockets of his gear. When he’s done Tomura turns him around to place a kiss on the greenette’s forehead. “Why do parents allow their kids to suffer? Why did my mother ignore my pain for her sanity? What about mine?” Izuku whispers to no one in particular and Tomura holds his face in his hands carefully. “Because they aren’t good ones, and that isn’t our fault. That is theirs. We aren’t any less worthy of love just because they decided they wouldn’t bother with truly caring for us.” Izuku nods, his face blank but betrayed. “She has no idea what she missed out on, Izuku. You are incredible and one day we’ll show the world.” Izuku nods again but looks up at his boyfriend this time. “You are incredible too.” Tomura smiles at the compliment. A knock disturbs their moment of peace and a blond head pokes through, eyes closed though. “I’m just coming to see whether Zu-chan is ready. I’m not peeking for nudes, Shiggy.”

Izuku laughs and she opens her eyes, grinning a little herself, showing off those fanged teeth. “Let’s go. We have some blood to go hunt.” Izuku moves towards her and the door and she opens it further to allow him through. “Be his scary dog, Toga?” Tomura calls out to them and Toga turns to him with a grin as wide as the Cheshire cat. “I’ve got his back.”


All that speak about Dabi's quirk is my vague understanding of what the wikipedia page was going on about... don't quote me on any of this I never did science.

My sources are:

knock yourselves out if you are interested ;)

Chapter 9


Inko is a delightful red flag blowing in Toshinori's face


Denial is a river in Egypt and Inko is drowning in it.


Chapter Text

“Midoriya Inko, my name is Yagi Toshinori. I was a teacher at UA when your son was a student there. May I come in?”

The green haired woman looks at him suspiciously and sceptically. Her eyes narrowed at him. “If you are coming to tell me that he lied on his transcripts about his quirk status then forget it! Just because he’s a villain now doesn’t mean he is quirkless and I won’t have you slander my son’s name like that.” Toshinori is taken aback by her brash words and accusative tone, but mostly his heart stops at the way that she spits the words quirkless out. Suddenly he fears that they have been looking in all the wrong places. Izuku might not be pretending to be quirkless if this is the way his own mother treated the word. He truly believes it and instead of cowering at the title, he’ll stand strong against any one else who uses it demeaningly.

“No. I was his teacher at UA. I saw his quirk in action, Midoriya-san. I believe it is time we talked.”

She let him in, still a little guarded, but kindly once he started talking more about her son and his accomplishments as a hero student when he was teaching. She warmed up at that, giving her own stories of him as a child so happily running around in his All Might onesie wanting to become a hero and how proud she was that he got into UA and was well on his way to do so. He made his own dreams come true and woke her up of how horrible she had been in attempting to squash them when the doctor diagnosed him as quirkless. It seems she wasn’t the only one who discouraged him back then. It truly changed in a day for four year old Izuku. She had offered him some tea once she truly believed his good intentions. It’s after his second cup that he bravely decided to broach the subject that has been weighing on him. “Midoriya-san, I need to be honest with you. I should have met with you sooner as your son always wanted me too.” The woman puts down her own cup curiously and he continues. “I was a hero up until recently where I had to retire due to a fight leaving me too weak for hero work. I had known this day would come and had prepared for it by having a successor ready. That was to be your son, before he disappeared and came back announcing himself into villainy.”

“Oh that’s wonderful!” She says joyfully and he chuckles sheepishly. “Your son was quirkless, Midoriya-san, until I passed down my quirk to him. It’s a power that has been passed down for generations and he is the ninth wielder and last wielder. It had been created to defeat a great evil that I managed to finally defeat last year. Your son would have become my successor in a world of peace.” She huffs “Yes and then he decides villainy instead. Mitsuki thinks it's his quirkless childhood finally catching up to him. I keep telling her that the doctor was an idiot because clearly my son has a quirk. He was going to be a hero.”

Toshinori halts for a moment, blinking at her dumbly as he thinks her words over. She completely ignored anything I said?

“Yes. But he was quirkless…” He tries again and she chuckles darkly. “Yes, yes, and then his quirk came in at fifteen. They say that false negatives are rare, and well you know my son is quite amazing so it wouldn’t surprise me at all. In fact I was so happy for him when that quirk did finally come in. Far more powerful than his fathers or my own but maybe it's the power of it bottled up all those years!” She exclaims proudly and laughs to herself. “Mitsuki keeps trying to tell me that makes no sense, but that’s because she wishes her son was half as humble as mine.” She then snorts to herself. “Bakugou Katsuki, he was in the same class as Izuku since they were babies and then once again in UA. Can you believe it? Those two boys were always so close, I did warn Izuku that he had to stop being so clingy though.” She frowns a little before letting it go and going on and on about happy memories of her son with young Bakugou. “Midoriya-san. I’m sorry to have to tell you this. Midoriya wasn’t a false negative. The only reason his quirk came in is because I gave him mine—”

She eyes him insulted. “Excuse me, I was talking. Stop trying to interrupt me with your beliefs about my son. I know what you think you know of his quirk, but I can assure you. I know my son's medical and quirk history far better than you and I can assure you he was never quirkless.” She waves the thought away. “No, no, no. Quirkless kids are terrible little things, they are gloomy and they are so fragile you have to look after them around every corner as they grow up. They can’t do anything, they just take up space and money from everyone else. Really I’m surprised they still pop up, they are a fault in our evolution and really should just be put out of their misery.” Toshinori’s mind blanks at the information, as a quirkless citizen himself.

“No, no. My son is far from that sad existence. He is a wonderful boy with great potential… for villainy apparently. Is this a fase he can bounce back from? It would be a shame that with that quirk of his to be deemed a villain for the rest of his life. He clearly has a heroic one.” She goes on regardless of the fact that he’s no longer listening. “No, villainy is a permanent mark on your record. Though it can be argued that as he has not committed any harm to anyone that he is really just a vigilante.” Regardless that vigilantism requires illegal quirk use… which he’s not doing because he believes he’s quirkless. Well now it all makes a lot of sense doesn’t it. Boy is he glad he didn’t decide to make this visit with Aizawa-kun, the man would have ripped her to shreds by now. Heroic actions or not.

“Yes, my boy was always good like that—” She goes on praising the boy and all his accomplishments in school as Toshinori simply sits there wondering what it must have been like for Midoriya growing up with this mind set at home and then suddenly getting a quirk. For him it must have truly been a relief. Is that why he never came back home after the mall incident? Because he can’t remember the good that his quirk brought him, he didn’t dare return?

Toshinori had come to tell her what they had found and to tell her about the origins of her son’s sudden quirk. To apologise for not coming to her sooner about it all. But now he wonders whether that was all a mistake. Something in her praising about her son catches his ear. “—Of course he’s always been a smart one, far smarter than the rest of the boys his age, he was always researching and noting in his notebooks. I had to budget to keep being able to be provide his notebooks.” She looks down sadly at her cup of tea. “I don’t have any of them anymore though, I wish I did. The first one he ever wrote in had a whole collection of his drawings as a child. Always All Might, he was obsessed already back then. Clearly not anymore..”

“What happened to the notebooks?” Toshinori asks carefully. “Someone broke in a while back. It was a forced entry the police said, but they took all his notebooks. They left the rest though.” She shrugs. “I didn’t change the locks, I’d hoped it was Izuku and I want to make sure that the house is always open for him. I don’t know who else would want those ratty things anyway. All they hold is sentimental value, there is no actual value in his words. Besides his writing started becoming illegible the older he got so I would wish anyone luck trying to understand any of that gibberish.” Izuku’s writing was messy sure… but never illegible? Did he write in code because he knew his mother was reading them? Toshinori thinks it over as she goes on. He could tell her about the word on the street of a new analyst, but he suspects she’ll wave him off disbelievingly. The only thing she’s concerned for about her son, is his wonderful quirk and how he had all the makings of a grave hero.

“I’m glad he turned out with dreams of being better than what the world told him he was. His father would always say that he had to mind his words and mind, that some would consider him crazy or disturbing to listen to.” She says with the truest sensierity that he’s heard all the time he’s been here. “Midoriya once mentioned that his father left when he turned four.” Toshinori says and she nods slowly. “He said he didn’t want to raise a quirkless waste of space. He said it must have been my weak quirk that allowed our son to evolve backwards in the womb.” He stays silent at that, he doesn’t think that he could say anything to that if he tried. She shrugs again and looks at his now empty cup of tea. “I’m sorry, I’m sure you must have come to tell me something important and I have just been talking over you.” She pours him some more tea and for the first time this afternoon he has the voice to talk. But he can’t find it in himself to do so. This woman was left behind and insulted by her husband when their son’s diagostic came through. She raised him on her own for years and then he suddenly dissapears and repears to announce himself to villainy. She has the right to know that her son in likely suffering from memory loss and that he truly thinks he’s quirkless, having forgotten the quirk that he was given. That he was an analyst underground helping kids and adults who were misdiagnosed or discriminated for their diagnostic. How would she take any of it considering it goes against everything she’s been denying to herself. It would make him quirkless, a genuis analyst, a mumbler, an outcast of society. It would make him different. And that’t not what she’s been telling herself that her son is. Blissfully the sound of his phone ringing saves him from having to answer. His telltale ring tone makes the woman giggle a little. “A call is here! A call is here! A call is here–” He swipes to answer it and the ringing stops.

‘Toshinori, where are you?’ Aizawa’s tell tale voice demands in a breathy voice, he sounds like he’s running.

“What happened?” Midoriya-san seems intrigued as well but when he looks over she pretends as if she isn’t trying to listen in at all.

‘Red Riot just spotted Midoriya in the alleyways of Usuha city. I’m going down to Fat Gum agency to get his statement.’ Aizawa answers and Toshinori can feel his breath get caught in his throat.

“I’ll meet you there.” He clicks the call off and stands up immediately. Bowing slightly to his host. “My apologies Midoriya-san, but I must take my leave.” She nods hastily in understanding and rushes to the genkan to get his shoes for him. He bows again when they are on to thank her for her hospitality. “You came here to talk about the investigation regarding Izuku, didn’t you?” She asks in a small voice when she opens the door for him and he nods silently. “I don’t want to know. Let him come home on his own terms.” She tells him and he nods in understanding. She closes the door on him and he stands there for only a moment longer as he looks at the apartment door. I failed you in so many ways, young Midoriya.

The train ride isn’t that long to Fat Gum’s agency, only one or two stops. Aizawa is there waiting for him at the door of the agency when he arrives. “Let me talk. Apparently Kirishima-kun is a little bit spooked.” Toshinori nods and honestly, he’s a little spooked still from his previous conversation. Night had already started falling when he left the Midoriya residence, the sky darkening early, it felt fitting in a way. Time had slipped away while he was there, and it still feels as if it's slipping away without him now.

He’s brought back into the moment when Aizawa addresses his former student. The second year looking at them with a foreign look to his eyes.

“Kirishima. I understand that this has been an emotional event for you, but the investigation regarding Midoriya is confidential. I’m sure you would like to share this sighting with your friends, you can’t. He is now a ranked villain and anything concerning him and his whereabouts is strictly confidential to those who are following the investigation. Do you understand?” The red haired boy nods a little dazed and Aizawa clears his throat firmly. “Do you understand?” He repeats in a stronger voice and the boy jumps out of his stupor and nods equally firmly. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. Now can you tell us what you saw?” The red haired hero looks to his mentor and the paperwork he filled out on the table below and then back at his former teacher. “Yes. I know you filled in the paperwork, but I want to hear it from you.”

Kirishima sighs heavily as if he’d rather not, but starts talking anyway. “I was heading down my patrol route as usual and a couple of young boys walked out of an alley casually and they kept walking down the street. The street was a small one, hardly populated that early in the day. At night though it’s known to be crawling with low criminals and villains, there are some bars they populate and frequent in the area for deals and so forth.” Aizawa nods along as if he knows which area the boy is discribing. “I spotted the familiar green curls the instant I got close, and called out for him.” Kirishima’s browns scrunch up at the memory. “He flinched at the sound of my voice and I could tell that the guy beside him was readying for an attack, but it never came. He’d turned to me then and I called out in surprise and in joy that it really was him. I couldn’t believe that I had spotted him on my usual patrol.” He says the last part with a small smile. “He smiled at me when he turned but… it wasn’t a real one, he grimaced in a manic way and then he sneered at me when he said. ‘Pleasure to make your acquaintance, hero’. The next thing I know is that he’s thrown a gas can at me and that his friend set fire to it. Effectively ruining any chance of me going after them, when it cleared they were gone.” His eyes cast downward when he finishes and Aizawa sighs and ponders before pushing once more for answers. “Can you give us any discriptions to go by?” Kirishima raises his head and frowns. “Sure. Midoriya was wearing some sort of suit, he looked real fancy and was wearing these gloves on his hand. At some point it looked like he was reaching for something under his jacket and it shifted to give off a big outline so I think some sort of broad knife? The other guy had spiky black hair and was dressed in a ragged coat. His face was scared, it looked heavily burned and maltreated and he was keeping it all together with staples.” The red haired student sighed again and Aizawa frowned. Toshinori knows that face. He recalls the second description. “Can I go now? I promised Bakugou i’d study with him.” The hero student asks and Aizawa nods. “Thank you for telling us.” the boy nods. “Midoriya’s never coming back to school, is he?” He suddenly asks with very little hop in it and Aizawa loses his cold mask. “Likely not, but he’s doing what he thinks is right.” Kirishima nods in acceptance and leaves the room. Once the door closes behind him Toshinori turns to him. “You know who the other boy was with Midoriya.” It's not a question.

“Yes. He’s a arsonist that goes by the name Dabi. His quirk is legendary for its blue flame, hotter than Endeavours and out of control.”

“If he’s with Midoriya…” Toshinori trails off, after what they learned today and what he just learned from his students mother… the boy is good with quirks. Him analysing and gaining control of One for All should have said enough on that subject.

“Then it likely means his quirk will gain control soon. It also means that Midoriya and Shigaraki are requiting.” They shouldn’t have thought that while they were running after the truth of his change of character that he would have just been lying around. He made a public promise, of course that meant that he would start working towards it… they’d just forgotten that he was a villain now and not a student they could save.

“They are planning something.” Aizawa finishes and Toshinori nods darkly.

“And we need to decide what we do about it.”

Kirishima went back to the dorms that night. It didn’t matter that he’d promised his former homeroom teacher that he wouldn’t tell. He couldn’t lie to his best friend, not one that already lost so much and was in the dark about it all. He didn’t waste time finding the blond when he got back, avoiding everyone else in favour for Bakugou. He could hear the same video that he played over and over through the door. That one part of Midoriya’s speech at the Hero Billboard Charts. Midoriya had completely blown any attention away from the top ten heroes to himself in a minute flat. No one had known that he’d grown up quirkless, but one look at the blond when the info came out and there was their confirmation.

When he knocked and called out for the blond, the door opened. “What!” he asked, his eyes red and bloodshot. Kirishima forced himself not to stare. “I saw Midoriya today.” He said simple and the blond shoved him inside his room, closing the door fast and locking it. “What?!” He asks again less snappy and Kirishima repeats. “I saw Midoriya on patrol today. He sneered at me and then threw a flaming gas can at me.” Bakugou snorts at the information in amusem*nt. “That’s the nerds fight of flight instinct for ya.” Kirishima tries to ignore the hurt feeling at the endearing tone that the blond uses. Always for Midoriya, only for him. “What did you expect? He doesn’t want anything to do with us.”

Kirishima shakes his head. No, no. He knows what he saw. It's not that he didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, he didn’t recognise him. It's like he didn’t know who he was. “No, it wasn’t like that. It was like he didn’t recognise who I was.” Bakugou looks up at him in confusion. “Huh?”

“He looked at me and there was no sign of recognition. He just saw me as any other hero.” Kirishima admits for the first time out loud and Bakugou’s face drops. “Bakugou, something isn’t right. We need to find him and at least talk to him!” he tries and Bakugou shakes his head. “No, none of this we nonsense. If anyone is going to talk to him, it’s me and me alone.” Kirishima sighs heavily and looks at him worriedly. “I can’t let you go alone, we don’t know what’s wrong with him! He had no problem throwing flaming gas at me, what makes you think he won’t hurt you to?” Bakugou’s face only sets himself more determined. There is no breaking him down and convincing him away now, his facade breaks for a moment as he speaks, his eyes hurt and broken.

“I’m betting on the fact that he will, and I’ll be prepared for it.”

Chapter 10


Izuku spotted Toshinori leaving his mothers house.


The stories have crossed! Now they will move more or less parallel to one another.

Also this work reached 200 kudos!!! Thank you so much for everyone who's been leaving those!! That is so sweet and I am very moved by how much attention this work is getting. Thank you for all the nice comments too, they make me really happy and I can't thank you enough <3 <3 <3

Enjoy this chapter!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Night was falling when they got to the apartment block district, Toga stayed quiet the whole time which Izuku was grateful for because he wouldn’t even know where to start if she asked. They waited on the roof of the apartment block for a sign that they were all clear. They’d heard another voice inside when they arrived so they had held back and decided to wait. They didn’t have to wait long before a very familiar figure left the apartment, the lanky blond from the rooftop.

“Who’s he?” Toga sneers and Izuku shrugs. “I didn’t think he was important. That’s my mistake.” Izuku replies mostly to himself. Toga shoves at him in reply. “Follow him. I’ll get the blood.” She decides and Izuku sputters but before he can protest she’s shoving at him again. He watches her pull up her hood and mask. “Go, I can get the blood myself. You told me where to find the spare key and which window to climb out of on my escape. I know how to use the sedative. I’ll be careful. Go.” The last word she demands and points at the retreating blond figure and Izuku decides to relent and just go after him. “Ok, but once you’re done go home. Don’t worry about Tomura, I’ll talk to him.”

She nods. “Got it boss.” he nods at her and lifts his own hood and mask before following the lanky blond through the city.

He’s sitting on top of a roof across from Fat Gum agency when his phone vibrates in his pocket, he doesn’t even look to see who’s calling and swipes the number. He can see the shadowy figures inside still moving so he guesses he has time. He saw Eraserhead again waiting for the blond and they went in together. They’ve been in there for 10 minutes already. “Izuku speaking.” He replies into the phone and grins when he recognises the voice on the other side. “I googled you. I liked what you said in that speech of yours. Meh, It could have been better. I want to help you, and I want to find meaning in something that I do. We don’t need anyone but ourselves, leave us alone!” Izuku ignores the contradiction. “I’ll text you the address, my partner will give you the details of how it all will work. I’ll look forward to working with you Twice, you’ll be great with us.” Izuku smiles wide, happy that they manage to get the man. His quirk is truly extraordinary, he’d love to analyse each nook and crack of it. When the call ends Izuku decides to text his boyfriend the update on a new member and a warning of the visitor arriving soon. He also decides to update him on where he is and who he’s tracking. The reply comes lightning fast and Izuku knows the older boy likely isn’t happy about the later change in plans. But Izuku doesn’t have time to reply as the figures inside start to move. A red haired boy leaves the building in a hurry and it only takes one more glance at him to notice the boy as being the young hero that recognised him this morning. So the blond is related to UA. That only strengthens his resolve to follow the blond to find his connection to Inko. But he does follow the red haired until he’s out of sight, he looks down in the dumps by posture alone. Must’ve had a bad day after being gassed and then threatened to be set on fire. Some weak ass heroes right there that UA spits out.

The blond comes out five minutes later with Eraserhead beside him. Izuku knows that the underground hero has a patrol now and so he isn’t surprised when the two split. He is surprised however when Izuku suddenly is no longer alone on the roof. “Huh, I thought Shig was kidding when he said he placed a tracker in your phone.” Toga giggles when she lands beside him and Izuku nearly shrieks out of his skin. “Any idea why the blond twig was at your mothers?” She asks him following his gaze to the blond waiting for a train it seems. “Not yet, but I know he has a connection to UA, so I suspect he’s going back there. We can’t risk going anywhere near UA with Nedzu watching those camera lines like a hawk.” Izuku mutters and she frowns in thought. “You spot a quirk on him yet?”

Izuku shakes his head and suddenly she’s off, jumping off the low roof he’d been spying from and running casually through the crowds of people towards the blond man. It takes Izuku a second before he understands what she’s doing when he sees a syringe at the ready. “f*ck.” He mutters but doesn’t go after her, if he follows he’ll only draw attention to her. He throws himself into a muttering storm as he watches her sneak up to the blond and prick him for his blood in the crowd and jumping back before he even noticed. She was back on the roof beside him efficiently quick with a wide grin on her face. “Sucking blood is so much easier when you have a weapon to do it for you.” She frowns a little. “Though it does take the fun out of it when I don’t suck with my fangs.”

“Did he get any indication that you were there?” Izuku immediately asks and she shakes her head. “He only might have felt me pull the needle out, the rest was painless.” Izuku nods in relief. “How much did you get?” She shows off the vial proudly, it's completely full. “This is more that enough to use his identity to scope out UA.” She tells him proudly and he frowns a little not wanting to bring down the mood with realistics. “Yeah, but we’d still need an ID card of sorts to get in.”

“Like this?” She pulls out a white magnetic card and the UA stamp has Izuku lunging for the card. “We need to hurry. If he gets to UA and notices it gone, Nedzu will erase any useful info from the card.”

The moment they get to the base, both rush past everyone to get to the office and jump on the nearest computer for Izuku to hack the card. Toga leaves for a moment to go place the vial of blood in a cooler case before rejoining him on time to see the greenette hack the info from the card and save it onto the computer safely without compromising their location. He ejects it right before the card shuts down. “Well, the card is useless now, but the information is priceless!” Izuku jumps off his chair to hug Toga in excitement and it sends them toppling to the ground. “You are incredible Toga! Thank you!”

“What can you do with all this?” She asks curiously and Izuku grins wide. “We can use the blood you got for us, to get you into UA.” she returns the grin. “We’ll need a plan then, because that vial of blood will allow me to transform for 18 hours as him, but I'll assume we wouldn’t want to waste it all in one go.” Izuku shakes his head in agreement but doesn’t lose his smile. “And while you’re there, it wouldn’t be stupid to get some other samples of blood. But we’ll get to that later.” She giggles in agreement and Izuku laughs back.

“What the f*ck is going on here?” Tomura grumbles from the doorway and he does not sound happy. One look at him has the greenette wondering why he looks full of murderous rage and then he gets it. He’s lying on top of Toga, who in turn is holding onto him. He jumps to stand as fast as he can, pulling Toga up with him because he is still a gentleman. Even if he thinks Tomura would have preferred him to leave her on the ground. “Oooh, someone looks like they’ve been caught.” Dabi chimes in jokingly and Izuku sends him a glare. “Nothing was going on.” Dabi only grins and Tomura looks pissed and irritated. Toga pokes her head out grinning at the boys. “Except that we now have a blood sample of a UA resident and Izuku managed to hack into their card on time to get the info before the Rat deleted it.” Dabi’s jaw satisfyingly drops to the floor and it has Izuku grinning proudly if not blushing a little under the scrutinising glare of his boyfriend. “And how the f*ck did you get that?”

“I think it’s time for a debriefing.” Izuku says instead and Tomura’s glare only becomes more irritated. ”Fine.”

When Izuku and Toga have caught both boys up to speed, Dabi hums. “Well this is certainly going to be interesting. They likely don’t know we have any of this yet, they won’t see it coming.” Izuku nods and frowns lightly. “True but once we do play this card, they will and they’ll start to put up countermeasures against us.” He sets down his pen on his open notebook where he took note of everything they got out of this night's excitement. They had relocated to the office table so that they could all sit around it comfortably and so that in the end, Izuku could use the blank wall behind his seat to project the next best thing. Their plan. But first, they were waiting on some guests.

“So we make sure we use it wisely.” Tomura counters.

“Ideally we would need multiple Toga’s.” Dabi lazily comments and Izuku doesn’t even hide his happy grin. “Well then its a good thing that our newest member has the ability to make doubles of all of us.” This seems to spark interest in the spiky ravenette and Toga gasps at the information too. “Jin?” Izuku nods once and she squalls in glee. Tomura’s phone then pings as if announcing the man and a swift glance at the text has him grinding towards her. She jumps up and runs out of the door to go get him, she comes back through the door hitching a ride on his back as he carries a box of his belongings with him. Izuku and Tomura stand up together and Toga gets the hint enough to take the man’s belongings and skip off to bring it to his room. Izuku nods at the stray look the confused man sends him and he follows after the skipping blond girl. “So that’s the schizophrenic?” Dabi comments and Izuku sends him a glare in reply. “He’s not schizophrenic, he’s likely OSDD.” Izuku corrects, ignoring the older boy’s point behind the comment entirely.

They had to wait on their last member before they could continue the briefing that they had started when Izuku and Toga returned. Mr. Compress made his dramatic arrival with his belongings only a half hour after Twice and after Tomura’s attempt to get the man’s name and failing. The rest of the team voted him in, leaving the boy rather irritated at being outvoted. “When did this team become a democracy?” Tomura grumbled when he took his seat beside Izuku at the head of the table. Izuku only gave him a kiss on the cheek for his loss. Happy that he got all the members he wanted and that they can now work on fitting in his plan.

“Now that you are all here. It’s time to begin phase one of our plan.” Izuku sends a look to Dabi asking for permission and a subtle nod has him continuing. “I said in my speech that we would go after the heroes who didn’t deserve their title. Shockingly enough there are a lot of them, but why grab at the ones at the bottom of the food chain if you can get the Number One hero instead.” Izuku swipes his powerpoint over to a lovely picture of Endeavour before swiping again to some screenshots of the numerous allegations against the man.

“The HPSC has been protecting Endeavour because of his rank, he has been reported for abuse, neglect, forcing his wife into a quirk marriage and then getting her committed after she finally snapped to years of abuse. We have insider information that only adds to his actions. This man is a monster and yet he is allowed to wear the title hero.” Izuku swipes for the next slide. “Not only is he a monster behind the mask, but when calculating the damages from his villain fights, this man has no care for civilians or property damage. His brash attitude towards fans is one thing, the downright disrespect of their lives on the other hand should not be allowed. It should not be praised. As the Number One hero, everything he is and does is automatically praised and seen as an example for others, it doesn’t send a good message. He’s the first one we are taking down, and to be honest it’s gonna be too f*cking easy.”

After showing more slides of personal information about his quirk and personal habits Izuku moved on to the concrete plan. “Taking down a hero of such a high rank requires careful planning and choices.” he swipes his slide again. “Last time we made an impact by crashing their Hero Billboard Chart, the true mockery of today’s hero society. This time, we won’t be going to a publicised event. That’s not to say it won’t get out, no, no, no. This will make the news, because when we are done, not even the Hero Commission can protect their hero from lawsuits and police arrest.”

Dabi is the first to raise his hand in question to which Izuku gladly allows. “How did you get all this info?” I didn’t give you any of this. Was unsaid but Izuku understood it. “I hacked the Hero Commission databases, it allowed me to hack into the social databases too. That’s how I got all of your info prior to you joining.” Izuku pulls up their digital files to prove a point. “So meeting us was actually more of a formality?” Dabi summarises and Izuku shrugs. “Your file says one thing, meeting you says another. We didn’t pick you for the team by your file.”

“Yeah! Don’t judge a person by their criminal record! That’s some sh*tty logic of leadership.” Twice chimes in and Toga in turn speaks her mind as well. “This is getting boring, get to the fun part!”

Izuku huffs and Tomura grins at his scowling boyfriend. “We’re going to expose him at the upcoming Hero Gala.” The room goes dead silent and Mr. Compress is the first to speak afterwards. “How do you plan to infiltrate an event hosted by the number one hero school? A school run and protected by Nedzu?” Izuku grins proudly. “Glad you asked. See the fact that we are moving this plan forward now is not a coincidence.”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re going to use the blood Toga got and the cards data you managed to snag.” Dabi interrupts and steals the suspense with a bored yet intrigued expression. “How come they are doing this year's Gala at UA? Usually they host these fancy digs at Hero Commission locations.”

“After the Midoriya and Shigaraki crashed the Billboard Charts, an event hosted on the Commission's authority and protection, they decided to bring the Gala to UA instead as they realise that Nedzu’s school defences are that of a nightmare to break into.” Mr. Compress gladly informs and the spiky ravenette scrunches his face in answer. “How are you going to go on par with the Rat?” He asks Izuku again and Izuku smiles. “His school is a maze? We’ll have him chasing his own tail trying to catch us. Because if there is one weakness that Nedzu has, it is that he can’t possibly be outdone. His quirk allows him to predict a thousand different strategies, we will confuse them all. I’m not going to go head to head with him, we’ll just make him think that.”

Mr. Compress had originally decided not to live on base, having said that he had his own place for privacy. But after hearing the plan he’d decided back on that and had gone to get some of his belongings to settle on base. Izuku had been the one to lead him to his room and give him the house rules while Tomura fought Twice in the kitchen for dinner at 1am because none of them were supervised and Mr. Compress didn’t have the authority yet to adult them. “If you need anything else, mine and Tomura’s room is on the top floor. We’re also the only ones up there so we are easy to find.”

“Any hours I should be consciously aware to avoid your floor?” The man asks inquisitively and Izuku thinks on it before shrugging. “We don’t adhere to a recurring pattern, so I can’t give you an estimate.”

“If you hear moaning, just turn around.” Tomura chimes in as he comes behind Izuku to wrap his arms around the greenettes waist. “All done?” He asks his boyfriend and Izuku looks up at the magician before them. “I understand that you have a job outside of this?” Mr. Compress nods and Izuku hums. “Then just update us on your schedule or ins and outs.”

“Of course.” He does a little exaggerated bow to make his leave and enter his room. Izuku chuckles at the gesture and when the door closes his chuckles turn to giggles at the tickling trail of kisses that Tomura starts leaving on the nape of his neck down across his collarbone and shoulders. “You like people bowing for you, bunny?” He purrs between his kisses and Izuku blushes a little at the thought. “Would you bow for me, Tomura?”

“I would bow, kneel and beg for you, bunny. And only you.” He replies without a doubt. Izuku turns to him in his hold, wrapping his own arms around his boyfriend's neck. “I would too, only for you.” He replies a little more softly before leaning in to kiss Tomura. The kiss turns heated fast and before they know it Tomura has Izuku pressed up against a door as the greenette lets out sinful sounds between their kisses. A door opens somewhere in the distance before a weird sensation prickles between them and they pull apart to find Dabi at the end of the hall. Pissed.

That’s not what Izuku focusses on though, his eyes catch on the way that Dabi’s posturing his hand. In the darkness of the hall, he can see flickers of a light source emanating from his hand. “You did it!” Izuku exclaims, lightly shoving past his boyfriend to go to the other boy.

“You could have burned us!” Tomura shouts enraged at the fire user, Dabi shrugs at the accusation. “Nah, a cool flame doest burn and even if it could I haven’t developed it to that point yet. It just makes for a pretty good point.” He grins as he plays with the flame a little, Izuku’s bouncing around the flame, watching it dance in the boy's hand without burning or hurting him. “How did you do it?”

“I was reading your books and trying to light the damn candle that was judging my attempts and then I heard you in the hall. With your oblivious disconcern for anyone else who might not want to hear your moaning and f*cking what else.” Dabi gets more irritated as he goes own and the flame in his hand dances higher and higher. Izuku eyes it curiously before raising a brow somewhat concerned. “You developed your quirk in anger at us?” When its clear that that was indeed the reason he clicks his tongue. “We’ll need to talk about that and see whether we can get you to move forward in controlling it on other emotions than anger. Anger might be a good motivator but its not healthy and will hurt you in the end.” Tomura smirks as he makes his way to their end of the hall. Remembering Izuku working with him on his own anger to control his quirk better. It hurts, but it's worth it in the end. Personally, its how he and Izuku started learning more about each other, it's what led to them getting together. He’ll forever be thankful for the boy that helped him, saw him and everything he is and still managed to love him unconditionally.

“Ok, fine.” Dabi sighs, surrendering himself to anything the greenette wants. “But for tonight.” He lights hid hand up in emphasis. “Go to your own f*cking room or i’ll light you up!” Izuku smiles maniacally in the glow of the flames, leaving Tomura to drag his boyfriend along as he heads for their own floor. “Night roasty!” Tomura calls back to the fire user, earning him a couple of threats and curses that have him smiling with glee.

Izuku kisses him happily again when they get back to their room and the couple allows themselves this moment. They have their team and they will bring the change they promised. Now though, now it’s just the two of them on their blow up mattress as they fumble around in each others arms whispering sweet nothings and declarations of love.


And we are 10 chapters in, a beautiful round number.

Chapter 11


UA tries to gain information from the streets of villains gathering and the anonymous analyst.
Bakugou goes looking for trouble and as the saying goes he who goes looking for it, tends to find it.


A fun fact relating somewhat to this chapter:
A biological woman loses on average 60 ml during her period over the time of 4-5 days.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aizawa comes storming into recovery girls office just as the old lady rolls away from doing her tests. Nedzu sitting on a high chair beside Toshinori as he watches her work to make sure that everything’s alright. “From the test of your blood I just took, I can’t find anything being injected into your bloodstream. No drugs of any kind, no medical bugs either—”

“What happened?” Aizawa demands when he finds his voice admits his confusion. Toshinori looks up at him. “Uh, I’m not sure. I was waiting for my train after we separated last night and next thing I know I think someone stuck a needle in me.” He answers sheepishly at the unimpressed look he gets in return. “How do you not feel it when someone stabs you with a needle?”

“They were gentle!” He defends and Aizawa gives him a blank facial expression before turning to face Nedzu. “Did you see anything?” Everyone knows that he would have gone and checked the cameras in the city the moment he was notified. He shakes his head disappointed. “Too many people on the platform, though a figure on a roof nearby did catch my eye. The sneaky figure was hidden in the shadows so I couldn’t get a clear shot to manipulate the image. Whoever did this were smart to stay out of my line of sight.”

The two men share a look before Aizawa asks. “How tall would you say the figure was?”

“The shadow distorted his shape somewhat so it would be hard to tell.”

Recovery makes a thoughtful noise that brings everyone's attention back to her. “Looking at the other tests I just made, your body seems to be working the way it would if you had your blood taken. Your body's working overtime to regenerate what you lost.” She turns to face her patient. “So whoever stuck a needle in you, didn’t do so to inject you with something. They took your blood instead. By the shape of the needle wound left, I would assume they used a big needle too. With a needle that size and taking the time that they would have had before you noticed, they might have gotten away with 10 ml. Enough to fill a large vial.” She rummages around her drawers for a while before coming back with a vial for visual representation. “Its not enough to have left an effect on your body to feel it, but your body does notice it missing.”

“What would someone want with 10 ml of blood?” Aizawa asks, a little disturbed and the old lady shrugs. “There are many people out there with blood quirks who don’t have the means to supplement it in their diet. They have to find rougher ways of getting it.”

“It could also have been a means to get his DNA.” Toshinori tenses at Nedzu’s suggestion. “They won’t get anything from it, that power is not infused in my DNA anymore.” The principal thinks on it for a moment before he snaps his fingers at another realisation. “That’s not all they managed to take. They momentarily also took hold of your UA ID pass.”

“Momentarily?” Aizawa asks and Nedzu elaborates. “The moment that Yagi called me and told me he thought he might have misplaced it, I deleted any and all information that the card had on its system.”

“How large was the timeframe between the card's disappearance and the action? Do you even know when it truly was missing? How easy would it have been for someone to get the information before you were informed?” Aizawa starts pointing out at his old mentor which seems unperturbed at it all. “All the UA ID cards are personally designed and controlled by me, no petty blood stealing thief would be able to get its information.”

“What about an analytical thinking hacker?” Aizawa retorts and Toshinori watches at the Rat tenses a little at the suggested implication. “What are you implying Aizawa-kun?” The dark haired man takes a controlled breath before daring a glance at Toshinori. One that the blond doesn’t understand the meaning behind. “It would be illogical to assume this was a simple petty criminal that needed the blood. It could’ve also been someone with a plan for the blood and a means of hacking that card.” Nedzu co*cks his head curiously in interest. “Anyone you have specifically in mind?” Toshinori wants to jump in when he connects the dots but the dark haired man is faster. “I don’t have any proof yet.”

“But you have a suspect. I had wondered what happened to your little off-book investigation regarding Midoriya Izuku.” Nedzu is keenly interested as he stays focussed on his previous student, picking up on any tells he can spot. “I gave you the chance to prove the boy’s innocence, but if your investigations have been in vain and have instead proven the facts to be as we regarded them in the beginning. Then it would be highly illogical for you to hold this from me. Don’t let your pride get in the way of your duty as a hero and an educator. Don’t let yourself be the reason that innocents suffer.” Aizawa tenses at the accusation and Toshinori knows that their actions could be explained if they shared all that they found. But he also remembers the way Aizawa looked after they’d heard Morita-san's story. They’d decided to give the boy the benefit of the doubt, villain or not. But he’s on the move and planning something…should that be a sign to assume the worst?

“The investigation hasn’t been concluded yet.” Aizawa simply replies and Nedzu seems to think the words over before accepting them. “Right then. Give me a report of what you’ve gathered by the friday.” He says in a matter of finality, nodding to Toshinori before jumping of his high chair and walking out of the room. To climb into the vents back to his office the moment he’s out of sight no doubt. Aizawa releases a sigh the moment he’s gone and Recovery girl clicks her tongue at the reaction. “He’s right, you know. That boy may be too far gone for you to help.” Toshinori is the one to answer her. “That boy has a name, Midoriya Izuku, and he’s just trying to set the world right where it is going wrong. It is easy for us all to forget what others are suffering through from our place within these high walls. Midoriya is inciting hope to those who need it. He’s no different now from the hero he wanted to become. He’s just not doing it by the HSPC’s rulebook.”

Toshinori found Aizawa waiting for him in his apartment. He’d left after Nedzu did and Toshinori had gone looking for him the moment that Recovery girl was done with making sure everything was ok. He doesn’t want to think about how the younger man got into his apartment without a key. “Make yourself at home, i guess.” Toshinori comments in greeting and Aizawa simply continues to sulk on his couch. “I hate paperwork.” He grumbles and Toshinori chuckles. “I can help out with that part if that’s really what you think will be the hardest. But i think we should also discuss what you’ll want to tell him.”

“No.” Aizawa stands up suddenly. “I’m not going to tell him what we found so far, I’m going to give him reasons why we should let Izuku do what he set out to do.” Toshinori ponders the words for a moment before asking. “Do you wish someone had done this back when you were a child?” His erasure quirk… his soft spot for Shinsou Hitoshi with a brainwashing quirk, both mental like the young girl that set off this chain reaction. They would have all undergone the same type of discrimination in the space of three decades of ages. Nearly two generations that share the same story.

“Yes. And he’s doing it right. I’m not going to be the one to stop him.” Toshinori smiles at the dark haired man. “Neither am i.” he gets a small smile back.

“Good. Gear up, we’re going to stake out the area that Kirishima spotted him in and see what we can learn about his recruiting efforts.” Toshinori’s mind goes directly to his flashy All Might suit and grimaces. “I don’t think my former gear will work…” Aizawa gives him a glance over as if suddenly remembering his old suit too. “Do you own any dark hoodies?”

Turns out that the former number one doesn’t own anything that can possibly be used for a stake out where one requires to be somewhat invisible to a crowd. A relic of his American days no doubt, always showing off bright colours with a bright smile. So Shouta instead decides to take the man out shopping for more appropriate clothing for his new citizen status. A completely normal activity for two civilians to do on a day off. Shouta himself didn't change into his own gear. Deciding to live with a sense of anonymity himself, regardless of the knives strapped to various limbs. He refuses to go anywhere unarmed. Yagi seems to feel somewhat embarrassed by it all, it takes him a while to understand that the former hero might not be used to this type of activity. His former identity didn’t allow for many days off or breathing room to be able to do mundane things.

By the time that Yagi has found a good outfit that Shouta considers stake out worthy, they set off to start what they came out to do. In the daylight hours, running around on the roofs will bring attention to them so they stick to the roads and alleys. Also taking into consideration that Yagi might not be in the decent condition to even run or do parkour put another damper on the safety his roofs give him. But with the bustling of the crowds they didn’t stand out as they walked Kirishima’s patrol route that had led him through the alleys of lower criminals.

“I have some contacts that roam these areas, they might have the answers we need. Keep your head down and pretend that you don’t care when I’m talking to them, ok?” Shouta warns him and Yagi nods in understanding as the step into the first bar. Quiet given the early hour, but not empty. “Eraserhead, looking rather casual there.” one of his contacts remarks and Shouta turns to face the woman. “Magne.” He greets her and she raises her drink as a salute. “Any intel you may have for me?” He asks, settling against the bar close to her. Just like many of his contacts, she once again was titled a criminal for self defence gone wrong. In her case, the guys that attempted to attack her ended up brutally murdered. He’d been the one to originally arrest her and take her statement, he’d also been the one that decided that they didn’t need to take issue to court where she would be discriminated against for her trans status and instead gave her three months community service. She never forgot that and decided to pay him back in any way she could. He took her up on that a couple months later when he needed information and she managed to give him some.

“Depends on who you’re looking for.” She responds, eyes looking past him at Yagi who as agreed is minding his own business in a corner near the door. “A kid, Midoriya Izuku.” Her eyes snap back to Shouta dilated in recognition before she snorts. “He’s much more than a kid, Eraser.”

“What can you tell me about him? I know he’s been recruiting.” She nods and swirls the drink in her hand before gulping it down in one go and fully turning to address him. Now she’s talking business. “Yeah, he’s been recruiting all right. But he’s been specific, some came to him. Others he got himself. Recently he managed to recruit a guy that goes by the name Twice, he’s a friend of Giran’s. Came into the bar that the broker frequents all dressed up, gave the patrons the chills with the way he was speaking far beyond his age. He had Dabi with him apparently.” Shouta thinks the words over and clicks his tongue. This is good info, but it means that Midoriya has been working fast.

“What do you know of an analyst offering his services to the underworld?” He asks and her lips tug at her face. “He’s good. Gotta be honest, he’s good at what he does. I know a few people that got his aid and they have never been better for it. Even helped me work on my quirk around the support item I usually use.”

“What of Shigaraki?” Shouta asks and she turns rigid and shakes her head. “No one’s seen him. A couple of my contacts said they saw him a couple days ago chasing down some girl with blond buns. That same girl has also been spotted with Midoriya so there’s not much to say.” He nods a little disappointed but glad that he got most of his answers.

“Eraser?” She asks him and he hums. “What’d you plan to do with this kid? He’s a villain right?” Shouta tries to hold on to his cold face but decides to show her his civilian mask, one of a human, one with compassion. “I’m not going to turn him in or stop him. I’m trying to protect him from people who don’t understand.” She looks at him blankly. “From other heroes you mean.”

“From anyone who didn’t grow up discriminated one way or another due to a quirk or mutation. From anyone who doesn’t understand the effect it has and the problem that it is.” he corrects and she hums in appreciation. “Why don’t you join him then?”

“Because he can do his good the way he is, I do mine by being a hero.” Shouta says simply and she nods in understanding. He couldn’t have saved her if he was a villain. He thanks her for the info and settles to leave it at that as he starts walking back to the door where Yagi is patiently waiting for him. “He’d like you.” she calls out to him and he doesn’t turn but smiles sadly to himself. He lets out a rough chuckle. “Thanks.” He already did once. He’s probably scared of me now.

He’d been lucky up till now. Lucky that no one decided to question his motives for leaving school. He’d been sure to make a good ass excuse that no one wanted to question. He’d been lucky that no one questioned his choice of outfit, unknowing that he had a couple of his small grenades in his hoodie pocket. Because they definitely would have questioned that. Kirishima had a suspicious feeling but let him go. He likely knew he couldn’t stop him and decided to pretend he didn’t know to be able to hold on to plausible deniability if it came down to it. Katsuki had been so damn lucky and careful when he stepped onto the train and pulled his hood up the moment he hit the busy ass criminal streets. Ignoring all the illegal sh*t going on around him, even though he shouldn’t due to him being a work student hero. But he does. He does it all for the sake of not grabbing any unnecessary attention to himself so that he can search for Izuku safely. He’d been so lucky up until the moment that Aizawa-sensei and All Might stepped out of that damned bar and they made eye contact by accident. But that was all they needed, they recognised him immediately. They weren't that close but he could tell by his former teachers glare and snarl that he was saying his name with little patience. All Might didn’t even do that and looked pleadingly at him. The mix confused him for a moment too long that he didn’t see the white ropes of the weapon coming until they were wrapped around him. “Bakugou, you better have a very good explanation for why you are here.” Aizawa-sensei almost snarls at him, trembling with rage. “I don’t have to explain f*ckwad to you—” he starts and gets cut off immediately. “Aizawa-kun, we are attracting attention.” All Might comments and he looks worriedly around them where indeed a couple of people have stopped what they were doing and are looking their way. His teacher lets him go and people carefully start minding their own business again. “Bakugou. You are not a fully licensed hero, you have no authority to get involved in high ranked villains. If you want your student record to remain scott free then you will abandon whatever plans you had for coming here and will get back to your studies.” Aizawa-sensei words carefully and Katsuki can’t believe his teacher is telling him to let it go. Its a split second window choice, he sees All Might reach out for him and his face suddenly morphs into that of a green five year old. He’s thrown back into that moment that he fell in the river and Izuku came to help.

He doesn’t realise the choice he’s made until he hears his name being called behind him. He only keeps running. He made a promise to himself and if he had to sacrifice something on the way to fulfil that, then fine. Izuku would have been the best hero out of the whole bunch, but Katsuki hadn’t allowed him and after beating him down one too many times, he chose another route. He really should have apologised sooner. He should have never started calling him Deku, he never should have stopped being his friend.

He’s shaken out of his thoughts when he suddenly crashes into something. His name getting called behind him increases frantically and it takes a while for Katsuki to understand why. He jumps back from the wall he crashed into to see red eyes burning with recognition. Red eyes that he’d seen once before. “Bakugou f*cking Katsuki.” The villain snarls at him and he stumbles back but not far as he crashes into someone else. Shigaraki’s eyes don’t leave him as he orders the guy behind Katsuki to hold him. He can’t hear anything else over the sound of his heart beating in his ears in fear. He remembers the power this guy had at the USJ, what this guy did to his sensei back then. He struggles in the strong hold around him when he sensei turn the corner and spot them. He tries to hear what they are saying but he can’t. His breath suddenly starts coming out short and his vision starts to spin. And then it all turns black.

He doesn’t know how long it has been when his eyes start to flutter open. He comes to in a dark room. The first thing he notices is the cold, leaving goosebumps on his arms. They took his hoodie off. Which means they also have his grenades. He curses himself when he attempts to tug at his hands and realsies he’s tied up. He doesn’t have much time to investigate his current situation when a new face greets him, opening the door to the room he’s apparently imprisoned in. Some tall snarky figure grins at him and from one look Katsuki makes the connection to the description Kirishima gave him. “You’re the extra that was caught with Izuku.” He states and the guy raises a brow unimpressed. “You threw a flaming gas can at a hero?” The guy smiles at the memory. “Hey, Merlin? Tell the bosses he’s awake.” He calls out and some magician shows himself, staying in the doorway. “Already on it.” Katsuki can’t make out any facial expressions of the second extra from under his mask, but he can feel that the man is smiling cruelly at him too. A blonde extra is the next one to come skipping in. The other two look at her curiously, seemingly expecting someone to be following her. She shakes her head subtly but it's enough to have Katsuki holding his breath at the sudden suspense. He came looking for Izuku, so why does he feel like he had no idea what he really would find? Finally one more figure enters the doorway, the guy that had held him in that alley. “Boss said to ‘Keep him awake till 9pm.’” He quotes the order comically and the scarred man eyes him strangely. “Alrighty then.” The blond coos and they close the door behind them. Katsuki stares dumbly at the door as if expecting it to open any minute now for them to start beating the sh*t out of him or something. When he realises that’s likely not the case he starts fumbling with his restraints, his hands are tied expertly leaving no room to detangle or for him to turn the knot on itself to escape. That’s when he notices that his legs are restrained too but he’s not gagged. The person who restrained him knows where his weaknesses lay, they knew what to restrain to make his defenceless. With the way his hands are tied, he can’t move his hands to activate his quirk on the bindings and he can’t even move his hands to coat the bindings with his sweat either. He’s essentially quirkless in this situation. His legs being restrained feel like a formality now. For some reason he suddenly remembers the look on Aizawa-sensei’s face when Katsuki bumped into the villain. He had looked scared, but there was more to it. His face was different compared to that time at the USJ where all his students had been a target. It is then that Katsuki wonders whether he missed a crucial part of Izuku’s story now. Whether Aizawa-sensei and All Might had found something that made them relax in terms of Izuku’s new status. f*ck. I f*cked up.

He doesn't realise how much until he hears a muffled voice behind the door. He doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting there pondering his recklessness. But his guess is that it's near the deadline the extras were talking about earlier. He’s right when the door opens up and a marble rolls over at his feet before cracking open to a tray of food. “I think it’s time we had a chat.”

Shouta stared at the spot where his former student got taken. Shigaraki had decayed a wall in his escape. He had been smart about it and once the debris cleared up there was no sign of him or Bakugou. Midoriya had been good up till now, Shouta would have trouble defending him now that he’s kidnapped a hero. Even if it wasn’t the kid himself but his associates. It doesn’t pan out well. He takes a deep breath before making the decision and calling a friend. “Detective. Put out a missing person’s alert. Bakugou Katsuki has been kidnapped by Shigaraki Tomura and an unknown villain.” He continues to rattle off the boy’s description along with both villains. When he hangs up the phone Yagi looks at him solemnly. “Midoriya wouldn’t hurt him.” Shouta nods. “But we know they are planning something, so now they won’t let him go either. They won’t risk the element of surprise.” All they could do now was wait and Shouta knows that the next time he’ll see Bakugou. It will be a part of Midoriya’s plan.


I want to share the excuse that Bakugou came up with to avoid questions about his outing:
He said he had to go into town for personal business and when prodded he elaborated saying he needed to find the lube he likes and a new dild* because the size of his current one doesn't do it for him anymore.... Iida regretted asking.

Chapter 12


Bakugou Katsuki has been kidnapped and it was not part of the plan.
The childhood friends reunite, for better or for worse.


I've been rewatching an animatic of Villain Deku on youtube so much these days and this was kinda inspired by it.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You WHAT?!” Izuku doesn’t move an inch from where he was helping Dabi and Toga with their quirks. Dabi was working on his emotions to light the flame and Toga was practising with Inko’s quirk. She had been told to use the quirk to spray Dabi with water each time he showed signs of anger fueling his quirk, which explains why he’s currently soaked through in his shirt. Tomura had given the ravenette a long warning look before looking back at his partner who was far more interested in disciplining his student than looking at the boy's abs through the soaked shirt.

“The brat crashed into me on our way back and then I saw that underground hero and the lanky blond chasing after him. It was a split second decision but I figured the brat could be useful regarding the information he might have on the lanky blond.” Toga winces as Izuku tenses and takes in deep breaths. “We got his name from that card though, Yagi Toshinori.” She helpfully chimes in and Izuku takes another deep breath, Tomura sighs in defence. “Yeah, but that doesn’t tell us anything on what his connection to UA is and why we can’t get any information on any databases about him.” Izuku doesn’t respond for a long time and Tomura can feel the awkward tension. Dabi’s the one to break the silence mumbling something to Toga before they both leave the room. “Let’s leave mom and dad to fight in private.” he jokes mockingly and Toga looks everywhere but the two of them. When the door closes shut Tomura dares to step closer. “How did you even get him here?” Izuku asks exasperatedly and Tomura wants to reach out for the greenette but knows better. “Mr. Compress caught up with us and marbleized him.”

“Is he awake?” Izuku asks and his tone has gotten colder, he’s analysing the situation carefully. Tomura shakes his head. “Twice knocked him out and the marbelising might have an effect on how long he’ll be out for.”

“Where is he? What have you done with him?” Izuku asks in a careful tone and Tomura knows better than to think that he is protective of the teen. But the word choice would say otherwise. “He’s downstairs in the basem*nt. We’ve tied him up, his hand carefully so that he can’t use his quirk on the bindings.” Izuku nods and sighs heavily and goes to sit in a squatting position as he takes a couple more breaths for himself. “Why? Why him, why?”

Tomura kneels down to be on eye level. “I don’t know why he was there, Bunny. I made a decision at that moment. If there was a choice of anyone else I would have chosen them. But there wasn’t, there was him and all I saw in that moment is everytime that brat was the reason that you woke up screaming from a nightmare.” Izuku looks up at him, eye’s brimmed with tears. “We’re not hurting him, Tomura. No matter what he’s done, we’re not hurting him.” Tomura scoffs and Izuku turns serious. “We are not. He is my bully, I choose what happens to him and he will not be harmed under any circ*mstances.”

“Why not Izuku? He tormented you! He burned you!” Tomura stands up to take some steps back as he raises his voice with each reminder. “He was never taught any better! He was a child that wasn’t disciplined for his actions against me! He didn’t know any better!” Izuku defends, voice raising as well. Tomura scoffs “So what? he’s innocent?”

“No. He’s just another victim. He deserves the right to the benefit of the doubt.” Izuku says calmer and Tomura doesn’t look at him. Eyes firmly glaring at the ground. “I’ll talk to him and see whether a proper education has changed his views on his behaviour back then.” Izuku tries and Tomura turns to him. “You are too forgiving for your own good.” He spits and Izuku’s face hardens. “I am not forgiving him. I’m simply giving him a chance to make it right.”

“What about using all he did against him when the time was right?” Tomura snaps but Izuku doesn’t cower. “I wasn’t expecting him to ever end up as our prisoner! Now everything has changed! If you don’t like it you should have f*cking thought this decision through!” He snaps back and Tomura growls. “Don’t you dare get angry at me right now! Go cool off.” Izuku orders. “Fine, enjoy catching up with that f*cking brat.” Tomura snarls as he opens the door and storms through it, slamming it shut behind him. Izuku’s tears finally shed and he screams at the closed door.

He doesn’t notice when it opens again and someone hugs him. He sobs and screams in their hold but they don’t let go, shushing him soothingly through it all. When he calms down and his sobs turn to hiccups he recognises the arms for who they are. Toga. Her voice becomes clearer too. “Just let it out Zuku, just let it out.”

“Where the f*ck do you think you’re going. Give him a chance to cool down too.” A second voice registers and he looks up from his place on the ground in Toga’s arms to see Dabi holding Tomura back in the doorway. Tomura whose face looks ridden with guilt and worry. He doesn’t respond to Dabi, only tries to push past towards Izuku. Toga only holds on tighter to him and hisses towards Tomura and Dabi gets the hint and closes the door once more allowing Izuku privacy to his emotions again. He takes struggling breaths and Toga lets him take the time he needs, humming a song quietly under her breath. Her humming soon turns to singing and Izuku recognises the song. “I didn’t know you could sing.” He croaks, his voice raw from crying and screaming. She giggles. “I’m not professionally good, but I can carry a tune.” He makes a ‘huh’ sound before sharing. “I can’t sing, but I can carry a rhythm. I’m a pretty good rapper. Tomura thinks it might be due to my mumbling habit.”

“Then you and I could start a band, I think Dabi mentioned something about how his dad made him take up piano lessons as a pre-teen.” Toga jokes and Izuku snorts. “Wouldn’t we need a drummer and guitarist too?” She hums in thought. “We could out Tomura on the drums, he can fuel his anger into hitting the drums instead.” Izuku sits straight beside her and she lets him, not getting closer again. “He only cares, Izuku. He cares a lot and he’s protective.”

“I know.” Izuku sighs, picking at some dirt under his fingernails. She grabs on to his hands and squeezes. “But you’re right too, that boy is your nightmare. Only you get to decide how you want to deal with him.”

Izuku went to his room when he had calmed down. He’d sent Dabi to check in on Katsuki and told him to update him when the young hero woke up and Toga had gone shopping for groceries with Mr. Compress. The moment he got to his room he started searching for the box with his old belongings from his childhood. He pulled all of his analysis notebooks out, some of his old textbooks and hero drawings. He found what he was looking for at the bottom of the box. The photograph of him and Katsuki the day that they both won their All Might cards. Their mothers had taken a photo with the matching cards and the both of they grinning proudly. It was before either one received their quirks. They had been best friends back then. He’d spend years chasing after him because he was the only friend Izuku had ever had. Everytime he caught up to him though, he’d get burned and beaten. In the end, he stopped and turned away. That only made it worse. He knows that Katsuki tormented him for years and suicide baited him, he was the one to call him a Deku. He was the one that led all of the kids that would beat him when a teacher wasn’t looking. Not that the teachers would have stopped them or reprimanded them. It was always Izuku’s fault for not knowing his place.

“Bunny. Can I come in?” Tomura calls from the otherside of the bedroom door and Izuku makes a sound of acknowledgement. The door opens in response and Tomura steps through, closing the door behind him. “Izuku, I’m sorry for lashing out at you earlier. You’re right, it’s your choice what we do with the brat. He’s your childhood monster.”

Izuku looks up at his boyfriend and Tomura’s face is still ridden with guilt and worry. He looks back down at the frame he has in hand. “I never thought I’d see him again. And if I did, that it would be on my own terms. That i would have the upper hand, that I chose it.” He admits. “This is- it’s not on my terms. He’ll wake up soon and I’ll have to go down and face him. Not on my terms but because he’s my problem and you brought him here.” Tomura stays at the door. “I know, bunny. I know. But none of us expect you to go down alone.” Izuku looks up at him curiously. “You’re right, when it comes to him, in the end its your say that goes. That doesn’t mean you have to face him alone. We are a team.” Izuku tenses in response and parts his arms only slightly, a small gesture but Tomura knows what it means as he pulls the greenette close into his arms. Izuku hugs back tightly. “That f*cker doesn’t have the right to see you on your good days anyway.”

“We’re a team.” Izuku repeats and then pulls out of the hug a bit to sternly add. “Don’t you ever make a decision like this again without consulting me.” Tomura nods firmly before placing a long kiss on the greenette’s forehead. “I promise, Izuku.”

Izuku pulls away to place a deeper kiss on his lips and Tomura relaxes into it. “I don’t like it when we fight.” He admits when they break from the kiss and Izuku’s small smile fades. “Neither do I, but the important part is that we don’t let these fights between us win. We talk them over and we learn from them.” Tomura hums and pulls Izuku closer, nuzzling into the mess of green hair.

“So… in light of this, I feel like I should mention a contingency in our plan against Endeavour. If his youngest son is attending the gala with him, we might have to take custody of him. So that he doesn’t get the brunt of the media attack, the boy wants to be a hero and he has the right to choose that, his father should have nothing to do with it. But the media likely won’t see it that way.” Izuku informs him and Tomura pulls away to look at him questionably. “So…your earlier statement is not against kidnapping as a whole, but kidnapping without telling your significant other.” He attempts to understand and Izuku nods agreeingly. Tomura chuckles lightly. “Ok, thanks for telling me, Bunny.” Izuku proudly smiles back.

As promised they made their way down to the basem*nt at the chosen time. They could have come down earlier, but they weren’t at the beck and call of their prisoner. Besides Izuku was petty and he knows that Katsuki has a strict bedtime of 8.30, so he made sure they wouldn’t come to see him any time before 9. That doesn’t mean that they weren’t concerned for their prisoners' wellbeing, which is why Izuku had sent Mr. Compress down with Dabi when the fact that Katsuki hadn’t awoken yet became concerning. Compress had assured them though that he was breathing fine and that the effects of his long-lasting sleep were due to Twice’s knockout and the marbleization that changes someone’s body structure sub molecularly. The prolonged unconsciousness is the body recovering from it.

“Well, don’t you guys just dressed up?” Dabi remarks with a lazy grin. “I’ve seen Zuku in a suit, but I never thought that Shig knew how to clean himself up.”

Izuku grins in reply. “Well this is a special occasion, it's not everyday we have such esteemed guests imprisoned in our basem*nts.”

“He’s not wearing a tie.” Toga comments and Izuku sighs when Tomura grins. “I don’t wear ties.” Izuku decides to ignore any other comments regarding the outfits. It’s not as if its such a big change. Izuku is wearing his usual suit for business and Tomura is just wearing a white shirt that he rolled up to his elbows and some black intact jeans. Of course Tomura does have his signature hands adorning his body, except the one that usually covers his face. Ok so maybe they were being a bit dramatic… but sue him for wanting Katsuki to sh*t himself of fear at least once.

“Has he had anything to eat since he awoke?” Izuku moves past the dress code comments. “Hell, Zuku, even we haven’t eaten yet!” Dabi helpfully complains. Compress on the other hand brings forward a marble constructively. “There’s a cafeteria meal tray in the marble.” Izuku nods. That’ll do. “Ok, throw it in and release it at his feet.” The man does just that and Tomura follows in after it when Compress releases the marble. Izuku has to hold in his gasp and awe at the magician’s quirk.

“I think it’s time we had a chat.” Tomura announces to the spiked blonde boy tied to a decorative structure beam in the room. Katsuki’s red eyes dilate between the food delivered before him and the villain that just entered. His face then twists into a scowl. “I can’t eat this dipsh*t. My hands are tied.” Tomura chuckles roughly. “I’m not going to be the one that spoon feeds you, but who knows maybe he might.” He replies and gestures his head towards the door just as Izuku steps through behind him. Katsuki doesn’t notice him though as he recoils from the idea of being spoon fed. “Nothing and no one is getting anywhere near my f*cking mouth! You got me?!” Izuku tsks as he plays with the cuffs of his shirt. “Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to bite the hand that feeds you?” Red eyes meet green in an instant and the recognition burns power and delight in Izuku’s confidence. “I’m flattered that you stayed up so late past your bedtime for me. That is so unlike you.” Izuku coos and still receives no response from his old friend. It seems that any words died on his tongue when Tomura grinned between them and then decided to place his powerful reassuring hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Shall we pick up where we left off?” Katsuki gulps visibly and Izuku pauses to fake a thought before grinning maniacally. “Somewhere around… ah, yes. Take a swan dive of the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life.” The long silence that follows has Izuku dropping his grin and turning cold. “No? Fine. How about you tell me instead what the f*ck you want from me?”

Katsuki’s eye’s turn cold as well. “Why did you throw flaming gas at Kirishima?” Izuku raises a careful brow at that, not letting his face betray anything. How the f*ck is he supposed to know who Kirishima is? “He got in the way.”

Katsuki looks at him weirdly. “What happened to you? Kirishima never did anything to you.”

“Did you come all this way to bitch about your hero boyfriend?” Izuku scoffs and Katsuki recoils. “I was kidnapped, nerd!”

“Semantics. I didn’t see you attempt to get out of your restraints. I bet you recognised Dabi when you awoke and thought you might get a glimpse of me while your here.” Katsuki tenses a little at the truth being so easily spat at him. Izuku knows what his expression means, he came all this way for something, but he won’t belittle himself in front of a crowd. He knows that the rest of the team is waiting beyond the door. “Shig, please take the team and give us some privacy.” Tomura tenses at the use of his code name but doesn’t object. When the door closes shut, he hears a collection of steps leave and he knows that Katsuki had heard them too. “Izuku, i’m sorry.”

“You’ve tried that before. Don’t think i have forgotten your half assed apology attempt by text. It won’t make me forget what you did.”

“I know that. I don’t expect your forgiveness.”

“Then what do you want from me?”

“I saw your speech. You had a lot to say and I’m fully to blame for your childhood experiences. I could give you the excuses of why I did what I did, but it wouldn’t change the fact that I did it. I’m sorry for everything that I did.” Izuku had not been expecting that and stared dumbly at his childhood friend for a long time. Suddenly any confidence of power he had mustered fell away as he looked down at the boy that tormented himself for years apologising for his actions. He’d told Tomura that Katsuki deserved a chance to make it right… it had just never dawned on him what would happen when he’d earned that chance. He couches into his fist embarrassingly. “Right. Uh, thanks.” Katsuki grins at the greenettes sudden flushed and embarrassed state. Izuku looks away from him and down at the tray on the ground by his feet. “I’m not spoon feeding you but I’m willing to untie you while you eat and answer me questions.” Katsuki looks down at the tray and food and back at the greenette curiously. “And don’t even think of attempting to escape the moment I untie you, you won’t get through me.” Izuku adds with full confidence and Katsuki shrugs. “I don’t doubt you.”

Izuku kneels down to Katsuki’s restraints and dutifully unravels the knot holding his hands together. He then steps away again and decides to sit cross legged in front of his prisoner while the boy rubs at his wrists. Red eyes look down at his food on the tray and back up at the villain sitting across from him. “Am I expected to eat this with my hands?” He snarks and Izuku levels him with a blank stare. “You’re a big boy. Figure it out.” Izuku at least has the decency to offer the boy some hand sanitizer before Katsuki huffs and starts picking his food up with his hands. He watches as the boy has a few mouthfuls before starting to question him. He pulls out an image on his phone and shoves it in Katsuki’s face.

“This man is a UA resident that goes by the name Yagi Toshinori. He was also one of the men who was presumably chasing after you before you ran into Shig. Who is he to you?” Izuku keeps it brief, not wanting to give the boy too much information on what he knows of the man. Even though it isn’t much, he doesn’t need him running back to the heroes to tell them he managed to hack the Hero Commission's database. Katsuki looks up from his meal curiously to take a look at the phone nearly pressed against his face. Recognition sparks in his eyes and Izuku knows he’s right, the boy does know who he is. “Nothing compared to what he was to you I bet. But yeah, we all know All Might’s secret now, well secret identity I guess.” Izuku’s brain short circuits. All Might? The lanky blond… is ALL MIGHT? f*ck… that makes so much sense… he’s a national treasure, of course Nedzu and the HPSC would protect his identity. Izuku had heard he’s retired in the last year, due to medical issues or some crap. That’s why Endeavour got the automatic number one title, one that he was pissed about. He’d been handed it down and hadn’t won it from the former number one. It had brought a good ol’ grin to Izuku and Tomura’s faces when they heard the announcement. f*ck, he need to reply now. ‘What the f*ck does the bastard have to do with my mother? Why’s he after me?’

Katsuki huffs a snort, but it feels carefully forced. “You should really be more careful with that mumbling habit.” Izuku’s eyes turn back to the blond scooping his food up with his hands and he notices one clear thing. The boy has tensed up and Izuku can almost see the alarm bells ringing in Katsuki’s head. He should have been more careful with his mouth, he doesn’t like the way that Katsuki’s pretending to mind his own business. Izuku co*cks his head and Katsuki’s eyes lock on to the movement. “You should be more careful with your reactions.” Izuku remarks back and Katsuki visibly tenses at that. Izuku doesn’t care. He doesn’t worry about the blond reactions, he has what he needs, he knows the identity of the lanky blond now and can make the necessary connections himself. He looks down at the almost empty tray and back up at the visibly alarmed blond. “Finish your meal. We’re done here.” He stands and heads for the door.

“Izuku wait!” He stops but doesn’t turn. “When you’re done, someone will come and tie your hands again. Don’t struggle. We’ll provide you with a pillow and futon too. You’ll be staying with us for a while.”

Katsuki chokes on a huff. “Why?” He asks carefully. “Your only making yourselves look worse by keeping me for a long period of time.”

“We’re not friends, Katsuki, I don’t owe you any answers.”

Izuku closes the door behind him and waits a couple of steps before collapsing against a wall and taking deep breaths. Tomura is by his side in an instant, apparently not having gone far when he left. “Woah, there Bunny. You did good.” Izuku replies with a weak smile. “Where’s the team?”

“Upstairs, no one wanted to move until things with him were decided.” Izuku nods and stands up to go join his team in their living room. When he walks through the door, Tomura by his side, the team straightens in their various seats. “Toga in a couple of minutes please go down and check on our prisoner. He needs to be retied as before and cleaned. He ate his meal with his hands. I don’t believe he’ll retaliate with his quirk, but either way keep in mind that his sweat is the chemical that makes his explosions spark.” She nods at the order. “Twice, please get him a futon from storage and a pillow for the night.” Twice nods at the order as well. “Should we keep an eye on him?” Dabi asks and Izuku shakes his head. “I doubt he’ll be an issue, but we’ll make sure to check on him over the hour during the day for necessities.”

“What will we do with him now?” Toga asks but Izuku knows everyone had been wondering the same. “We can’t let him go now. It’s too soon. While kidnapping him wasn’t ideal, we can turn it to our advantage. We’ll use him as a distraction when we strike, they’ll all be worrying about him, they won’t be on alert for us.”

“Wouldn’t that just have the opposite effect? They’ll wonder why we let him go.”

“It could, but I suspect it’ll work in our favour.” lzuku replies with no doubt and then turns to Tomura who pulls him a little closer. The small touch being the comfort he needs. “There is one more thing. I know who the lanky blond is.” The room goes dead silent before Twice calls out. “Tell us who it is, don’t hold out on us!! Take your time.” Izuku chuckles and faces the team, squeezing Tomura’s hand. “It’s All Might.”

The room shows a variety of reactions in their faces but Dabi and Tomura return shared grins. “Oh, this’ll be fun.”


oooooh the plot thickens...

Chapter 13


Bakugou is now a prisoner.
At UA Aizawa gives a full report on his findings during the investigation on Izuku.


A filler chapter if you will... of Bakugou chilling as a prisoner while the team moved forward with their plans behind screen.
I did not want to write the planning.

For ease of reading this '**' means a POV switch, from Bakugou to UA, it'll make sense hopefully when you read it.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Katsuki will never forget the words that sealed the deal. ‘ What the f*ck does the bastard have to do with my mother? Why’s he after me?’ He knows Izuku well enough that the boy had not meant to give those thoughts away. Kirishima had said that he’d seen no recognition in Izuku’s eye when they crossed paths. Katsuki has always known Izuku was a sh*t liar, always has been. So he’d assumed that either the nerd had been practising or something else had happened. Either way after he had an estimated location, he could find the nerd and do what he should have done a year ago. Apologise. Of course he hadn’t f*cking planned to get kidnapped… but here we are. The moment that Izuku had left, the blond girl with buns had come in to tie him back up again after cleaning him up from his dinner. Following her a masked extra came in with a pillow and futon like Izuku had promised, the girl had also left him untied to roam around so that would leave the sleeping arrangement easier. They’d all been very careful not to give away any names or aliases. Except for the ones that were already known, it was clear that the nerd ran the operations and was putting his genius to work.

Katsuki was sure now though, Izuku didn’t know All Might’s identity, which opened the door for a sh*tload of questions. When All Might and Aizawa sensei cornered him about the origin of ‘ Deku’ they had mentioned that they’d tried to contact him. If Izuku didn’t know about All Might’s alter ego, how did they expect Izuku would have come to them? Sure, Aizawa-sensei would have been there but after a year of no contact he would imagine the nerd being skittish. It also made him question his reaction to finding out, he didn’t seem all too surprised only pissed and irritated. Why would he be surprised that his old mentor would come reaching out for him after having gone missing for a year? And what was he going on about Auntie? Katsuki knows for a fact that Izuku hasn’t been home since the day he went missing. Which would probably be a good thing considering how she was faring the last time his mother went over and came back looking like she’d been talking with the dead.

Yet no matter the amount of questions, he knows that none of them will be answered here as a prisoner and that it’ll be a long time before he’s back at UA to have them answered. All he can do now is stay on Izuku’s good graces, f*ck all for the others. He knows that the nerd holds them all by their leashes.

“Get up brat. It’s time for your sanitary visit.” The scarred freak breaks him out of his morning thoughts and he grumbles. He’d flip him off if his hands weren’t tied behind his back. “Give me a second you roasted corpse.” He rolls around for a while before managing to get in a seated position and stand up from there. For reasons Katsuki won’t question, they untied his legs yesterday so at least he walked on his own. The scarred freak looks at him amused and Katsuki scowls. “Are you going to ogling me all day long or can I go release my f*cking bladder now?”

“Such a foul mouth for a hero.” Blond buns comments with a purr and Katsuki can’t believe they are both here. “I like that.” She licks her lips and Katsuki looks at the deranged girl with disgust. “Just do what you came here to do before he pisses himself.” she grins as she pulls a needle from behind her back and Katsuki instinctively steps backwards away from it. He doesn’t have much say in the matter though as she manages to fill the needle in a couple of seconds before happily skipping away. Katsuki still doesn’t look any less disturbed when he’s led to the bathroom. “While you’re in there you can shower. We left you towels and clean clothes. You’ll find there is no room to escape and I will be guarding the door, so good luck getting past me.” Scarred freak tells him, Katsuki nods to signal that he understood and then the guy does something weird. He makes a hand movement that feels familiar before throwing something at his restraints that make them burn off without feeling the heat of it. When his hands are untied and he soothes his wrists again he doesn’t hide his curiosity. The scarred freak grins proudly before shoving him into the bathroom and closing the door.


“Last time I spoke with you, you seemed confident that they boy didn’t mean any harm. That he simply wants justice for the overlooked.” Nedzu starts, holding his paws together on the table. “Now that he has kidnapped a student, do you still stand by this opinion?” Shouta stares blankly out at his former teacher. “I gave you the report like you asked. I also noted that it was Shigaraki that kidnapped Bakugou, we have no reason to assume that Midoriya had any part in this.”

“Aside from your part in the report that stated that Bakugou was the one that gave him the derogatory nickname ‘Deku’. And his accounts of bullying that may have formed Midoriya’s perspective to the one that it is today, of course.” Nedzu pulls up Shouta’s report, and even from his place on the couch he can see the highlighted sections. He groans inwardly, this problem child will be the death of him. “I know my student–”

“Former student.” Nedzu corrects before waving him to continue. “Right. I know Midoriya, he’s not petty. He never said a peep at UA about their time in middle school and was never hostile towards Bakugou on it either. He kept to himself and when it was clear the blond wasn’t up to his old tricks anymore, they started trying to work again. This memory lost version of him doesn’t change who he is.”

The rat eyes him curiously. “You are truly invested in this child.” He remarks and Shouta scoffs. “I’m invested in all the students I teach. Especially the ones that fight for something. I’m invested in his cause and i’m not the only one.” Nedzu hums and goes back to the report. “I see your witness talked of an analyst in the underworld providing their services for free to kids and a light fee for adults. Do you suspect that that would be Midoriya?” Shouta sighs. “Yes. Yagi-san believes that Izuku would be capable of it. He’d analysed a lot of heroes in his childhood obsesivly. Bakugou had told us that he himself had been a figure of those and when learning to use the quirk All Might past down to him he used analytic methods to gain control of it.” Nedzu hums impressed and puts the file back down. “I’m assuming you went to your associates and contacts to get information of Midoriya’s movements?”

Shouta stands just a little straighter, he doesn’t know why his teacher always frases his questions in a way that could make one believe he doesn’t already know. But Shouta knows better. “Yes. Midoriya has been recruiting but has not been random. He’s carefully picked out among the criminals and villains, no one has any further information on them aside from some vague descriptions of a blond girl with pigtail buns and a well known arsonist by the name Dabi.”

“Do you believe he’ll be a danger to UA?” Nedzu asks seriously but doesn’t look at Shouta as he says so. “No. I don’t believe he has anything to go after us for. I suspect he’ll go after those that fit his criteria.” Nedzu hums again for the nth time and Shouta holds in a breath. “He still kidnapped a student.” the Rat states once more. “While I can applaud Midoriya’s smarts, this offence is a drastic one. Are you truly that confident that this is a fault of his partner? If so, why hasn’t the student been brought back then?”

“Midoriya might not have decided on kidnapping Bakugou, but he knows that if they let him go now the boy will be able to lead us all to them. Will be able to give us minimal information that will let us prepare for their next move. Its a risk he’s not willing to take, not for the next move they are planning.” Shouta defends and he doesn’t know how much longer he can go in circles for, he’s losing his patience. “Are you willing to accept responsibility for any consequences that may occur by protecting and defending Midoriya Izuku’s actions?” Nedzu suddenly asks him in a very authoritarian manner. Shouta stands up straight and nods firmly. “Yes.” Nedzu closes the report file. “Then its all in your hands. I for one am curious about his analyst alter ego. He might surprise us this boy, I just wish we might have seen this talent when he was a student of UA.”

Yagi was waiting for him outside of the office when he came out. He jumped up to greet him worriedly. “What’s the verdict?”

“Nedzu supports our side of things… for now.” Shouta sighs. “This is officially our case now.”


Katsuki had no idea what time it was but was surprised when Izuku came in with another tray of food. The other extra’s had come every hour or so to make sure he didn’t sh*t himself or something, and weren’t happy about it. He’d heard paper bag head complain to the crusty bastard about just giving him a bucket for all his necessities, which the bastard had considered before paper bag contradicted his own words by saying that the nerd wouldn’t like that. The nerd looked like he’d gained a couple of years in the hours since he’d last seen him and Katsuki understood why when the light showed him properly.

“Whoa. Did you get a haircut?” He snorts before getting a good look at noting that some sides are unevenly snipped. The nerd was definitely due for a haircut but clearly this was done against his will. Izuku frowns. “No, I just learned that giving scissors to certain members is very dangerous. Knives that’s fine, scissors was a bad idea.” Katsuku chokes on his food due to sudden surprise from the answer. “Knives are fine ?” he wheezes judgingly and Izuku simply passes a glass of water over slowly but with no compassion to his suffering. “I should have known better.” He grumbles and Katsuki isn’t sure if that is meant for him or back to the person that gave him his new haircut. When Katsuki is done dying on his food he grumbles back. “You just need to take a razor to the sides and give yourself a little bit of an undercut. The hairdo can be salvaged.”

Izuku raises a brow in surprise and his whole face represents the fact that he hadn’t expected that from the blond. Katsuki scoffs. “The hag used to do my hair, remember? I picked up some things.” He replies in sudden defence and it wins a grin from Izuku. “I remember you running away from her and after half an hour of chasing she would strap you down to a chair to do your hair.” Katsuki scowls, Oh that he remembers?

“What were you doing playing with scissors anyway?” He asks, trying to change the subject away from his home haircut days. Izuku shrugs and picks at Katsuki’s food earning him a growl. “We were stealing them.” Katsuki looks down at the food in Izuku’s hands that he’d just stolen from him now and the timing isn’t funny. “Why?” He sighs, mourning his stolen food. “I was helping blondie with her quirk and I asked her to use it to lift the scissors out of Shig’s hands and use them to finish what he’d been doing. She did that and then she turned on me.” Blondie. Katsuki may be using his own names in his head to keep track of them but it’s weird to hear the nerd skirt around people’s names. He understands why they are doing it, but to him it sounds weird. Blondie was blond buns , Roasty was scarred freak, Merlin was theatre freak and Double Trouble was paper bag. Shigaraki and Izuku didn’t bother hiding their names but he’s heard the extras refer to them both as boss. So far though, Katsuki hasn’t seen Shigaraki since that first time when he woke up. He suspects that it has something to do with the nerds' influence and he’s smart enough to know that he should be grateful too. “Smart girl, you were in need of a haircut.” Katsuki snorts and Izuku steals another piece of chicken from his tray in retaliation.

“At least on that front we can agree.” A new voice adds to the conversation and Katsuki turns his head past Izuku to see Shigaraki leaning against the doorframe. Izuku’s head whips around indignantly. “Hey! No fair!” He whines and Shigaraki roughly chuckles. “Come on bunny, you were in serious need of a haircut. Though it is true that the methods were crude.” Katsuki witnesses the loving gaze that Shigaraki sends Izuku’s way and looks away. It feels wrong to see that. Izuku harrumphs. “I’ll send her onto you next.”

“No.” Shigaraki replies with no room for argument and Katsuki snorts. The couple suddenly remember that he’s in the room as well and raise their guard again. “Right.” Shigaraki’s eyes rake over Katsuki’s form as he minds his own business eating his meal, with plastic utensils this time. He’s been rewarded for good behaviour, they also couldn’t be bothered with tying his hands anymore so they simply threatened him that if he so much as attempted to use his quirk, he’d be strapped down and become blond buns’ new toy. He’s seen the way her eyes glow at him and he’s sufficiently terrified, he’ll just wait till they bother to set him free. Its not as if they are torturing him, so its not that bad to be their prisoner. It could have been worse, he could be gagged and chained like he’d been at the sports festival. Now that thought suddenly stung a little.

“Roasty has had an incident regarding the couch upstairs. You might be interested in the development.” He keeps the information vague but Izuku’s eyes light up nonetheless. He’s up on his feet in an instant and throwing himself at the villain. Katsuki doesn’t miss how five fingers catch him and wrap around him as well, without activating his quirk… It seems the villains forgotten to hide that new fact, it must not be a recent development then. He has control. Izuku kisses the villain straight on the mouth and then begins peppering him in kisses. Katsuki holds in the urge to gag, figuring that Shigarki might not appreciate it and he would prefer not to test his wrath. “Oi! I’m eating here.” He does however comment and Izuku pulls away from his boyfriend to smile apologetically at Katsuki before jumping out of Shigaraki’s arms. “Take care of him while I go?” He sweetly asks the villain and Katsuki can see the moment that the older boy figures out what all those kisses were for. “You tease.”

“You love me.” Izuku smiles and Shigaraki pouts as Izuku skips away happily. Katsuki goes back to his meal and Shigaraki doesn’t move from his position leaning against the door. They don’t say a word between them and that’s fine.


Shouta and Yagi are sitting in Yagi’s apartment, as per usual, going over their notes and files they have gathered so far when Shouta’s phone starts ringing. He doesn’t recognise the caller ID but replies anyway. The voice on the other side has him impressed at his contact’s skills if they managed to find him personal phone number.

“Magne, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Yagi sits a little straighter at the name.

‘You asked about Shigaraki last time we talked. Back then I didn’t have any information for you, but I do now. I’ll assume you are already aware that one of your students was kidnapped?’ Magne starts and Shouta sighs. “Yes. I am aware, it was also Shigaraki who did the deed.”

‘Yes well if its any consolation I’m fairly sure he won’t be harmed.’

“Yeah, I came to that same conclusion. What’s the info?” Shouta tries to get back on the reason she called.

‘I know why he was out in the first place. He had just come from a meeting with a well known broker for the underground. Goes by the name Giran. Apparently they discussed gear, such as suits and weapons.’

“Thanks.” Shouta doesn’t hold back his grin at the information. They have something now.

‘Don’t sweat it, i’ll keep you up to date if anything else comes up.’

The call ends and Shouta relays the information to his partner. Yagi seems thoughtful about the information before replying. “Then it’s official. They are planning something big again and we are entirely in the dark.”

Anything else that Shouta might have said fell dead on his lips when a knock sounded on the door. Both men look to each other before Yagi stands up and goes over to open the door.

“Kirishima?” He gasps surprised and the door opens a little bit wider for Shouta to see his former student burning with anger. “Kirishima. You may be a hero but you are still a student, you can not be involved in this case.” Shouta makes it clear and red eyes dilate a little. “Case? It’s no longer an investigation?” Shouta curses himself at the slip. “Yes. Officially it is now a case, either way it does not concern you.”

“It does when Midoriya kidnapped my best friend!” He lashes out and Shouta activates his quirk in defence. His hair floats as his eyes glow ruby red. His former student falters a little and knows to discipline himself. “Sensei, please, It’s my fault. Let me atone for it by helping to get him back.” Yagi waves the boy in and closes the door behind him. After offering his a glass of water they led him to the dining table, away from the couch and coffee table where each file from the case were littered about. “I know you said to keep what I saw to myself but… you hadn’t seen him since Midoriya appeared that night of the Hero Billboard Charts. He’s been a shell of himself most of the time since. Always watching that same clip from his speech, he started keeping to himself again and snapping like he used to in the beginning of our first year. It was different than when he was mourning Midoriya. So I told him what i saw, I told him how it wasn’t the Midoriya we knew, how-how it looked like he didn’t know who i was.” Shouta and Yagi subtly share a look before paying full attention on the red head again. “He looked so determined suddenly. I tried to suggest we go together but he was having none of it. I decided to give him the night to come to his senses. But then Kaminari wanted to go to the gym and so we did and I thought I could be back to talk him into letting me join his reckless plan.” Kirishima mumbles a curse to himself before continuing. One that Shouta decides to dismiss for the moment. “But then we got back and Iida said he’d gone out. When I asked him what for he flushed and wouldn’t tell me saying that was private so I went to my room. And on the floor was a note that was no doubt slid under the door previously.” Kirishima looks up at Shouta eyes brimmed with determination and guilt. “He told me that Midoriya was his redemption and that it was nothing for me to get involved with. Next thing I hear is that he’s kidnapped by Shigaraki.” Shouta sighs.”Kirishima, I understand your frustration. But I cannot share any classified information with you. All the heroes are doing the best they can to find Bakugou—” Kirishima surprises them both when he slams his palms on the table. “You don’t get it! I saw Midoriya in that street, he didn’t hesitate to throw burning gas at me! If it were anyone else they could have been badly hurt! What makes you think that Bakugou is safe in his hands?!”

“He likely threw that gas at you because he knew you wouldn't get hurt.” Shouta deadpans and Kirishima falters at his calm exterior reaction. “Midoriya is the same person who was in your class, he’s just changed career. He won’t hurt Bakugou. I wouldn’t say it if I wasn’t certain. Now do you trust my judgement Kirishima?” His former student falters and Shouta tries to hide his hurt at that. He stands up to face his former student. “I’ve said what I can. You are a hero work student and I am no longer your homeroom teacher, I can’t stop you. Just know that if you get involved without the permission of the heroes leading the case you are making a criminal offence. Your licence may be temporarily removed and if you engage with the villains without an official hero present then it may be permanently removed for unauthorised violence outside of self defence. You would only be endangering yourself and ruining the future you’ve worked so hard for.” Kirishima doesn’t look him in the eye as he bows his thanks to Yagi for his hospitality. Yagi opens the door for him on his way out and the red haired student stops for a moment to talk to him. “You were his mentor, do you really believe that he wouldn’t hurt Bakugou?” Yagi smiles solemnly in reply. “Those boys have a lot of history behind them that might suggest otherwise. But I am confident that Midoriya is the same he has always been. He’ll recognise Bakugou for what he attempted to do by going in search of him.” Kisrishima cast his eyes low as he nodded before stepping out into the hallway again.

Mina corners him the moment he steps back into the dorm. He doesn’t have the heart the answer her questions in front of everyone so he makes his way up to his room and allows her in instead. “Any news?”

“They are no longer investigating after Midoriya, its officially a case now. But they don’t seem to believe that Midoriya would hurt Bakugou.”

“That's it? They are just going to leave him there until he is returned? In what state will he be in then? Huh? You don’t get away from being kidnapped trauma free!” Mina lashes at him and he sighs heavily flopping on his bed. “He went looking for Midoriya, Mina. He said that he counted on it that Midoriya would hurt him, he knew and he still went.”

“We can’t just leave him!” She reasons, her voice cracking and he looks up at her from his pillow. He sits up properly to face her. “We wouldn't know where to start looking. They could be anywhere.”

“We start where he did. Your patrol route.” She says determined and invites herself to sit down on his desk chair. He turns to face her properly and seriously. “We can’t Mina, they could remove our licence for acting without an active hero’s permission.” He relays to her what Aizawa-sensei had told him moments before. She is not deterred. “We have their permission to patrol…” She trails off thinking. “When’s your next shift?” His eyes go wide with understanding. “Tomorrow from five till seven.”

“Same route?”

“No, otherside, but if I see a disturbance outside of my patrol route, I have permission to engage.” She nods and he can see a plan form in her mind. “Ok, I’ll gather the others.”

“For what? You can’t join in on my patrols.” He reminds her and she smiles lightly though her eyes burn with determination and seriousness. “No, but we’ll be in the neighbourhood in case you need backup.”

“Convenient.” He snorts and she stands up to bring her hands to his shoulders and squeeze them. “He may be an idiot, but he’s our idiot. He’s our friend. The heroes may not care or seem to concerned but I believe what you saw. Midoriya is not the same boy we used to know, and we won’t take any chances when it comes to Bakugou.” He nods firmly. They’ll get him back.


It must be night time by the time Izuku returns with another meal and a huge smile on his face that has Katsuki raising a brow in interest. He also notes that Izuku took his notes about his haircut on board.

“Lucky you. This may be your last meal with us.” He exclaims and Katsuki promptly chokes on air to which Izuku comes clapping him on the back. When his passage is clear he looks back to the greenette. “You’re setting me free?” He can’t believe it, he’s only been imprisoned for maybe 2 days?

“Yup!” Izuku smiles at him and Katsuki naturally grimaces back, he’s going to miss this for some reason. Sure these weren’t the best living conditions… but he missed the nerd. Katsuki reaches out for the plate of food, he has no clue who’s been doing the cooking but it’s damn good. “Not gonna lie nerd, I’m going to miss you.” Izuku smiles at him softly.

“You’ll hear of me soon enough.” Katsuki doesn’t doubt it.

“So how does it work between you and crusty?” He decides to ask, he knows he can’t ask about the set up and stuff because he wouldn’t get answers but… he wants to be sure that that Shigaraki bastard is taking care of his nerd. He knows he has no right to demand that, but after being a bad friend, he just hopes Izuku has someone looking after him. He sure as hell knows his mother lacked in that department as well. Izuku blushes and fumbles with his fingers. “He’s my partner.” Izuku supplies and Katsuki snorts. “There are a lot of different meanings for ‘partner’, nerd.” Izuku smiles to himself. “He’s my partner in all the ways that count.”

“He better make you happy, Izuku. You deserve it.” Katsuki huffs out, its getting too sentimental for his tastes. Izuku smiles at him surprised at the words he just declared. “He does.” They don’t say anything more as Katsuki finishes his meal. Izuku picks it up again and leaves him to it, when the door closes he can hear muffled voices behind it. He knows that they are likely discussing how they will free him and he knows he should listen in. But he can’t help himself to, so he decides to just close his eyes and ignore them. He knows that the moment that he is free the police will question him. He wants to be able to answer with as much plausible deniability as he can. He knows that it is sh*t talk to say he wants to protect a villain as a hero. But Izuku’s reasons and motivations aren’t evil, they come from a place of truth. Something that Katsuki aided and abetted, he owes it to Izuku to let him set it right. Society doesn’t deserve to drown people like Izuku or Shinsou or Aizawa-sensei and he’s not going to be the one that stops the only one that plans to make that change.


Not many more chapters to go :)
I've outlined to 16 or 17 total.

Chapter 14


UA gets Bakugou back and the team puts their last parts in place. Including finding a new base.


The amount of research I put into understand how mha cities correlated with real Japansese prefectures and regions was a waste as I just got confused and picked the prefecture that had major villain activity in it twice in canon. But I tried so I would like to think that counts for something.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tomura was waiting for him in their room when he was done with giving Katsuki his last meal. Their room was boxed up and ready to be left behind just like every room in their base. Including the office space and kitchen. Izuku felt sad at leaving this place behind, but they had too. Even if he was fairly certain that Katsuki had no idea where he was and that he wouldn’t tell even if he did, they couldn’t take that chance not now. They had had Toga and Compress scope out a new place over the last days, well since they had Katsuki actually. On Toga’s part he’d made it a feat of training for her, to take the blood of a stranger that she analysed and followed before wearing their mask. They’d found a place up in Tokyo which seemed relatively ok for what they needed it to be. It was also easy to get permission to live there, that’s what Compress was for as the only one to have a legalised job on the side. One that a landlord would recognise as one at least. The rest of the team was pretty excited, they got a better view and more space. The roads and alleys nearby would work as hunting grounds for Toga and Dabi had placed his own seal of approval for his business. Izuku was less excited due to simply being tired. He’d been working on the plan non-stop for the last couple of days and now it’s done. That’s why they are handing Bakugou back, because they are ready. They are moving so they don’t get interrupted. Everyone’s been working hard for this, Toga and Dabi have been improving their quirks. He’d managed to have Dabi crack the barrier in his mind for his cold flame to burn at his control, something he’ll never forget. Dabi had even learned to change the colour of his flame to a lighter version of his signature blue flame. All they needed now was for UA to take the bait of Katsuki’s release and allow Toga to slip in as Yagi Toshinori, formerly known as All Might. He won’t leave the school to fight, but he might take into account that he might spot Izuku nearby. It won’t be an official leave, but enough to confuse Nedzu. She only needs to slip in and out, getting an easy layout sketch of the building so that Izuku could make a 3D scaled example and work out their entry points. They’d already managed to snag an invitation, Dabi had used his charm on an unsuspecting hero. An idiot if you ask Izuku, but an idiot that is now the reason that they know where in UA the Gala will be held. They don’t actually need the invitation to get in, Izuku already has passes at the ready designed from Nedzu’s code that will allow them in without a single question.

Izuku flopped down on the bed beside his boyfriend with a groan. Tomura chuckles and starts rubbing his back soothingly. “You’re amazing, Bunny. I can’t believe you’ve pulled it off.”

“We're not done yet.” Izuku mumbles into the mattress and Tomura pulls him up so that Izuku's head can lay in his lap. “No, but we are close. We have the final ticks planned out and then we’re ready to strike.” Tomura brushes through Izuku’s mop of hair lovingly and Izuku wants to croon at the soft feeling. “You know, it's been about a month since the Hero Billboard Charts.” Tomura whispers into their moment and Izuku smiles softly. “Maybe after this we can take a small break before jumping onto our next victim. Give the public a chance to digest the information and potentially act on their own.” Tomura just hums and Izuku lets himself relax in his boyfriend's touches.

“Did you tell him?” Tomura asks softly and Izuku hums. “He knows that he’ll be free tomorrow.”

“Are you handing his grenades back?” Izuku jumps from his lap in horror. “nO! I still want to play with those, I just haven’t had the time.” He whines and Tomura laughs. “Calm down, Bunny. I wasn’t going to take them from you, you can keep them.” Izuku smiles happily and lies back down in his boyfriends lap. “Is everything ready to leave tomorrow?” He asks and Tomura hums. “Compress will use his quirk on all of our belongings and Dabi and Twice will do the moving. While Compress, you and I deliver the brat back to UA so that Toga can slip in. Lanky All Might won’t join them, he’ll likely stay behind and that’ll make it that much easier for us. Nedzu will spend some time getting confused and by the time he’s figured it out, she’ll be long gone.”

“It works out well too, because this way we won’t be giving our cards away. During our Gala crash we’ll be using Twice’s quirk and Nedzu will just be chasing his own tail at the thought.” Izuku muses and Tomura pulls him back up so they can lay down beside each other. “I am so lucky to have you by my side, Bunny. I hope you know that.” Izuku smiles at him and shuffles closer, earning a hug. He nuzzles into Tomura’s strong arms happily. “You know Katsuki asked me something weird earlier on.” Izuku muses and Tomura hums in faked interest at anything the blond would have to say. “He wanted to be sure that you made me happy. Said that I deserved that. I told him you did and he was glad.” Tomura snorts. “It wasn’t like I needed his seal of approval. But I’m glad even he can see that you are well treated.” He huffs proudly before faltering a little. “Unless you care for his approval?”

Izuku frowns in thought. “I didn’t think I did before he gave it to me. It’s not like it made a difference but, it makes me happy in knowing that the person who knew me better before all of this approves of the one that stands by my side now.” A small smile tugs at his face as he continues. “It makes me think that maybe the person I used to be, the one that owned the memories I lost, would be proud and happy of who I have become.” Tomura pulls away from the hug to see the greenette better, he doesn’t know what to say to that so he simply kisses Izuku sweetly. Letting his hand come up to cup those freckled cheeks as he does. Izuku doesn’t need anything more as he lets himself be kissed and cuddled, allowing sleep to finally give him a moment of rest.

They had their last breakfast as a team at their base before each got ready for the day ahead. Giran had delivered the new gear to them late last night so everyone had new sets to wear. Izuku and Tomura already had all they needed but this was more for the rest. Twice was finally able to shed his paper bag for a suit and mask, which he was very thrilled about. His costume also included measuring tape so that he could get fast and exact dimensions of the people he would be cloning and then were also razor sharp so could be used as a weapon. Dabi insisted on keeping his riccady coat which Izuku then burned for emphasis that it would not be acceptable but was willing to compromise. So they got him a cape that looked like it was stapled together like the patterns on his skin, but the coat was fireproof and bulletproof. It would protect him from blade slashes too. Under that he’d wear a shirt similar to Tomura’s suit and his trousers would be of similar fashion as he always wears but of the same material as his coat and with the same stapled look. His coat had a hidden hood in it too, because Izuku decided that a hood can change a look in an instant and sometimes that small change can do wonders. Izuku had also made sure that no matter quirk capabilities as attack, everyone would wear some sort of a weapon as well. Which is why he'd gotten Toga to teach Dabi most of all to use knives.

Toga had similar reservations of wanting to keep her look the way it was but unlike Dabi quickly gave in to Izuku’s much better ideas. Due to her quirk needing her to be naked before she can transform, Izuku made sure to design a skin tight suit made of her own DNA so that she wouldn’t need to run around naked under her transformation. It also allows her to save time on undressing. The suit was a simple black colour since that was the colour pallet for all of them anyway. It was long sleeved and would come with built in soles to serve as shoes for the suit. Her hand would be gloved but fingerless in case of use of her claws that they learned she could manifest. Izuku also made sure that she had support items to assist with her quirk and knife compartments to strap to herself. Izuku didn’t really want to question why Compress already had his own gear but he couldn’t say he wasn’t curious to know. Izuku had only asked him to consider investing in a dark cloak to fit the aesthetic.

“I don’t see any formal gear in here. Are we going to have to get that separately?” Dabi jokes as he holds his own gear in hand and looks it over. Toga whoops. “Oooh, we can go shopping for that!” Izuku chuckles. “Yes, Dabi. We can’t possibly show up to a Gala without dressing the part. Who do you take us for? Some low life villains?”

“Izuku’s only half joking by the way.” Tomura chimes in when Dabi sends the greenette an inquisitive glare as if he was unsure of the truth behind his words. “You will need formal wear for the Gala, but it won’t be something you’ll be expected to wear the way Zuku and I do.”

“So we’ll go shopping for that?” Toga asks hopefully and Izuku smiles at her as she grins amazed at the suit in her hands and all the support items that fit the vibe. “Yeah, sure. Think of it as a reward if everything goes right today.” She whoops in excitement once more and Dabi sighs heavily clearly not looking forward to it. Twice picks up on that fact and throws an arm over the fire user’s shoulders and attempts to bring his mood back up again. “Come on Dabi, I'm sure you’ll look smoking hot in a fitted suit! Stop being such a sour wuss, you're bringing down the mood.” Izuku tries to smothers his laughter at the sight.

Izuku doesn’t go down to fetch him for Compress, the magician goes down on his own and brings a marble containing Katsuki back. Izuku had said his goodbye’s last night, he didn’t need to see him again. Twice and Dabi had just left with all the marbled supplies and Tomura had just done a last check of the building to make sure they had it all. It felt strange to leave, but it also felt a little smug due to the note they left the heroes in case they are competent enough to find the place. Tomura intertwined his hand in Izuku’s to bring him out of his thoughts. “Ready?” Izuku nods. Suited up they leave the building in broad daylight. Toga skipping happily in her new suit, Compress playing with his marbles in his usual brown cloak and outfit, Tomura in his own coat with his signature hands stored in his various pockets. Allowing his face to be visible and his pale blue locks of hair to move in the wind to their heart's content. Lastly Izuku, in his own gear having forgone his suit. They started using the roofs to manoeuvre when Izuku spotted the young heroes littered on the streets. Izuku spotted the red haired hero from before immediately and from there he notices the other young heroes that were related to him. A girl with curly pink hair and skin, with yellow horns poking out of her hair. Her eyes were black with yellow irises, her quirk was not immediately noticeable and he applauded her for that. Beside her was a blond with a lightning streak in his hair that reminded Izuku of pikachu so there’s an immediate guess at his quirk. Lastly was another boy who also made sure to keep any factor of his quirk hidden. Huh, looks like some heroes aren’t idiots.

“There, Katsuki mentioned the red haired hero before. My guess is that they are friends. The red haired one is the only one in costume, so I'll assume it's because he’s patrolling. The others are likely there to look like they are there coincidentally but I bet they are there as backup. They are likely looking for their friend and risking a lot to do so.”

“So what’s the plan?” Izuku thinks on it for a moment, deciding whether or not it was worth it to change the plan. “Toga and I will still head for UA, you and Compress will release Katsuki here and then make sure a more competent hero nearby spots you. We won’t leave it in the hands of children but we can use their stupidity anyway.” Tomura nods, pulling Izuku in for a fast kiss before gesturing to Compress. “Be careful Bunny.” he then looks at Toga and she nods. “I’ll have his back.”

Getting to UA was laughably easy and they knew that Tomura and Compress had done the job as they saw many heroes going in the opposite direction from UA. Izuku made sure to wait for Toga a good distance away so that Nezu would not be able to spot him and told her not to use comms unless of a real emergency because the Rat could hack those. He would sketch the outside of UA while she was inside so that they compare notes. He had also given her a device that would generate a quick scan on the building when she gets inside, it wouldn't admit any signals so the Rat shouldn't be able to pick up on it. Dimension of corridors and window she would have to take by hand and entry points into the Gala hall. He’d estimated that it would take her an hour max to do everything right and carefully without drawing attention to herself. His phone started ringing just as he’d started sketching out the UA barrier walls, they were at the half hour mark. He picked it up without looking at the caller ID. ‘You were right, those kids weren’t supposed to be there and they got an earful from Eraserhead when he showed up on the scene. Compress and I are going back now to meet up with Twice and Dabi.’

“Ok, good. Toga still has half an hour before she’s passed the estimated time. Getting here was as I thought and her suit works well for her transformation too. Even the support items managed to be covered by her transformation, it really is amazing.” He starts gushing about it and Tomura interrupts him before he can start mumbling up a storm. ‘Ok, good luck Bunny.’

Shig, what did I say about using pet names on comms?” Izuku signs ‘You said not too and I’m not. Bunny, I’m simply calling you.’

“Think you’re pretty clever don’t you?” Izuku mocks and he can practically sense Tomura’s grin over the phone. ‘I do, love you.’ He hangs up before Izuku can reply and Izuku laughs a little to himself.

Toga finds him up on his roof just at the one hour mark. Her transformation already peeled off and with a proud grin on her face. She holds up the notebook and the device with the scan. Izuku smiles at her with a twin smile of glee. “Did you have any trouble getting this?” she shakes her head and then ponders on it. “No, but I did have a student corner me at some point. It's a good thing I managed to recreate his character before this, because the student seemed completely convinced.” Izuku smiles proudly at her. “And your exit?”

“I ditched the card you made like you asked, they won’t be able to track that. I de-transformed at the same spot that I transformed and was careful to avoid any watching cameras on my way back.” She reports.

“And the vial?” She reaches back in her pocket and pulls it out. He nods to okay it and she puts it back. He picks up her notes and the device, sending himself the information on it and then disconnecting it. “Let’s go home, we’ll take the long way. Tomura and Compress will have met up with Dabi and Twice by now.” She nods and whoops quietly to not draw attention to themselves. “And then we can go shopping!” Izuku laughs.

They both pull up their hoods and start running back across the rooftops.

With the amount of getting lost finding the place they did, Izuku is fairly certain that any tail that could have been following is just as lost now. “Zuku, please let me call Dabi or Twice for directions. We’ll never find it at this rate!” She pleads and Izuku huffs, getting his phone out to get a map to asses where the f*ck they are at the moment. Their base has rooftop access so when it was clear that they had no idea where they were going, they retreated to the roofs. They’d somehow managed not to get spotted on the train, which really was a feat in itself. “No. I’ve managed to get there before. I will again.” He huffs determined and she groans. “By the time we do get there, it’ll start getting too late to go shopping! You promised!” She starts to pout and Izuku feels a little bad. She managed to grab that weakness for herself as she rips his phone out of his hands, he fights her for it now that it’s unlocked so she can actually use it, he continues to fight when she finds his contacts and presses for Tomura. “Toga! Give that! We don’t need anyone’s help, I can get us there myself!” He determines and she huffs as she fights him off. “We’ve been running in circles for half an hour! Just accept that you need help sometimes! There is nothing to be ashamed of—” She is interrupted by laughter over the phone and both look surprised that the line connected. They hadn’t heard it connect. ‘Yeah, bunny, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You can’t be a genius at everything.’ Tomura coos mockingly through the phone and Izuku sends Toga a dirty glare, she at least has the decency to look ashamed. ‘I’ve got your location and if it helps, you’re closeby.’ Izuku huffs and Toga takes the phone to take control of the conversation. “Ok how close?” She hums as Tomura no doubt gives her directions. “Ok, yeah, I think we went passed that.” She admits and hums some more before saying thanks and hanging up. Handing the phone back to him he huffs as he takes it back. “Come on, Zuku, it's not that bad.” She tells him sweetly. “Says you, you don’t have a boyfriend waiting for you that finds great joy in things like this.” Izuku retorts and she smiles sheepishly.

With Toga leading the way, they managed to get there in 10 minutes and true to Izuku’s prediction Tomura greets them cackling. “Well, it's at least good to know that for all your genius you’re sh*t when it comes to your sense of direction.” Dabi grins. “It makes it feel a little more fair to the rest of us.” Izuku only scowls. When Tomura manages to get a hold of his laughter, he kisses Izuku’s forehead in a means of truce. Izuku’s scowl doesn’t leave him but he does manage to get somewhat back on track. “Toga’s infiltration was successful so we just need to plug the combined information into the software I designed and we’ll get a fully detailed blueprint and projection of the building schematics.”

“My point proven.” Dabi comments. “It brings me relief to know that you have no sense of direction. I believe I will be able to sleep better at night now too.” His unnecessary comment brings a grin to Izuku’s face as he pulls up a rolled piece of paper from their new base’s blueprints. Looking over the rooms available, counting out their living room, kitchen, office and bathrooms. “Fat chance, your room is next door to Tomura and I.” Dabi sputters and curses. “f*ck that! Why me?” The others laugh at his misfortune as they look over the plan of the building themselves before running to find the rooms they want. First come, first serve. Except for the biggest room that allows for two, because no one wants to fight Izuku for that room. Dabi grumbles off behind them, probably planning to threaten one of them to give their room up. He’ll also soon notice that there is still an extra room available, but Izuku decides to let him figure that out.

Tomura pulls Izuku in for a hug when they are alone and kisses the reluctant greenette on his head to relax him. “Sorry for laughing, bunny. You know I just love how stupid you act on the small things.” Izuku grumbles in the hug but soon starts to hug back. “M’not stupid.” He replies and Tomura chuckles. “No, you’re not.” He agrees without a doubt and Izuku huffs before pulling out of the hug. “Let’s go get our room.”

Izuku and Tomura allowed the team to unpack their belongings into their new rooms before expecting them back in the living room changed in civilian casual wear. Dabi had in the end found the extra bedroom and had cursed Izuku out when he did. Izuku found great joy in the act regardless. They’d even decided as a group that they would eat out after their shopping trip, a little pre party if you will. Though Izuku doesn’t really want to call it a party since he doesn’t want to jinx their luck so far. Once him and Tomura had unpacked, Izuku had gone straight to digitalising their finds of the day. He wanted that done and out of the way before they went out. He knew he the team had been waiting long by the time he’s down, dressed and ready to go. Dabi was the first to acknolodge his arrival as he looked up from his phone. “You got it done?” Izuku grinned like the cheshire cat in reply. “Yup! We now have a clear visual of UA High Schools building, entry and exit points.” The team whooped as a whole getting up and hitting the town. Izuku and Toga went shopping for some cleaner clothes for her and an outfit for the Gala, while Tomura and Compress went to take Dabi and Twice to get fitted suits at an underground shop. They met ip at the chosen time at a good ramen place in the neighbourhood. Izuku and Toga were the first to get there and decided to gush over what Toga bought while they waited.

“I can’t believe we managed to get these all on sale! Can you believe our luck?!” She exclaims giddily and Izuku’s glad that she took it so well that they had gone to a thrift store for all her stuff. It's stupid how bad of a press they get since technically they get the stuff from brands where the tags were cut off and so couldn’t be resold. It was some good sh*t and as she said, they got it at bargain price. The boys showed up only fifteen minutes late but no one commented on it when Toga ambushed them into showing her dress off.

“Look at what we found! Isn’t it gorgeous? You should have seen it on me!” Twice was the only one who managed to match her enthusiasm and started gushing on all that she bought. “Izuku helped me figure out what worked with my style and body and what didn’t! He was so good at that!” She gushes further, Twice in turn starts to show her pictures of the suits they got and she starts to gush about how good they all looked in their suits before shoving the phone in Izuku’s face for a second opinion. He whistles low in appreciation leaving the men in question to flush at the compliment.

The rest of the night went the way it would for any group of friends having dinner together. They laughed and smiled together and neither one of them thought about the days ahead. No one talked about all they had to do and plan, they just lived in the moment. And when Izuku notices this for himself he feels the tear ducts wanting to overflow at the emotion. Luckily Tomura senses them coming and kisses his tears away before they fall. “I’m so happy Tomura.” He croaks quietly and Tomura smiles softly. “Me too.” Placing a kiss on the greenette’s forehead they look back to the group they have stitched together, teasing and enjoying themselves. Izuku can only thank the events that led up to the moment. He’ll never know what he lost that day at the mall, but in Izuku’s eyes that’s not important anymore. Because he gained so much more.


I updated the work, so you'll see that there's only 3 chapters more to go.

Chapter 15


UA's reaction to Bakugou’s delivery and witness report, including the staff and students.


Fun fact! It's my one year anniversary as an author on AO3!!! Its been a year since I've had my account in general!

The ending of this chapter was... odd, by that I mean the last couple of scentences.
Oh, well.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Katsuki knew it would be coming, but the process of it was sickening. One moment he was in that room, the next he was being shoved out of an alleyway unceremoniously. Crashing straight into someone before turning around unsteadily and puking his guts out.

“Bakugou?” A similar voice reaches out to him and steadies him as his stomach calms down from the trip. “sh*tty hair?” Suddenly he’s enveloped by multiple people and he can vaguely make out pink curls and yellow hair. “Sensei, I found him.” Katsuki hears Kirishima call his retrieval in before he passes out.

He wakes up again in the sterile room that he recognises as Recovery Girl’s office and UA, the white walls and blinding light feeling very familiar. “Oh good, you’re awake.” She tells him sweetly before shoving gummies into his hands. “Eat, you lost a lot of energy.” He frowns at them, did he need to be healed? She seems to be able to read his confused expression. “Puking your guts out will do that to you. I don’t know the reason, yet, that caused your body to do so. So gummies it is for now.” She tuts over him as she takes his vitals and some of his blood, and goes over all of the procedure tests apparently to make sure that nothing was injected when kidnapped and so forth. By the time she’s done Aizawa-sensei and All Might are waiting at the door to be allowed in by the old lady. She lets them in and they sit by the edge of his bed, strangely enough the sombre pitying looks he would have expected are nowhere to be seen. It’s almost as if they know how decent he was actually treated being kidnapped and imprisoned by villains. The lack of bruises and signs of malnutrition evident to back their case. “They let you go?” Aizawa starts and Katsuki knows very well that it is a statement disguised as a question. He nods anyway.

“Detective Tsukauchi will be coming along to take your statement and report on the events that transpired. His quirk is Lie Detector and it works just as you will imagine. He’ll get your truth on paper.” Katsuki raises a brow at him. “You knew.” A statement he’s not going to bother hiding it. Aizawa-sensei nods. “Do you understand now?” He asks, it's a question. Katsuki nods but doesn’t verbally reply. He does understand why his teachers stopped trying to get Izuku back, something changed that day that he disappeared but not in the way everyone feared. Sometimes in the way he talked, it was like he’d forgotten some things and the more Katsuki spent time with him he realised, Izuku doesn’t remember UA. He never asked for his friends, never acted the way he used to there. But somehow he looks even lighter and freer than back then. They had figured it out, they likely knew exactly how it happened, but for Katsuki that wasn’t important. He’d seen his old friend and apologised the way he wanted to. He doesn’t need to know what prompted the change, it fits him and he’s happy.

Another knock at the door sounded the arrival of the detective and his teachers took that as their sign to leave. “Bakugou?” Aizawa-sensei calls out to him before leaving and Katsuki turns to him. “It's good to see you that you are well.”

The detective promptly brings Katsuki’s attention back onto him when he coughs and explains the objective clearly, explaining his quirk while he’s at it too. “For the record, can you please state your full name, age, date of birth and quirk status.” Katsuki’s lip curls at the last part, he’d never noticed how even within the law, there were small things that immediately discriminated. Sure he understood that they needed that information to find his digital file. But many people with small minds would take one look at the quirk and would already dismiss the statement or case in itself by that factor alone.

“Bakugou Katsuki, 16, April 20th and my quirk name is Explosion.” The detective nods. “Truth.” Katsuki scowls, of course it’s the f*cking truth!

“Can you recall the events that led to your abduction?” Katsuki rolls his eyes but gives the detective the information. “Truth.”

“The report said that there were two perpetrators on the scene. Can you state their names?”

“Shigaraki Tomura and the second guy’s name I never got but I referred to him as Paper bag. They referred to him as Double Trouble.” The detective looks surprised as he mumbles a ‘truth’. “Can you elaborate?” Katsuki sighs. “They were smart, they never let me catch their names so they called each other by codenames. Well everyone except for the two main bosses.” Truth.

“Two main bosses?” He asks intrigued and Katsuki frowns. “Shigaraki and Izuku?” The detective frowns down at his paperwork and sighs heavily before collecting himself. “Did you catch anything that could help identify their members?” Katsuki doesn’t know what to think of the detective’s break there, had they not filed his abduction under both the villain names? Well technically he was kidnapped by Shigaraki and Izuku had no idea of it… “Uh well Blond buns took my blood at some point and Izuku was once pulled away to go check out a development with Scarred freak’s quirk. He once did something to me bindings that made it feel like they burned off, but I felt no heat, it was just a small ticklish feeling.” Truth.

That seemed to peak the detective’s interest. “Could you give me any descriptions?”

Katsuki listed all he could on each member and considering one wore a paper bag on at all times, that one couldn’t be too hard to find. “Do you have any idea where they kept you?” He then asks and Katsuki describes the room the best he can, but he didn’t see much of their place other than the room they kept him in and the bathroom they allowed him to use.

“Ok, I think I have what I need. Is there anything you can think of that might be important for the report?” He considers the options of telling the detective but then remembers that he is friends with All Might, they might not actually put that in the report. “They know of All Might’s identity.” The detective nods gravely. “Thank you for speaking to me. I hope you recover soon.”

“Why were you surprised that there were two main bosses?” Katsuki asks for the first time and the detective sits back down on his stool and sighs. “For the moment UA had been able to avoid making a public statement on Midoriya Izuku since he hadn’t committed any known crimes. Now that you have implied that Midoriya was there when you were abducted and has been shown to be on equal footing with Shigaraki. He therefore is held accountable for the abduction. Which means the police station and UA both will have to make a public statement of Villainy.”

It was only when the detective left that Katsuki made the sudden connection that had bothered him when the detective sounded more disappointed than surprised. The detective’s quirk is voice activated like Shinsou’s, it is also a mental one. Considering what it does, it would have received backlash as a kid… just like Aizawa-sensei, the detective had hope for Izuku’s cause and now that he has to label him a Villain… It hurts him. Izuku would have expected this outcome… So what does he have planned?

Tsukauchi came over once he was done taking his report from Bakugou. Toshinori and Aizawa had previously been called in to Nedzu’s office after leaving the med bay and had been patiently waiting for the Detective’s return. The door opens before he gets to knock and announce himself, as is Nedzu’s way. “Detective, what have you concluded from questioning the patient?” He asks as if he doesn’t already know. Tsukauchi straightens. “UA will have to make a statement about Midoriya Izuku.” Aizawa and Toshiniori who were sipping on their own tea’s spout out their drinks in reaction, Aizawa is the first to recover. “What? Why?”

“Because Bakugou made it clear in his statement, Midoriya and Shigaraki work side by side. They work under a shared banner, what one does relays to the other. On paper a witness has seen his relation to a known villain and he aided and abetted an abduction by said villain.” Toshinori sighs heavily. “How much time do we have?” Aizawa asks and Tsukauchi shrugs. “I need to put the witness report in the system and take into account the descriptions he gave me for the members. So that will take some time and research, but I’d say a couple of days max.”

“Oh that is unfortunate.” Nedzu attempts to empathise. “Well I’m sure you’ll come up with a good statement to make Aizawa-kun, since this is your case.” Aizawa sighs heavily in answer and the Rat only slides him some cookies to soften the blow. “I don’t want to do it, I don’t want to stand there and label him a villain. It feels wrong.” He bows his head in his hands and for once Toshinori sees a genuine feeling of sadness pass on Nedzu’s face. Even Nedzu understands what this ordeal meant to people with mental quirks. After becoming a hero out of spite, he can assume that having someone stand up for the horrible childhoods many face, is a relief.

“In all technicality, villainy occurs when someone uses their quirk illegally to commit a crime that endangers others. Since there has been no sighting from Bakugou or anyone else that he used his quirk, his actions only define him as a criminal.” Tsukauchi adds and Toshinori looks between the two men as they discuss the situation. “We also have to take into account that for the time Bakugou was their prisoner he was well taken care off. That doesn’t sound like any malicious intent.” Aizawa points out and the detective hums. “I agree. It feels wrong to label him, but UA has kept quiet for too long now. It needs to say something on behalf of it’s former student.” Nedzu nods toward the Detective in agreement.

“Aizawa-kun, remember what you said when we saw Bakugou get taken?” Toshinori suddenly muses as something strikes him, they have a time gap. It would be ironic if in that time Midoriya’s team makes a reappearance. Aizawa seems to understand. “If Bakugou is returned… its an omen for something to come.” Tsukauchi then winces and both men turn to face him. “There’s one more thing…” He pauses before saying. “They know All Might’s identity.”

“f*ck.” Toshinori curses. “Well this is a good direction of conversation because I didn’t bring you all here to catch up.” Nedzu speaks up again as he turns his monitor on and turns one of the of 4 screens towards them. He plays a video montage of the camera’s that had recorded this morning. All 3 men look at the screen curiously before looking back at the Rat with varying degrees of confusion. Nedzu is quick to elaborate. “Toshinori, where were you during the hours of 9.00 and 11.00 this morning?”

“Asleep in my apartment” He admits and Aizawa seems to frown at the screen. “So that’s not him then?” Nedzu smiles. “No indeed it is not. Though they did have me fooled for quite some time until the real Toshinori came to school in an entirely different outfit. Whoever this was, was very clever. They picked a time that could be believable of him to be here and then left during the time that Toshinori might have gone towards the chaos this morning that was Baukgou’s reappearance.” Toshinori frantically looks at the screen now. “They look identical to me, if I didn’t know better I would start doubting where I was this morning.”

“Do you have any ideas?”

“Yes, and I wonder if you yet again have a suspect to the genius of this act?” Aizawa doesn’t reply but nods instead, it's good enough for the Rat and he continues.

“Likely the perpetrator is the same person who took Toshinori’s blood on that station platform. It was not a random choice, it was intentional. They likely took the card and managed to hack into it before i could deactivate it as you suspected.” He then brings forth a different camera’s recording. “Then comes the mater of this. They seems to expect where each of the camera’s were and each time they stopped it was at an angle that blocked me from seeing anything they were doing.”

“So they did something we just have no clue of what?” Aizawa summarises curiously as he looks up at his former teacher for signs of irritation. The Rat was outsmarted in his own system.

“I predict that they’ll be making an appearance at the Hero Gala that we’ll be hosting in 2 days time.” Nedzu continues, vaguely disregarding Aizawa’s commentary.

“That’s a private event. No one outside of the hero community should know of it, let alone the date and where it will be held.” Toshinori comments as Tsukauchi leans back and sips on the cup of tea that he was granted.

“Let’s assume that they did somehow find out. This trick they have might be one that they’ll use again.” Aizawa snorts and crosses his hands, leaning over to put his elbows on his knees. “Midoriya isn’t that stupid. He wouldn’t play his cards so easily.” Nedzu shakes him off. “Then he must have calculated the risks and decided this was one to take. I believe that this quirk in a blood induced transformation. So far it doesn’t seem that they have anyone else’s blood so they’ll likely where Toshinori’s body on the day itself.” Toshinori can see the irritation on Aizawa’s face clear as day, he does not appreciate being dismissed in regards to his students strategy decisions. “So what is your plan then? Do we call in for more security?” Tsukauchi speaks up and gets waved off. “No, no, no. We’ll go on as we would. There is no point in bringing attention to this. I’ll simply now to be more aware of the camera’s and everyone’s places when and where in time. They won’t catch me off guard twice.” The last part Nedzu implies in a darker tone and everyone shivers. Nedzu has taken a hit to his pride and won’t let anyone else see or know that. Toshinori looks over to Aizawa and the man shares a knowing look with him. They are playing right into Midoriya’s trap and Nedzu will hear none of it.

After the Detective left the old woman gave him a full meal on a tray, similar to the ones he was granted with Izuku. He snorts a little at the thought and she sends him a confused look. It seems she wasn’t ready to dismiss him as healthy just yet, seeming to believe that a couple more tests would give her the answer she needs. For what he has no f*cking clue. The extra’s came in when he had just finished. “Bakubro! You’re looking better!” Kirishima announced and Katsuki scoffed. “No one looks good when they’re puking their guts out, sh*tty Hair!” A soft look crosses the boy’s face at Katsuki’s reply and suddenly he’s been hugged. “Man, i’m so glad your ok.” Understanding clicks when he thinks back to their last conversation. “Stop feeling guilty, sh*tty Hair. It was my choice, I’m a big boy, I can make my own f*cking decisions.” Kirishima sighs heavily and forces a chuckle out of a breath. “Yeah, i’m just glad we found you.”

“I’ll be honest, I was expecting you to be sporting some bruises from your time with villains. Knowing your foul mouth.” Kaminari jokes and the extras all send him warning glares. “That’s not funny, dude.” Sero tells him and Katsuki scoffs. “Nah, it’s not, because Izuku grew up with my foul mouth.” They all look at him worriedly at the endearing tone and Katsuki frowns. “Spit it out.” He demands and they all stare at the ground dumbly before Mina speaks up. “You speak of him like he’s still the boy you grew up with, he kidnapped you Bakugou. He kept you as his prisoner for three days.”

“Shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” He spits and gestures to himself. “Dunce face said it, I have no bruises and if you ask the old lady I am not malnourished or dehydrated. I may have been held in a room, but that was more my own fault than Izuku’s choice.” They don’t look convinced and only more worried. “Is this a case of Stockholm’s syndrome?”

“I can assure you it’s none of that, Kaminari. Mentally he’s as stable as he used to be.” the old lady replies, deeply concerned. She might be considering whether all this might be too much for a recovering patient. Katsuki had honestly almost forgotten she was even here.

“The f*ck? Are you calling me unhinged?” The extras shout Kaminiari a glare and he shrugs in defence, not appreciating the attitude.

“Bakugou, you have to understand what it looks like to us. You are defending a villain and your kidnaper.” Mina tries carefully in a tone that Katsuki hates. He feels like he’s being treated like a child who doesn’t know better.

“f*ck that! Izuku is no real Villain, villains are murderers. Izuku ain’t hurting anyone.” Katsuki scoffs and Kirishima looks like he’s been slapped against the face.

“He attempted to hurt me!”

“f*ck that Kirishima! It’s not about you! Can’t you see that? You are part of the problem! You think its all about you, you can’t think for one moment that your suit may have given away what your quirk was and that he only did that as a distraction?” He isn’t really sure where all of this came from but he can’t stand it. They are treating Izuku as if he offended them personally. He doesn’t even remember them, how could he have done that. It is amazing how self-centred they are. Was he like that once too?

“He’s changed Bakugou! Why can’t you see that?” Mina pleads and Katsuki snaps. “Because he hasn’t! He’s been the same old nerd he’s always been, he’s just not on your side anymore.”

“And what is my side?” Kirishima bristles and Mina tries to stand between them and avoid any collision. “The one that is blind to the faults of society. To the false title of being a hero these days.” When had Katsuki become so invested in the nerd’s crap?

“Oh like you’re any better? Mister I will beat the number one hero and be the best!” Kirishima snaps back and Katsuki smiles seriously. “Yeah. But I know better now. I’ll still be the best, but i’ll be the right kind of hero.” And he will, he’ll be the hero he should have been to Izuku when he got his diagnosis. He’ll make up for it, and he’ll do it right. Aizawa understood the nerd long before Katsuki got it, he’ll do what his sensei is no doubt planning. He’ll help alongside the nerd as a real hero, he’ll do it by the book in any way he can.

Kirishima stormed out when he was done and Mina followed after him after send a long look to Katsuki. Kaminari and Sero stood in their places frozen. “So… you’re cool then?” Kaminari starts and Katsuki raises a brow. “I mean, with the whole kidnapping thing?” he elaborates and Katsuki shrugs. “Ok, cool. Did you see Shigaraki?” He seems to lighten up as he asks it and Katsuki nods. “Has he changed too?” Katsuki thinks on it for a moment before answering with a wide grin. “Yeah, he’s a lovesick fool for the nerd.”

“How does that work with his quirk? Does he have to hold up his pinkie when he touches him? I personally would be really nervous.” Sero rolls his eyes at the question from where he’s standing and Katsuki scowls. “The f*ck? What did you think I did for three days? But in on their relationship? Nah, but I did see the crusty bastard pick Izuku up with all five fingers without activating his quirk. So i’ll assume the nerd helped him get control.” He shrugs in answer and Kaminari whistles. “Dang, Midoriya really held out on us with those smarts, huh?”

The old lady wheels over towards them with a shocked face. “Shigaraki can control his quirk at a whim now?” Katsuki nods simply and she smacks him on his head. “And you didn’t think to mention that to the detective!” Katsuki looks at her unimpressed at the smacking. “He didn’t ask, I ain’t gonna do his job for him!” She growls. “Get up and go to Nedzu’s office. Tell them.” She shoo’s at him until he’s out of his bed. “Boys, please go with him.” She says in a kinder tone and Kastuki huffs as he stomps out of the room to the principal’s office.

Everyone knows that you can’t sneak up to the principal’s office. He always sees you coming and the door always opens before you even get a chance to knock. So imagine the boy’s surprise when they get to the large door, which is disturbingly large for a size of a stout or human, and to find the door closed. Curious idiots place their ears against the door and listen in. “Aizawa-sensei and All Might are in there too.” They whisper to him and he huffs. “Get back you idiots.” He pulls them back from the door in emphasis and knocks sternly. The door swings open in reply. “Bakugou-kun. Excuse me, I was distracted.” Nedzu greets him and the idiots beside him look sheepishly at the principal. “Bakugou, this is a private meeting. If you have something to say make it quick.” Aizawa tells him and Bakugou nods politely. “I have something to add to the detectives report regarding Shigaraki.” The detective in question that had been lunging on the couch and sipping his tea unperturbed, suddenly sat straight and put his tea down. All the attention in the room was on him. “Shigaraki can control his quirk.” A pregnant silence follows before Nedzu speaks up. “Can you elaborate?” Katsuki scoffs, irritated. “Elaborate on what? The f*ckard picked something up with all five fingers and it didn’t decay. It’s not rocket science.” Kaminari and Sero wince behind him and Aizawa slaps his face with a hand and dramatically drags it down. Nedzu on the other hand takes it in stride. “In which context did you see this?” Katsuki grunts. “Shigaraki picked Izuku up during a kiss.”

“Do you believe Midoriya is the one to credit for this development?” Nedzu asks and Katsuki crosses his arms. Can no one connect dots anymore? Does he have to f*cking spell it out for them? “Yes. The nerd likely is the reason he got this upgrade.”

The adults share looks between them and Katsuki takes a moment to realise he doesn’t give a f*ck. “If Midoriya was able to help Shigaraki past the difficulties of his quirk, then we have to assume that anyone that they have gathered has had similar treatment. Their quirks and drawbacks likely aren’t applicable anymore to what is said on their file. Which would be the only thing we know about them.” Aizawa-sensei seems to plead with the principal, it seems Katsuki might have actually interrupted something important. “Nonsense, this changes nothing until we have solid proof of these ideas.” Nedzu disregards and then turns to Katsuki. “Thank you Bakugou, you are dismissed.”

Katsuki hadn’t expected anything less but when he finds himself on the other side of the door, he doesn’t waste a moment stomping back to his medical bed. Kaminari and Sero are hot on his tail. “What do you think is going on?” Kaminari breaks the silence and Katsuki stops to turn to him. “Izuku is clearly planning something and Nedzu is disregarding any warnings.”

“Can Izuku really outsmart Nedzu? I mean he has an intelligence quirk…” Sero speaks up for the first time in a while.

“Izuku doesn’t need to outsmart him, he only needs to take advantage of his weaknesses.” Katsuki retorts and Kaminari’s face scrunches up in confusion. “Like what?”

“Nedzu may be an animal but he has a human quirk. It allows him to be able to walk on two feet, talk and think like us. Sure he can’t develop human like emotions but he can develop human flaws. Such as pride and ego. Those are his weakness just like they are any of ours and for Nedzu with an intelligence quirk, his ego is very big.”

Kaminari gapes at the information. “Whoa? How do you know so much about his quirk?”

“I don’t, but I was friends with Izuku for years and he started analysing quirks the moment he could talk.” Katsuki grins proudly.

“So Nedzu is playing right into Izuku’s game.” Sero muses and Katsuki’s grin widens. “The Rat’s ego is about to take a beating.”

“Why do you say it like that’s a good thing?” Kaminari asks suspiciously and Katsuki shrugs in reply, walking back to his comfy hospital bed with a grin at what is to come.


Detective Tsukauchi's name is every dyslecsic's fear... if I am misspelling it... please pretend it is correct

Chapter 16


The villains crash the hero gala. UA can't avoid making a statement now.


There are some early season 6 anime spoilers about Dabi in this chapter. So anyone who hasn't watched season 6 should go do so now because there is no excuse unless you've read the manga, which then... this happened long ago for you.

Enjoy the show!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Anual Hero Gala, another decorative event to celebrate rankings and such feeble prideful things between heroes. It’s a black tie event, so unlike the Hero Billboard Charts, each hero dresses up formally out of their suits. There is a red carpet for the press to account and comment on dates and outfits and ‘who’s wearing what ’ since there would be no news outlets inside. The Hero Gala is a private event between Heroes only mostly limelight and twilight. A tradition that they will break tonight. Tonight will be knows as the downfall of the Number One hero, because Izuku’s in it for the dramatics and that is the leak that they will happily share with the press. Tonight is also the night that Todoroki Touya rises from the dead, for he is the final trick up their sleeve. Hopefully this will sit well with the media when Todoroki Shouto comes back with them at the end of the night. The boy will likely see the media’s outrage and it will come corralying onto the poor boy who seemed content to suffer alone. Izuku can’t in his right mind leave the boy to the wolves.

“I have a question!” Twice puts his hand up high while they go through the last briefing for the plan tonight. “Are we going to travel in our suits? Won’t we attract attention walking around in black ties? We are going to look so dang hot, they won’t be able to keep their eyes off of us!”

“Good question Twice.” Izuku praises him like a kindergarten teacher. “No, we will not be travelling in our black tie outfits. We’ll sneak into the school wearing our gear and once in we’ll change at our designated areas. Remember where you left your stuff because you’ll have to come back for it when we leave. Preferably for a quick change.” He then moves forward to his blueprint plan of the school that he has edited with their individual entry points. It would be stupid if they all came through the same door, besides Twice and Toga will be on distraction duty, while Tomura and Dabi take out the security guards and system. Compress and Izuku have the job of taking control of the stage and making sure that the guests have no way to go. The team will rendezvous when it’s time for the Number One’s speech and then will interrupt him halfway to truly irritate him. Dabi will subdue him with his own fire while the rest of the gang keeps the other heroes in submission. Tomura will be decaying one table for emphasis. Preferably one with less food on it since food waste is not a joke.

“Does anyone else have anymore questions about their entry point and job?” The table shake their head in unison. “Any questions about when we are rendezvousing?” Shaking heads. “Any questions in general?” Shaking heads again. Izuku grins. “Then his meeting is dismissed. We leave here at 6.30, an hour before the gala starts so that we’ll be there at 7.55. The guests will long have entered and we’ll simply slip in with our blank cards.”

“Roger that, bunny” Tomura smirks as he pulls Izuku down onto his lap from where he stayed seated in his chair. Izuku giggles as he gladly follows the nudge of his boyfriend and settles in comfortably. Izuku wraps his arms around Tomura’s neck and plays with the short strands of his pale blue hair at the base of his neck. He’d recently got a snip too and Toga had cut it a little shorter than both would have likes but Izuku was starting to find his love for it. The team sees it for what it is and leaves them to have some privacy, which is good because the moment the door closes their lips collide. It's not messy or desperate but its a way that they get it all out, a sweet release. They don’t rush but they don’t waste a moment either to rid each other of their clothes. Tomura doesn’t waste any time sucking marks onto Izuku’s neck and trailing down onto his chest before finally lifting them both up and splaying Izuku on the table. They take their time unravelling into blissful pleasure and Tomura takes care in making sure that he doesn’t go too rough since Izuku does need to have the ability to walk straight and efficiently tonight. They still have the day to hold each other and prepare but Tomura knows that it will most likely be spend in their room watching old movies on binge while Izuku mutters himself into a storm. It's the way he relaxes and Tomura loves him for it, he’ll just watch with him while playing a game on his phone. Izuku winces a little when he pulls out and moans when he feels the cum dribble out of him. Tomura kisses him softly for it. “You are beautiful like this, bunny.” He coos and Izuku chuckles. “Only for you, Tomuchan.” He answers automatically with a happy smile of his own.

Their evening plans caught up to them way to fast and after a rushed early dinner, they were geared up and ready to hit UA. They managed to remain invisible on the train ride, no one so much as blinking an eye at the group of six in dark clothing looking shifty. Also it may have helped that they had a packet of Uno to play on the journey, making them look very un-villain-like. Aside from the threats that Dabi was sending everyone each time he was hit with a plus two or continuously had the wrong colour at each turn. By the time they reached Mustafu station, Dabi had burned the deck. They ran across roofs and alleys as a team but once they hit the large UA gates, they went their separate ways. They were all connected by comms and Izuku connected his phone to theirs so that if they used the camera on their phones it would be a eye for Izuku to see through. Tomura gave him a last kiss on his forehead before making his own way as well. It was enough said, when he was out of sight Izuku steeled himself and got to work. Compress stands watch behind him and once Izuku sees Toga casually making her way in her Toshinori skin, they make their move. “Nedzu’s taken the bait. Let’s move.”

Izuku keeps an eye on his phone as Twice’s double Toshinori’s run walk through the halls casually but as if they have a personal mission. Acting the way the man would. Dabi and Tomura send him their green light, Izuku knows that Nedzu must be raging on his system. Likely enjoying the virus he loaded onto it when the blank cards were scanned in at the gate; It would keep the rat busy while they did what they needed too. The green light as right on time just as Izuku and Compress have changed into their formal wear. Toga pinged them with her location in the room five minutes before the number one’s speech and Twice arrived by her side a minute later. They were spread out around the room as planned when Endeavour moved to the stage and adjusted the microphone for his speech. All the other heroes in the room quieted down and turned their full attention to the man in respect. Dabi mutters some curses in the comms followed by a grunt at the no doubt shove Tomura gave him.

“When I was officially ranked as the Number One hero of Japan, I told you all to watch me. Hawks later made a comment that his approval ratings were higher than mine and that it should have a larger say in the rankings.” Ah Izuku remembers that speech, Hawks had interrupted the ranking lady on stage to make a snarky announcement before passing the mic back to Endeavour to make his two word speech. Izuku had been the only one to clap back then, even if it had been sarcastic. He’d been the second person that night to interrupt the natural flow of the event. ‘Rather ironic how one hero judges the other without being any better at being a hero.’

“I had ever cared before for public approval, but this year of being number one has taught me much. Its not about getting people to like you and fawn over you, its to have them feel safe when you show up and have hope that you will protect them. I may never have done that in the past, but I vow to do better in the future—

“To little, to f*cking late.” Dabi loudly sneers, interrupting Endeavour mid sentence. Stepping out of the corner he was hiding behind, Tomura doing the same from the opposite side of the room. The hero lights his flames on his face and Dabi lights his own in warning. Izuku and Compress brush past the curtains behind the hero. “Boo.” Izuku whispers in his ear before jumping back to avoid the flames. “Endeavour, delightful speech, truly inspiring.” Izuku sneers and smiles wickedly. “We’ll take it from here.” He gestures to Dabi. “You recognize our fire user, I assume.” Endeavour grows and burns through his tux to his hero suit underneath. Izuku looks at him unimpressed and nonchalantly looks over to Tomura who as promised decays the nearest table. “If everyone simply cooperates, no one will get hurt, Number one .” Dabi is on the stage and restraining Endeavour not a moment later. Whispering simple words that had the hero going slack in his hold. ‘ Hello, Otosan’

Izuku brought his attention to the crowd. Any heroes that had started to stand to fight the villains reluctantly sat down again at the show of force.

“Heroes, fitting I would find you here again. I made a promise a month ago when the one year anniversary hit for your beloved Number One that managed to keep his rank despite his sh*t personality. I warned you that I would come after the heroes that didn’t deserve their title.” Izuku knew that Compress was making sure that the presentation Izuku had made for the event would come up on screen at the right moment. Call him a perfectionist, but they practised this moment to the T. “I’m back today to start fulfilling that promise to four kids who have been horribly abused and mistreated throughout their entire childhood. Having to watch their mother be demeaned to a simple breeding mare to produce the perfect ‘ heroic ’ quirk. Losing their oldest sibling to parental neglect of their father and poor attention to the wellbeing of the child at the mere age of 13.” Dabi flinched a little at his story, simply said in a sentence. Izuku turned to Endeavour with a furious look. “Todoroki Enji forced his wife into a quirk marriage so that he could create the perfect hero child that would beat All Might in the way that he couldn’t.” The screen came online to show the certificates and every single file that the HPSC covered up behind his high profile rank. “Their first child had his fire, but he was misdiagnosed because of parental neglect on his fathers part. He burned himself with his flames and he died at 13 after being shoved aside by the quirk awakening of the fourth child. Half hot, half cold, the perfect balance.” Izuku only felt a little bad that he used a clip on the sports festival that had not been open to the public to prove his point. It had been under Todoroki Shouto’s file when Izuku hacked into the UA database.

“The second and third had their mothers quirk and were considered weak, they were entirely cast aside by their father and watched as their older brother turned mad and their youngest became the victim of their mother losing her own mind.” The screen shows the file of Todoroki Rei being admitted to a mental facility, with a shared image of wounds she inflicted on her youngest. Oh his father's side of his appearance. The room goes silent.

“The Hero Endeavour is an abuser. He is not a hero. He asks you to watch him. He asks for people to feel safe and hopeful in his presence. While he brings fear to his own children and wife. Is this the number one that you want representing you?” He lets the question hang in the room and only one brave hero stands to answer. “Brave words young man, I like your gusto. But how do we know any of this has any truth to it? Those files must’ve been illegally gathered, you could have edited them to fit your narrative.” Mirko points out and Izuku grins wickedly, showing off his teeth. “You’re right, so don’t believe my word on it. I never could have found any of this though without the help of someone very special. I believe you wouldn’t be able to ignore his existence.” Izuku nods to Dabi who fishes out one last document that also flitters onto the screen. “Or this paternity DNA test.” Toga comes out to replace Dabi’s hold on the hero with two knives ready to slice at his neck. “From Todoroki Enji to Todoroki Touya showing 99,9% accuracy of shared dna. A level only reached between father and son.” Dabi grins at the hero as Endeavour pales. Mirko gapes as well and promptly sits down, any more proof needed simply handed on a silver plate.

“Now you see, none of you can run from your past. You reap what you sow and we’ll make sure of it. It all ends now.” The lights go out with his final word before six shadows reconvene together on the stage and the lights shine on them. Grinning proudly under the banner name presented on the screen. Izuku gives a mock salute to the heroes before the lights go out again and for the final time.

They weren’ done yet as Izuku went backstage for the presentation information plus the additional changes that they made tonight thanks to the camera’s in the room and the audio feed. They weren’t going to rely on heroes' morals to change with this one showing, the public on the other hand may sway them a little stronger. He knows that certain heroes in the room didn’t have good childhoods either, they’ll turn their back on an abuser but that is not enough to start the domino effect they need. Izuku can faintly hear the chaos that ensues as the heroes snap out of their shock to hunt down the intruders. They had to get out now!

“Twice, please tell me your copy got the Todoroki kid?” Izuku asks the man through the comms. ‘ Yes, he was very willing to take my hand. Or Dabi’s copy’s hand. Bringing him to you now Boss.’ Izuku sighs in relief and nods to Compress. “Let’s go.”

Getting out was more intricate than getting in, but they managed it when they reconvened on the roof near UA. This time with a student in tow and a couple of vials of blood that Toga managed to snag from unaware heroes whose full attention was on Izuku at the time. “How many?” Izuku asked vaguely, aware of the teen in tow. She grinned proudly. “Everyone we needed.” Izuku smiles back at her before turning to the teen. “Todoroki-kun, this is going to feel strange but we are going to have someone use their quirk on you for easier transport.”

“Are you asking me for my permission?” The boy asks somewhat monotone and Izuku looks somewhat sheepish back. “No. I’m just letting you know.”

“Oh, ok.” Compress takes his cue and marbelizes the boy. Izuku takes one more moment on the roof to send the leak of events from tonight to multiple contacts in the press before looking back at UA with a smirk.

They get back to the base with no trouble, which put everyone on edge. Dabi in the end decided to be on watch while going out to replace the uno deck he burned. The rest of the team stayed geared up in case of emergency but they had managed to bring all their Gala gear to their rooms and back during that time.

“No heroes in sight, anywhere between the station or nearby main roads.” Dabi reported back after chucking the new deck onto the coffee table. “They might not even know we changed location yet.” Izuku hums. “It could be that they decided to wait out the reason we left Katsuki go before raiding the place.”

“Which means we’re safe?” Toga asks hopefully and Dabi and Izuku nod in unison. “That also means we can let Todoroki go.” Izuku co*cks his head in Compress’ direction and the man tips his head, making a show of releasing the marble. Something that bring careless smiles all around. Todoroki Shouto comes out looking somewhat dizzy before turning green, Twice ever so kindly offers him an old cereal bowl for him to puke in. The rest of the team just looks between the teen releasing his guts and the magician. “That’s what happens when you marbelize someone?” Compress shrugs. “Someone conscious it seems, yes.”

“You didn’t know this would happen?” Dabi asks surprised and Compress co*cks his head casually. “Well, I never thought of doing it to someone when they were conscious.”

“We did that to Katsuki without knowing what would happen?!” Izuku screeches in disbelief looking between Tomura and Compress who had been in charge of the boy.

“We took the risk.” Tomura shrugs and Izuku turns to him outraged to which he then looks apologetic for. When the teen has stopped puking his guts out in the bowl he looks over at the group of villains surrounding him. His eyes then decide to land on Dabi. “I’m happy you’re not dead.” He deadpans and Dabi snorts. “It’s Dabi now, by the way.”

“Ok, call me Shouto then. I don’t like being referred to by Dad's name.”

“Good, I don’t like saying the name.” Izuku looks between the brothers for a moment before asking. “Shouto-kun, are you aware of what happened tonight? The reason that your brother came to get you?” Shouto frowns a little. “He vaguely said that dad had been exposed and that the media might turn on me so he was offering a safe space until they calmed down.”

“That is what this is. Do you know who we are?” He seemed to ponder that and looked at Izuku softly before seeming to decide against it. “You’re villains?” He asks as if he doesn’t believe it, like a child that has been told something but it doesn’t make sense. “If the banner name we placed ourselves under tonight is anything to go by, we’re the Villain’s Order.” Tomura side eye’s his boyfriend and Izuku huffs indignantly. “The ‘League of Villain’s ’ was never an option Shig, get over it!” Tomura frowns and huffs looking away. “You never even considered it.” Izuku looks at him and deadpans. “No I didn’t.”

“Chin up Shiggy, you were outvoted anyway.” Toga chimes in soothingly and he just pouts. Shouto looks as confused as ever. Taking into account that if they had been tailed, they would have been ambushed by now, the team decided to finally relax and celebrate their win. Everyone went to their rooms to change out of their gear and put their lazy wear on because the team was in for a full on game night. Dabi decided he was in charge of his baby brother now, so he was the one to lead him to the spare room next to Izuku and Tomura’s. “Oh, you two sleep together?” Izuku nearly jumped out of his skin when he and Tomura re-emerged from their room changed. Shouto it seemed was a little socially awkward and unaware of certain social cues. “Yes, well we are boyfriends.” Izuku supplies and the teen seems to understand. “Should I get headphones then?” Tomura grins at the insinuation proudly. “Those can be arranged for you.” He promises and Shouto bows lightly in thanks. “Oh, no that’s not necessary Shouto. You may not be one of us, but you don’t need to thank us for the simply things. You definitely don’t need to bow.”

“Don’t take it personally Zuku, dad was an ass in many ways. Shouto might be a little stunted in modern ways.” Dabi appears down the hall, coming up round to stand beside his brother. “I think its sweet.” Izuku coos and Dabi rolls his eyes. “He doesn’t need any quirk training Zuku, don’t get hopeful. UA would have made up for the ass’ lack of knowledge by now.” Shouto’s eyes simply flitter between the interaction. Izuku really has changed. He’s heard the fight that Bakugou kept having with Kirishima after his return but… to see it is something else. This is definitely not the same shy boy he used to know.


Shouta arrived on scene in the middle of Nedzu’s rage, he’d gone to the Rat’s office first and found it utterly trashed so had then decided to follow the traces of the Rat’s anger. It led him to the hall where the gala had taken place earlier that evening. Nedzu was acting feral over a computer connected to the lighting and mics by the time he found him. Police officers seem to be taking statements of heroes who had been present, each one of them avoiding the mad principal. “He’s been at it for the last half hour. We’ve deduced from him that Midoriya Izuku managed to hack his system without him knowing when he sent him on a wild goose chase.” Tsukauchi informs him without being asked. “Wild goose chase?” The detective nods as he flitters through his notepad. “Nedzu spent half an hour chasing the transforming blood quirk user through the halls before understanding that there were five of them. Likely clones, so its unclear whether there ever was a transformative blood quirk. The evidence suggests that multiple quirks may have been at work, but we haven’t been able to get much of a statement like that from Nedzu after he started doing that.” The detective then gestures to the feral stout and Shouta sighs heavily. “We knew this would likely be the case, I had told him that Midoriya wasn’t stupid enough to play his cards so recklessly.” Tsukauchi hums. “Yeah, I wouldn’t tell him that right now. Being proven wrong is one thing, but this seems to have affected him much more than that, he was played for a fool and someone hacked his system. Which in itself is a feat that Nedzu would likely have praised under different circ*mstances.” Shouta agrees, the Rat had already been impressed by the analytical skills of the problem child, he likely would have been entirely thrilled to know of his hacking abilities. Except that they were used against him and made him out to be a narcissistic self praising human with a god complex. The highest insult. Shouta sighs again. “UA is definitely going to make a statement after this.” The detective pats him kindly on the shoulder. “At least you can rest assured that Nedzu will gladly do it for you.” Shouta makes an agreeing sound, at least there’s that.

“There is something else.” Tsukauchi starts in a new tone and Shouta knows that tone very well. Sending one last look to the feral chimera, ripping and snarling at the tech that won’t cooperate with him, he leaves the room. “One of your former students, Todoroki Shouto, left school grounds during the fray of it. We checked the security footage and it seems that your arsonist Dabi or now revealed as Todoroki Touya, was the one who went to get him. It doesn’t look like he went against his will considering he managed to pack a bag of his belongings. But he left his phone behind.” Shouta smiles a little. “That’s Midorriya’s good heart, he likely guessed that once the media got hold of the story they’d turn to the boy.” Tsukauchi snorts. “Funny you should say that. The media already got hold of the story.” Shouta’s eyes widen in surprise. Those vultures are fast , his thoughts must be painted on his face because the detective answers his question before he can even say it. “It seems that the Villain Order made the leak themselves.”

“They are controlling every part of this outcome.” Shouta deducts and Tsukauchi nods. “Your right Aizawa, this kid was severely underestimated.”


Izuku found Shouto on the roof on the building. It turned out that the boy had a fascination for them too but for a different reason than the quirkless teen. It was the only place where his father never thought to look for him. Izuku could only imagine that it must have gotten a little much down there. Dabi had brought alcohol to the party while a multitude of games were being played in a way that was definitely against some health hazard rules. It had gotten a little chaotic down there, even for Izuku. No one needs to see how Twice can practically fold his body at different angles at Twister while Dabi is beating Tomura at Mario Kart. It’s an overload of information for anyone. But it was their celebration evening, they had voted for this, the team deserved it. He’d caught Shouto on his phone watching the leaked video of tonight's Hero Gala. Or technically yesterday’s probably, it’s likely early morning now. “Well, now you have the full picture I guess.” Izuku announces himself and Shouto shrugs but stays silent as he watches the rest of it. “I never thought someone would find out what he did. I’d given up on the possibility that he’d get caught. It got better when I got to UA and then when All Might retired, but no matter how hard he suddenly was trying… I couldn't forget that he was the reason I have this scar.” Shouto’s hand reaches up for the mark around his eye and Izuku decides not to prod too much. “That’s how Dabi felt when he told me all about Endeavour the first time we met. You both suffered under the same man in different extremes, I’m sorry no one got to him sooner.” Shouto shrugs. “Thank you.” Izuku nods in understanding and they sit in silence a little longer looking beyond at the skyline before them. “You grew up quirkless?” Shouto suddenly asks and Izuku chuckles. “Yup.” The boy doesn’t ask further and Izuku smiles carefree when he hears Shouto mutter. “You're awesome.” They sit in silence once more before Shouto seems to have another question. “If you are going after all the heroes that are not deserving of the title and help build the society of ‘heroic ’ and ‘ villain ’ quirks. What do you believe a real hero is?” Izuku turns to look at him for that. “A person that simply helps others because it should be done and because it’s the right thing to do.” Izuku lets himself look up at the sky the same way he did such a long time ago when he found himself on a roof for the very first time. Leaning back until he’s nearly laying down on the roof. “Not one that’s in it for the money or fame. Someone that is invisible in day to day life, but that brings hope where they help.” Izuku had decided long ago as a child that that would be the hero he’d become, like Spider-Man, a pre-quirk era hero.

“Is that what you’re trying to do then? Be a hero under the name of a Villain?” Shouto ponders curiously and Izuku hums, his arms coming round to support his head. “We’re only Villains because that is what they call us. So we decided to give Villainy a good name.”


“Shig and I, the others came later.” Izuku elaborates. “Toga and Dabi came first, then Twice and then Compress. But we were all the same, just like many kids like us out there.”

“Just like me?” Shouto asks in a small voice and Izuku sits up and folds his legs in lotus position. “Yes.” Izuku reassures him and the boy gives him a small smile. He really was like them. Traumatised by the banner of a ‘heroic ’ quirk, bred for someone else’s ideals. He’s the other end of the extreme and Izuku has no doubt that he isn’t the only one.


Gonna try something new cuz I have some connecting art for this chapter. I'm going to link it here if I can ;)

✨Art ✨

edit: Yes I can!!

Chapter 17


A new case comes knocking and so does a new member.
(The end.)


This chapter felt bittersweet to write because I knew it was the last.

I'll be honest I wrote this yesterday actually... but forgot to post...


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shouto and Izuku were the first to be awake the next morning, having also been the only two that hadn’t drunk anything during the game night. The boy had admitted that he didn’t like staying cooped up in his room for too long so Izuku decided that they could go out for a breakfast treat nearby. They found a sweet cafe with nice american styled booths to sit in that allowed them to take their hoods and beanies off without being recognised. The TV played in the background as UA made their statement on last night's event. “UA has kept their distance on the matter of Midoriya Izuku as he was a former Hero student. An investigation had been underway to determine the sudden change of the student's self proclaimed direction.” Which Izuku ignores while taking his pick at the menu. A waitress comes round to them to take their order and leaves again on time for Izuku to zone back in to hear UA’s announcement. “After the hack in during last night's Hero Gala, I can say for certain that this boy is a villain of the highest rank. His intelligence is not to be underestimated. Our heroes here at UA will help in his apprehension.”

“Do you disagree with his stand against Endeavour? The truth he brought forth of the number one hero's nature?” A reporter asks and both Izuku and Shouto sit straighter to hear his answer. “No. I am very saddened to know that an alumni of our great school has disappointed our morals and values. It is clear he was never a hero, and our eyes have been opened to take better care in raising future heroes to prevent another case of this nature happening.” The news channel continues playing in the background of the cafe.

“Nedzu looks almost feral. You really got under his skin last night.” Shouto comments as the reporters start getting brave and start shooting more and more questions about the scorned hero. Izuku snorts after the waitress has put their drinks and food orders down on the table.

“Nedzu may be an animal, but with his human quirk, he is also very prideful. I made a dent in that pride and bruised his ego last night. He’s likely never experienced that before if he can’t mask it on national Tv.” Shouto hums into his tea as they sit quietly and enjoy the peace. “Did you sleep well?” Izuku asks genuinely and Shouto smiles over his drink. “Shigaraki passed out, didn’t he?” Izuku snorts a laugh. “Yeah, he did. He can’t compete with Dabi’s tolerance but he always tries.”

“We can get headphones on the way back.” Shouto suggests and Izuku hums in agreement. “Good idea, that way we can also get a newspaper. I want to frame the article of our newest achievement.” Shouta raises a brow in question at the greenette but decides to leave it be. He might not have meant to say that out loud, at least that part of the boy never changed. As did his understanding heart. Izuku had been the first that Shouto had told about his past in the first place, he was the first that Shouto trusted. “Do you think Endeavour will be stripped of his rank and licence?” Izuku’s green eyes suddenly meet heteromantic ones before Shouto’s eyes cast down at his cold soba.

“The HPSC might have protected him until now, but the public outrage will be too much. They can’t just brush that away, the public will have lost their trust in him and they can’t have a Number One hero that no one relies upon or wants to team up with. Not all heroes are bad, and the ones that are will know better than bring light to that by associating themselves with him. He’s a bad image of heroism, if not for the moral wrongs he’s committed. Socially they can’t continue to advertise him.” Shouto blinks a couple of times at the sad reality of the words. “I see your entire point on heroics.” He frowns a little at the thought of going back to UA eventually, he doesn’t want to become a hero in a society that lets his dad be free because of his status and quirk. “Maybe I should go into Villainy too?” He mumbles to himself, Izuku laughs warmly. It doesn’t feel rude or mocking, it feels genuine. “If you want to then sure, but don’t cast yourself out of your options just yet.” Izuku tells him and Shouto barely holds back from saying ‘ Why? You did. ’ He knows it was on his tongue, but it doesn’t feel right to say.

They decide to head back after Izuku receives a desperate text from his boyfriend asking him for some morning love after his painful hangover. As much as he wants to tell the idiot that it was his own fault, he can’t really say no to sweet morning sex with his hot boyfriend. “From that face alone, I can tell I’m going to need headphones.” Shouto’s frown deepens. “Preferably noise cancelling.” Izuku snorts as he pockets his phone and they pay for their breakfast. There’s a small convenience store a street from the base that sells tech too so they go in to take a look. Shouto doesn’t hesitate to go to the front desk and ask for the best noise cancelling headphones they have. Leading the worker to assist while Izuku simply waits in another corner of the shop. A new worker steps in immediately to fill the empty spot at the desk catching the greenette’s eye. He’s got bright purple hair that is tied back by a very recognisable piece of merch. A statement all in one and a brave one at that. From a quick scan he can detect that his quirk most likely is his mutation that seems to be a gecko mutation. His face gives off the characteristics, but Izuku wonders what else the mutation grants him. From this angle his hands aren’t visible and his lower body neither, so he can’t deduct if the man will have clawed hands or a tail from his mutation. Reptilians have all kinds of awesome genetic mutation grants but gecko’s are specific and different from most reptilians. For starters they are usually nocturnal and therefore have excellent night vision, a downside to that is that their colour vision is 350 times more sensitive than that of a human. How would that affect a genetically mutated human’s colour vision in that case? Gecko’s are also friendly to humans as these reptilians in nature are usually home to human habitations. Their specialised toe pads are essentially designed for them to grab and climb onto smooth and vertical surfaces such as indoor rooms of a home.

“Wow, I have never seen you analyse a quirk up front and close.” A quiet monotone voice breaks him out of his monologue. Izuku groans. “I was mumbling again, wasn’t I?” Shouto helpfully nods and then gestures happily to his headphones. “Got the most expensive ones and paid with Dad’s money to prove that I am still alive.” He announces proudly and Izuku smiles. “You and Dabi are definitely related.”

“Glad it shows after years of not living together.” Shouto retorts and Izuku rolls his eyes. Just as they are about to leave he sees the worker that assisted Shouto shove the gecko worker literally from the desk. “Get off my desk, you lizard freak. Go find something to restock, I don’t want you scaring potential customers and being the reason that I get less pay.”

“You can’t talk to me like that.” The man stands up for himself and the other guy sneers. “Or what? You’re going to go all Stain on me? Just shut up, you freak! Go do something useful.” Izuku looks back to a confused Shouto. “Wait here for a minute?” Shouto nods and leans back against the wall outside the shop as Izuku walks back in and goes straight for the storage unit. “Don’t you have customers to go charm? I’m doing what you asked, you don’t need to keep checking on me.” The gecko guy calls out to him as Izuku steps past the plastic sheet. “Your co-worker is a discriminating asshole.” That seems to scare the man as he turns to meet Izuku’s eye. He looks scared for a moment before frowning and his face then turning to a form of recognition. “You're that kid that the Tv channels keep going on about.” Izuku smiles kindly and sticks his hand out to him. “Midoriya Izuku.” He co*cks his head friendly. “Are you a Stain fan?” The man's hands automatically reach for the merch holding his hair back and he smiles. “Yeah, I like his ideals on society and he’s right in saying that heroes are corrupt.” He doesn’t reach to take Izuku’s hand so the greenette takes it back. “I saw your speech on Tv at the Billboard charts, I guess you’re a Stain fan too?” Izuku shrugs. “He’s a bit too violent and murderous for my tastes, but I can respect his moral values.”

“You went after Endeavour.” He deadpans and Izuku gestures as if the man just made Izuku’s point. “And he walked away alive and will likely be facing public prosecution in the following days, leading to an investigation which will result in the removal of his licence and rank.” The gecko man nods somewhat in respect at that. “Kay, that’s nice for you.” Izuku smiles in understanding, scribbling his number and contact quickly on receipt in his pocket and handing it to Iguichi, the name that reads on his name tag. “Here is my number. Contact me when that asshole has finally riled you up enough that you want to do something about it that isn’t murder and will actually make a change.”

“It won’t be any more legal.” The man states and Izuku grins. “No. But it’ll bring hope to little kids' eyes that they may actually grow up in a better treating world.”

Strong arms wrap around him the moment he enters the kitchen and Dabi groans from further in the living room that connects to the kitchen. “Can you not? Some of us spend the morning puking our guts out. We don’t need the gag inducing displays of affection that bring back lingering tastes of bad decisions.” Izuku scowls in distaste. “Well at least you can admit that your puking is a result of your own bad decisions.”

“You’re not turning this into a life lesson, Zuku. This is not detering me from making them again.”

“Then gag away as I kiss my delightful boyfriend good morning.” Izuku retorts as he holds Tomura face in his hands and whispers against his lips. “Please tell me you brushed your teeth already.” Tomura smiles as he leans in with minty smelling breath that has Izuku immediately releasing any form of tension in his body. The kiss is sweet and promising but they keep it light in consideration for their company, excluding Dabi.

“Sho-kun! Where did you boys go off to?” Toga tackles the teen and Izuku decides to pull back from the kiss to see a confused Shouto carrying Toga piggy back style. Tomura places a last kiss on his mop of hair before pulling back to nurse a new cup of coffee. “Want one, Bunny?”

“Always.” Toga coos in the background as she drapes herself more over Shouto. “Aren’t they just so cute?!” Izuku grabs the cup of coffee he’s handed before taking a seat on the couch and tucking his legs close to him. “We decided to go get breakfast downtown while all of you idiots were suffering from hangovers.” He replies to Toga’s earlier question. “I also bought a pair of noise cancelling headphones.” Shouto adds and Dabi snorts. “Good instincts baby bro.” Shouto takes the tea that Compress made him kindly and sits down on an empty seat. Toga had jumped off of him when he took the cup of tea and had bounced to the kitchen to get her own cup of coffee. “UA made an announcement. Izuku is officially a high ranked Villain.” The room claps sarcastically and Izuku makes a show of a fake bow. “I’m just surprised it took this long.” He shrugs while sipping his coffee. “I guess you and Shig are now officially a power couple.” Toga jokes and Tomura grins towards the greenette. “I like the sound of that.” Tomura joins him on the couch as the rest of the team find their own spots to sit on. “What do we do now?” Toga asks in a small voice, curling in deeper into Twice from her spot on his lap. Izuku hums into his coffee before putting it down on the table. “We wait and see what happens. We should stay low now that everyone will be on high alert, but ultimately we served it all on a silver platter. It’s up to the public and the authorities to do with this what they may. Either way it will play in our favour, if they do nothing we have solid proof of their intentions and moral values. If they act then that’s one hero down.”

“So we’re on vacation now? f*ck that I want to blow some sh*t up!” Izuku laughs. “Sure we’re on vacation, but also house arrest.”

“Self imposed house arrest.” Dabi corrects and Izuku rolls his eyes. “Just remember that they’ve got our faces now and they’ll be looking for us. So if you go out, wear a disguise and don’t give your name.” At the idea of being able to create secret identities Toga and Twice start spitballing ideas and backstories while Compress reminds them that too intricate backstories raise suspicion. Dabi continues to look at them amused before noting that Shouto left the room quietly at some point and goes looking for him. Izuku shares a quiet look with Tomura before pulling him up and making him follow him. When they get to the privacy of their room, Tomura grins lustfully as he eyes the bed behind Izuku. Bringing his bunny close in his arms while simultaneously moving them both closer to the mattress. Izuku knows exactly what the older boy is trying to do and laughs hardheartedly. “As much as I love where this will go, that’s not why I brought you up here.” Tomura’s face drops into a pout so fast. “You’re a tease.” he lets go of the greenette and flops directly onto the mattress dramatically before propping his head up on his hand. “So why did you drag me up here then, bunny?” Izuku smiles and sits down onto the mattress next to him before pulling out a newspaper from his hoodie. Tomura’s hoodie actually but that’s just a detail. Tomura sits up when he sees the roll knowing exactly what it means. He reaches out to cradle Izuku’s face with both hands before landing a sweet soft kiss there. “I know it's a little dangerous now to go to the apartment…” Izuku starts when his lips pull back and Tomura interrupts him right there. “We’ll work around it, Bunny. I did say you could have anything you wanted.” Izuku grins up at him. “Even my Wall of Documented Villainy Milestones ?” Tomura kisses him again. “I said anything you want, Bunny.” Izuku smiles against his lips. “I only want you.”

Izuku will be honest, when he heard their doorbell ring, he had been hoping for someone else. The five foot seven sized hawk standing in front of their backdoor looking mighty confident of himself out of his hero gear, was not what he thought he was going to find. “May I help you?” Izuku greets him, ever the kind boy his mother raised him to be. “Takami Keigo, I’m off duty.” The blond replies and Izuku gives him a one over before deciding he can’t be bothered with this today. “Dabi!” He calls back into the building. “Why is your pet bird here?” Said bird in question makes an indignant squawk at being referred to as a common bird and Izuku decides to ignore it. Dabi comes storming down the stairs in an irritated huff. “I don’t f*cking own a pet bird—” He starts before coming up short when he comes face to face with Takami Keigo or more formaly known as the Pro Hero Hawks. Quirk Fierce wings, he can telekinetically move and control his individual feathers on his wings that also give him the ability to fly. His quirk is part of a Hawk mutation even if the HPSC would like to say otherwise. Giving their precious number two hero, talons on his feet and hands that are covered at all times. His eyes, which people commonly believe is make-up to fit his Hawk aesthetic, is most likely real and has been publicly admitted differently so that people feel less frightened about a literal predator in their midst. A cough interrupts his inner monologue and a frightened Hawk looks back at him. “I was mumbling out loud again, wasn’t I?” He asks no one in particular and Izuku groans leaving the two boys at it. “Urgh, that’s the second time today. I really need to get a handle on it.” He grumbles to himself as he goes back up the stairs to the arms of his hot boyfriend. “Hey, Zuku?” Dabi calls out to him and Izuku doesn’t hold back the loud groan that escapes him as he snaps bored. “What?”

“You might want to hear this.” Dabi says calmly and Izuku shoots him a glare. “Dabi, I’ll be honest with you. Your one night stands really don’t interest me one bit, even if a Pro Hero is a tad concerning considering your profession.” Dabi sends a look towards said Pro Hero. “I have information on the HPSC that you might be interested in.” The man seems to repeat and Izuku raises a brow not even mildly interested in the bait. “And why should we trust you? You have publicly spoken out in multiple interviews that you praised Endeavour and that he was the reason that you put your sights on becoming a hero.” Hawks doesn’t seem at all fazed by Izuku’s comment and powers through. “Because you may have access into the HPSC’s database but you have no idea to which lengths they go to breed their perfect submissive heroes.” Izuku steps down from the stairs and waves his hands in a come in manner. Leading the hero to the nearest room which so happens to be their basem*nt. “I’m guessing you’re about to tell us?” Izuku prompts and Hawks nods, crossing his arms over his chest. Dabi stays close to Izuku but frames the doorway so that there is no getting past him in case things go sour. “Know of Lady Nagant?” Izuku snorts.

“Who doesn't? The little commission’s puppet hero that turned against the president and got herself landed in tartarus.”

“They trained her to be a hero since she was 10. She was my predecessor. They learned from her and started training me from the age of 6.” Well sh*t. Ok, Izuku is interested. He raises a brow in suspicion. “So what do you want from us?” Hawks grins, he knows he’s caught their interest. “You took down the number one hero. Now I’m willing to give you the information to take down the head of the snake and don’t worry, it's not a hydra underneath.” Izuku frowns at the use of a mythological metaphor. He knows he’s a nerd, but that’s just corny. Izuku spares a look to Dabi. “Check him for bugs or wires and remove any weapons he may have.” Hawks’ wings flutter in answer and Izuku looks back at the hero. “Please remove each and everyone of your wings, it takes two days for them to regrow, right?” The hero nods carefully. “Does it hurt if they are burned once removed?” The hero shakes his head and Izuku sends a look Dabi’s way. “On it boss.” Hawks does as he’s told and once it is clear that the hero had no ulterior motives coming here, Izuku gives him a genuine look. “If what you’re saying is true, then we’ll need more personal information about it. We won’t use it if it makes you uncomfortable. But I prefer having the whole picture. Also, we can’t have you living on base, you are too high profile. Communication between us will have to be particularly coded, I'll send you a burner phone when it's reprogrammed.” Izuku informs him and the hero nods in complete understanding. Very submissive to orders and the tone, no doubt from years of training. “Lastly, if you are going to pursue a relationship with Dabi, use protection. If I find out that you are the reason that my fire user got caught, I will make sure that the HPSC gets their puppet back in strings.” Hawks gulps from his position and Dabi coos from the doorway. “Auw, boss, I didn’t think you cared.”

“Why do you trust me now?” Hawks asks him in a controlled tone. Izuku turns back to him as he walks out of the room. “I don’t.” Izuku stops in the doorway beside Dabi. “Take your gloves off.” Izuku asks him, not a demand, allowing the hero to choose to show him. “While you’re at it, take your shoes and socks off too.” Golden eyes dilate in a sudden rush of fear but take their time to do so carefully. Dabi sucks in a gasp at the sight before him. “What the actual f*ck ?!” He releases a heavy breath at Hawks’ filed down talons on his feet and hands, they are red and look horribly painful. Izuku walks towards the hero and holds his hands. “This is why I’m willing too. This is mutation discrimination to the highest order. I don’t care if I trust you or not, no one deserves to suffer like this.”

Takami Keigo had left as soon as he’d gotten his gloves and shoes back on. He didn’t have any weapons on him, aside from the feathers they burned and they didn’t find any bugs on him either. The burned feathers wouldn’t be a loss to the hero, allowing him to rest for a day or two with those painfully filled talons of his. Izuku had then immediately returned back to his room. “Who was it? You were down there long.” Tomura mumbles from where he’s reading his latest graphic novel or Manga as everyone else refers to them, but Tomura is insistent that he doesn’t read Manga. “Takami Keigo.” Izuku simply says before nearly throwing himself at Tomura who manages to catch him at the last minute. “Zuku, you made me lose my page!” He whines and shoves the greenette off before frantically finding his page, sighing a breath of relief when he does and bookmarking it before looking back at his judging boyfriend. Izuku plants a loving kiss on his lips and Tomura gladly returns it. “Why does the name sound familiar?” He asks when Izuku pulls back again to make a grab for his computer. “Because it’s Hawks’ name before the HPSC practically tried to bury it. Takami was a well known thief that Endeavour managed to capture roughly 16 years ago, when he came out of hiding.” Izuku informs him and Tomura’s head drops against his shoulder. “So what did he want?”

“Aside from Dabi’s dick? He says he’s willing to give up information on the Hero Commission’s secret training program that made Hawks a Hero and apparently drove his predecessor Lady Nagant mad.” Izuku replies somewhat distractedly as he scrolls through previous saved files that looked like red flags in the past. Tomura snorts at the first piece of information and then turns mildly irritated at the last. “Bunny, I thought we were on vacation?” Izuku scoffs a laugh. “Yeah, you should know by now my brain doesn’t take vacations. But don’t worry, I’ll just take a look at this as a recreational activity. I’m not taking away from anyone else’s holiday.” Tomura pouts against his shoulder. “What about my holiday? I had plans to keep you in bed with me at all times.” Izuku turns to face him and places a long kiss on Tomura’s sweet pouting lips. “I’ll do both, Tomuchan.” He doesn’t look convinced but sighs heavily knowing that he won’t be winning this. “Then so will I.” He retorts as he pulls himself up and curls around Izuku’s back properly so that he can see the screen, right after leaning back to reach for one of his nerds notebooks. “Let’s crack this governmental secret.” He says fully motivated and Izuku can’t help but turn to kiss him silly. Tomura pulls at him surprised and Izuku simply smiles. “Bunny, you can’t just tell me we’re going to spend our self imposed holiday working and then tease me with kisses.” He reprimands and Izuku giggles. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Let’s get to work.” He gives him one more kiss before turning back to his computer and pulling up all the old files. “Let’s hack this case apart.”

The next person that rings on the doorbell, brings a brighter smile to Izuku’s face. In the background he can hear the team whoop and cheer as they play on the game console attached to the Tv. Izuku and Tomura had even taken a break from their self imposed work to join the team fun. Shouto had seemed unsure at first but the moment he was given a console he adjusted rather quickly. To no surprise at all, Mario Kart is a game that everyone can enjoy.

“Hello, my name is Iguchi Shuichi. You can also call me Spinner.” Izuku’s smile widens as he also opens the door wider and gestures for the gecko to join. “Come in, Spinner. I’ll introduce you to the team.”


Thank you to everyone that left comments while I was writing this, they were very moving and really helped motivate me to continue the story sometimes. Thank you for the 242 kudos!!! That is amazing!!!

gosh... I feel all emotional over this :)

Thanks again!! <3 <3

(19 Jan 2024 Edit: I lied. Part two is on it's way)

Chapter 18: Arc 2


The team welcomes a new member as they lay low, Izuku gets a message from a new contact asking to meet up and make a deal


I'm back, I said I might come back to this and I have.
So far I have an idea and direction for this fic, we'll see where it will take me ;)


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku knew that when he opened the door further to allow the gecko inside a sense of completion washed over him. He had hoped the young man would take up his offer and was glad to see that he hid. Izuku led him up to where the rest of the team was and cleared his throat, surprising Dabi and Tomura that were going at it neck in neck at Mario Kart. “Bunny!” Tomura groans when they both crash and scramble to righten themselves. Shouto however turns to the greenette and raises a brow in question at the man standing next to him. “You’re the guy from the convenience store.” He says matter of factly and Spinner nods. “Yeah, your friend made a compelling argument.” He speaks up for the first time and the room stops at the sound of the new voice. Dabi and Tomura turn their heads in unison and Tomura gives Izuku a long look as Dabi grins knowingly. “Izuku picked up a stray.” He comments and Tomura gives the ravenette a look too. “Toga Himiko, nice to meet you.” Himiko appears suddenly introducing herself with a coffee cup of blood in her hand. The gecko scrunches his nose at the smell but returns the favour. “Iguchi Shuichi, but you can call me Spinner.” She nods and sips at her drink. “Spinner it is.” She affirms and proceeds to introduce the rest of the team as Tomura pauses the game against Dabi’s protests and stands up to join Izuku’s side. “Bunny, what did we say about bringing new people in?” He whispers to the greenette and Izuku looks up at him sheepishly. “Okay, yes, I forgot to mention him but I saw him being discriminated against in the store and wanted to reach out.”

“Same way you’ve decided to work with Takami?” He asks and Izuku nods firmly. Tomura sighs as he kisses his mop of curls. “I’m going to have to start accepting that you’ll bring in any odd stray, aren’t i?” He mumbles and Izuku strains his head a little to look his partner in the eye. “You knew that when we started this.” He says with a soft smile and Tomura smiles back before leaning down to place a soft kiss.

“You got a place Spin?” Dabi suddenly asks the important question, the gecko nods sheepishly. “Well… I live in my mum’s basem*nt?” He answers and Dabi's face goes slack before sending a warning look to the couple. “I swear to god, I am not sharing my room!” Izuku grins at the ravenette. “Well he can’t share with Twice because of his night terrors and he’s not sharing with Himiko for obvious reasons. So it’s between you and Compress. Shouto is an extra, he deserves his own space in the meantime.” Dabi sends a glare to Compress and the magician puts his hands up in surrender. “I don’t mind sharing.” The ravenette relaxes back into the couch with that and a proud grin on his face. “Good. That’s what I like to hear.” Himiko smiles at the gecko. “Welcome to the team.” Spinner smiles back a little unsure before she drags him with her to the couch and they start up a new round.

“Please tell me you did a background search on him already?” Tomura whispers to him and Izuku gestures at him to follow him to the kitchen. When they have a sense of privacy he nods. “Yeah, I did a quick search from his first name after I met him. No record, the only thing I found was some red flags on his internet history in which he is still an active part of the Stain fandom community.” Tomura sighs and pulls Izuku closer as he leans against the counter. “Ok, so a Stain fan. It’s not the worst thing.” He comments and Izuku smiles as he wraps his arms around his boyfriend's neck. “He doesn’t give off any homicidal vibes, so I think we’re safe.”

“Well that’s always a plus.” Tomura retorts with a mocking grin before leaning in to capture the greenette’s lips in his. Both ignoring the hoots and screams as their team gets more and more invested in the video game. Izuku laughs as the sounds get louder and louder and Tomura groans as he only pulls Izuku closer into their kiss, refusing to be deterred by anything while they are in each other's arms.

“I don’t like Stain.” Tomura decides to drop as they start their ascent of the stairs to their room. Spinner had just come back from his former place with bags and boxes. No one had gone with him since none of them should be leaving the place and he’d assured them that he also didn’t need help since there wasn’t much he needed to bring over. An understatement if you ask Izuku, for the backpack and duffle the gecko came back with. Izuku elbows his boyfriend for the unnecessary comment while the gecko looks at him distrustfully. “Why?”

“The guy’s an ass and very vocal and pushy about his beliefs.” Tomura simply replies back with a frown and shrug. “What happened to don’t judge a book by its cover ?” Spinner skillfully pushes back and Tomura crosses his arms unfazed. “I read the book. The guy’s an ass.” Izuku snorts at that and watches the interaction otherwise quietly. “Have you met him?” The gecko asks defensively but didn’t seem to expect Tomura’s answer as his jaw dropped open. “Yeah.”

“You’ve met Stain?!” He suddenly exclaims in disbelief and Tomura scowls, disgusted by the memory of it. “Yeah… I wasn’t impressed.”

“That’s not entirely true, you just don’t like him because he didn’t get onboard with you back then.” Back then , before they met. It was a memory that came to the man a couple of months after they met, randomly as he accidentally clicked on a fanvideo for the villain. Izuku remembered him from when he was Standall but didn’t remember when he was made a villain instead of a vigilante. The full memory never resurfaced, as to why those two met up at a bar, but the fact of the matter stayed. Tomura and Stain did not get along and that one instance was enough for both of them. Spinner scoffs and adjusts the backpack on his shoulder. “Fine, well, I didn’t decide to join you for that so we’ll just agree to disagree.” Izuku smiles softly at him. “I think that’s for the best. Do you need any help with those?” He offers as he gestures for the bags and the gecko smiles as he shakes his head. “No thanks, I got it and Himiko showed me my room before I left so I know where I’m going.” Izuku nods and starts to climb the stairs again before a thought strikes him. “Oh! Do you have any dietary needs or specifications due to your mutation?” Spinner stops in his tracks surprised and looks up at the greenette in awe. “I-uh, I have bug snacks that I implement in my diet, dead bugs. And don’t digest fruits or vegetables very well, other than that, I’m good.” He replies softly and Izuku smiles. “We’ll keep that in mind! Everyone has shelves and fridge space, so store your snacks there if you want. Himiko drinks blood, so really, no one here will judge you.” The smile that Spinner gives them in return makes Izuku want to hug the man, he’s had far too many people hate him for how he looks and it’s wrong. Tomura’s hand on his waist reassures him as he leads him up the stairs, the gecko following behind them before splitting off to his shared room with Compress.

Izuku flops straight into their bed the moment he enters the room and Tomura chuckles at the sight. Izuku rolls over to look up at him curiously at the sound. Tomura shakes his head as he just sits down on their bed and gestures for Izuku to come into his arms. “You’re already working on one case, Izuku. Discrimination of heteromorphs is a long standing problem, we can take it down when we’re done with the big issue.” Tomura tells him once he’s settled in his arms and Izuku huffs and only snuggles in closer. “It’s not just discrimination though, it’s neglecting needs.” He complains further and Tomura hums. “Right but we can’t take in every stray that has been neglected due to their mutation. Just like we can’t take in any stray that is being discriminated against for their quirk.”

“I know.” Izuku mutters and he does, he knows that in the end they can only do so much. That doesn’t mean he can’t help when he sees someone who needs it. Tomura kisses his temple as if he knows what the greenette is thinking, Izuku leans into the touch before pulling away and grabbing his laptop. Tomura groans and pushes it out of his reach only to pull Izuku closer into their hug. Izuku makes a whining sound of protest as he desperately tries to pull himself out of his boyfriend's arms to his laptop. “T-Tomura!” The pale haired man doesn’t budge. “Nope, bunny. We’ve worked enough.”

We? ” Izuku asks scandalised and Tomura hums with a smile. “Yes, we. We’re a team Izuku, if you’re working during our self imposed holiday, then so am I. Remember?” Izuku does remember that conversation and pouts as he realises that he’s been tricked. Tomura had bribed him down this afternoon to join the team as they played Mario Kart by promising that he’d have plenty of recreational time to work later. Now it’s later and his boyfriend has clearly no intentions of letting Izuku do anything work related.

“If you let me go now, I won’t work during the night?” Izuku tries to bargain and Tomura eyes him suspiciously. “You weren’t going to work during the night anyway. My schedule says you’ll be too exhausted for that.” He adds the last part with a small grin and Izuku grins back. “Fine, let me work now and I’ll let you do anything you want later.” Izuku can tell the moment he has him wavering and jumps to grab for his computer while Tomura is distracted by dirty thoughts. “Oi! I didn’t agree to anything!” He protests as Izuku kisses his cheek. “I love you.” Tomura softens up immediately and kisses Izuku’s cheek back before huffing against him and reaching for a book at random. There is not much that Izuku can do anyways, he managed to get as close as he can to the files he needed for Takami, but they’re is an extra layer of the firewall that he can’t access for the files regarding his predecessor. It’s as if there is more to the story than they let the public believe on that horrific end to her career. Which is absolutely no surprise to anyone, but Izuku is a little pissed that they had the foresight to add extra protection in case anyone got in. He’s already sent a message to the bird to let him know of this hitch and he’s promised to do some digging on his end but till then Izuku’s technically stuck. “I thought you were stuck?” Tomura suddenly voices and Izuku hums. “I am, I’m trying something else.” Izuku can feel the shift in the bed as Tomura edges closer watching his analyst go through layers and layers of code before hitting a new wall asking for a password. “I’m guessing you’re not asking for a hint?” Tomura asks as he sits better upright and Izuku hums. “No, because I saw that input key a while back and took note of the question.” He mumbles as he starts looking for his notebook frantically, the one likely under their pillow. When he finds it and the page he’s looking for, his phone buzzes with a message. “It’s Takami.” Tomura reports and Izuku hums. “Ask him if the President has any beloved pets?” Tomura does as told before asking curiously. “No kids?”

“No, she was always fully committed to her position.” Izuku turns to tell him as they await a response from the hero. “What are you reading?” He asks curiously and Tomura smiles softly. “Just another love story.” He’d been into those as long as Izuku knew him. Each story he reads has a love story in it, no matter what the genre, there’s always love in it. Tomura once told him that is how he learned what love was, by reading others experience it, having not seen much of it growing up around him.

His phone buzzes again with the income of a notification and Tomura reads it out. “She has a pet snake apparently.” Izuku snorts at the irony and jots down lists of potential names that fit the category. “ She wouldn't have made the password something as obvious as the name of the snake, not after the symbolism it holds in countless myth. It would be too obvious yet again to assume it comes from our myth. Maybe I need to take into account what’s behind the password wall, to everything that it means to hide. Hiding this information to a certain extent symbolises an image of society that she would like to keep. Or an image of the power balance that brought her to the position she’s in today.

“How did she get her position?” Tomura suddenly asks mid rant and Izuku looks confused at his partner for a moment before understanding the question. “She got promoted after her predecessor…” He trails off when a thought strikes him. “ She didn’t kill a hero… she killed the one who was holding her leash .” He whispers in thought before turning to Tomura with a grin. “We were all told that Lady Nagant’s career ended when she killed a Pro Hero she disagreed with. They hushed the details up because the thought of a hero doing that was bad enough for it. Madam President took over right after the incident and she was the one that sentenced the hero to Tartarus. I bet Nagant didn’t kill a hero, she killed the former president who likely made her do similar off the book things that Takami admitted the president has made him do when it comes to us.” He explains slower and Tomura nods in understanding. “Takami made a reference to a Hydra when he first talked to you, right? That could have been a coincidence… or?” Izuku looks at him for a long time before a name comes to mind. He types it in immediately and holds his breath as he watches the screen load and finally opens up to the filebank he needed. Izuku whoops for a second before diving in to get all he needs and making sure he’s never locked out again. It takes a couple more minutes before he turns away from his laptop to jump Tomura for a kiss, one that Tomura gladly reciprocates. “What was it in the end?” He asks curiously and Izuku smiles. “Ouroboros. It’s a snake that eats its own tail, it represents eternity and continual renewal. In their case, it represents a system that never changes, it’s just the heads that do.” Tomura frowns at the imagery and then shoots a sideways look at the laptop behind them. “Did you get everything you needed to?” Izuku hums and turns to show him as he opens tabs and files on the woman they needed and anyone else they used for similar purposes before and during her time. “It seems there is more here than even Takami knew.” Izuku adds softly and Tomura brushes a hand up and down the greenette’s arm. “We can uncover it all another day, bunny.” Izuku looks back at him with a frown and knowing look as Tomura smiles and brings his other hand to the greenette’s chin. “We’re on holiday. Give yourself a break.”

“You know that is not how my brain works, Tomura. I can’t just let this go.” Izuku pouts instantly and Tomura sighs heavily as he throws his notebook at his face. “Then geek out over quirks.” Izuku makes a small sound of protest before between the book being thrown in his face and the sudden knock that bursts their bubble. Tomura groans loudly but the door swings open regardless, showing a grinning Dabi leaning against the door. “Hey teach, we’re almost out of food and while the take-out we’ve been eating the past couple of days was good. I’m in the mood of a real meal, so we’re making a list and then we’ll send the Lizard out. Need anything?” Izuku co*cks a head at him. “I’ll need to see what we have left over, I can’t remember.” He answers honestly and Tomura eyes the ravenette for the joke he knows is about to come. “Ok, well then come down and tell us. I’ve already added condoms and lube for you. Do you want anything kinky to go with that?” Dabi laughs as he dodges the pillow that was thrown at him. “Better work on your aim there, Shig. The next thing is getting burned.” Dabi warns with a flick of his wrist and Izuku stands up to slap that hand down. “No it’s not, no fire in the house. The house isn’t proofed for that.” Izuku warns him and Dabi huffs while Tomura grins as he stands to level with the ravenette just as Shouto’s head pops into the doorway eying the pillow now on the floor and a mischievous looking Dabi. Izuku ignores the older boy to look at the teen. “Shouto, do you want anything specific foodwise?” He asks him and Shouto blinks once before answering in his unusual way. “I like cold soba.” Izuku smiles at him. “Then cold soba it is.”

The team helps the gecko unload when he’s back from his errand, practically ripping the bags of the man’s arms. “Oi! I’m still attached to these!” He protests as the team strips him naked of the bags with no word of thanks. Izuku greets him at the door with a smile. “Thank you, Spinner.” The gecko doesn’t return it and only scowls. “Oh, don’t you start. It was really embarrassing having to ask for condoms and lube for you guys. I couldn’t look the nice sales lady in the eye because of it!” Tomura gapes at the information. “He actually put that on the list? I thought the bastard was joking!?”

In hindsight, leaving those Tomura and Dabi’s personalities cooped together in one house for an extended period of time, might not be the best plan. But under the circ*mstances, it’s all they’ve got for now. Izuku managed to convince Tomura that the joke could’ve been worse after they both apologise to Spinner on Dabi’s behalf since the man was still quite amused with himself for the little trick he pulled. “My question is though, doesn’t it look more suspicious that from one day to another a nobody store clerk lizard is suddenly buying food for a family?”

“Not really, I work at a store in that chain so I get employee discounts. The sales lady did make a comment but I joked it off saying I had family comin’ over.” Spinner smoothly answers and Dabi clicks his tongue. “How many jobs do you have?”

“Two now. I quit the convenience store job after Izuku came in.” That peaks Izuku’s interest from where he’s now sitting on the counter watching Tomura help Twice cook dinner for them. The blond is a surprisingly good cook, apparently one of his double’s picked it up and he retained the concept of it. Compress usually helps out as well but he has a work shift tonight so instead they’ll be leaving out a plate for him to heat up when he comes in.

“Why?” Izuku asks and the gecko turns to him bashfully. “Because I decided that I didn’t want to be treated like sh*t anymore. He was an ass and I didn’t want to put up with it just because of how I look.” Himiko smiles up at the gecko, a big smile that shows off her fangs. “That’s the spirit.”

“Do any of you guys have jobs?” Spinner asks the team and everyone’s faces drop, except for Dabi who they all know has a second illegal side job. “Nope, the rest of these suckers just chill out here with no income.”

“I’m a minor!” Himiko feels the need to point out. “And I can’t get a student job cuz I’m not enrolled anywhere.” She adds and Dabi scoffs. “It’s the same for Zuku, though he does get income from selling personal analysis to civilians.” Tomura chimes in and the gecko turns to the greenette interested. “You sell analysis to civilians?” Izuku nods sheepishly. “I help civilians get proper understanding of their quirk in the case that they got a quirkist counsellor who gave them wrong and dangerous advice. I also did it for everyone on the team.” Himiko hums as she sips at her blood thermos. “He’s good too, really helped my quirk evolve. Though Twice won’t take any help.” She pouts the last bit and the man jumps at the idea, abandoning his place at the stove and Izuku jumps to grab at the pot he was in control off as he rambles off in his contradictions about how he doesn’t need help and doesn’t want it, he knows his quirk well enough. Though Izuku knows the truth behind it, Twice fears his quirk. “Oi! Get back here and take the pot off Zuku before he burns our dinner!” Tomura calls out for the blond and he shuts up immediately doing as told before sending a weary look the greenette’s way. Izuku holds his hands up in a surrendering way. “I would never force you into anything Twice, but I have already done an analysis on you if you’re ever interested in the idea of it.”

“We have so much time on our hands now, Jin. Think about it at least!” Himiko softly adds and he seems to soften at her words, thinking it over. Izuku decides to leave it there and changes the subject back. “Twice has a job too actually. He helps out at a bar downtown.” Tomura grins at his boyfriend at the words. Technically Twice’s job is a front, a lot of informants spend time at that bar and it helps them have an ear in the crowd. It's a job that Tomura and Dabi arranged for him when he discussed gear options with Giran. The two men get along well and it comes with the advantage that no one knows Twice’s face with it being covered at all times. He wears a different kind of mask at work then he’s been seen portrayed with at the gala, so he’s safe or as safe as he can be in a bar filled with criminals. “It’s nice, the people are kind there. They’re all a bunch of drunk criminals .” Twice comments and Dabi scoffs a laugh. “It’s okay buddy, one day when we’re out of house arrest, we’ll come liven up the place.”

“You’ll only rile them up and get us all into trouble. Yeah! Team’s night out!” The team laughs and jokes about plans of bar crawling and going to clubs once the news and excitement of their latest show dies down. Izuku feels his phone buzz in his pocket with a notification but decides to ignore it for now as he’s with his team, his family. Whoever it is can wait.

“Bunny! I thought you said you were done!” Tomura whines when Izuku pulls away from where his boyfriend was starting to trail kisses down his neck and collarbone. Izuku shushes him with a peck on the lips. “I got a message earlier on. I just want to check it out before going to bed.” He reassures him and Tomura pouts at him disbelievingly before huffing and giving up as he falls onto the bed. Izuku giggles at his dramatics and pulls up his messages only to suck in a breath at the handle attached to the message. “What now?” Tomura asks with fake interest and Izuku speed reads the message before answering. “The Shie Hassaikai wants to make a deal.”


Stay tuned for more!!

(I have two more chapters already outlined)

Kudos are always loved and appreciated <3 <3

Chapter 19


Izuku and Shig discuss the Yakuza problem and an altercation occurs at Twice's job


Hi, sorry for dropping a part two and then going
I had exams and then I went on a small holiday for myself

anyhew... here is the following chapter


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“Well, I wasn’t going to agree to the offer anyway but glad we managed to discuss that.” Izuku mumbles in retort, closing the laptop and turning over to his partner. “What’s the deal even about?” Tomura snidely asks and Izuku sighs before opening his laptop again to the message and showing it as he gives a simple summary. “He wants to use our name and reputation to boost distribution of a product of his. He believes our aspirations coincide.” Tomura immediately scoffs at the answer and shuts the laptop and gently shucks it further away from them. “No.” Izuku leans over gently to place his head on the older man’s shoulder. “I agree, but we may want to consider the offer more carefully in the morning. The Yakuza don’t take well to being turned down.” Tomura scoffs again and grumbles out a ‘fine’ as he stands to change into his sleepwear before walking up to go to the bathroom. “Tomura?” Izuku calls out carefully and the older man turns to him. “Yeah, we’ll deal with it in the morning, bunny.” He reassures him and Izuku gives him a soft smile. “Okay.” He then promptly stands up as well, changing into his sleep shorts and one of Tomura’s t-shirts and meets him at the door. “Then let’s hurry up and claim the bathroom fast so that I can keep my promise later.”

Tomura’s mood changes in an instant as he pushes Izuku back into their room and closes the door. “Nope, we can brush our teeth later. Get on the bed.” Giggles and groans fill their room until the sounds fade into softs grunts and moans as the couple finally spends time in each other's arms. Feeling simply blissful and loved.

Neither forgot the message when they woke up and while Izuku knows that no one likes hearing that the bad part of the Yakuza wants to strike a deal with them based on the attention and reputation they have built for themselves. But Tomura was acting as if he was personally insulted. Izuku had kept an eye on a small group forming within their ranks going by the name of the Eight Bullets, lead by a man named Overhaul, though it seems the small group has managed to gain power and call their organisation the Shie Hassaikai, their signature look being plague masks. Personally Izuku can’t really take anyone seriously when they choose their codename based on their quirk registration, that saying the quirk is rather an impressive one to say the least. He’s not a fan however about the fact that he can’t get any solid information from the other members' quirks, that alone makes him somewhat uneasy at the suggestion of a deal and a meet up. He told Tomura as much in the early hours of the morning before the team made their way downstairs and they were the only two in the kitchen. “From what I’ve seen of the few recorded crimes this group has committed, they don’t take well to being ignored. We have to at the very least make it look like we considered their offer before turning them down.” Izuku tells him softly as he nurses his first cup of coffee, watching the older man lean over the counter as he works to prepare his own.

“Izuku. No. I don’t trust men like that and I don’t want to get involved.” Tomura firmly tells him and Izuku sighs exasperated. “Well, whether we like it or not. We are involved now so get over it and help me think of a way to get out.” Tomura turns to him with the softest most vulnerable look ever that has Izuku putting his cup down and moving closer to him. “I have a bad feeling, bunny.” Izuku nods softly, he understands those. Those feelings that they can’t explain but feel like a warning deep inside from memories that they don’t remember. “Okay.” Tomura nods and places a soft kiss on the greenette’s lips before releasing a big breath and picking up his cup of coffee. “Okay. Tell me more about these assholes.”

To absolutely no surprise, Dabi had somewhat insight on the issue when prodded about the sub faction of the Yakuza, that now has become the head faction after the old boss miraculously fell in and his foster son took over. This son going by the name Chisaki Kai. “I used to get my main product from those assholes, but when he took over he started selling something else and I wasn’t interested so I found my business elsewhere. He’s a creepy guy.”

“Do you know what he was selling?” Izuku asks as Dabi continues practising his flame’s on the candle’s in the room, his scowl deepening. “Some types of bullets. They were in their testing stage at the time I think. I just know that the product is getting more and more precise now and is really picking up. I think he said something about how it’s the opposite of trigger, it cancels a quirk for a short period of time.” Izuku thinks on this and how they’d manage to manufacture such a thing while noting however that Dabi’s control is getting better at keeping the flame’s burning but not spreading and then slowing them down till he doses them. Izuku grins up at his progress and Dabi smiles back equally as happy playing with his fire without it hurting him.

“So where’s Shig gone anyhow?” Izuku’s smile fades a little and he clears his throat. “He followed Twice to work. We got a strange message last night and he’s just being paranoid.” Dabi raises a dubious brow at him but doesn’t prod, he’s likely already connected the dots and Izuku is thankful that he’s not asking further. “Guess that means I’m your scary dog until he gets back.” He says instead before dosing his flames and staring Izuku right in the eye. “Don’t do anything reckless, Zuku. Ask for help when you need it.” Izuku returns the sentiment with a scowl and a huff to which Dabi chuckles before starting up with his flames again. “But in all seriousness, if you do somehow get caught up with that crowd, never give that creep a chance to touch you.” Izuku nods firmly at that, he’s suspected that the man’s quirk was activated by touch. He didn’t seem like the type to just wear gloves for no ulterior motive. If the plague mask is anything to go by, Overhaul has a touch from the dramatics. Much like they all do but they aren’t homicidal maniacs.

A knock interrupts them both from their respective things and Compress opens the door with the okay from Dabi, he looks down at Izuku gravely, even through the mask Izuku can tell at the change of the atmosphere in the room. “Boss, we have an issue.”

Tomura really didn’t like the bad feeling he had. The moment Izuku showed him the message and handle name, he knew they’d caught the attention of the wrong crowd. Back with Sensei, the man had this air about him that no one dared to overstep, but with him gone, it leaves a hole in the underground that the Yakuza filled in his absence. But the man that contacted them, he’s not Yakuza, he’s something else and Tomura does not like the fact that Izuku caught his eye. Not them, the team, but the greenette. He knows that Izuku’s brain would be instrumental to many people who could twist his talents for bad things. And he doesn’t like that this man thinks he can bypass Tomura to get to him. Tomura knows he’s possessive and protective of the greenette and as far as he can tell Izuku doesn’t mind and acts equally so. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t sometimes feel a little guilty about the fact that he doesn’t want his analyst out doing dirty work and much rather have him behind his computer taking risks there. Which is what he finds himself doing now as he waits for Twice to finish his job after having spent a good part of the man’s shift in that stingy hot bar. He just stepped out for a breath of semi-clean fresh air, enjoying the lack of drunk brawling men that were honestly making him regret his decision.

A low whistle breaks him from his thoughtful scowl, bringing him back to where he is leaning against the wall outside of the bar in the alleyway. “Shigaraki, long time no see. Didn’t think we’d be seeing any of your faces so soon after your public attack on Endeavour.”

“We’ve never met.” He answers gruffly to the voice, not changing his stance to acknowledge the new presence in the alley. “Maybe not, but I am impressed by all you’ve done so far. As I am sure you have more up your sleeves already.” The man doesn’t step closer and Tomura doesn’t even shift as Twice stumbles out of the bar, bag packed and face still covered. “Boss! Nice surprise! Ah, what are you doing here?” The masked man then turns to acknowledge the extra presence in the alleyway. “Oh! You made a friend! f*cking hate these Yakuza bastards.” Tomura tenses at the identification. “Yakuza?” He nonchalantly plays off and the man chuckles where he stands. “Oh, not quite. I have made sure to rebrand the term somewhat of what we are. We go by the Shie Hassaikai now, I’m sure you’ve received my message. Or at the very least, your analyst has.” Tomura shrugs and turns to Twice. “You met him before?” The man huffs and grumbles. “Him and his thugs always come in and never leave any tips! They make good conversation though! Never too forward.” Tomura curses to himself, so they’ve been keeping an eye on them for a while now if Twice sees them on the regular. The leader, Tomura presumes, chuckles again darkly, clearly loosing his patience. “I must ask Shigaraki, what must I do to be taken seriously? I would like to think my offer was generous.” Now he steps closer and Tomura spots the dramatic plague mask immediately, Overhaul. The man plays with the cuff of his glove on his left hand and Tomura doesn’t take those dangerous hands out of his line of sight.

“Yeah but we’re not interested. All I hear is what you can get from us, there’s nothing good that comes for us from this offer.” He lazily replies, teeth grinding against one another as he watches the man step closer and closer, gently starting to slide the glove off. “You say ‘we’? I’m sorry, I believed your analyst was the brains behind the operation. Is there any way I could discuss this with him? I’m sure we’d get to an equal and fruitful arrangement.” The man blatantly insults him with no twitch of a reaction and it only grates Tomura more, Twice stands tense and tall next to him as he watches the interaction. Tomura flexes his own hand in warning to the thug standing only a couple of steps away from him now. “You don’t need to discuss anything with him. I’m giving you our answer now. Now f*ck off.” Tomura can see the moment that the man's patience runs out but he didn’t expect to suddenly have a gun pointed right at him by another masked man in a white coat. “I really wish I didn’t have to discuss important subjects with common brutes like you. But unfortunately you are the best there is at the moment, even if everyone knows that the golden one is that green haired genius of yours. Absolutely perfect in many ways, quirkless and smart. Untainted by the disease that is a quirk. He’d understand my motives, yet I find myself having to discuss it with you.” he emphasises his last word with a scowl of disgust that shows in his eyes and Tomura nearly growls. A whistle cuts through the tension and Tomura turns his head fiercely to where the sound originated, entirely surprised by the ravenette leaning against the wall of the alley looking mighty proud of himself. “Hypocrite.” Tomura wants to lash out at him and yell at the fact that he’s supposed to be keeping Izuku under check but then it clicks. Oh f*ck.

“Overhaul, I presume.” Izuku makes his entrance as he jumps down from the fire escape and lands right beside Tomura, side stepping a little to make himself a barrier between the bullet and his partner. The asshole steps back a couple of steps and politely bows in acknowledgement. “Midoriya Izuku.”

Tomura itches to pull Izuku behind him but he knows that Izuku will be fine. He’s in his gear, fully decked in weaponry and Dabi has got his back. He knows his partner will be fine, he just really doesn’t like the way that thug is looking at him. By the way that Izuku subtly tenses, neither does he.

“I didn’t think you were the type of man to conduct important deals in shifty alleyways.” Izuku jabs at the man and Overhaul tenses at the tone, caught off guard. Carefully he slips his glove back on and the movement isn’t lost by any of them. With a simple flick of the wrist, the gun pointed at them is placed away and the click of the safety being turned back on fills the silence. Izuku shifts to a less defensive stance and Tomura steps closer to him to stand side by side, that shift isn’t lost on the thug either as he raises a single brow in interest. “My apologies. I sincerely hope this interaction won’t count in your decision making. How about I suggest a formal meeting in my office to discuss my offer.”

“I believe my partner has already made it clear that we have already come to our decision.” Izuku interrupts him as he starts taking ground again and he seems agitated by this. “Surely, you won’t make such an important decision without knowing all the details? Let me show you what I have to offer you. I assure you, it will be worth both our time.” He insists and Izuku gently turns to share a look with Tomura, silently asking the question. Tomura gently places his hand on Izuku’s arm and squeezes. He wasn’t going to let this go and they can’t afford to get into a public brawl about this. He clearly wanted them for something and was betting on their corporation, it’s always better to know the enemy they face.

Izuku steels his face in distrust towards the thug. “Fine. But I insist on taking two of our men with us, one for each of us.” Not a bargain, a demand and Overhaul seems surprised at the tone and the implication that they’ll both be there. The uncontrolled surprise grates Tomura again but he controls himself. “Of course, I would never ask you to come unprotected. But you will be strip searched at the door for weapons, I’m sure you understand.” A warning. Not that it matters much whether they can take weapons in or not, they were a weapon in themselves and Tomura knows Izuku already has the members in mind that’ll be accompanying them. The two he’s trained well to be weapons on their own.

“Then we’ll be waiting for the formal invitation.” Izuku finalises and the thug nods, pleased with himself and the turn of events. “I am quite happy you managed to interrupt us here, Midoriya. Contrary to my reputation, I really don’t like getting my hands dirty.” Izuku raises a brow in distrust at the words as Tomura moves his hand on Izuku's arm to hold the greenette’s waist firmly instead. He still doesn’t like the look that Overhaul is giving his partner. “I’ll be seeing you soon.” He speaks once more as a parting gift before turning on his heel and leaving the alleyway. Once they are a safe distance away Izuku shoves Tomura away from him and jabs a pointy finger in his chest. “You’re an idiot! You keep Dabi to make sure I don’t do anything reckless and then you go run your mouth in front of a homicidal criminal?!” Tomura gasps at the lash out and tries to hold Izuku’s waving arms before they start jabbing at him again but Izuku side steps out of reach. “No. You- I’m angry with you!” Tomura watches as Izuku turns away from him and joins Dabi’s side once more before turning around. “Let’s go.” He orders and Twice doesn’t waste a second to get moving and follow the greenette, it only takes Tomura an extra second to jolt himself into action and follow as well.

The two don’t say a word to each other the whole way back. Yet Izuku doesn’t miss the curious female eyes that watch them leave the scene.

“Oooh, someone’s in the dog house.” Himiko sings-songs when they return and Compress looks somewhat guilty that he spilled the beans. Izuku sends him an understanding look before turning back to the teen with a serious one. “Himiko, how confident are you in your abilities that you can hide a needle from a strip search?” She grins at the thought. “Rather confident.” Izuku nods at the answer he wanted to hear and then leaves the room, leaving Tomura and standing there with the team sending him ranging looks of pity. Dabi pats him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, the couch isn’t that uncomfortable.” Tomura shrugs his hand off and turns for the stairs. “Shig. Don’t.” Dabi warns him. “Why not?” Tomura dares to ask and the ravenette sighs behind him. “Because you didn’t see the terrified look in his eyes when Compress told us what was going on. You tell him all the time not to do anything reckless and he listens because it makes sense, but you doing just that right now. It hurt him and all those voices in his mind likely telling him that the rules are different because you have a quirk to protect yourself and he doesn’t, made it hurt more.”

“Give him time.” Compress chimes in and Tomura sighs. “If I do that, he’ll overthink it more.” No one says anything there until Himiko asks the question they have likely all been wanting to ask. “What happened anyway?” Tomura sighs heavily and shirks his hood and shrugs off his coat. He didn’t wear his signature hands today, wanting to be incognito, not that it did him any good. He sits down on the couch and places his face in his hands before dragging it back up and looking at his team, their team. “We got a message last night from the Shie Hassaikai, they want to strike some deal. Their offer is that they provide us with this new product of theirs and they get the attention that their product is being used in our ‘great takedown’.” Dabi curses and Spinner looks like someone slapped him, Twice on the other hand looks betrayed. “Auw, I thought you came to keep me company. You piece of sh*t with ulterior motives!” Himiko looks at him curiously. “So what happened today then?”

“The bastard cornered me in the alleyway and we had an altercation that ended with Izuku agreeing to potentially discussing this further at their base.” Her eyes darken in realisation and understanding. “What was the plan before?” She hisses.

“That doesn’t matter now. There’s a new plan.” Izuku interrupts and the whole room turns to him and then spots Shouto in the doorway with his headphones on. “I suspect you guys are discussing villainous things so I’m just here for a snack and then I’ll be gone.” He reassures them as he does just that and closes the door behind him. Tomura looks at Izuku and the greenette makes a point not to look him in the eye.

“Izuku, please.” Tomura reaches out to him when the rest of them have gone. Gone to get their affairs in order for the inevitable moment that they get the announcement of when they are required to formally meet up with the bastards. “Not here.” Izuku pleads softly as he turns around and heads back upstairs, Tomura following him right off his heel. When the door to their bedroom closes Izuku sits down on their bed carefully and keeps his eyes looking down at his hands. Tomura doesn’t move from where he is against the back of the door. “Izuku. I’m sorry. I was an idiot, I did something really stupid and I've been acting stupid ever since we got that message and that wasn’t fair to you.” Tomura takes a breath as he reaches for a rock nearby and starts playing with it in his hands, controlling the itch by focusing on not decaying the rock. “I know that you of all people would understand the confusion of a bad feeling and not knowing where it comes from or what it means. But I got scared, Izuku, I got scared in a way that made me act impulsive. I was a hypocrite to go out recklessly like that and even stupider to mouth off to that bastard. I’m sorry. Please just look at me.” Green eyes find his and Tomura drops the rock to reach out for his artist gloves before itching to hold Izuku’s face and wipe at the tears streaming down it. “I- I got scared too, when Compress told me… he said you guys were having an altercation. I got so scared, Tomura. You can’t do that, you can’t just go out and do things on your own. It’s not just you and me anymore and today it wasn’t even that. We’re a team, that’s what you always say. Don’t let these things control you, talk to me about them. I’m always here, you know that.” Izuku argues and Tomura nods, pulling his hands away carefully and reaching to hold Izuku’s instead. “We’re a team. We do reckless things together.” He repeats and Izuku cracks a smile through a sob before giving him a serious look again. “He's dangerous though, I’m not joking. That man is an unstable sociopath, his quirk is no better and he has impeccable control over it. You can’t just act out around him, we need to be extremely careful.” Tomura nods and Izuku’s shoulders relax at the affirmation. “He’s got his eye on you though. He spent the entire time checking you out.” Tomura adds with a scoff when he deducts that he’s in the clear. Izuku kisses him on the temple. “We can use that to our advantage.” He jokes softly and Tomura pulls away to give him a distrustful look. “I don’t like where this is going.” Izuku giggles and intertwines their hands. “Just trust me, okay?” Tomura nods and kisses their joint hands. “Always, bunny.”


I don't know if I'll keep up the switching pov's between the heroes and the villains as I did in the first part, but the next chapter if definitely a hero one so we'll just see where it goes

Chapter 20


Nighteye and his agency discover new sightings of a group he’s been keeping tabs on for a while, at the same time Shouta gets the scoop from a contact that lets him know that the Yakuza had an interaction with the new villains on the scene.


short chapter because it was being difficult but there will be longer chapters again in the future


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirai had been keeping tabs on the Yakuza in his area for years, ever since he promoted himself from being a sidekick to a pro hero and set up his own agency apart from All Mights. He knew their leader was an honourable man, he stuck to the Yakuza traditions and values and kept clear of heroes in the area. He minded his business and didn’t get involved in limelight attention. The underground heroes had a very different relationship with the man but that was no business of Mirai’s. They weren’t interfering in any work of his, he wouldn’t interfere in any work of theirs.

This changed over the last year in which it felt as if the Yakuza were straying from the deals and territories they respected over the years. Members had been found in areas that were not their own and wearing costumes that were extreme for them. With further research Mirai identified these rogue members as the Eight Bullets, run under a man named Overhaul. Their signature plague masks give away to who they were loyal too and under which principles they operated.

After UA’s missing student reappeared and made such a declaration at the Hero Ratings coupled with the bomb reveal of Endeavour's past faults that were covered up by the Commission, the underground has been fired up like never before. They’re have been talks and predictions of the Hero Killer returning to the scene after having been absent for a year and the Yakuza or as Mirai recently discovered the Shie Hassaikai, has been manufacturing a new image for themselves. With this a new weapon has been brought forth to the market and is rising in popularity with Midoriya’s speech of taking down the false heroes in power it has been making leeway in giving ordinary criminals an extra boost of confidence to take down hero’s. Trigger was known to have been shipped from overseas, the new mysterious bullets that could cancel anyone’s quirk momentarily if they were shot with them had been found to be one sourced within Japan. If only by how selective the manufacturer is about distribution.

Mirai has been keeping an eye on it all for a while. Yet even he was frustrated enough to admit that he couldn’t see this turn coming. Bubble girl had just sent over the latest footage of sighting from the masked man only for it to turn into something more when paired with a familiar looking man in a long coat and hood, the icing on the cake is the extremely recognisable greenette that shows up on screen moments later trying to defuse the situation. “Bubble Girl!” He calls out to his sidekick who opens the door readily at his call. “Yes?” He points at his screen. “Do you have this with sound?” He asks her somewhat desperately and she shakes her head. “Sadly no, I did try getting some but the camera’s in that area are of bad quality. Even if there was sound to that, I’m sure both parties in that footage made sure to get it erased.” He curses to himself and she frowns. “I was surprised when i found this, Midoriya did not strike me as someone who would pair up with the Shie Hassaikai.” Mirai ponders this and hums. “I don’t think this was a consensual meetup. As you said, he’s not the type to align with the group’s ideals. Though I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about this soon enough.” She co*cks her head a little in interest but otherwise leaves him too it as he stares through the screen at the greenette guarding his partner from the masked man. From this angle, he can only see the back of Overhaul, but it doesn’t go unnoticed how Shigaraki is glaring at the offender from where he stands. Shadows of other figures can slightly be seen but not enough to identify them. Mirai crosses his hands and leans his chin onto them as he stares at that screen intensively, hoping that it will give him more answers to a problem he knows will arise.

“Sir?” Bubble girl breaks him out of his thoughts and he looks up at her once more. “Yes?” He prompts and she nods coming into the room fully. “It seems we had a break in our digital system. Nothing is gone, but information was accessed and borrowed.” He sits straighter and leans more into his chair. “What was accessed?” She looks down at her tablet for the information. “Some files of information of the members of the Eight Bullets, quirks and descriptions etc.” He nods to himself. “Did they leave any indication of who it was?” She shakes her head and he sighs. “I’ll get an IT personnel to double up on our firewalls then.” She nods and exits the office, whoever this is, he hopes they don’t cause trouble with the information they now have.


It has been almost been two months since his missing student reappeared and threw him entirely off from what he thought he knew about the boy. It has also almost been two months since he started whatever it is they are with Yagi or Toshinori as the blond is insisting Shouta calls him. They are on a first name basis now and Shouta has found himself staying over at the blonds apartment more often than his own. Maybe it is the shared understanding regarding Midoriya or it is simply that they both enjoy the companionship, but he has noticed that each time he finds himself on patrol, he thinks back to the stupid blond. Even now as he finds himself in the streets where the Villains Order’s old base was, he thinks back to the time that they used to be two looking for any sign to their green haired student. They found the old base a week after the UA Gala incident, Midoriya left a mocking note behind when they arrived on the scene. The basem*nt was exactly the way Bakugou had described it and waiting for them there was another sweet note. ‘We may be villains, but we’re not monsters.’ The note was right, the room showed clear signs of a prisoner that was well taken care of and Bakugou’s testimony backed it up as much. UA knew now that Midoriya was not to be underestimated, but also knew that if the boy ever reached out in any way shape or form that he should be acknowledged with caution but keep an open mind.

Shouta’s phone buzzes on silent from his jumpsuit as he stops to settle on the ledge of a roof to take the call. Carefully keeping an eye out on the surrounding area, not wanting anyone to catch a single word of his call. He makes a grunting sound of acknowledgement as the line picks up. “Shouta.” Toshinori’s voice greets him and Shouta smiles a little to himself at the slight hesitation in the man’s voice for using his first name. “I’m patrolling.” He simply says and the blond sputters on his end. Since they established that the Midoriya case is much bigger than the two of them and that the boy has moved out of their reach, the retired hero decided that he wanted to do more. Even if he couldn’t be the hero he used to be, he would still help in some way. Now in his spare time outside of teaching he’s taking self defence classes. No matter how many times that Shouta has reassured him that he’s always keeping an eye out for their green haired boy, Toshinori has decided he wants to keep an eye out for himself and has made sure he is capable of defending himself at any given notice. Shouta made sure that the man even learned some dirty fighting, just in case.

Yes, well, you might want to visit that bar friend of yours. Word on the street is saying that there was quite an interaction between Izuku and some guy called Overhaul.” Shouta tenses at the name drop, he knows that name, he knows the face connected to that name and none of it is good. It’s bad enough that he heard Stain might be making a reappearance, knowing that now the dark side of the Yakuza has taken a liking to Midoriya is not an easy pill to swallow. But he straightens himself and takes a breath. “Where are you?” He asks the important question, the blond sputters. “I was just out for a walk to the store. I’m going home now.” Shouta smiles to himself at the stupid domesticity of it all. “Okay, I’ll head over to the bar after my shift.” He tells the blond and he can imagine Toshinori’s smile as he hangs up after saying goodbye. f*ck. He never thought he would go soft for All Might of all people.

The rest of his shift goes by with no weird sightings or issues, just dealing with a couple of drunkards. He shoots the blond a text to let him know that he’s entering the bar and gets a thumbs up in response. Shouta has to hold in the snort at the older man's response and use of emojis.

The bar is filled to the brim with people and Shouta ducks his head into his scarf in response to the crowd. He’s never been a fan of filled spaces and if he didn’t need to be here, he would turn around and leave in an instant. At least now he understands why his informant is late on her job if this is the crowd at her workspace. A new employee greets him where he stands, their face hidden by a hood and mask, Shouta just grunts in greeting. “I’m looking for Magne.” He tells them and the employee nods and gestures to the back of the bar, Shouta nods in thanks. “Magne.” He announces himself with a call of her name and her eyes dilate in surprise at the sight of him. “Eraser, I’ve been meaning to call you.” She says sheepishly as she stands leading him out of the bar so they can have a quiet chat. Shouta doesn’t miss her unease when they stand outside in the alleyway, she keeps shifting and looking behind herself, flinching at every sound ever so slightly. He wants to ask but he knows she’d tell him if it was something bad, so he doesn’t broach the subject. “Got anything new for me?” He asks instead and she grins knowingly. “Yeah, your boy got spotted. Here actually.” She tells him, gesturing to the alley and suddenly it makes a little more sense. “Him and Overhaul?” He prods and she straightens and scowls. “Yeah, the bastard is getting very brave these days. The gangs in the area are not happy at the stunt he pulled coming all this way and acting all high and mighty.” Shouta nods, the Yakuza had their territories that they protected and maintained, the rest was run by an organisation of gangs that controlled their share of japan. The rule was simple, stay out of each other's territories. It seems Overhaul and his branch have decided that they are above decades of agreements between the powerful people of the underground. “Your boy seems to be who he wants, originally he was spotted interacting with Shigaraki and Midoriya only appeared to defuse the situation. Witnesses are saying that Overhauls demeanour changed the instant the greenette showed up.”

“What happened between him and Shigaraki?” Shouta asks curiously and Magne shrugs. “Not much apparently, Overhaul seemed to be trying to get his threats across and Shigaraki was having none of it. He only really talked usefully when Midoriya showed up, he wasn’t interested otherwise.”

“That’s disturbing.” Shouta grumbles and she nods in agreement. A beat of silence passes between them before she pushes off from the wall. “I’ll keep you updated if I hear more. All I know is that Midoriya agreed to meet with him about some deal. After Shigaraki had been subtly threatened.” Shouta nods and thanks her before turning on his heel and leaving the alley.

A thought strikes him when he enters Toshinori’s apartment but goes forgotten to the smell of actual food compared to the jelly pouches he used to have after his patrols. “You’re still awake?” He asks surprised, it is 4am. “No, I’m just awake again. I thought I could meet you halfway, I have to go in early for a medical appointment.” He replies honestly and Shouta smiles softly as he ducks his head into his capture scarf, the blond knows the movement for what it is and smiles back. “Thanks.” Shouta mutters and Toshinori gestures for a seat as he places the food in front of him before joining him in the seat across. “I thought your health issues were clearing up now that you actually allowed your body to rest?” Shouta asks him after a couple mouthfuls of food and a large gulp of coffee, the blond shrugs. “Yeah, well, they want to do regular check-ups anyway.” He doesn’t say anything else and Shouta nods, even after giving up all the stress of his career, losing your stomach and parts of your other important organs must not be something easy for your body to recover from. The blond clears his throat as he changes the subject. “Did your informant mention anything on Shouto-kun?” Shouta lifts his head in surprise at the topic. He hadn’t thought to ask after the last bit he got about the boy. Magne told him a couple days after the incident that the boy had been spotted with Izuku coming out of a diner in the late hours of the morning and that it seemed like he was perfectly fine. Shouta believes the account of the witness, Izuku took care of Bakugou when he was under their care and he’ll likely do even better with Todoroki after dropping his family's dirty laundry to the press and the rest of the world. In all technicality they do have an APB alert out for his missing persons case and everyone is keeping an eye out, but it’s not anyone’s top priority.

“Uh, no. No one has anything new on him so I guess it’s just a matter of time before we either spot him on their side or back on ours.” Shouta answers nonchalantly. “The press will have a field day with that if he decides to stay with them. That would be two kids of that class turning to vigilantism/ villainism.” Toshinori jokes and Shouta smiles. “They’ll start wondering what I taught them.”

“They’ll be breaking the stereotype, that's for sure.” He continues with a smile of his own and Shouta’s turns into a grin as he ducks his head into his scarf. Toshinori is right though, if Todoroki decides to stay with vigilantes that would make two students of his with flashy quirks that turned on the stereotype. It would also seep doubt into people since the two boys started out in the same class. Not that one remembers. “Do you want to know what my informant did mention regarding Izuku?” Shouta asks him and the blond looks up at him with a look of vulnerability, he nods wordlessly and Shouta relays the information he received. When he’s done Toshinori is looking rather protective as he scrolls through the hero net forum before shoving his phone page in Shouta’s face. “Tell him. Mirai-san is the hero on their evolving case, he might want to know about this.” Shouta raises a brow and pulls the phone out of his face and places it on the table, not forgetting the codename for later. “If he’s the hero on the case, wouldn’t he already know? Security footage and all that?”

“Bad quality cameras in the area and he’s a limelight hero, he doesn’t have the same connections.” Toshinori says simply and Shouta hums. “Sure, I’ll relay the information.” The blond seems to smile gratefully and they just continue their meal as usual, enjoying the strangely domestic ritual they have put in place for themselves.


He may be a limelighter hero, but he’s also been known to pick up quite some workaholic tendencies that has him frowning when he remembers how hard he was on his mentor early in his career for spending so much time at work. Then again Mirai considers that paperwork workaholic tendencies are better than the heroes who avoid their paperwork at all costs until the last possible minute. He likes to stay on track with these things and he also knows that nighttime is when all the secrets come out from the underground world. While he doesn’t interfere, he does get curious from the safety of his desk at the agency.

With all the power he has in predicting futures, he never would have guessed that the famous hero Eraserhead would call him at 4am. Likely the other hero was just as surprised that the call was accepted at this hour but neither commented on the obvious. “Nighteye, I have some information regarding a villain you’ve been keeping a close eye on.” The hero started off strong and it had Mirai sitting up straight in his chair.

“Anything you would feel safe sharing over a phone call or rather over a cup of coffee?” He tests the grounds and the hero on the other side grunts. “Phone is fine.” Mirai makes a sound for him to continue and the hero does. “Overhaul has attempted to strike a deal with Midoriya and Shigaraki. I’m assuming you’ve already heard about their confrontation in an alleyway.” Mirai makes a sound in confirmation and the hero clears his throat. “It seems the deal was offered after some threats were placed. So keep an open mind if you hear anything from them, Midoriya will be closer to your side than to Overhauls.” The phone call ended there and Mirai hummed to himself, he knows Eraserhead is a product of UA and remembers that the man has what they call a ‘villain’s quirk’ of course he would find familiarity in the cause the green haired vigilante has brought up. Even so he classifies the warning for what it is. Not everything is as it seems and now with the added audio information to the footage he saw, it makes him wonder. “Clever, clever boy.” Mirai mumbles to himself when he realises who broke into their system. The boy made it clear by outsmarting Nedzu that he’s clever in more ways than one, he wouldn’t find himself face to face with an unknown enemy. The hero only hopes that the minimal information they have on the dangerous members is enough for him to get a step deeper than they ever got.

A shrill notification from his phone nearly makes him jump out of his seat. He looks over to the device only to find an encrypted message that looks rather ominous but he saves the number anyway. Eraserheads words sounding loud and clear in the back of his mind.


honestly kinda forgot that Shouto was sort of kidnapped... even though there was footage that the student went willingly with a bag of his belongings.... cuz while the dude is just chilling with the vigilantes, everyone else doesn't really know that


Chapter 21


Izuku and Tomura go to the meeting at the Shie Hassaikai


I always enjoy some good ol' google searches to make sure that some parts of the story are accurate in culture and location


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The moment that Shouto closed the door behind him, the team shifted back to their battle stances. They’ve been sitting around and doing nothing for almost a month. Izuku can understand that they have become a little restless.

“You decide who’s going with you guys?” Dabi asks and Izuku turns to him with a grin. “Thanks to a new friend of ours, I got inside intel from a hero who’s been on their case for a while now. I know the quirks of each member of the Eight Bullets, that alone helps us a great deal in being prepared for defensive manoeuvres when we’re inside.” Tomura eyes the ravenette and the man nods, Hawks, it would seem that bird has multiple uses for his cooperation. The HPSC doesn’t always have all the information they need, if it’s an ongoing case with no real end results then the research doesn’t get placed into the system. Which is the reason that Izuku was finding himself lacking information, the police system is similar in that aspect too.

“The plan is simple. We didn’t plan on accepting their offer before and just because of this turn of events, it doesn’t mean we’re changing our mind. We’re simply humouring them. We go in, listen to them talk and go out in a civilised manner.” Izuku emphasises the last part with a well placed glare in his direction and Himiko and Dabi snigg*r at the throw. “Now they agreed to let us go with bodyguards, so simply. Himiko is coming for me, Compress you’re going for Tomura.” Tomura looks at Izuku in surprise. “Not Dabi?”

“No. Dabi is a card that I don’t want them to see. Himiko they will underestimate and Compress has this act about him that distracts and manipulates them to see what we want them too. Spinner, you’re the getaway driver.”

“Why me?” Spinner asks somewhat insulted and whiny. “Because you’re the only one with a licence who could rent a car. Or steal one, just use fake plates if you do.” Izuku simply tells him and he sighs defeated. “Does no one else know how to drive?”

“Drive safely.” Izuku corrects and Spinner shuts up right there and then and Izuku continues on to answer more questions relating to the plan.

A stupid formal invitation made its way to them the old fashioned way. The instructions to the ‘where’ engraved on paper with a fancy ass seal of the family crest, only hours later from their meeting in that alley.

When Hawks sent him the information on the Eight Bullet’s quirks he managed to nab from a hero that had been keeping an eye on this group. Izuku took a look at said hero’s profile, the man may have been a former sidekick of All Might’s but he has motives that surprised him. Izuku took a deep look into the man’s history on all angles and may have rooted him out as a safe option. For starters the man was the brains behind the operation he had with All Might and the moment those two separated the man had health issues that led right into his retirement. In any case, the hero at least has his head right on his shoulders. Izuku’s not stupid, he knows that a small group like theirs could not go up against the Shie Hassaikai and walk away in one piece, even with all the quirk power they have. If need be, he thinks this hero might not be the worst one to tip off. It is after that decision that he decided to look into the exact location of the man’s own agency and contact details. In Izuku’s mind, this was a last case scenario but something in him told him to keep that idea close in mind, which is why he tested the means of communication with the hero only to get an almost immediate response that let him know that the man saved his contact. It seems someone is looking out for them already.

“Spinner, I personally don’t feel like dying today. SO COULD YOU PLEASE PUT MORE GAS ON THAT PEDAL WE ARE GOING TO GET CRASHED INTO AT THIS RATE!” Tomura loses his patience beside him as the gecko starts getting defensive and anxious. “I’m doing the best I can here! I’m not used to driving on the highroads!” Izuku sighs and Compress gives the driver reassuring pats on the arm. “Everyone's a critic, Spinner. Just remember that we’re using fake plates so we don’t want to be caught but we also don’t want to look suspicious speeding down the roads.” Izuku tells him and the gecko sends him a glare through the rearview mirror. “I refuse to be the getaway driver next time.” He grumbles but presses onto the gas pedal as they go just a little faster. Tomura grins at the threat. “You say that now, you haven’t been in a car with Dabi or Izuku.”

“Then get a licence asswipe! Only those that can drive can criticise!” The gecko retorts and Izuku snorts in amusem*nt. “He tried. He couldn’t get past the provisional licence test.” Tomura turns to him in betrayal. “You only passed because you cheated!” He accuses him and Izuku only grins knowingly. “Don’t start getting smart with me, I have your test result answers. Shall I start sharing all your mistakes?” His partner shuts up in an instant and Izuku cackles. Himiko smiles softly on his other side. “What about you?” Spinner asks Compress and the masked man shrugs. “I have a motorcycle licence, but that doesn’t do us much good now does it?”

“It would be cool for a two people get away.” Izuku chimes in and Tomura raises a brow at the older man. “Do you have a motorcycle to go with it?” A good question to ask considering they hadn’t noted any motorcycle gear lying around the house, Compress hangs his head. “No.”

The address they were given leads them to an old fashioned rich neighbourhood filled with traditional styled Japanese Minka’s. Tomura gave a wolf whistle when Spinner rolled up to the garage they were told to get out at, as not to attract unwanted attention from nose neighbours in the street. “If you dump me for him, I will assume this house had something to do with it.” He comments low heartedly and Izuku shoves him as they walk down the side alley as instructed. “I would never dump you.” Tomura raises a brow and then frowns as he pulls Izuku closer into his side. “I think the jerk is hoping otherwise.”

“Zuku may be a 10, but that mumbling habit of his is enough to freak some people out.” Himiko chimes in from where she’s skipping beside them. Tomura glances at her with a side grin. “That’s cuz they’re idiots and can’t recognise the genius right under their noses.”

“I think he recognises my quirklessness perfectly fine.” Izuku comments with a scowl and Tomura smiles softly as if he’s won something.

They wait at some backdoor entrance before the door opens up and some men in suits lead them to a wooden floored entrance that merges the previous entrance with the actual house. The ever-polite nature in him looks for a genkan of sorts for his shoes but finds none, he doesn’t get any time to consider what to do as they are led deeper into the house and into a meeting room where they are instructed to be seated. “The boss has been notified of your arrival and we’ll be joining you soon.” The man in the suit bows before leaving the room and Himiko gladly launches herself onto the couch in the room, shoes on the furniture. Tomura snorts amused at the action and wraps an arm around Izuku’s shoulders before gently joining her, Compress merely stays standing. “Not joining us?” Izuku asks him and he shakes his head. “I believe you’ll be distracting enough from there, I'll keep my position here.” Izuku smiles at him, proud of his forward thinking and nods in agreement. A loud clearing of a voice shifts their attention to the doorway where Overhaul stands with two of his men behind him. His eyes narrow at Himiko’s shoes on his furniture in disgust. “That’s italian.” He grumbles and she stares him right on as she snuggles deeper into the couch before retorting. “Eh, it’s not that comfy. Probably not worth the money you spent on it.” Izuku watches as a vein twitches in the man’s head and squeezes Tomura’s arm in warning to not look as amused as he is at the stark disrespect. Overhaul decides not to deign a response to the girl and simply walks over to the single seat across from them and sits down in a powering pose. He crosses his gloved hands and leans his elbows on his knees as he greets them. “Midoriya, Shigaraki. Glad we could have this formal meeting. Once again I apologise for my actions in that dirty alleyway. It is not how I usually conduct myself.” Tomura glares unimpressed at him as Izuku acknowledges his words. “Yes, that incident was a misunderstanding on both our parts. I hope we can rectify and clarify the situation today.” Izuku diplomatically offers and the masked man nods in agreement.

“You said you wanted to strike a deal. What's the offer?” Tomura demands and Overhaul leans back into his seat, as if the question bores him. The blatant disrespect does not go unnoticed and Himiko hisses at the action, sitting up straight and defensive. “Our offer is simple. We are manufacturing a product at the moment that has been released in waves of its testing stage but we are getting close to its final stage. When we’ve perfected it, we would like for you to join us in ridding the disease of quirks that plagues us.” He sits up again straighter and turns his attention solely to Izuku as he continues. “Midoriya, you are a perfect example of what we should be as a society and you have made your point in rooting out the main disease that festers in hero's these days. The phenomenon of a flashy, shiny, heroic quirk.”

“You want to rid society of their quirks?” Izuku asks him rather surprised by this turn and Overhaul waves the question off quite literally. “Of course not, uncontrolled chaos would break out. Alongside our product we are manufacturing the anecdote, we would distribute this as well but we chose to whom. We would be in control of who keeps and who doesn’t keep their quirk. Ensuring that we are in control of how society perceives the disease that they discriminate for.” Izuku scowls distrustfully. “You seem to have your plan figured out there. What do you need us for?” Overhaul regards him with amusem*nt at the open distrust. “You must have already done your research on us. We don’t have the best reputation, unlike you. You Midoriya, a quirkless teen who made a point at the Hero Billboard Charts and then followed through on it when unmasking their number one hero. You would be the perfect figure head for what we are trying to accomplish, a new order.”

“So you want me to be your poster boy?”

“What if we want more than that?” Tomura asks, interrupting the moment they had and Overhaul looks agitated at said sudden reminder that Izuku is not alone. “What could you possibly want?” He asks condescending and Izuku tenses at the tone. “We want to know everything about the process. How are you manufacturing this? Etc. If I’m to be a poster boy, I would like to know what I’m standing for.” Overhaul tenses too as if he isn’t happy that they won’t just take the thin layered offer without digging deeper. The subtle reaction doesn’t go unnoticed and they all share a silent look between them.

“I can give you a couple of our current products and you may take a look at them in your own time if you wish. You may even test them out and come back when you’ve satisfied your curiosity.” Overhaul offers and Izuku bristles, he doesn't’ like the change of tone as if he’s a child. “I know what they are. Bullets. That’s not what I want to know though, I’m asking how they are made.” Tomura seems to shift beside him in surprise and Izuku curses at himself that he forgot to mention this to his partner. It's a piece of information he found in the research from that hero. A couple of cases were filed under the investigation when some heroes on patrol were shot by red bullets that nullified their quirk genes momentarily. Upon a deeper look biologically, doctors discovered that the bullet damaged the quirk gene for a moment after being shot. The body healed each time afterwards, but with every new wave, the bodies would take longer to heal. However these bullets are manufactured, Izuku is curious at how they manage to break down quirk genes.

Izuku squeezes his partner's hand in a manner that says ‘trust me’ and Tomura squeezes back.

Overhaul straightens in his chair and seems to be deciding whether he’ll react to this blatant disregard of his word or simply let it slide in favour of the deal being made. The smaller plagued member beside him suddenly jumps onto the table between them and points a finger straight at them. “That is none of your business. All we need from you is what the boss offered. The rest is none of your concern.”

“I beg to differ.” Izuku challenges the squirt and it doesn’t seem pleased by that tone. “Listen here you quirkless brat, our boss was rather generous in his offer. We can start getting more forceful if you don’t cooperate nicely.”

“Is that a threat?” Tomura growls at the squirt and the masked thing straightens his shoulders to seem bigger.

“That is not a threat.” Overhaul responds in his stead and the masked squirt seems to think otherwise as he looks at his boss with a displeased aura. Izuku straightens under Tomura’s arm and slowly stands to make a point, Tomura standing with him. “You are right, I have done my research on you. Which is why I demand to be more hands on in the operation. You need us more than we need you, so either I get what I asked for or we’re leaving and you can find some other quirkless brat to manipulate.” Izuku watches with satisfaction as the squirt gawks at the sudden power imbalance with them standing versus his seated boss, while Overhaul seems to weigh out the pro’s and con’s of him revealing the inner workings of his operation. He seems to have made his decision when he stands to meet them on even ground. “I accept your conditions. But let us plan a separate day for this. Allow some time for you to think it over and take a look at the products yourself.” He offers and Izuku turns to Tomura for an answer, Tomura extends his hand fully, no pinky raised. “Now that we accept.” Overhaul is smart to hesitate at the outstretched hand before taking it and shaking on it. “Maybe once we get this all settled out, you’ll allow me to use your analyst to work on a quirk I’ve had difficulty mastering perfectly. I would love to see his expertise in action.” Overhaul adds conditionally and Izuku places himself a step closer between Tomura and Overhaul. “Maybe.”

They leave the fancy house through a different way then they enter it, yet this time the new boss himself escorts them through it rather than one of his suited men. Izuku carefully makes sure to make a mental plan of the house as they weave through it, no doubt that Himiko is doing the exact same as she once did for UA. Noting exits, windows, camera’s, doors, rooms etc. Izuku particularly noted the shrine window with only a painting in the place of it and some interestingly designed wood boards in strange sizes. This singular window sill matching none of the others that they’d walked past, Tomura picked up on Izuku’s attention going to that particular area and slowed down their walk just a little for Izuku to unsuspiciously halt and appreciate the fine marksmanship of that painting. Overhaul raised a suspicious brow at the stop. “Ah, that is a family favourite. My foster father got it from his daughter when she got married.” He deftly explains and Izuku hums. It doesn’t take them much longer to seemingly get to their destination before they get stopped by a suited man that relays some message to the boss that has calm and controlled demeanour leaving him in an instant. “Excuse me. It seems I have urgent business to take care of. My men will escort you out of this second exit that will bring you back to where you parked earlier–”

Everything stops for Izuku in that moment as something barrels into him and clutches on tightly to use him as a shield. Izuku casts his eyes down in shock to see a small young girl with flowing white hair and a small little horn on her head. Tomura is quick to shield both of them from the sudden rush of suited members reaching out for the girl. The girl that is covered in bandages from head to toe and trembling in fear as Izuku kneels down to carefully lift her head to meet his eyes. Red crimson eyes brimmed with tears are what solidify his decision as he picks her up into his arms and glares down at the masked man standing across from him with suited and masked members at his side. Izuku can feel the tension, they are standing on dangerous ground.

“Midoriya. Please hand over my daughter, I’m sorry for this disturbance. She’s being a little rebellious these days.” Overhaul says in a tight-edged voice and Izuku straightens at the detail given. “Daughter?”

“Not taking very good care there if she’s covered in that many bandages.” Himiko chimes in and Overhaul glares at the insinuation. “She’s clumsy.”

Izuku didn’t like the tone, he didn’t like the way she was trembling in his arms and clutching on strongly to his suit. This is not the actions of a girl that was well taken care off, clumsy or not. No one said a word as Izuku assessed their position, he knew where he told Spinner to park the car and it wasn’t where they were instructed to. The whole walk they did through the building led them likely to the opposite side of the house at which they entered, meaning they would likely leave through a side door that would lead to the street. If his hunch was correct, that suspicious sill leads to something else and since there were no signs of a child living anywhere in this house they must have been keeping her somewhere else. Likely something underground since the other houses in the neighbourhood are counted for.

Izuku knew this type of tricky situation might come to them one day and made sure he had the countermeasures to get them out. Which is why with a single step backwards, closer to the exit and away from the gang members, Tomura and Himiko knew to spot the signal.

It was a split second attack that no one would have been prepared for. Izuku deftly gave Eri to Compress who marbleized her in a second and safely put her away during the two separate waves of decay that trembled through the whole foundation of the house. Not touching any biorhythms or the foundation below the house and not spreading further onto the street.

“WHAT THE f*ck?!”

“DRIVE!!” Izuku demanded the moment that they all jumped into the car and Spinner pressed his foot on the gas immediately to take them away from the entirely destroyed building they left in their wake. When they were a significant distance away Izuku demanded that they park the car at a train station and change to jump on the train home. No f*cking way were they going to be followed after what they did. No one questioned his orders or said anything when they got off three stops before they should've and travelled in the maze of streets before climbing to do the rest via rooftops. They made Dabi do one quick sweep of the area from his end before they finally headed home.

The moment they were in the house, Izuku loosened his tie and Tomura took off his dress shoes. “Next time, I’m wearing my f*cking sneakers, Izuku. My feet hurt!” Izuku ignored him as he rushed through the house to get his laptop and notes to do the last thing on the plan that formed in his head the moment he decided that they would not be giving that small girl back.

“Himiko, I need you to give me a diagram sketch of that house. Everything you noticed.” He placed the pad and pen before her and she got to work, no questions asked. The rest of the team stayed quiet in their range of flabbergasted and confused. Izuku added his own key points to it when she was done before gathering all the extra added on info they learned today into the file he’s already put together with that hero’s notes. He scanned the diagram into the file completing it.

“Izuku what the f*ck?” Tomura asked when he read over his boyfriend's shoulder and Izuku shrugged. “It is what it is.”

“YOU PLACED A f*ckING TARGET ON OUR BACKS?! What happened to NOT doing anything RECKLESS?! How the f*ck do you plan on fixing this?”

“With this.” He points at his document as he attaches it to an encrypted email to Nighteye with quick and easy instructions. All the hero has to do is act fast and swift and they will be dealt with. “This is a detailed invasion plan for the heroes to simply follow through on and arrest them for all they have confessed to. They will arrest them and we’ll be fine.”

“Izuku, we decayed that building to the ground? There is nothing left!”

“Not true, they have an underground system in which they were making their products. That’s why Overhaul was reluctant to show us more, it was a hidden card he didn’t want us finding out. It is also why he made us tour that entire house, to prove he wasn’t hiding anything sinister.” The room goes quiet and Tomura sighs heavily as he places his head in his hands. “f*cking hell, Izuku. I wasn’t a fan of them either but…”

“I was not leaving her there and I figured they wouldn’t allow us to take her without a fight.” Izuku says quietly and Tomura lifts his head to look at him with understanding. He nods softly and Izuku understands what it means as he turns back to the computer and presses send.

“Uh, okay. Is it a good time to ask what happened now?” Dabi tests and Izuku closes his computer to turn to him before looking at Compress. “Now might be a good time to free her, she will likely be very scared.” The man nods and takes the marble out and retracts his quirk to free the little girl inside. She doesn’t make a sound as she pops out but looks absolutely horrified and runs directly towards Izuku when she spots him. The room is silent once more but for an entirely different reason.

“Why didn’t she scream?” Himiko asks disturbed and terrified that the girl didn’t make a single sound. “Because she learned at a young age not to make a sound.” Dabi answers quietly as he assesses the girl wrapped up in bandages, trembling in Izuku’s arms. Izuku gently brushes at the girl's hair until she stops trembling before talking to her in a small voice. “Hello, little girl. My name is Izuku, what’s your name?” The girl squeezes his shirt and tests her voice before answering in a quiet voice. “Eri.” Izuku nods and continues gently brushing her hair. “Okay, Eri. You’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you anymore.”


It's been a slow writing process this past week due to having been sick. I swear I'm never taking a plane again if it means I have to sit next to strangers carrying sicknesses that end up plagueing me


next chapters back to the heroes!!

Chapter 22


Izuku has the heroes at his beck and call without them truly knowing it
Shouta gets a message from his student


The time has come, the Shie Hassaikai Raid, somewhat following canon because otherwise I would have had to rewrite that myself and I didn't really want to.
It still seemed fitting even if the heroes weren't after Eri. I think Overhaul would still use the excessive methods he did to escape (minus the fight against deku) as now that he no longer has eri would try and protect his last remaining bullets he managed to acquire and their antidotes

without further ado,

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirai understood early on in his career that he was not interested in any romantic endeavours and would be much happier with a horde of cats. Which is what he got for himself after adopting a single cat who just loved getting pregnant. That is until the third litter where he got her sprayed and is now simply stuck with her three litters and the man-cat she decided to settle with who was castrated the moment he entered the house. The cats came in handy in many ways, they were wonderful company and kept his life interesting. The only single problem is that they are opinionated and don’t like being disturbed. In the case of the insistent buzzing of his phone at eight in the evening to which they just meowl in a chorus.

“Alright, alright!” He mutters to them and to the phone until he spots the contact. “sh*t!”

The message is clear. He calls each and every hero that the list gives him and gets out his computer to see the message on a bigger screen. The files included give clear directions to the base and layout of the base and documents on documents of evidence to access a warrant for an arrest.

After having spent the night bingeing through each and every piece of evidence supplied, he tried hunting for the source through endless tricky paths in code only to come up with a small message that told him he really had better things to be doing. The earliest at which any hero could be available was the first working hour for limelight hero’s which is 6am. Which is why he made sure to have pots of coffee and snacks for a quick breakfast ready by that time. The raid would include the Fat Gum agency, the Ryukyu agency and his own, plus some extra twilight and underground heroes, Eraserhead included. The hero’s picked for the quirk matchup that would be the most efficient against each member of the Eight Bullets, leaving Overhaul for Eraserhead to avoid any direct quirk use confrontation. Everyone’s role was in the brief given to him, clearly explained with no room for change or error. The mind behind this plan of attack is one Mirai would one day like to meet, regardless that he may already have a good hunch of whom they are. He’d be stupid not to look at the security footage of that street during the last day to see any new changes. He didn’t find anything too suspicious other than the glitch in footage in the early hours of the evening. It's to be expected that a private yakuza home would maintain the same civil looking home in loop on the city’s security footage.

“We’re all here Nighteye. Wanna tell us why?” Rock Lock asks the moment everyone is seated in the conference room and the lights are dimmed to be able to see the powerpoint on the projected screen.

“I have called you here to assist in a Raid on the main base of the Shie Hassaikai. All the details are provided in the briefing booklets before you.” Everyone scrambles to reach for said booklets and immediately read up on what has suddenly been asked of them.

“As you read through the briefing we’ll catch you up somewhat on our research before this.” Centipeder chimes in. “We’ve been investigating this separate organisation from the Yakuza since they started making their own leeway on the scene. They started out looking for funds for this unknown operation, coming into bars and clubs not on their territory and starting up brawls that ended in blood. Yet their latest confrontation that caught our eye was when we caught footage of Overhaul interacting with Midoriya and Shigaraki in an alleyway. The interaction could simply be summed as difficult, Midoriya showed a defensive stance towards the Yakuza man, letting us assume they are not allies.”

“For our own efforts we came across a couple of criminals using bullets that are able to damage a person’s quirk factor. Unlike Eraserheads ability.” Fatgum interjects and Centipeder nods. “Yes. That is where it got tricky. Upon further research on heroes who’d been shot with these bullets. They found human DNA cells infused within the bullet remnants. Together with the recent load of evidence that pushed us to this raid, we can’t wait. He is manipulating a human being's quirk for this product.”

“What is to say that the quirk owner isn’t willing?” Rock Lock asks coldly and the students around the table shiver at the thought. He shrugs as if it is a perfectly reasonable conclusion to make. Nighteye nods to the briefing sheets on the table. “The evidence in front of you. No matter the reason or willingness of the patient. We can’t let this continue.”

“This is a very detailed file you have here Sir. Nighteye, how did you manage to accumulate so much so fast?” Eraserhead comments breaking the tension in the room for only a moment. “I had help.” Nighteye answers vaguely and Eraserhead eyes the file with a knowing glint, only solidifying Mirai’s own hunch to whom his source may be.

“If there are any questions, please voice them now. We are scheduled to start the raid at 8am promptly. We have received word of the warrant from the police chief and they will be backing us to round up the above board members while we take care of the underground organisation. The civilians in the area have been quietly evacuated and the stage is set to go.” Bubble Girl voices strictly and the heroes get back to their files and start reading up on their parts of the raid.

The setup is relatively simple. The floorplan given tells them of a passageway that likely leads to their underground set up, where it has been predicted that they’ll likely be hiding out and packing up their tracks after an unknown confrontation. The heroes have been split up in three squads, Mirai’s agency consists of one plus Eraserhead and will be taking on Overhaul and any lackeys he may throw their way. Fatgums and Ryuku’s agencies will be going for the Eight Bullets. The other heroes will latch on to whichever squad deemed appropriate when the raid strikes, they have been given that freedom. Though with the analysis made of the Eight Bullets best quirk match-ups, the given pairs at which they will be found as have made it so that Nighteye could best predict which hero to pair them against. It has been predicted that Chronostasis and Mimic will likely be the closest to Overhaul considering their abilities and personal loyalty to the man. All three abilities that would be best erased the moment that they are in sight. The orders were clear and at 8am sharp, they were at the Yakuza’s front door.

A cough fills the flabbergasted silence. “Sir, you seemed to fail to mention the lack of building we would be entering. This place is literally floored!”

“It would seem we understand who came before us. I feel like a clean up service all of a sudden.” Rock Lock comments with a scowl and the police members start to mutter between them. “This doesn’t change a thing.” Nighteye voices above the whispers and they all settle down. Everyone knew that only one person could cause this destruction, only one quirk could do it so precisely. Decay. Shigaraki. But that didn’t change why they were here. Sure Midoriya gave him the push and everything needed to go through with this, but they were heroes and what Overhaul was doing was inhuman. They had to set that right.

The police chief nodded with wordless agreement and rang the doorbell. Not really necessary but definitely polite.

“What?” A clearly upset voice shrieked through the intercom. The chief stood up straight. “We have a warrant to set foot on your estate and arrest you for–” The man doesn’t get to finish his sentence as something comes crashing through the gate on the other side.

Katsukame Rikiya. A quirk very similar to Ryukyu’s dragon shifting form except he gets bigger with the more energy he sucks out of others around him. Ryukyu takes him head on as she calls back for everyone else to storm the property. Nighteye finds the entrance way easily since it’s the only untouched part of the house that seems to have been walked on quite a bit. “How can we be sure they are still down there? They could have left Hulk here as diversion.” Rock Lock questions once more but this time with obvious reasoning.

“Because I trust our source.” Eraserhead solidifies as he jumps straight in and no one questions the man as they follow right after. Nighteye looks around at the police taking in stray members around the decayed property before following in after his squad.

As expected there wasn’t much resistance from yakuza members who likely were still distraught that their home was levelled by a business deal gone wrong. Yet Overhaul didn’t leave his underground maze unguarded either as the moment that the team started down windy pathways, the walls started to distort. “What the f*ck is going on?” Rock Lock demands as they all wobble and are thrown off balance. “It’s the effect of Mimic’s quirk, though we deduced he could only manipulate solid objects as large as him, which in his case would be as big as a minifridge. He likely got his hands on Trigger to boost his quirks limits and his own size.” Eraserhead dutifully replies and Nighteye nods. “Lemillion. Go ahead and see whether you can corner them off.” He orders his youngest sidekick and the boy does as he’s told hile the rest of them try to wade through the path regardless until they are unceremoniously dropped a floor or so below to be greeted by three members they had predicted would be teamed up against them. Setsuno Toya, quirk: Larceny. The ability to instantly relocate any object from someone else’s hands to his own. He needs to be able to see his target and there are limits to how much and the size of objects that he can hold. Hojo Yu, quirk: Crystalise. The ability to produce sharp and durable crystals from his skin. Due to research into his background, the crystals are fakes and can’t be mined and sold as real ones, they have no value. He has been seen to be able to grow them on his arms and use them offensively close ranged as swords. and Tabe Soramitsu, quirk: Food. The ability to allow the users teeth to be able to chew through and consume any solid substance easily, no matter how durable. All three incredibly deranged members of the Eight Bullets that Nighteye easily prepared to pair with Fatgum’s new sidekick Suneater and Ryukyu’s work student Uravity, who is perfectly equipped in close combat from her first year internship and her quirk gives her advantages in a close quartered fight. Even so with such prepared planning, Eraserhead still managed to catch the slip on them and use two out of three to knock the load out by wrapping them up in his capture scarf and knocking them together. “They are defenceless that way. Keep them knocked out and keep an eye on them. We’ll continue on.” The underground hero orders and the young hero’s nod in acknowledgement.

“You seem very invested in this, Eraser.” Rock Lock comments as they start running through unwarped halls. Nighteye notes that Mimic hasn’t followed their movements yet and that they should hurry before he does. The underground hero scoffs but doesn’t say anything to the contrary and it makes Nighteye wonder to what extent Eraserhead is invested in the case that he knows came from the young greenette.

It takes them by surprise when the walls suddenly lash out for the underground hero. Likely Mimic deciding that he didn't like the way that the man was trying to get any visual on him through their movements. The attack was suddenly dodged by Fatgum who then fell through a hole in the wall. Only upon the sudden drop did they notice that he took his work student Red Riot with him by accident. “What are the chances that they end up with the quirk match we planned for them?” Rock Lock comments dryly and no one answers.


Mirio was shocked the day that the first year's missing student showed up again side by side with the villain that had attacked that class in the beginning of the year. But to be honest he was even more shocked by how much the lanky boy looked happier standing by the villain's side. Mirio could tell there was more to the story than they could see and always hoped he might get close enough to come across the boy one day.

Mirio had been there, still going over his paperwork when Sir came in at 10pm to get started on something an anonymous source had called in. It shocked him at how obsessive his boss/ mentor became yet the more he learned, the more he understood. This is what it means to have a case of your own. The pressure, the responsibility.

He didn’t question the order he had to go ahead and corner the main villain. Yet the moment he arrived, he noticed that the walls didn’t behave the way they did when he came down with the others. Meaning that it might be safe to assume the quirk user in the walls couldn’t control them this far away, allowing him to sneak in the walls and follow Overhaul without being spotted. The moment he got close enough to them he could identify them both, Overhaul with his dramatic gold lined plague mask and Chronostasis with his white robe. Mirio was warned not to engage either in a fight and would stick to that until the others got here.

“The heroes have been split up but seem to be handling the members they are dealt with just fine. Toya, Tabu and Yu have been dealt with and so have Kendo and Hekiji.” Chronostasis relays from some device and Overhaul curses as his hands curl into fists. “That is not by chance. They knew what they were getting into, they had help.”

“Midoriya? Why would he team up with heroes?” Chronostasis asks genuinely confused and Overhaul grumbles irritated. “To finish us off. He likely told them everything to get us off the board.”

“Why would they trust him?” The other man asks reasonably. “Because they can’t risk it. Any good hero would outway the risk of being tricked for the reward of being right to trust. And that is what we seem to be dealing with.” Overhaul grumbles before taking a deep breath. “How’s the deal?”

“It’s gone through. We’ve filled out our side of it.” Chronostasis answers dutifully and with a sense of finality. Overhaul doesn’t say anything to that as he grumbles hearing the sounds of chaos overhead and continues walking on as if every step he takes away from his base is a personal insult.

It makes sense to Mirio that Sir would take the source and evidence and put it forth into a raid because what Overhaul said is true. A true hero would never take the risk of not falling through on a lead that could save lives, even if it’s just one.

Mirio could sense it in the walls when Mimic was removed. Even this far where his quirk didn’t reach, Mirio felt the natural shift in the structure. That is when he knew that Sir and Eraserhead were no longer far behind. It was time to halt the villains where they stood and end this raid.


Mirai was truly shocked at the lack of injuries and hospitalisations they had at the end of the raid. All the yakuza members found on sight were arrested. Each member of the Eight Bullets was subdued one way or another and taken in. Lastly they managed to grab ahold of the most developed product of bullets and supposed antidotes for it and bring them into evidence holding for further research. Among other things they found the lab in which Overhaul would have conducted his manufacturing and most disturbing of all. They found a child's room a few doors away from the lab. The room was a steel box, simply, equipped with unopened boxes of girls toys and comforts. Yet the closet had no clothes and nothing that gave any indication that the young girl was otherwise looked after in the important sense. Upon questioning the yakuza members, no one knew what happened to her but they were able to give information on her that wasn’t legally known.

Eri. Six years old. The granddaughter of the old boss, that they happened to find in one of the rooms underground in a strangely induced coma that they suspect Overhaul induced him into. Her mother left her in the Boss’s care after a quirk incident and that is all they knew. Overall it begged the question, with all the evidence and information they got from their source, why was there never any mention of a girl?

The missing girls case got worse when dna results came in from the lab found on sight and from the dna cells infused in the bullets. They were a match. Not only was Overhaul producing bullets from a patient's dna cells infused quirk factor, but he was doing so to a little girl. Her missing case became top priority.


Shouta came home to the blond once more with a small smile. The raid had gone successfully and he had minimal injuries allowing the medical team called on sight to discharge him after healing his small wounds. Toshi was there to greet him with the cats. Toshi, the name he finally managed to get around too and the cats that Nedzu told him to take with him to his new habitat if he was no longer returning to his own assigned apartment. Toshi was a fan of the cats, so all ended out working just fine. Shouta knows that eventually they’ll have to talk about their strange arrangement, but it works wordlessly for now.

Shouta knows what the hopeful glint in the blond's eyes means when he looks at him. He’d been there when Shouta had gotten the call and they’d both theorised that the sudden amount of evidence couldn’t be a coincidence after Izuku’s sighting with the criminal only days ago.

“The raid went almost perfectly and I caught a look at the original message sent by the ‘anonymous source’. It was definitely Izuku.” Shouta tells him with a proud grin and Toshi deflates in relief and equal pride. “Good. I’m glad it all went well, too.” The blond admits shyly and Shouta ducks his head into his scarf to hide the blush that formed from the genuine care coming from another.

Shouta received the call about the missing girl an hour after his arrival home. Due to the raid, he didn’t have any patrol shifts scheduled so he and Toshi were having a night in with healthy take-out and movie night.

“What was that about?” Toshi asked him quietly after pausing the film. Shouta rakes a trembling hand through his hair only to remember he put it up in a bun for comfort. “They, uh, found signs of a young girl living in the underground base. They think she was the one used to make the quirk bullets and since they can’t find any sign of where she’s gone they’ve put an APB out for her missing persons case.” Shouta relays in an autonome voice as he tries to wrap his head around it.

“That’s why the house was levelled.” Toshi suddenly mumbles and Shouta looks at him surprised. “Izuku used Decay to get her out safely. The Raid was to finish them off in a way that the vigilante group didn’t have the means to.” Shouta had informed the blond with the basics of what happened, as a former hero he technically has the authority to hear about current cases as his veteran experience is commonly asked for. Also they are still technically the authority on the Midoriya Izuku case and this raid had to do with the boy in more ways than one.

“Could be. Either way, there is a girl unaccounted for that we weren’t informed about.” Shouta mumbles back and Toshi hangs his head to him. “Izuku will do what’s right.”

“Yeah, I know. But he’s still 16, what does he know about taking care of another human being? Likely a traumatised one?”

“Likely the same as what he knows about anything else. He learns.”

“I’d rather he learn with adult supervision.” Shouta mutters, sinking down into the couch pillows with his arms crossed over his chest, Toshi thinks on it smugly. “Shigaraki is 22.” Shouta shoots him a glare and the blonds laughs as he snuggles in again onto the couch and presses play to the movie.

Two days go by without a single sighting or word of the small girl whom he’d learned was called Eri. The police had nothing to go on but as she was part of a recently large raid she never fell from the priority list. Sir Nighteye’s agency made sure of that in particular and deployed their own heroes to help with the search, likely feeling somewhat guilty of it all. Shouta waited anxiously to hear word from the greenette, perhaps once the boy realised he couldn’t do as much as he wished he could for the girl. He did his own part and patrolled the roofs of the city that he knew wayward members had been sighted in and still found nothing.

He didn’t think much of it as he was making Toshi his nightly mint tea before joining him on the couch to finish the latest series they were bingeing, when his phone notified him of a message. The phone called out to him on a ringtone he easily recognised as the one he’d set separately for his problem students after giving them his number. They had a tendency to text him selfies and pictures of them doing stupid things so he reached for his phone lazily as he settled in on the couch next to the blond. Toshi knew the ringtone too by now and hummed over his tea. “Who burned the kitchen down this time? My bets are on Young Bakugou again.” Shouta snorts as he opens his phone but all humour leaves him when he looks at the contact name. “Todoroki.” Toshi doesn’t pick up on the alarm of it all as he hums again after a sip. “Hm, sure but he’s currently residing elsewhere so less likely.” Shouta is too lost in his own mind to notice the shift in the blond understanding. Todoroki messaged him. Todoroki who hasn’t been heard from since the incident almost a month ago.

Sensei, we need to meet. -TS

The message was short but clear. He replied immediately.

When and where?

Toshi coughed and Shouta’s eyes shot up to meet his blue ones. “Todoroki-kun reached out, he wants to meet.” Toshi straightens on the couch and places his tea on the coffee table as they both wait for the answer that would shift it all. His phone pinged with a location pinned to a map and Shouta frowned when he recognised it. “It’s the roof.” He mumbles and Toshi frowns confused. “The roof that we left the note for Izuku.” Shouta specifies and Toshi’s eyes widen in realisation. “It wasn’t Todoroki’s initiative to reach out. It's Izuku’s.”


honestly don't really know where this EraserMight shipping came from but it fits, they are an old married couple

next chapter it's back to the 'League of Vigilante's' (credit to Niftyhope for that one ;))

also 10.000 hits!! OMG this is amazing!! Thank you to everyone who's reading this!! You're all incredible and I'm so grateful!!

Chapter 23


The league discuss what to do with the six year old on their hands until Shouto reaches out for his old teacher


This is a very long chapter.... but it was so much fun writing
because of its length, I cut the original plot into two chapters

Enjoy the 6868 word chapter!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I’m not sharing our room with her or anyone for that matter.” Tomura put his foot down on it when it quickly became clear that Eri would not let go of Izuku or preferred to stay close to him. She fell asleep in his arms once she got over the entire shock of the day, she looked so tuckered out and peaceful that Izuku couldn’t bring himself to let go of her either.

“That's fine, I’ll sleep with her on the couch then.” Izuku shrugs as he stands, lifting the girl in his arms as he does. “Himiko, can you get me two pillows and a blanket from storage.” He asks her sheepishly when he figures he’ll likely have trouble getting those himself with another human being clung to him. Tomura looks at him betrayed as if he hadn’t expected that option. As soon as the blond girl came back he carefully settled Eri in first on the couch before arranging himself carefully to join her only to have her arms suddenly declutch from him and curl up on herself underneath the blanket. It’s at that point that Dabi comes back down from his own room with a teddy bear that seems to be in strangely good condition considering its owner. “I’m guessing none of you have smaller siblings?” Everyone shakes their head and he nods as if saying ‘that's what I guessed’. He gives the teddy bear to Eri and she immediately clutches onto the soft toy. The team stays entranced by the soft look on the ravenette’s face before the man looks up to Izuku. “So what the f*ck happened?”

Dabi releases a deep breath as he drags his hand down his face tiredly. “You levelled the place to get her out and now you’ve called the cops on them?” Izuku shrugs as he looks back at the little girl sleeping on the couch. “I was going to call the heroes on them anyway, she just sped up the process.” Tomura turns to him as if once again that’s new information and Izuku shrinks a little. “I’m sorry I didn’t fill you in on some things.” He whispers and Tomura pulls an arm to wrap around his shoulders. “It turned out alright. I was surprised to learn that you’d taught Himiko to use Decay already.” He added in a lighter tone and the girl in question smiled proudly. “I’ve been taught to use everyone’s quirks.”

“If that’s the case, we might need you to figure out hers.” Tomura gestures towards the small girl and Izuku hits him. “We are not taking anything from her without her consent! She may be young but she has the right to consent to the use of her body, we are not Overhaul.” Tomura pouts. “I didn’t mean it like that.” Izuku doesn’t let up though. “She’s gone through enough. Let’s just let her rest for now.”

“And then what?” Spinner asks, speaking up for the first time and the team turns to him and he continues voicing his opinion. “I hate to break it to you, but we are not really equipped to look after a child.” Solemn looks pass over the faces. “We can at least look after her for a couple of days before deciding what to do with her. She’s too traumatised at the moment to be taken away from Izuku by the way she was clinging to him earlier. Let’s get her settled in and calmed down first.” Compress defends and Izuku looks to him gratefully before turning to Spinner. “We can look after her for a couple of days at the very least. She looks like she could be approximately six years old, which means she’s on solids. She doesn’t need to be nappy changed and she can talk. This could be fun.”

“She’s not a toy, Izuku.” Spinner retorts at the sudden gleam in the greenette’s eyes and Tomura laughs. “True, but she is innocent.” At that Spinner seems to lighten up in realising that she is. She’s too young and innocent to have suffered the way she has. He sighs and mutters out his reply dejectedly. “Fine.” Himiko whoops calmly and Izuku goes back to settle down near the little girl. “You’re still going to sleep here?” Tomura asks as Izuku watches over her, looking down at her softly. “Yeah, I don’t want her to be alone when she wakes up.”

“Okay, well I think that has been exciting enough of a day. I’m going to bed.” Spinner stretches as he stands before shuffling off to go do just that, everyone follows him in a similar exhausted state except for Tomura who seems to be debating his earlier statements but ultimately decides to simply kiss Izuku on the temple. “I’ll bring your sleeping bag down.” He tells him softly and Izuku looks up at his boyfriend with love and pulls him down into a long kiss. “I love you.” Tomura smiles against his lips. “I love you too, bunny.”

“Do you think I rushed it? That…maybe I missed something?” Izuku utters softly in the space between them and Tomura kneels down beside him and holds his face carefully in his hands, pinkies raised. “You couldn’t leave her there. I saw that in your eyes the moment she clutched onto you. Whatever the consequences are to that, we’ll deal with them then.” Tomura tells him steadfastly and seals his words with another kiss. “I will never fault you for doing what you believe is right.” Izuku nods and kisses him back softly. “Sleep with me?” He asks and Tomura grins. “Oh so you won’t share our bed with me but you expect me to sleep on the floor with you?” Izuku grins knowingly back at him. “I do.” Tomura scoffs but kisses him again regardless of it all. “Anything for you, bunny.”

Izuku awoke to some quiet shuffling feet making their way into the kitchen. His eyes finally blinked open to the sound of Shouto huffing as he placed a confused Eri on a bar seat at the kitchen counter. Tomura did end up joining him on the floor the entire night, wrapped up with him in their shared sleeping bag beside the couch. Izuku let himself be an unnoticed watcher as he simply listened to Shouto ask Eri some basic questions about her breakfast choices and whether or not he can help disinfect her wounds and give her something new to wear. In all the chaos of last night they hadn’t managed to get that far with her since she fell asleep rather quickly upon arriving at the base. Izuku continues to happily listen until his stomach makes a complaint from the lack of meals it had the day before, betraying him and making him stand to get some food, ruining the moment that the other two had in the quiet private hours of the morning. Shouto greets him wordlessly with a nod as he hands Eri a bowl of rainbow flaked cereal. Izuku smiles at the little girl and gently pets her head on his way to the coffee maker and starts it up before he takes a dive in the fridge for food. “I assume you guys didn’t have dinner last night?” Shouto comments as Izuku brings out some new looking take-out. “No, it was all a little rushed and eventful last night.” Shouto hands him a pair of chopsticks and Izuku jumps to sit on the counter as he digs into his meal.

“The new channels mentioned this pro hero raid that Sir Nighteye orchestrated against the Shie Hassaikai.” Shouto mentions and Izuku hums humouring him. “That so?”

“I’m assuming that has nothing to do with what you guys were planning a couple days ago and where you were last night?” He adds simply and Izuku hums again. “Depends on how you like that plausible deniability thing?” Shouto gives him a small smile at the retort and nods in understanding. Yes, that was them. “So where did she come from?” He asks to change the subject and Izuku hums once more. “Falls under the same umbrella.” He answers matter of factly and Shouto’s eyes widen in utter surprise. “What does she have to do with the Shie Hassaikai?” Izuku shrugs and smiles at him. “He’s my uncle.” She tells them softly and they both turn to her with kind looks of pity. “Family is sh*t that way.” Izuku tells her honestly and Shouto laughs. “He means that your uncle is a bad person for the way he treated you.”

“He said I was a monster.” She tells them softly as if that makes it alright and Izuku jumps down from the counter to give her a soft pat on the head. “You’re not. You’re only a little girl who was treated badly by adults who should've known better.” She nods at him with big shining eyes as if he’s just told her the secret of life and Izuku smiles, Shouto comes up behind him to clean her mouth now that she’s finished eating and helps her down from the high chair. “Well this is curious, I didn’t expect you to know how to ‘big brother’.” Izuku grins at the boy and he shrugs. “I assume it's somewhat similar to looking after a stray cat.”

“Lucky cat.” Tomura suddenly chimes in and Izuku turns to greet him with a kiss. Eri co*cks her head curiously at the new person and Izuku smiles softly. “Eri, this is Tomura. My boyfriend.”

“You’re two daddies?” She asks curiously and Izuku smothers his laughter into a soft chuckle while Tomura hides his grin in the greenette’s curls. “Yes.” Shouto clears up for her since the couple can’t in the midst of their amusem*nt.

“Oh, good. It's just Eri. I was scared I’d heard something kinky.” A new voice enters the room in the form of Dabi, but the ravenette waits in the doorway as he leans against it. It’s somewhat domestic to see everyone in their pyjamas in the morning, no one would think they are a lot of criminals by the way they are dressed now. “I told Birdie not to come round for his appointment due to our new guest.” Dabi informs them and Izuku nods at him gratefully. “Thanks.”

“He’s the nice man who gave you the bear.” Shouto introduces him to Eri and she gives the man a small wave while he looks surprised at his brother. “How did you know?”

“I recognised the bear. Though I could have sworn it held residence in your old room last I saw it.” Shouto admits and Dabi chuckles and waves him off. “That house has sh*tty security.”

“I don’t think you should be cursing that much in front of a six year old.” Spinner suddenly chimes in and Tomura turns to him with a raised brow. “She was raised by the Yakuza. I’m sure she’s fully bred in curses.” The gecko raises his arms up in a ‘just saying’ manner and pushes past the lot of them to get his breakfast. “That’s Spinner.” Shouto introduces and Eri looks at him curiously before carefully reaching for her horn. Spinner seems to understand the movement and smiles softly at her kind reaction. “Yeah, sweetness. You’re a unicorn and I’m a lizard.”

“Auwww I’ve always wanted a unicorn.” Himiko coos, coming up close and personal with the little girl still in Shouto’s arms, even though he’s now balancing her on his hip. Eri seems overwhelmed by everyone that suddenly entered the kitchen and hides her face in Shouto’s chest. The room goes quiet at the movement and Himiko gently strokes the girl's long hair. “Hey, do you want me to style your beautiful hair?” She offers softly and Eri turns to her with genuine confusion. “Style?” Himiko smiles and grabs her own loose hair in emphasis as she shows off different ways she could style her hair. “Like this, or this. Anything you want.” Eri nods shyly and Himiko smiles with open arms. “Great, come on, let's go have some girly fun.” Eri reaches over shyly and Shouto helps her down to go take Himiko’s hand. “I’m bringing her to my room, we’ll leave the door open!” Himiko calls back. “Don’t act weird and tell twice to wear something less scary than his mask or paper bag around her, we don’t want her to freak out!” Dabi calls back to her and she makes some sound of acknowledgement before disappearing up to her room. The kitchen goes silent once more and Tomura gently wraps his arms around Izuku’s waist and places his head on the greenette’s shoulder as he overlooks his team. “Spin, could you pass the coffee pot?”

It was a strange concept to realise that they suddenly had to put an organised routine in place. It didn’t matter as much before when and what they ate, but with a genuinely growing girl suddenly in their care they had to make sure she was eating enough and getting all the protein and vitamins she needed to be healthy. A point made rather clear to them when Compress placed a cookbook in front of them the moment he came back from work. Izuku had brought his computer and notebooks down to the living room area to be part of the audience for the final look to her hairstyle show. Himiko had been bringing the girl down each time they finished a hairdo to be rated and then the shoo the girl back up to try the next one. Eri really seemed to be enjoying herself during the last couple of showings but she hasn’t cracked a smile or slight giggle yet. Izuku figures she won’t for a while until the ghost of Overhaul has stopped haunting her. Twice unsurprisingly was the most invested in the show, he’d joined in when he’d gotten back from work and after having Dabi and Shouto help him find something acceptable to cover his head with he had been introduced to the little girl.

“I suggest a bowl of rice and a side with vegetables and protein. It’s basic and it has all the essentials, this book has some good basic recipes that can help you choose.” Compress brings Izuku’s attention back to the cookbook and Dabi snorts beside him on the couch where he’d started playing a video game. Izuku had hijacked his phone to communicate with Takami and he didn’t trust the greenette alone with it.

“Why are you telling him this? You usually cook.” Dabi interjects and Compress crosses his arms and shrugs. “Izuku brought her in, she’s his responsibility.” Izuku gapes somewhat at the statement. “I’d agree if he’s brought in a puppy or something but a kid is kinda more high profile. He’s only 16, it’s more a team effort.” Dabi defends him, leaving his game behind having not been that invested anyway. “Then you can help him.” Compress retorts, staying firm in his earlier statement and Izuku straightens up to him. “That’s fine. I can do it.” Dabi does a double take at him in surprise as Izuku closes his laptop and places his notebooks underneath it before standing up. “I’m assuming you prepared groceries before demanding this?” Izuku questions Compress and the man nods once. The two other men watch him go towards the kitchen leaving the cooking book behind. Clattering of pots and pans can be heard soon after and Dabi winces. “Out of curiosity, why?” Compress shrugs again. “Because he needs to understand that this isn’t a long term set up and he won’t learn that unless he does the groundwork of it. He’s 16 and a growing criminal. This is not the place for a traumatised little girl.”

Himiko chose that moment to come back down with the final showing. “We have a personal winner!” She calls out and Eri cutely spins to show off her long fishtail braid. Dabi smiles at the little girl and whistles as she spins. “Twice agreed that it was her best one yet!” Himiko happily cheers and Eri blushes. “Where’s Zuku?” She asks softly when she cutely notes that he’s not here. “He’s cooking dinner because we need to feed you properly.” Dabi tells her in a kind voice and her eyes glisten with curiosity. Lunch had been a small affair of an omelette and some leftover vegetables from take-out.

“Izuku’s cooking?” Tomura asks, confused as he enters the room and Eri waves at him before spinning to show off her braid wordlessly. He smiles softly at her, she’s become a soft spot to them all. “Well, don’t you just look like a unicorn princess?” He tells her and she blushes again in response. Yet once more no smile in sight, they had made it their own personal team mission to crack a smile out of her before their limited time was up and they were quite serious about it. She brought out the vulnerable side in them all and they wanted to get at least one smile out of the innocent girl they saved before having to pass her on to someone who’ll likely turn her against them but will look after her better than they could. “I think she’s only missing a new outfit to complete the look.” Dabi comments as he looks back to the magician who gets the hint and lifts up the extra bag he brought in with two sets of clothes for the girl. Himiko excitedly ripped it from his hands as Tomura worriedly went to join his boyfriend in the kitchen. Eri watches quietly as the clothes come out of the bag and are offered to her, as if she doesn’t quite understand. “It’s okay, they are yours now, Eri.” Dabi reassures her and she reaches for them carefully before holding them up against her. A small set of dungarees and a long sleeved shirt and an extra dress with an undershirt. “Oh good, you got her some underwear and socks too.” Himiko relieves a breath when she spots them in the bag and Compress scoffs. “I do know the basics, Himiko.”

“I bet you got an attendant to help you.” She retorts with a knowing grin and he huffs. “I unfortunately don’t possess the mind of a six year old girl. So yes, I got advice.” Himiko smiles at the win and then turns to Eri. “Want to go try them on?” The little girl nods excitedly and grabs for Himiko’s hand to go up with her. They’d decided at some point in the day that Eri would sleep in Himiko’s room from now on so Himiko was getting rather protective. “Himiko, get her to showered before dinner, please!” Compress calls out as an afterthought and gets a sound of acknowledgement back when the girls are halfway upstairs.

By the time dinner is ready Eri has showered and changed into one of her new outfits, which she proudly showed off when the girls sauntered down the stairs again. Once again she received whistles and small claps from the audience and a small blush blossomed on her face at the attention. Izuku placed the food on the table when he was done and it really looked like a full blown meal. Dabi gave a low whistle at the sight and got smacked over the head with a mitten for it, which he simply laughed off. Shouto was the last to join them with a towel over his shoulders, indicating that he’d likely showered after the girls and smiled at the little girl already seated at the table looking around curiously.

“Spinner and Himiko have separate meals that take into account their dietary needs.” Izuku explains as Tomura gives them their own organised plates. “The rest is open for everyone.” Tomura announces and the everyone gives thanks for the food before digging in. Compress, who’s sitting nearest to Eri, helps serve food onto her plate in careful amounts so that she can start too while she watches Tomura give Izuku a kiss on the temple for his hard work.

“Oi! Kiss the chef for me, this is f*cking amazing!” Dabi jokes and Tomura turns to the ravenette with a grin. “If you insist.” The team whoops as Tomura pulls the greenette in for a passionate kiss and Eri’s eyes only widen with curiosity and awe. Izuku giggles when he comes out of it and gives Tomura a small peck in return before joining the team at the table and serving themselves some food. Eri takes less care with this meal than she had with breakfast and lunch, seeming to trust the givers and simply enjoying the taste of it. As the team laughs and talks, she simply watches and observes, those crimson red eyes of her glistening with a new emotion.

Izuku does not appreciate being woken up by slamming doors in the middle of the night only to be followed through by their door slamming open. Tomura growled at the intruder as Izuku simply shifted away from the door into his big boyfriend. “Boss.” Yet that single word shot them both awake to see Dabi heaving in the doorway looking very worried.

“They put out an All Points Bulletin on a missing six year old girl. It matches Eri’s description.” Izuku blinks lazily at the ravenette whose hair looks more curly at the moment than it does spiky, he must’ve just woken up too. “It’ll pass in a day or so when they catch no leads on her.” He waves him off but Dabi isn’t settled. “Birdie thinks otherwise, apparently she’s been high profiled.” Izuku raises a questionable brow at that. “Why?”

Dabi is quick to report and Izuku sits straighter at the tone, Tomura shifts beside him on to his elbows as he listens in too. “Something to do with her quirk. They got a confession out of Overhaul and whatever he admitted has made her top priority.”

“They’re likely worried she’ll get misused again.” Izuku reasons and Dabi clicks his tongue. “Maybe, but we need to consider that it may be more trouble to keep her with us. With what you and birdie are planning, we can’t risk being caught, Boss.” Izuku knows that the tone means business, this isn’t about Eri, this isn’t personal. “No.” Izuku tells him and Dabi doesn’t look all that surprised to hear that. “She’ll stay with us for as long as we can safely hold her. If she’s a top priority, they’ll overwhelm her with whatever they learned from Overhaul. She deserves this calm we have her in.” Izuku tells him with no room to argue.

“Then we need to ask her some basic questions to know what we’re dealing with.” Dabi compromises and Izuku nods. “That’s reasonable. In the morning.” Izuku then turns to his partner. “Anything to add?” Tomura glares at the ravenette and then looks at the greenette softly. “In the morning.” He says and Izuku nods before turning back to Dabi. “Goodnight and tell your birdie, thanks.” Dabi nods in thanks and mumbles the sentiment back before closing the door behind him.

After that whole debacle it shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise when said birdie flew by the next evening without warning. They’d had a quiet fun day with Eri after having brought out the board games and taught her the basics. Uno, Cluedo, Scrabble and Monopoly. Dabi held back from burning the Uno pack this time and lost gracefully in the presence of the little girl. Cluedo ended up getting confusing for her so she teamed up with everyone against Izuku and simply played her own game with the figurines. Scrabble was fun up until they started spelling out extravagant curse words and she was asking after them and lastly Monopoly where everyone took turns in jail as Eri somehow dominated the board. By the end of the day, they even introduced Mario Kart to the girl and she happily enjoyed watching everyone race and shove at each other within and outside of the game. The team desperately tried to pretend that they weren’t hanging on her every breath to see if they could get a giggle out of her and failed miserably.

The feather shooting through the house was the first indication. The large bird that followed and landed on the ravennette, was the second. Dabi shoved him off after being smothered by a very passionate kiss. “Kei, not in front of the kid.” He scoffed and shoved past the large bird to make sure that Eri wasn’t too spooked.

“Kid?” Takami asks caught off guard and gasped when he turned to see the girl in Dabi’s arms. “You’ve got a kid?” He gapes and Dabi scoffs. “She ain’t mine.” Eri looks between them in confusion and Dabi puts her down when it seems she’s not scared. “Eri, this is Takami Keigo. He’s a friend of ours.” He tells her before side eyeing the bird and hisses. “And I told him not to come because we had a guest.” Takami looks embarrassed and sheepishly runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah, but after the way you were talking last night, I thought that might’ve been over.” Dabi blinks at him blankly. “That was not code for I have someone else warming my bed.” Takami smiles softly and looks away, his eyes turning distant. “I don’t know, we never discussed it…”

“He’s not seeing anyone else but you, Takami-san.” Izuku cuts in and both seem shocked at the interruption. Dabi straightens immediately and hides Eri behind him away from the hero. “Sorry, Boss.” Izuku waves him off and looks the hero over from top to bottom. He’s flown in looking like he’s just hit the gym in a hoodie and joggers, definitely casual. Izuku smiles up at the hero. “Since you’re here, you can be of use.” He tells him and Takami’s face drops to a frown at that. “I didn’t really come here to work though…”

“Yes. But you weren’t really invited to come here either so there is no need to be polite and accommodating.” Izuku retorts easily and the hero has no comeback to that so simply follows the greenette into a separate room. Tomura stands up immediately when he notes the new presence in their study. “Takami?” The hero flinches somewhat at the name and Izuku notes it for later. “Sorry for the unannounced visit, but Izuku has assured me I can be of use. So what can I help with?” The hero sheepishly replies and Izuku sits back down in his chair and looks the hero head on. “Tell us what you know of Overhaul's confession regarding the six year old girl that’s been reported missing since the Shie Hassaikai raid.”

Tomura left the room the moment that they learned her quirk awakening included turning her father back in time until he didn’t exist. Keigo, as he was asked to be called when Izuku asked him about the flinch of earlier, seemed worried. “Is he okay?”

“He will be. He just had a similar experience when his quirk came in too.” Izuku tells him softly and the hero didn’t prod. Izuku on the other hand did. “So their registry says that the quirk originates from her horn?” Keigo nods absently. “Yeah, apparently he was supposed to help her control it but instead he triggered the use of it and never showed her how to stop.”

“Like Dabi…” Izuku mutters to himself. “She has absolutely no control and if it’s triggered again, her fear of it will make it worse. That’s why they’re worried and have made her top priority.” Keigo continues unperturbed as Izuku continues muttering to himself quietly before halting when the words register. “sh*t!”

Izuku heaves a breath of relief when he finds Eri and Tomura untouched in the living room, the girl with tears rolling down her cheeks as Dabi gently soothes her in Tomura’s hug. Izuku knew that the awakening of his quirk was traumatic on Tomura, not for the way he lost his family, but for the lack of control that he had during the event. It’s something not many could truly understand, but Eri could and he was the right person to tell her that she’s not alone and it doesn’t make her a monster. Keigo waits on the outskirts of the scene not wanting to intrude and Izuku is grateful at least for that. Izuku calmly walks over to them and kneels beside them. “Eri, I need you to tell me something. I need you to be brave for a moment, okay?” The girl pokes her head from Tomura’s shoulder to nod softly and Izuku gives her a soft smile in thanks. “When Overhaul activated your quirk, what did it feel like for you?”

“Like… l-like I was burning.” She admits and Izuku nods in understanding. The quirk was activated through a traumatic trigger each time, she never learned how to turn it on and off, it was activated forcefully. “What did he tell you before it burned?” Dabi was the one who asked and she hid her head in Tomura’s shoulder. “He said I was a monster and that only he could keep me from hurting others. I was a monster and that’s why mummy didn’t want me.” Izuku nods once more, he likely used other variations of the same insults and with the right aggressive tone it likely set the girls emotions off enough that she lost control. Izuku knew that the next thing he planned to do was dangerous, but he couldn’t help her if he didn’t know the basics of her quirk. So he reached for a discarded apple core on the coffee table, sending a slight glare at the owner of the core before handing it over to Eri. Tomura tensed immediately when he understood what was happening. “Izuku, no.”

“She’ll be fine. Trust me.” Eri looked up from Tomura’s shoulder in confusion but widened her eyes when she saw the apple core in Izuku’s hands. “Eri, can you try something for me?” She shook her head slowly and Izuku sighed. “Eri, you’re not a monster for having a quirk. The monster was the man who hurt you, using it.” She seems hesitant at his words before she lets go of Tomura a little and Izuku gives her the apple core. “Imagine it whole, imagine the apple as it had just come off the tree. What it looked like before Dabi ate it.” No one moved as she closed her eyes carefully and they watched her horn glow. Her face pinched up in concentration as they watched the core in her hands glow for a moment before slowly returning to the shape it used to be. She lets out a small gasp when she opens her eyes to see the apple in her hands and Izuku smiles softly. “Did that burn?” He asks her genuinely and she shakes her head in awe. He pats her head sweetly with pride. “You were really brave to do that.” It was at that moment that she smiled up at him and held the apple out to him. “Thank you.” Izuku smiled back widely and reached out to pull her into a hug. She laughed and giggled as he shook her and swung her around the room when he stood up and Izuku couldn’t get enough of the sound.

Izuku spent the rest of the night hashing out and noting down all he could think of or theorise around Eri’s quirk. Ways it could be trained taking into account her trauma and barriers, imagery that can help her turn it on and off in moments of high emotion etc. Himiko finally asked the girl for her blood and when told why the girl gave it willingly. Together Izuku and Himiko worked through the night trying to understand every nook and cranny of the quirk.

Keigo was still there by the time they finally went to sleep around 5am, in fact he seemed to just have woken up. Izuku knows that the hero likely figured out who the girl was, which would likely be the reason that he’s looking over her like a hawk, pun intended. “She’s in good care, you know.” Izuku tells him with a little bite to his words and Keigo nods, narrowing his eyes a little at the tone. “I know, you took care of Bakugou just fine and then he was returned to better care. I’m just making sure she gets that treatment as well.” Izuku narrows his eyes. “And where would you return her to?” He nearly snarls.

“Somewhere that has the facilities to really help.” Keigo easily replies and Izuku scoffs. “She’s not going to UA. I’m not trusting just any bunch of heroes with her.”

“You have to learn to trust some of us, we're not all bad!” Keigo defends himself and Izuku scoffs again. “Yeah? Well, I don’t trust them. Not with her.”

He thought he was clear on the subject when he left the hero standing there alone at 5am. It seems he was mistaken. He was ambushed when he woke up.

After having gone to sleep at 5am it was reasonable that he woke somewhere near 4pm, a good 11 hours of sleep to make up for all the strenuous work he put his mind through before that. Keigo, the bastard, was still hanging around and looked pretty cosy with Eri when Izuku came down to get the cup of coffee his body was demanding, regardless of the hour. “Dabi, when is your bird going back to his own nest?” Izuku sneers at the ravenette as he narrows his eyes at the hero on the couch playing jenga with Eri and cheating by having a feather balance the structure each time she pulls a bar out.

“When Eri is ready to be taken back with him. The commission put him on the search for her. It's his job to be here.” Dabi replies honestly and Izuku glares at the man for not sharing this information sooner. Dabi placates his hands to calm the greenette. “He just told me this morning when I asked the same question. But you’ve got to admit Zuku, it’s getting hot out there. They haven’t let go of her case and she’s doing better.” Izuku scoffs at what the man is trying to get out and simply drinks his coffee. Shouto somewhat interrupts the tension when he enters the kitchen and sees Izuku. “Drinking coffee after 3pm messes with your sleep schedule.” He educates him and Izuku gives him a grin in answer, Shouto rolls his eyes as he reaches for a juice from the fridge before nodding his head in question to the hero in their living room. “I wasn’t aware you were friendly with Hawks?” Dabi immediately blanks when he realises that yes, they were still hiding key parts of their operations from the boy for plausible deniability. “He’s Dabi’s f*ck buddy or boyfriend, they haven’t discussed it yet.” Izuku saves him and Shouto looks somewhat disturbed and curious at the same time.

“Himiko is devastated by the way that you got Eri to laugh and giggle first. She says she feels betrayed.” Shouto then informs him and Izuku chuckles to himself. “She would be. I bet she’s been trying to get Eri to laugh and smile all day.” Dabi snorts at that. “She has, so far, Kei and I got the closest.” Izuku smiles to himself at the knowledge that his team is still trying to get her to smile, they’re still holding on to her too. Shouto crosses his arms as he leans against the counter and looks back at the girl sitting on the carpet playing Jenga. “It’s been three days, how much longer is she staying here?” Dabi shrugs. “That seems to be the question Zuku here refuses to acknowledge or answer.” Izuku scowls and Shouto turns to him intrigued. “Why not?”

“Because he doesn’t trust the heroes.” Keigo chimes in and Izuku glares at him. “Aren't you supposed to be playing with Eri?”

“Himiko whisked her away.” He quickly replies and Izuku rolls his eyes. “Why don’t you trust the heroes?” Shouto asks the important question and Izuku turns to look Keigo straight in the eye. “Because her quirk is extraordinary and very powerful. I have seen first hand what the Hero Commision does with those.” Keigo flinches a little at the implication and looks down at his feet with a frown, understanding washing over him.

“Then hand her over to UA. Nedzu will make her a ward of the school and the Commission knows better than to go up against him.” Shouto suggests and Izuku glares. “No. As a ward of the school she doesn’t have something stable, something concrete. She’s been raised by enough strangers in her life, if she has to go I demand she at least gets a home.” The room goes silent enough that they can hear Eri’s giggles coming from upstairs as Himiko plays with her. Izuku’s shoulders loosen up a little at the sound.

“I know someone who will take care of her personally. One that will hear you out on your demands.” Shouto offers and Izuku scoffs in doubt. “Oh yeah? Which hero is willing to start compromising with a publicly made villain?”

“One that believes you are a vigilante at best. Eraserhead.” Shouto retorts with a proud smile and Izuku hesitates, he forgot that Eraserhead was a teacher at UA and likely would have taught Shouto at some point or another. “I have his number, I know he’ll reply to my message. Let me set it up and you can meet with him.” He presses on and Izuku stays silent.

“What’s going on?” Tomura asks, suddenly standing in the doorway. The room goes quiet as they all look between Shouto and Izuku to say something. Neither says a word to the newcomer but Shouto keeps trying to convince the greenette. “Izuku, I wouldn’t offer it if I wasn’t sure she’d be safe with him. Trust me on this, please.”

“Offer what?” Tomura prods impatiently and Izuku sighs. “Offer to allow Eraserhead to take Eri into his care.”

“That bastard?” Tomura scoffs but Izuku looks away from him, Izuku misses the warning look that Keigo sends Tomura for him to shut up. Izuku doesn’t need to ask how it’ll all work, it would be simple, an exchange. He remembers the first time he saw the hero, how it was because the hero wanted to meet up with him and talk, how it felt that he’d known something Izuku didn’t. This time Izuku had someone he wanted, likely helped search for but Izuku still felt as if he’s missing something that he should know. Something that would make that night on the roof make sense. The others fear the silence and his thoughts for something else so Dabi softly reminds him of the most important thing. “Izuku, she laughed. She’s smiling.”

Izuku sighs heavily before looking back up to Shouto. “I sent the message.” He admits quickly and Izuku snorts, impressed at his quick movements. It doesn’t take long for the phone to chime when the message gets responded too. “Huh, you weren’t kidding when you said he’d answer.” Keigo comments and Shouto smiles up at him. “He was a very caring homeroom teacher. Always made sure to be available if we needed it, no matter how much he’d say otherwise.” Shouto reads the message and parrots it out loud before looking at Izuku with a raised brow asking for permission to continue. Izuku huffs. “Fine. But if we’re doing this, I might as well get something personal out of this too. Let’s see if we’ll get some real answers this time.” He mumbles as he takes Shouto’s phone to pin the location of a roof that he never forgot. Dabi reads over his shoulder as Izuku sends the location into the chat. “What’s there?”

“A roof.” Izuku answers easily looking towards Tomura and his boyfriends eyes widen in understanding. He scoffs and crosses his arms but then smiles softly. “I’ll go with you, bunny. We are two daddies afterall.” Izuku smiles at the joke and nods before looking back at Shouto. The boy shakes his head wordlessly and Izuku furrows his brows in surprise. “Anything you want us to relay then?” He tries instead and Shouto nods. “Tell him I’m choosing my own path for once.”

“You’re not going back?” Dabi asks equally surprised and Shouto looks at his brother. “No. I think I’ll stay with you guys for a while. Maybe not join you, but…”

“You’ll figure it out.” Izuku finishes for him and offers the boy a kind and welcoming smile. “We’re happy to have you.” He adds and Tomura scoffs as he leans against the doorway. “But if you’re sticking around and not doing anything, you can help around by getting a job.” Shouto seems to think on that before nodding. “That seems fair.” Izuku looks between the brothers and then to his partner before stopping at the real question of this whole affair.

“Who’s telling Himiko?”


Next chapter will still be the league!!
They have a rooftop date to get to ;)

Chapter 24


Izuku meets up with Eraserhead on the roof where it all started


A lot of angst but there is some fluff near the end and the return of Vestige Izuku


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


The time they decided. Izuku was there at 5.40, Tomura waiting in the shadows where he hid beforen only now doing so with Eri. They’d told her what would happen and promised her that she’d be safe, they would never let her go somewhere bad. She looked confused but believed them in the end. Himiko was the most heartbroken of all and had a hissy fit when they left but remained calm when Eri was around as not to worry or scare her. Izuku knew she would be giving him the silent treatment when they got back. She’d grown attached to the little girl and honestly, Izuku can’t fault her for that.

“It’s 5.55, Zuku. He’ll be showing up any minute now.” Tomura told him through their comms and Izuku hummed. They were both wearing their gear, Tomura in his jacket and hood minus the dramatic gloves so as not to scare Eri and Izuku in his hood and cargo trousers get-up. No suits required for this meet-up. It all felt strange that this time Izuku was awaiting the hero’s arrival knowing who it would be and on the roof instead of in the shadows. Five minutes go by slowly before Izuku hears the soft rustling of fabric and quickly dodges the shot of the hero’s scarf. “Rude.” Izuku mutters as he jumps away from the weapon and readies his stance to the hero. “Midoriya Izuku.” The hero calls out and Izuku co*cks his head in response. “Eraserhead.” He returns the introduction and that seems to surprise him. “You were not who I was expecting to see first, I’ll admit.” He calls out before walking in closer to stand under the light on the roof, showing Izuku for the first time, what the man really looks like. Izuku returns the favour by shrugging off his hood but leaving the mask on. “He didn’t need to see you but he wanted me to tell you. He’s choosing his own path for once.” Izuku tells him civilly and the hero’s shoulders seem to sigh. “So why am I here, Midoriya?” Izuku tenses at the casual use of his last name, it feels too familiar for the hero to say.

Izuku hesitates for a moment and the hero seems to tell. “Your student told me you’re open-minded and are good at keeping secrets. I need you to look after something for me.” Eraserhead raises a brow in surprise, giving away a small sign of emotion. “A secret?” The hero asks and Izuku shakes his head. “Zuku?” Tomura’s voice asks, likely wanting to know if all was good, but Izuku doesn’t reply. He wants answers before he truly entrusts the hero with her. “Do you recognise this roof?” He deflects instead and the hero nods once. “Why?” Izuku asks simply and the hero seems to expect the question. “I mistook you for someone I used to know. I was hoping to find him here.”

“Deku?” Izuku asks sneeringly and the hero regards him confused. “That’s what you called after me for. You used that name, I’m assuming you know what it stands for.” The hero nods again. “I know what it once meant. But the boy that I knew by that name, changed its meaning. It stood for ‘you can do it’. He found strength out of the derogatory name.” Izuku blinks at the explanation and wonders what happened to the boy, with the way the hero used both past and present tense, he wouldn’t be sure. “What happened to him?” Izuku asks him softly entirely out of curiosity, wanting to know more. The hero shrugs a smile but doesn’t answer. Fair enough, it’s none of his business anyway. Izuku waits a moment more to see if the hero might add anything else, as he waits he feels like he’s holding in his breath for words that might come, but he doesn’t know what he’s expecting. It’s then that Izuku figures he needs to get to the point.

“Shig.” He whispers through the comms, their signal and a moment later Tomura jumps down on the roof with Eri giggling lightly in his arms at the excitement of it all. The hero’s eyes widen immensely when Tomura puts the girl down but doesn’t let go of her hand. Eraserheads' eyes catch on the man’s gloves and seem to relax somewhat. “You had her all this time?”

“We saved her.” Izuku corrects and Eraserhead nods absently with the same look in his eyes that Keigo had when he saw her for the first time. Izuku watches as the hero seems to want to say something but holds back. “What? Spit it out?!” Tomura prods when he notices the same thing and Eraserhead chuckles as he looks between them and the little girl hiding behind them. His gaze softens. “I was the main hero on your case when you were no longer classified as a missing person but a villain befriender instead. I should’ve predicted this.” Izuku can tell that there are words still left unsaid but lets them go in favour of wrapping his head around this hero that seemed all too familiar with him in ways that he didn’t like. They hadn’t realised that the hero’s put an investigation on his reappearance. “Haven’t you heard? I’m officially a villain now.” Izuku decides to say in answer to his words, deflecting once more. The hero grins this time. “You haven’t heard what forums are calling you then?” To that Izuku shows his surprise, with all that has been going on the last month and week, he hadn’t been online for anything else than the project against the Commission he has going on with Keigo. He hadn’t thought to see the conspiracy forums and such that bragged both about heroes and criminals on the darker sides of the web. “What?”

“They’re calling you the league of vigilantes.” Izuku curses under his breath as he hears the tell-tale laughter coming from his partner. Tomura forgetting their situation and audience for a moment to shove a finger in his face with a gleeful smile. “And you said it would be lame! The people have spoken, bunny!” Izuku rolls his eyes and shoves at him. “Whatever, at least the gist of it stuck.” He mumbles and Tomura doesn’t hold back as he swings an arm over his shoulders, keeping Eri between them as she watches them with awe. Those crimson eyes always watching them with awe and amazement. Izuku looks down at those eyes before looking back up to the hero. “You’ve likely figured out why you’re here now.”

“I’ll keep her safe. Personally.” The hero promises with a nod and Izuku nods back in thanks wordlessly before going into his jacket and pulling out a file of notes and handing it over to the hero. From up close Izuku can see the tiredness under his eyes and the cat fur on his suit. He smiles to himself at the little piece of information that Eraserhead is a cat person and likely a coffee fan if the exhaustion seeping off of him is any indication that the caffeine would be the only thing keeping him alive.

“This is all I learned from her quirk. Overhaul used her to make those bullets of him, he used his quirk to pull her apart and keep the quirk essence before putting her back together again. He triggered her quirk through traumatic responses of her childhood, so be careful with that. Get her the help she needs to digest the trauma she’s experienced before it has a long term effect. Please teach her to control her quirk that can help so many but keep her far away from the Hero Commission's attention.” The hero nods in acceptance of the overload of demands with a chillness that somehow nerves Izuku. He’s never made a deal or had a conversation with someone where the other was so calm. He doesn’t believe it is disrespectful, he’s just unnerved. “Anything else?” The hero half jokes and Izuku can tell that he seems to understand where the greenette is coming from. Izuku nods. “Whatever else you do. Just promise me that you’ll continue to make her smile.” Eraserhead looks a little surprised at the soft ask but nods again. “I promise.” He verbally affirms and Izuku’s shoulders loosen a little.

Izuku turns to Tomura who pulls him in close for a hug before Izuku kneels down to face Eri. “This is where I let you go, Eri.” He tells her softly and she jumps him for a hug, holding on tight to his hood around his neck. She doesn’t say anything but the girl knows, she’s been watching them for three days now. She understands and she knows. “You are incredible, Eri. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” She nods and pulls him into a small hug again. “Thank you for saving me, Zuku.” She whispers and Izuku chuckles, ignoring the tears that stubbornly want to fall. “The hero will take care of you. He’s one of the good ones.” She nods firmly as she pulls back on her own and softly holds her hands to cup his face. “You’re my hero too.” Izuku cracks a smile at her and she smiles back, accepting the kiss he gives her on her temple before he stands up and holds his hand out for her to take. Tomura gives her a head pat of his own, wordlessly saying it all but she understands. Together they walk towards Eraserhead who takes both hands out of his pockets to wait for the young girl. Already having pocketed Izuku’s analysis somewhere. Izuku stops a step away from the hero and hesitates, looking back at his partner behind him. Tomura nods once and Izuku lets her go. Eri holds out her hand to the hero and he reaches back. “Hello, I’m Eri.” She tells him and the man kneels down to her height and gives her a soft smile. “Hello, my name is Aizawa Shouta.” He shares so openly that shocks Izuku once more, this hero trusts him too much. Eraserhead looks up at the vigilantes on the roof with a smile as he picks up the girl in his arms. “You have an awfully large amount of trust for us, undergrounder.” Tomura tells him and the hero grins. “I believe in your cause. I believe you won’t use my information against me.” Tomura scoffs at the words but Izuku sends the hero a grateful look, the man smiles back and somewhere in that smile Izuku finds the courage to ask. “There is something else you’re not telling. Why do you trust me so much? Why are you so calm?” Eraserhead shifts his hold on Eri, grunting as he does at the weight he’s not used to holding. “Because you remind me of my old hero student Deku. I see him in you and I can’t help but do the same as I did around him. I guess I’ve gone soft.” Izuku cracks a laugh but it doesn’t quite hit right. “Take care, Izuku.

The parting words chill Izuku till they’re halfway home. Stopping him in his tracks as they cross the street to take the train back to their base. “I want to go home.” Izuku mumbles and Tomura holds him tight under his arm. “Yeah, bunny, that’s where we're headed.” He confirms but Izuku knows they are talking about different places and shakes his head. “No, our home.” He specifies and Tomura halts too and looks down at his boyfriends in his arms that suddenly looks so solemn. Not in the same way he did after they watched Eraserhead go down the stairs of the building with the girl in his arms and waved at them one last time. Tomura nods to himself and gets his phone out to text the team. “Okay, bunny. Let’s go home.”

Izuku is a husk of himself the whole way there, Tomura is the one that takes all the precautions making sure that they’re safe and not being followed as he leads Izuku along. Once he closes the door behind them, Izuku collapses in the doorway and suddenly sobs his heart out. He can’t place all the emotions running through him so he just lets them flow out, a part of him cries the loudest but Izuku doesn’t hear what it’s saying. He can only feel as though he’s grieving, mourning and feeling abandoned at the same time. Tomura holds him through it all, shushing him and speaking to him softly, reminding him of where they are and that he is in the arms of the man he loves. That he is loved, that he is safe. Izuku then mourns the little girl that he got close to, her crimson eyes that looked up at him in awe and amazement, her smile and her little laugh. She was innocent and he hadn’t wanted to let go.

A familiar wave of tiredness hits him as he sinks into a realm he hasn’t visited in a while.


Izuku feels himself blink as he sees the vestige world again. He hadn’t been able to access it before, but with the quirk removing his memories, it was all he had left to save the part of himself that was forgotten. The young hero within him. It’s all but a theory, that a quirk holds the essence of its owner within it, in his case, the quirk is the only thing holding the essence and memory of him. It broke his heart to see his teacher on the roof across from him and to understand all the double meaning behind his words. He wanted to reach out to the man and thank him for even now believing in him and trusting him. He wanted for the man to reach back and to give him those comforting head pats that he would, wordlessly telling them all that he cared and was proud.

It hurt when he saw Kirishima months ago, it hurt when he saw Kacchan, but the blond figured it out and he understood fast. Seeing his development made Izuku cry too, he missed the boy but in a different way. Seeing his sensei…the man he looked up to… it meant something else. Something he couldn’t voice, something that wouldn’t leave the space of this vestige world but the previous users understood, having lived behind each other's lives, even if they could never interact, they were always watching. That’s what it would be like forever, Izuku always watching an alternate self of him living a new life surrounded by people he doesn’t know to remember.

The previous users sympathise and comfort him as he grieves his life that he’ll never have again and the people whose connections he’s lost forever.


I should have gone with you. I’m sorry.

Izuku frowns at the message from Shouto, not understanding where the boy is coming from. He’d woken up strangely to the sound of a phone ringing and when he felt the bed dip he understood that Tomura answered it. The phone wasn’t what made him waking up strange, it was as if he had forgotten something again as he woke up with a headache and a wet face, as if he’d been crying in his sleep. It has been a long time since he woke up feeling this way and Izuku didn’t like the coincidences of it all. The last time this happened, was after he found the note that led him to meet the hero the first time. Izuku figured that this was a part of the forgotten memories of himself, the same way that Tomura gets deja vu’s sometimes of places and people he doesn’t know, of moments he never experienced. Izuku never figured it was a big deal, but he doesn’t like the coincidence of it all now and he especially doesn’t like Shouto’s cryptic message that feels relevant somehow. He’d ask him about it later.

“Hey, you’re awake.” Tomura’s soft voice brings him out of his thoughts and Izuku places his phone back on the nightstand to welcome the kiss he knows is coming from his boyfriend. Tomura kisses him softly, cradling his face in his gloved hands and Izuku closes his eyes into it, content. “Did you sleep well? You seemed to be having rough dreams.” Tomura asks him and Izuku frowns. “I don’t know. Just one of those dreams again.” Tomura nods, he knows what Izuku means by that and leaves it there. “I was considering keeping this from you after last night, but I don't think it would be fair.” He starts as he pulls up his own phone and pulls up a text thread to a contact he doesn’t recognise. “Shouto forwarded our burner details to his teacher in the case of Eri.” Tomura tells him for context as he hands Izuku the phone where there are pictures of Eri sleeping safe and sound in her new undecorated, for the moment, room. Along with information about her health checks etc. The hero is making sure they are kept up to date, he doesn’t need to do that, but he does.

“He might be one of the good ones and a good contact to have.” Tomura mutters and Izuku nods absently. Some part of him reassures Izuku that this hero is to be trusted and he wants to…But he wants proof first, they haven’t gotten to where they are now by trusting blindly due to gut feeling. “I’ll check him out.” Izuku tells him and Tomura nods, kissing his temple.

“Bunny, are you okay?” He asks, pulling back as he looks over at the greenette that still looks as solemn as he did yesterday. “I don’t know.” Izuku answers honestly. “I feel like I’m grieving something, but I don’t know what. I have never grieved anything from my past like this before and I don’t like that this hero triggered it. I’m just… confused. I don’t know where any of this is coming from.” Tomura squeezes his hand not knowing what else to say or do to that and leans his forehead into Izuku’s. “I’m here, bunny. I’m always here.”

“I know. I love you.” Izuku tells him back and Tomura smiles softly. “I love you too and I would have loved you back then too had I known you. I’m sorry you lost a part of yourself that day, but I’m selfish enough that I’m happy I got to know you because of it. Whatever this funk is, I’ll be by your side through it.” Izuku smiles softly at him and Tomura chuckles. “It’s been a harrowing couple of days, take a break.”

They ended up doing just that. They let the team know and took some time for themselves, chilling in their home and spending the time together that they don’t get to have with a house full of people on base. Izuku knew what he was doing each time he entered a room of their apartment in his boxers and one of Tomura’s t-shirts. The simple domesticality of it all reminding them of that year they had before all of this, where it was just them and Izuku had missed it. He liked being able to kiss and jump his boyfriend whenever he felt the slightest bit horny and he loved how Tomura would grab hold of him and push him up against any surface or wall when they got heated. He missed their morning and evening routines and he missed the ease.

His grief passed over the days and so did the numbness, allowing him to accept the feelings and move on. It took three days but each day helped a step forward. Eraser kept sending them small updates at the request of Eri and all in all it helped Izuku remember that he saved her. She was in a better place but still reaching back to him and it made the child within him happy that he was able to save her innocence.

A kiss to his temple shakes him back into the moment as a hot chocolate is handed to him, like a child he loves the marshmallows added to the mix and happily sips at the froth on top.

“How are we feeling today, bunny?” Tomura asks as he settles down beside Izuku on their couch. Izuku smiles up at his boyfriend. “My fingers are itching for my laptop and notebooks again.” Tomura chuckles and hangs his head. “Of course, the moment you’re feeling mentally well again, you feel the need to get back to work.” Izuku shoves at him but not hard enough to send his drink spilling. “Shut up, I enjoy it!”

“That’s worse.” Tomura deadpans and Izuku pouts, earning a laugh out of his boyfriend. When the laughter dies down Tomura takes the cup out of the greenette’s hands, getting a sound of protest for only a moment before those lips are claimed by his in a kiss. Izuku’s pout returns when he pulls away. “That’s my hardworking analyst.” He praises and Izuku blushes. “But, if you’re ready to head back I’ll send a message to the team. We can leave tomorrow.” Izuku grins as he reaches back for his hot chocolate and finishes it to the last drop while Tomura does just that. “I guess that’ll mean we have to make the most of the rest of today and tonight.” Izuku grins, watching as Tomura understands what he’s insinuating and practically throws his phone into the couch cushions to jump the greenette in a kiss. “Be careful what you ask for, bunny. At that rate you’ll be limping back to base tomorrow.” He nearly purrs and Izuku grins, happily throwing his arms around the older boy's neck. “That’s okay with me, I have a strong boyfriend that will be happy to carry me.”

“Oh do you now?” Tomura asks with a grin of his own before kissing Izuku once again. “Yes, yes you do.” He answers himself as he gets a handful of the greenette’s ass and grinds down against him. This will be a long night, Izuku thinks to himself, but he wouldn’t want it any other way.


yes, so, a lot of angst in this chapter and the reason for that was:
I feel that, the part of him that was close to Aizawa in that first year, grieves seeing his old teacher and not being able to hold out to him and greet him as he was. Considering Izuku's childhood, I would imagine that he saw the hero as a father figure next to his idol that was All Might. So that part of him seeing the hero under these circ*mstances, would have affected him subconsiously in a way that /this/ Izuku doesn't understand.

Anyhew, next chapter we get to see Aizawa's pov on this lovely meeting

Chapter 25


Shouta's take on the rooftop meeting


...and Eri's integration into UA


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


That was the time they agreed on. Todoroki was blunt as always in his text messages that made Shouta feel that the location is the only thing that Izuku really got himself involved in.

“I feel like I should go with you.” Toshi tells him as he watches Shouta tie his shoes and shrug his scarf on. Toshi’s holding one of the cats in his arms, lightly petting her as he talks to Shouta and it makes the dark haired man smile. “Todoroki reached out to me for a reason and Izuku is skittish enough as is. So, no.” Shouta settles with him and the blond pouts. It really is something to see the former symbol of peace, pout. But then again, Shouta supposes it must be hard to adjust yourself after spending years being invincible to knowing your limits. It must also be hard to digest that his old mentee simply doesn’t know him anymore and that when he does reach out, it is to someone else. Shouta sends him a softer look as he adds. “Give him time.”

“For what? I have nothing to offer him.” Toshi retorts in a huff and Shouta sighs. “For him to think otherwise.”

Eraserhead touched down on the roof at 5.57, a little later than he would have wanted but still early enough to scout out the roof, only for him to land and find a hooded figure already waiting for him. They didn’t hear him land and that alone tells him enough about who it is, any former student of his would have far better situational awareness. It hasn’t been that long since Todoroki had been to training so it can only be Izuku that doesn’t remember his training. That is the only excuse for that sloppiness.

He waits three more minutes before making himself known by shooting his very identifiable scarf out. Izuku heard him coming long before the scarf shot for him and dodged beautifully that Shouta ducked his grin into the top layers of his scarf still around his neck. “Rude.” Izuku mutters and Shouta calls out for him. The boy calls right back with a little co*ck to his head and Shouta is somewhat surprised at the boy’s behaviour, much less nonchalant as before. He gives himself a small glance around the roof to note that it’s just Izuku. “You were not who I was expecting to see first, I’ll admit.” Shouta tells him, he honestly thought Todoroki would at least be there too. Now he gets it, the boy contacted him by Izuku’s request, he had no intention to come. Shouta walks closer into the light to give the boy reassurance that he too is alone. Izuku is skittish normally, he seems more so tonight. Yet, he shrugs off his hood, keeping a mask on though. Shouta suspects that the mask has multiple uses and praises the boy in his head for his smarts when designing his gear.

“He didn’t need to see you but he wanted me to tell you. He’s choosing his own path for once.” Izuku relays to him and Shouta feels himself relax in knowing that his student is safe and in a place he wants to be. He was to remind himself to call the vigilante by his last name when he asks why the boy wanted him here, after referring to him as Izuku to Toshi back home, he’s out of that habit. Yet it feels familiar to call that name out to him, as if they were student and teacher again. Izuku hesitates to respond and that again feels familiar but in a whole different way.

“Your student told me you’re open-minded and are good at keeping secrets. I need you to look after something for me.” Shouta raises a brow in surprise at being asked for a favour but indulges the boy regardless. “A secret?” He asks and Izuku shakes his head before going silent for a moment. He flinches suddenly for no reason and Shouta suspects a hidden line for communication. He may not have come with Todoroki but he came with someone and they are hidden from his senses and sight. Smart. Izuku seems tense and his next words catch Shouta off guard. “Do you recognise this roof?” He doesn’t let his emotion show as he simply nods. He should’ve expected the boy to ask, to him, the last time they were here, it was different. “Why?” Izuku asks truly expectantly and Shouta sighs, he doesn’t think twice on the answer. It's simple really, he’d been looking for someone else back then.

“I mistook you for someone I used to know. I was hoping to find him here.”

“Deku?” Izuku retorts with a sneer. “That’s what you called after me for. You used that name, I’m assuming you know what it stands for.” Ah. Shouta nods. “I know what it once meant. But the boy that I knew by that name, changed its meaning. It stood for ‘you can do it’. He found strength out of the derogatory name.” The boy looks taken back at the sudden detail and Shouta holds back his smile.

“What happened to him?” Izuku asks softly and so quietly that Shouta almost didn’t catch it. He shrugs instead of responding. What can he answer to that? The boy is standing right in front of him, be it that he’s changed somewhat, he’s still there.

Izuku whispers something into his comm before Shouta senses a figure coming for them. They land beside Izuku and Shouta recognizes the man easily but is entirely surprised by the girl giggling in the vigilante's arms. Shouta watches intently as Shigaraki puts her down but keeps a hold on her hand, still wearing artist gloves even though Bakugou attested that he has full control regardless. The girl. Suddenly it all clicks in the hero’s mind as Izuku and Shigaraki stand protectively around her.

“You had her all this time?”

“We saved her.” Izuku immediately corrects and Shouta nods even though he’s far away in his mind back to that moment on the couch with Toshi. Izuku will do what’s right.

“What? Spit it out?!” Shigaraki spits at him bringing him back to the immediate situation and Shouta curses himself for the moment of weakness. Shouta chuckles to himself at how easily he manages to relax around his old student even if the boy thinks of him as an utter stranger. Shouta looks down at the girl between them, internally unafraid of the vigilante’s.

“I was the main hero on your case when you were no longer classified as a missing person but a villain befriender instead. I should’ve predicted this.” Shouta tells Izuku, holding back the words he really wanted to say. I knew it was you behind the raid, the moment that I saw the brief you sent to Sir. Nighteye. I should have guessed you had the girl this entire time. Of course you wouldn’t let her go.

“Haven’t you heard? I’m officially a villain now.” Izuku retorts quickly and Shouta grins, truly amused. “You haven’t heard what forums are calling you then?” Izuku shows surprise at that.


“They’re calling you the League of Vigilantes.” Shouta holds back his laughter as Izuku curses under his breath, softly but Shouta still managed to pick it up just before Shigaraki starts laughing uncaringly and points a finger at the greenette’s face, mocking the boy for something or rather as they are in a bubble of their own. Shouta enjoys watching them for a moment before he realises he’s not the only one. The little girl standing between them is gazing up at them with twinkling red eyes filled with awe. Izuku seems to catch those eyes on him as he looks down at her before looking back up at Shouta. “You’ve likely figured out why you’re here now.” Shouta has, he nods to say so. Proud that under whatever circ*mstances, Shouto clearly managed to convince the couple to trust him and proud that his former student understands the limits of what he can offer. He’s only 16 and yet, the girl looks up at him as if he’s so much more than the boy that saved her.

“I’ll keep her safe. Personally.” He promises and Izuku nods in silent thanks. Shouta holds a breath as Izuku reaches into his suit to take out a file of sorts and reaches over to hand it to him. “This is all I learned from her quirk. Overhaul used her to make those bullets of him, he used his quirk to pull her apart and keep the quirk essence before putting her back together again. He triggered her quirk through traumatic responses of her childhood, so be careful with that. Get her the help she needs to digest the trauma she’s experienced before it has a long term effect. Please teach her to control her quirk that can help so many but keep her far away from the Hero Commission's attention.” Shouta nods, a little taken back by the amount of research and information but accepts the boy’s demands for her. “Anything else?” He calmly jokes and Izuku nods in appearance that he understands the boy’s concern and demands. “Whatever else you do. Just promise me that you’ll continue to make her smile.”

Shouta admits, that is not what he expected to hear as a last word, especially not in that soft voice. He almost sounded like the shy kid he used to know. “I promise.” He verbally affirms.

Shouta watches quietly as the couple say goodbye to the girl. He let’s them have this moment and tries not to listen in but he can’t help it when he hears Izuku’s voice crack.

“The hero will take care of you. He’s one of the good ones.”

“You’re my hero too.” The girl replies back earnestly and Shouta ducks his head into his scarf once more.

Shouta takes his hands out of his pockets, respectively, when Izuku starts walking to him with the girl in hand. Izuku seems to hesitate when he’s only a step or two away but ultimately lets go. The girl reaches for Shouta in turn and Shouta reaches for her. “Hello, I’m Eri.” She tells him and Shouta kneels down to her height and gives her a soft smile. “Hello, my name is Aizawa Shouta.” He tells her and with a silent ask and a equally silent nod, he reaches for her to pick her up in his arms. He’ll have to call Nedzu when he gets off the roof and ask for him to send a car over. He can’t have any policemen or heroes spotting her before she’s protected by UA. He made a promise.

“You have an awfully large amount of trust for us, undergrounder.” Shigaraki comments when he looks back at the vigilante’s standing on the other side of the roof once more, Shigaraki with an arm around Izuku in comfort no doubt. Shouta grins easily. “I believe in your cause. I believe you won’t use my information against me.” Shigaraki scoffs at the words but Izuku sends Shouta a grateful look to which he smiles. Something crosses Izuku’s face, an emotion that Shouta doesn’t know how to place. “There is something else you’re not telling. Why do you trust me so much? Why are you so calm?” The boy asks him and Shouta smiles to himself, he’s gone soft around the boy if Izuku managed to pick so much up from this single conversation.

“Because you remind me of my old hero student Deku. I see him in you and I can’t help but do the same as I did around him. I guess I’ve gone soft.” Izuku snorts.

“Take care, Izuku.

The vigilante had nothing to say to that, so Shouta left with Eri in arms to complete the promise he made.

Eri was quiet the whole ride to UA. She didn’t ask questions, she didn’t say a word. She only watched him, not with awe in the way she watched Shigaraki and Izuku but in curiosity. Shouta admits that he’d thought that when they’d find the girl, she’d be heavily traumatised, yet this girl doesn't match that description in any way. Even if the file Izuku handed him says otherwise.

“What kind of things do you like to do, Eri?” He asks her softly to fill the quiet but not be overpowering. She frowns a little as she thinks about it. “Himichan would do my hair? I liked that.” She finally decided on and Shouta nods. “Alright.” She would only have been with them for three days or so, but they would have also been the most positive contact she’s had with people in years. Of course anything good she knows would be via their influence, if anything for any more doubters in UA, Eri’s wellbeing would be a testament to the League’s intentions. “Do you have a favourite food?” He asks again, he would need to feed her and it would be great to start with something she knows and likes. Her eyes light up a little at the question and Shouta smiles to himself at spotting it in the rearview mirror. “Katsudon!” She tells him with glee and Shouta chuckles. “Alright, that’s what we’ll have for dinner then.”

There was a surprising amount of paperwork for him to fill out before he was her official foster parent. He applied for an emergency foster licence the second he went pro in case he ever found kids in a bad place that needed an immediate home. No kid would find themselves in a home like he did if he can help it.

So, getting her fostered into his care was no issue whatsoever, getting the paperwork signed for her to be a simultaneous ward of UA under his permission was another matter altogether. Nedzu was very detailed about it, keeping her from the Hero Commissions grasp would not be easy and they had to make sure it would be legally impossible. The President was known for finding loopholes in the law for her own benefit, they had to make sure there were no holes for her to find, it had to be watertight. Shouta had left Eri in the care of Recovery girl while he did all this, letting the old woman perform all the required health tests on her to bring her up to date and to make sure they weren’t missing any health issues. It would turn out that while she was behind on vaccinations, her time with the league took care of her malnourished body. In the days she was with them, they fed her well and her body was immediately reacting to the stable diet. Shouta was given a list of foods best for her to grow and gain the right fibres and vitamins for her to be healthy, along with recipes since the old woman knows he hardly even cooks for himself.

It was as they were finishing that up that Shouta realised he’d forgotten one large part in this whole ordeal. “You haven’t told Yagi-san, have you?” The old lady remarkt after the long silence of her previous statement. She can’t sleep on the couch, you know. One of you will have to suck it up and give up your room. Their colleagues found out of their living arrangements rather quickly after the first occasion that Hizashi and Nemuri came to look for him only to find the cats and him missing from his own apartment. No one commented on it though, as if it was expected. It would seem that he and Toshi would have to talk about it now, since another being has come into the equation.

Shouta hangs his head at the old lady and sighs. “No. I’ll go call him now.” She tuts but nods. “A little late but fine. I still have some last check ups to do anyway.” With that she shoos him out into the hall and he takes a deep breath before dialling the number. The blond picks up after the third ring.

“Shouta? How did it go?”

“We need to talk.” The silence was deafening across the line before the blond coughed. “R-right.”

“Toshi, what are we? We live together but…” Shouta trails off not knowing what to say. He’s practically moved in with the man and they are living domestic old people lives, but they’ve never talked about it and while Shouta is comfortable with what they have going on, he needs to be sure it’s going to last for Eri.

“We’re comfortable. We’re happy. Are you not happy?” Shouta smiles as the blond reaffirms what he was thinking. “I’m happy. But is it long-term?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Because I’ve all but officially adopted a kid and I need to make sure that the living arrangements we have going on will be stable for her.” Toshi coughs heavily over the line and Shouta winces as he can imagine the blood coming out with it. He gives the blond a moment to gather himself. “W-who?” Toshi finally heaves and Shouta rubs at his neck sheepishly not that the blond can see. “Her name is Eri, she’s six years old.” He describes, he doesn’t want to go overly into detail right now and Toshi seems to pick up on it. “I want it to be long-term.” The blond finally says and Shouta smiles to himself. “Good. Me too.”

“She’ll need her own room!” Toshi realises over the line. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll take the couch.” Shouta tells him and the blond scoffs over the phone. “We are adults, Shouta. I believe we can share a bed just fine without it getting complicated.” It’s Shouta’s time to sputter now and the blond laughs. “I’ll get her room ready for tonight.”

Shouta clears his throat. “Okay. Thanks. And can you make katsudon for dinner?” He adds the request as an afterthought to the conversation he had with Eri earlier. The blond goes silent for a moment before making a sound of affirmation. They hang up soon after.

Eri was not at all bothered by all the cats that welcomed her upon entry. Cooing softly as she petted one that started purring. “Do you like cats?” Shouta asked her when she simply succumbed to allowing the cat to purr in her lap. “I don’t know. Himichan purrs when she’s happy too.” Shouta hums at that and moves further into the apartment, leaving the girl to her devices. “Toshi?” He calls out but no one answers. The door suddenly opening and closing again answers his question. “Oh.” The blond stops at the door as he looks down at the little girl with the cat in her lap. “You must be Eri.” He simply greets her with a smile and she looks up at him in confusion. Shouta could only describe that facial expression as a ‘question mark above the head’ and smiles softly at the cuteness of it. The blond toes of his shoes and places them by the genkan before stepping further into the apartment with the bags in his hands. Shouta takes them wordlessly from him. “Eri, this is Toshinori or Toshi as I call him. He’s my partner.” The blond sputters a little at the word but ultimately smiles softly.

“You’re two daddies, too!” Eri remarks in understanding and Shouta laughs as Toshi full on coughs and sputters. “Too?” Eri nods and hums. “Like Zuku and Shigy.” Toshi calms down a little at the personal information and Shouta smiles. “Yeah. We’ll take just as good care of you. I promise.”

The bags included some sheets for her and some additional basic clothes for now until they went shopping with her for more along with the ingredients needed for katsudon. “I thought we had all we needed for that?” Shouta asks as he helps the blond unpack the food. “Yeah, but I figured the dish she knows was made by Izuku and he adds other ingredients to it. It’s a family recipe if I remember right.” Shouta hadn’t admittedly told Toshi exactly where Eri came from, but he isn’t too surprised that the blond figured it out. Not after the fact that this girl shows up after his supposed meeting with Todoroki. He admitted that it turned out to be Izuku on that roof when Eri was occupied gawking at her new room.

“How do you know which ingredients then?” Shouta asks, the blond chuckles fondly. “I asked young Bakugou. He gave me strict instructions.” Shouta chuckles at that too, taking the last of the food out for the blond to work with as he gets the necessary pots and pans out. “He asked about ‘half ‘n half’ and Izuku. I told him you would know best for the former and I told him Izuku was keeping low.”

“That’s all he needs to know regarding Izuku. I’ll tell the class tomorrow regarding Todoroki, they deserve to know.” Toshi nods and then shoos him out of the kitchen. Shouta leaves happily, not wanting to get involved in the witchcraft that it takes to make a meal. He checks on Eri in her room that is happily playing with the cats before settling down on the couch and taking his phone out, speaking off Todoroki…

I’m glad you're safe and happy.

Shouta messages his student now knowing that the number is still active and he lets out a breath of relief that the message delivers. He’d hoped it wouldn’t deactivate after tonight. The reply comes fast.

He doesn’t remember me. But you knew that already.

Shouta sighs as he reads the message and can only imagine how much worse it is for the boy standing next to one of his best friends, who doesn’t remember the day they met. That doesn’t know how much he helped the boy before, who doesn’t remember their history.

He’s still your friend.

Shouta messages him back reassuringly though he knows the boy likely made that realisation himself. The typing bubbles go up and down and Shouta waits patiently for the answer. As he does he thinks back to the couple he saw on that roof earlier this evening and decides to go over the file Izuku gave him. The detailed analysis in his hands overwhelms him and once again shows him how much he underestimated the greenette’s brain. It is truly incredible what he managed to theorise and collect from a short experience with her.

His phone pings with a message and he closes the file to look at it. Two numbers and forwarded in the message.

I know. I just wish I could talk to him again.

These are burner numbers connected to Izuku and Shig. Figured it would be nice if they got small updates from Eri.

Shouta saved the contacts to his phone and thanked the boy for them. He could tell that was the end of their brief conversation, but he was happy to know the boy would be alright.


Erasermight is co-parenting!

Next chapter is the league once more, it'll be a little bit of a build up chapter since I'm starting to round off this arc to build up to the final one ;)

Chapter 26


Izuku and Tomura rejoin the team on base and Izuku has a chat with Shouto who seems to have found a job.
Meanwhile Izuku sets onto learning more about a certain underground hero.


A boring chapter plot wise, but it's build up for what will be coming.
With some Shouto pov to spice it up!


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After three days away from their base and team, Izuku didn’t know what exactly he was expecting to come back too. But he should’ve seen that punch to the face coming.

Dabi and Twice jumped to restrain her immediately as Tomura shot her a warning glare. Izuku simply spat out the blood that came from him biting his cheek in the punch and gave her a lopsided smile. “I think you should know better than anyone Himiko, that I wasn’t happy about this either. But I was outvoted.”

“Then why did you do it? Screw them! We could have looked after her just fine, she was fine with us!” She hisses at him and Izuku sighs, he’d thought about it a lot the last couple of days. “She wouldn’t have been in the long run. She will be safe with this hero, I wouldn’t have allowed it otherwise.”

“Bullsh*t!” She hisses again and Tomura holds out his phone with the text thread all about Eri’s progress and settlement. Her eyes soften at the sight of a happy Eri showing off her new room, clothes and blond kitty cat toy. “She’s not forgetting us.” Tomura tells her softly and Himiko lets the tears drip down her face, Dabi and Twice loosening their hold on her as Izuku reaches out to hug her. “If we play our cards right, we may be able to get her back someday.” He tells her and she scoffs. “She’ll have grown attached to the hero by then.”

“Then we’ll just have to make sure we get on his good side.” Izuku suggests instead and she snorts.

“Will she really be okay?” Himiko asks after a long silence and Izuku hugs her tighter. “Yeah, she’ll be fine.”

Once Himiko was settled, Izuku offered to help her clean up her room from Eri’s arrival in it, but she refused. She said she wanted to have it all waiting for her one day. They both knew it was unlikely, but the hope of it was good enough. Himiko still hissed at the mention of Keigo after she understood that he was the one that demanded Eri be handed over to a hero of some kind. Luckily though, she’d stopped lunging at him to scratch him.

Izuku though, wasn’t settled yet, they’re was still two things that itched him. One of those he could solve easily by knocking on the boy’s door. The other would come later.

Shouto knew when the message went seen but unanswered, that he hadn’t been careful enough with his words. To him, it seemed fine, to Izuku it clearly didn’t. He forgets that Izuku has forgotten their history and previous friendship, their relationship now is built on new moments and experiences. Yet to him, they’re all blurring. It would be easier if the Izuku now acted differently then the one he knew, but it’s the familiarity of him that confuses Shouto and his memories. He told Aizawa-sensei as much but he left out so much more. It is hard, standing in front of one of his best friends and the boy not knowing it. Shouto will admit, he cried himself to sleep that first night after the talk with Izuku on the roof. His friend was the same, kind, compassionate boy he’d always been. And it was clear that while Shouto depended on his friend before, Izuku clearly didn’t for he seemed to come this far just fine with Shigaraki instead. He was even more hurt when Dabi, not Touya, told him some snippets of Izuku’s childhood, what it was like for him. Shouto had heard parts of it from Bakugou… but clearly not all. He felt horrible knowing he said those things to the boy during their first years sports festival and worse knowing that he’ll never be able to apologise for it.

He opened the door on the first knock. “You’re back.” He said with his morning voice and the greenette smiled the same way he always did. Shouto opened the door wider to invite him in and the greenette did just that as he settled in comfortably on his bed. Shouto watched as Izuku took a look around his room. “You know, now that you’re staying we could go shopping for you to personalise this room a little.” He tells him and Shouto looks around as he hums in consideration. “I’ll get a job first. I don’t want to use your money if I’m not bringing anything to the team.” Izuku co*cks his head with a smile and shrugs. “Up to you.” Shouto nods and then waits. He knows Izuku didn’t come to chat about his lack of a decorated room.

“What did you mean by that message?” There it is . Shouto hangs his head. “It was cowardly for me to ask you to relay that message to my sensei.” In a way, that is the truth, just not all of it. When Izuku and Shigaraki didn’t come back afterwards, Shouto knew that meeting their old teacher had an effect on the greenette and he needed to recover. Whatever it was, Shouto felt that it was his fault, if he’d gone with them, Aizawa-sensei would have focussed more on the student that remembered him than the one that didn’t. While his sensei might be professional, they are all only human and Shouto remembers that it was Aizawa-sensei and All Might-sensei that were on Izuku’s case when he first reappeared months ago.

“Is that it?” Izuku asks, clearly unconvinced, Shouto sighs. “Would there be another reason?” He deflects instead and Izuku smiles softly. “I hope not. I just don’t want to find out you’ve been holding something back.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. Just someone your teacher mentioned.” At that Shouto sits straighter. “Who?”

“A hero, Deku .” Izuku says the name with a touch of spite to it that Shouto frowns and looks away. “Did you know him?” Izuku prods, clearly having caught the small reaction. “Yeah, he was my best friend.” Shouto admits and Izuku’s breath hitches. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. He’s not completely gone, I think I see him in you sometimes.” Shouto chuckles and Izuku snorts. “That’s what Eraserhead said.” Shouto smiles at that, sensei saw it too. He knew that though, through the messages he’d sent, but to hear it come from Izuku too. It made it feel alright.

“Do you think we could be friends too?” Shouto asks softly and Izuku pats his shoulder kindly. “Yeah, I don’t see why not. Just know, I’m not very good at the friends thing. I haven’t had much practice.” Shouto chuckles at Izuku’s honesty but the mood sombers a little at the double meaning behind it. “Neither have I.”

They talked a little more on the topic of lighter subjects before Izuku was called away by Shigaraki. Apparently they were looking into someone. They always used vague responses around him, never giving anything away. He wasn’t a prisoner but he wasn’t entirely trusted either. He hadn’t pledged himself fully and therefore they kept all the important details from him. Plausible deniability, Izuku would tell him but it was much more than that. Whatever they were planning next, they couldn’t risk a mole. But they’d told him as much in the beginning and now, Shouto was okay with it.

He’d gotten used to the atmosphere and the vibe within their base and strangely enough it felt like the dorms all over again, yet with a wider range of ages. Izuku and Shigaraki were clearly the ones in charge but that didn’t mean they acted that way all the time. If anything they were young domestic lovebirds. Dabi was a drug dealer by trade among other things and a former playboy it would seem by the jokes he’d heard from the others about a certain specific birdie. Himiko was far too similar to a cat with vampire abilities. Compress was clearly a sort of parental authority figure, that much was made clear with Eri present. As far as Shouto knew, he was also the oldest, potentially rivalled by Twice but the contradicting man acted younger his age. Twice as a character, was easy to understand once you got used to the two sides of him, he was very caring. Spinner was more new and still figuring out his place but fits more like a brother figure between Shigaraki and Dabi, while Izuku and Himiko are clearly close in similar but also a different way. That once again was made clear after Eri. Shouto didn’t know where he himself fit in but slowly he felt like he was finding his place. Compress and Spinner were the ones that offered to help him with a CV and job applications when Izuku and Shigaraki took a break the past three days. They were the ones that helped him pick an outfit and Compress in the end escorted him for the interviews. It felt right for him to get a job for the first time in his life, on the path that he chose for himself. His job was a simple one and in hindsight could be useful in the long run. He’d requested one that wouldn’t need much contact with others since he was still somewhat in hiding considering all that was leaked of his family. The ones he found included stocking shelves at a grocery market or any kind of store or security placement. In the end, considering his training and quirk, he took on the security guard job. Spinner somewhat influenced that decision, Shouto never really forgot the day they met. The man that interviewed him seemed somewhat suspicious that he was so young and not in school, but one show of his quirk and all those questions were discarded. The job offered training for the first two weeks to make sure that their workers were built enough and it provided access to their work gym to stay built for the job. It allowed Shout to pick up a familiar work out routine, while less demanding as UA, it was still nice. It gave him something to do while the vigilante team were plotting and planning and he felt like he carried his own weight to be able to continue to stay with them. It was starting to feel like a home to come back too or at the very least, a family.

“Everything good?” Tomura asks him as Izuku settles into the chair beside him in their study. “Yeah, I just needed to talk to Shouto. I think we’re becoming friends.” Izuku softly replies and Tomura chuckles. “Good, you need some friends of your own age and gender.” Izuku pouts and shoves at him. “Shut up.” Tomura chuckles again but this time Izuku lets him, simply smiling at the sound. “You know, Dabi is not that much older than you~"

“I get your point.” Tomura scowls and Izuku chuckles.

Izuku went back into all of his old notebooks on the underground hero. He’d been obsessed when he was young, trying to find any shed of video or photographic evidence as to what he looked like. Only one getting so close as to get a sheer outline of him to be able to discern the capture scarf from the one piece suit. Now that he’s met him, the descriptions he had were not far off. Except the scar on his eye, but on a hero, scars aren’t abnormal.

“I know something you don’t know~” Dabi comes in singing and Izuku sighs putting down the current notebook he was reading to look at the ravenette. “I’m not interested to know how Keigo’s quirk affects other parts of his body, Dabi.” He tells him exasperated and the man gaps as if insulted. “Oh, come on. Admit it, you were somewhat curious about his butt tail.” Dabi leans in with a smirk as he says so and Izuku throws the book in his face. “No.”

Dabu laughs and pulls the notebook away from his face, when he reads the title he raises a brow at the greenette. “What are you going through these for, again?”

“Trying to find background information on Eraserhead.” Izuku tells him simply and gives up on his notebooks. With all the research he did back then, he didn’t go back in time. He was too far too young when Aizawa -san would have debuted in the sports festival and since the man went underground the moment he graduated, any and all traces of that debut would have been scrubbed clean of any harddrives and systems. Nedzu would have made sure of it years ago.

“Isn’t it a little late for that? He’s Eri’s guardian now.” Dabi comments and Tomura easily answers. “We want to know whether he could be a valuable asset to have in the future. Eri or not, I need to know more to trust him further. Whether he’s good enough to raise her doesn’t mean he’s good enough to risk a connection.” Dabi hums in understanding and pulls over a chair nearby to sit down. “You know, I once heard that Stain and Eraser had an understanding back when he was a vigilante and not the Hero Killer. He might be a good bet to the man’s past. Stain was rather impeccable in his hero background research.”

“Stendal right?” Izuku asks for clarification and Dabi nods. “That’s the one. But be careful, that guy’s a little unstable.”

“Take Spinner, he’ll want an autograph.” Tomura comments unnecessarily. “Oh, honey, it’s not as easy as that. You know I’ll need to background check the hero killer too.” Izuku coos and Tomura sends him a glare above his book before turning to glare at Dabi too. “Didn’t you have something to share?” He reminds the ravenette and Dabi seems to remember too. “Yes. Shouto got a job.” Izuku raises a brow. “He didn’t mention that earlier?”

“It’s a security detail job. You might want to check it out, prominent businessmen and politicians are the companies main source of income.” Dabi further informs them and Izuku thinks back to his previous conversation with the boy. He hadn’t mentioned anything, maybe he thought it wasn’t worth mentioning until he started?

“Where is he stationed?” Tomura asks, fully intrigued and Dabi shrugs. “I don’t know, his first day is tomorrow. I guess we’ll know then.” Tomura hums impressed.

“Compress might be able to give us some intel on Eraserhead before I consider Stain. He has been an undercover member of the underground world for a long time.”

“How’d you know that, bunny? We never got a name out of him, how could you have done any background search?” Tomura grumbles, it has always irritated him the use of code names and secrets within the team. Code names he can respect as long as he knows the identity behind them. Compress bypassed that and it has always irritated him, Izuku on the other hand wasn’t deterred, he had other means.

“His description and talents. There are not that many slight handed thiefs out there that double as magician types.” Izuku simply tells him as if it were nothing as he grabs for the notebook filled with all his information on each member of their team, one he updates every so often. Dabi looks at the notebook curiously in recognition and Izuku smiles up at him to tell him ‘yes, this is the one with all my notes on yours and Himiko’s quirks.’ Now it also held his theories around Twice’s quirk with the help of Himiko who managed to sneak some blood from him to train the quirk. His fears may be somewhat rational coming from his experience but both Izuku and Himiko were 99% sure that he is not a copy and is in fact the real deal. He would be an unstoppable force if he could duplicate himself infinitely but the man is mentally not ready to face that yet so the information stays in the notebook.

“Also if you track his thieving record, it is suspiciously familiar to an old criminal from back in the days where the current hero system was settling into place. Who used to steal from the rich heroes and give back to the civilians. If you dig into the thieving jobs of the man now, it's essentially the same. He steals from unworthy heroes and gives back to the discriminated people. Nowadays the most affected by discrimination in the workplace are heteromorphs. ” Izuku takes a breath from his mumbling before heading back in. “His predecessor, the Peerless Thief didn’t have an easily identifiable quirk but his power was compared to All for One, the god of the underworld back then and Destro.”

Dabi gives a low whistle at all that information while Tomura stays stuck on something rather specific. “Destro? That sounds familiar?” Izuku hums. “Destro was known as a terrorist leader decades ago. He was the leader of a terrorist military group that was able to oppose multiple governments for years. Eventually our government along with the heroes managed to cut down on their forces and many of his supporters went into hiding. Destro released a book at the peak of his fame and attention on his beliefs of advocating the abolition of quirk restrictions for everyone.”

“That’s a lot of information that backtracks for years.” Dabi comments impressed and somewhat shocked. “He works too much.” Tomura grumbles in immediate retort. Izuku simply shrugs with a smile. “I like to be concrete in my research.”

“So you think some of his members are still hanging around?” Dabi inquires and Izuku frowns. “Probably still are. It was a popular belief for years and these days with all this unrest towards the hero commission. There are likely a number of people who find comfort in his words. His book still gets sold in bookstores.”

“Do you agree with it?” Izuku hums in thought. “I agree with where it comes from. The origin of this came from a woman who they later called ‘ The Mother of Quirks ’. She was Destro’s mother and advocated for him back in the days where ‘meta-powers’ were still rare among the populations. She asked for a world where he could live freely from the discrimination he received for his quirk. That is a concept I can get behind. Demanding that everyone have the right to use their quirk how they please, would only lead to chaos.”

Dabi stays silent for a while taking in the words before nodding and finally standing up. “That isn’t to say the system is perfect now.” Izuku adds quietly and Dabi nods again. “No, but the system isn’t really the problem now. It’s the people in charge.” Izuku smiles in agreement and Dabi gives a small shake of his hand as he leaves the room before leaving his bosses back to it.

Compress finds him in the end when he gets back from his official job. As far as Izuku knew, he hadn’t been thieving since he joined the team, yet he wouldn’t be surprised if Compress had only continued to do so behind the ruse of taking longer hours. He was otherwise quite transparent about what he did and where he went.

A knock on their bedroom door interrupted Izuku from where he was changing into some loungewear after his shower. They didn’t really have the luxury of baths, not with their already straining water bill for housing eight people. Izuku shrugged on a shirt and loosely tied his joggers before opening the door. Tomura was absent from their room, having taken over the bathroom after him. Due to his skin condition courtesy of his quirk, he’ll be busy for a while with his skin care routine.

“Dabi mentioned you might want to speak with me?” He said in explanation for the disturbance and Izuku greeted him with a smile. “Yes!” And opened the door wider for the man to take the chair they have by the small desk they have in their room while Izuku sits cross legged on the bed. “What can you tell me about Eraserhead from your own personal time in the underworld scene?” The man seemed somewhat surprised at the question, he could tell by the limited parts of his face they now had access to. Even if he still masks his face now, his eyes and mouth were accessible for them to see, a show of trust.

“How come?” Compress pushes and Izuku smiles knowingly. “Doing some research on a potential ally.” The man frowns. “Eraserhead?”

“He could come in handy.” Izuku defends and Compress shrugs. “Yeah, I came across him a couple of times. I think he understood my deal quite early on though and simply asked whether I could keep property damage to a minimum. He followed me once, I think, and saw what I did with the earnings I stole. After that, he never bothered me. I have contacts who inform the hero of darker dealings, he’s the forgiving and understanding type. He knows that people like us are just playing the cards we were dealt, the best we know how.” Izuku nods in understanding and asks a thought out loud. “Would any of your contacts be willing to talk to me?” Compress chuckles. “One. I’m sure she would be happy to meet you.”

“Why would you say that?” Izuku asks curiously and the man chuckles again. “Because, you gave her a quirk analysis once. Has helped her maintain control since.”

Izuku’s eyes shine with emotion. He knows he’s helped lots of people with his quirk analysis, kids, teens and adults too. Many were complex and others just simply misunderstood, but he took great care into each one of them. He always wanted to help people, that was the end goal, that has always been the end goal. To be able to meet someone personally that he helped anonymously… Izuku couldn’t describe that emotion, yet he feels his tears starting to pool at the edges of his eyes.

“Bunny?” Tomura asks from where he’s standing still in the doorway of their room. His voice laced with confusion but no worry. He knows that Izuku is a crier, everyone knows. He cries at any high rise of emotion, be it happiness, sadness or anger. Compress smiles and gently pats Izuku’s shoulder. “Her name is Magne. I’ll give you her number.”

Dinner with the team is what Izuku missed the most during his and Tomura’s break. Dinner was a social event where they all sat down together as a sewed together family. Breakfast and lunch were mealtimes that everyone participated in at their own time and luxury, dinner was something they did together that didn’t involve planning and plotting. It sometimes involved messy kitchens and screaming matches but that was the whole vibe of it. There was a certain atmosphere that couldn’t be replaced or recreated between two. It was also the moment that they would talk about the small day to day things.

“So, Shouto, I heard you got a job?” Tomura prods with a grin as he reaches over the table to serve himself some more rice. Everyone groans and Dabi throws a chopstick to make his point. “No work talk at dinner!” Tomura levels him with an unamused glare and throws the chopstick right back. Shouto just answers him unfazed. “Yes. It’s a security detail job. I told Dabi about it.” Dabi grins at his brother and nods. “Yeah, d’you know where you’re stationed yet?”

“Hey! No work talk at dinner!” Spinner throws his napkin at the ravenette and the man burns it before it hits him. “No quirk use in the house!” Izuku calls out alarmed and Dabi flips him off. “Dabi, c’mon you can’t risk setting fire to the place!” Izuku tries to reason with him. “I say we try and invest in quirk cancelling tech if he can’t control himself.” Compress chimes in and Tomura grins at the suggestion, Dabi flips them both off. “I second that!” Spinner calls out and Dabi throws his chopsticks at the gecko. “Hey! Dabi, behave!”

“He started it!” Dabi calls back in defence and Izuku gawkes. “What is this kindergarten ?” Himiko and Twice burst out laughing from their chairs as Shouto just continues eating, entirely unfazed. No one brings the topic back up when Dabi’s chopsticks are returned to him and he and Spinner have been separated.

“Any news from Eri?” Himiko asks softly when everyone has calmed down and Izuku nods as he gets his phone out and shows her the group chat thread he and Tomura have going with Eraserhead. She scrolls through it seemingly satisfied with a soft smile on her face at the pictures sent. “I told you, she’d be fine.” He tells her and she smiles up at him. “Yeah.”

Shouto cornered him as he was helping Compress and Twice clear away the table. Himiko and Spinner were doing the dishes in the kitchen and Dabi had gone to take out the trash before going out for an appointment. “Since I’m starting my job tomorrow, they sent me an email with the location where I’ll be working at.” He tells Izuku as he hands over his phone with the open email. “Dabi mentioned you might be interested in knowing that sort of thing.” Izuku looks up at the boy and down at the phone. “It’s just a matter of precaution and concern for your safety.” He reassures him and Shouto seems to understand this as he nods. “I trust you, Shouto. You can just read out the basic information.” Izuku then adds since the teen doesn’t seem to understand Izuku entirely. Shouto nods again and turns his phone back to himself. “The location is in Deika City, they want me to guard the reception and lifts on the n th floor.” He reads out loud and Izuku hums. “Seems simple enough, I hope you don’t get bored.” Shouto shakes his head. “I don’t think that’ll be likely, my hero training has made me quite alert and we practised these types of things. It’s all about zoning out while remaining attent.”

“I guess, it's just a long type of stake-out.” Izuku mumbles in thought as he cleans off the table with a rag that Compress handed him wordlessly. “Will they give the uniform on sight?” Izuku asks and Shouto reads the email before nodding. “I’ll get a locker to put in my casual clothes, bento and personal belongings and at the end of my shift I’m required to store my uniform there.” Izuku hums along. “Pretty neat.”

“And it pays well.” Shouto agrees and Izuku laughs. “I googled the company quickly and they apparently work in lifestyle support items but recently branched out into the hero industry. They are on top of the market apparently, so the salary shouldn’t be that surprising.”

“The extra call for security neither.” Izuku agrees and Shouto nods. “Which company?” Izuku asks as they walk over to the kitchen to dispose of the crumbs in the rag and for Izuku to wash his hands. Shouto waits patiently for Izuku to have dried them off before answering.



all necessary build up, if you don't understand the cliffhanger on that last scentence, I suggest you read up on the Meta Liberation Arc ;)
nothing omnious... much...

Next chapter back to the heroes!!

ps: officially 2,000 words passed the 100,000 word mark!! I can't believe I've gotten this far!! So thank you for all of the support!! <3 <3

Chapter 27


Shouta finally tells the class of 2A everything regarding Izuku and Shouto, trusting them to keep it to themselves.
The class digest it amongst themselves.


A much needed POV from the former class, more closely into Ochaco
And some Eri cuteness as she adapts into her new enviroment


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shouta takes a deep breath before ringing the doorbell of the 2A dorm. Eri looks up at him curiously as she holds his hand, the other clutching the strap of her dungarees. One of the two outfits that she brought with her from the League and that she is rather attached too. He’d braided her hair in a fishtail style today much to her demand and learned that he is average at doing it compared to ‘Himichan’. It would seem that his talents in braiding hair really need practice if he’s up against Himiko, which he didn’t realise he was.

The door swings open and the class president greets them. “Aizawa-sensei!” He announces somewhat confused yet elated to see his old homeroom teacher. “Iida-kun. I need to speak to Bakugou and Monoma should be arriving soon so let him in when he rings.” He tells the navy haired boy and the boy nods and bows before opening the door wider allowing them both in.

“Whoah, sensei? Who’s the kid?” Kaminari asks upon greeting as he kneels down to face the girl at her eye level. Eri flinches and hides behind Shouta’s leg, making him frown at his former student. “Give her some space, Kaminari. She is not used to so many people.” Kaminari takes a couple steps back and then smiles at the girl as he offers his hand to her. She seems to consider him as she looks him up and down, it’s the weekend so they are all casually dressed for their day. Eri hesitates as she reaches for his outstretched hand but takes it carefully. “Hi, my name is Kaminari Denki.”

“Aizawa Eri.” She responds sweetly and the room descends its gasps. “Sensei has a daughter?” Someone exclaims and Shouta sighs heavily at their flabbergasted dramatic reactions. The girl flock to the Eri immediately and coo over her sweet clothes and hair, to which Eri naturally hides behind Shouta before doing a sweet little twirl. Shouta feels pride swell in his chest that Eri is starting to trust him enough to feel protected by him. It took some days before she felt comfortable enough to even hold his hand. Yet now that she is starting to actually get comfortable, Shouta has decided to get a move on her schooling. She’ll be home schooled, naturally, he was verified and while they were at it the plan was to start gradually practising her quirk. He’d shown her what his quirk can do and therefore reassured her that if she lost control, he could control the situation. She seemed to trust that at least. Likely that was aided by the pile of notes she found in the file that Izuku handed him, she recognised the handwriting and somehow being told that he’ll do just as the greenette instructed soothed her. Shouta truly wonders what happened in those 3 days that meant she trusted the league so fully, but he’s grateful.

“The f*ck’s going on?” Bakugou snarls as he comes into the room, his phone in hand so likely was told to come down via text. Eri peeks out from between Shouta’s legs at the loud blonds voice and they shine in weird recognition. “Kacchan!” She calls out to him and runs over shyly to him. The blond is struck by those words and so is the rest of the room. Not one of them was prepared for the girl to call out that name.

“Where the f*ck did you learn that name?” He growls at her and Shouta immediately gets defensive in fear that the blond might scare her. She only giggles. “Zuku! He said you’d be the best big brother!” Bakugou looks disturbed as he looks down at the earnest eyes gleaming up at him. It seems all this time around considerable mentally ill characters, Izuku’s picked up quite a dark sense of humour. Either that or something happened during their time together when the blond was kidnapped that forged a new bond of sorts.

The blond clicks his tongue after a moment before answering to the girl's raised arms and picking her up. “What else did Zuku say?” He asks dryly and she giggles as she thinks about it. “He said you love metal just like he does and you curse worse than Shiggy!” She gives him a small smile when the thought clicks and Bakugou snorts. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

The rest of the room is quiet before someone finds the courage to ask. “Sensei? Where did she come from?” Shouta looks at Ochaco who suddenly seems to realise she asked out loud. “I think you know the answer to that already.” He dodges and she nods. Yeah, she knows. It was not easy for any of them when Izuku disappeared, but for Ochaco who’d he’d been seen with last before the quirks effect… she never really got over the guilt of losing him that day. “Why is she here?” Mina prods, suddenly less excited about the girl's presence. Shouta scowls at her change in reaction and so does Bakugou, understanding that the girl is simply being judged by her connection to the League, they weren’t monsters.

“Because Midoriya saved her but Todoroki convinced him that she would be better taken care of under UA’s protection.” He simply tells them and the room gasps. They didn’t know till now that Todoroki was with the League. The story that UA put out was that after the public humiliation of Endeavour at the gala and after, Todoroki had been taken out of school for the time being till the drama blew over. They weren’t half lying though.

“The girl from the raid…” Ochaco whispers under her breath and Shouta nods ever so slightly but she catches it just like he caught her words. Her eyes widen and dawn with understanding. “So it was Midoriya who was the anonymous source behind the raid?” Asui-san asks and Shouta nods again.

“Why would he do that? He’s a villain now.” Mina spits as the room turns to her in a range of looks. “He kidnapped Bakugou and attacked Kirishima!” She defends and the room turns back to Shouta for an answer to that. “In all technicality, Bakugou got himself kidnapped.” Kaminari chimes in and Mina sends the boy a glare. “And he didn’t attack sh*tty Hair, he knew the idiot would come out alright he just needed that diversion.” Bakugou adds and she immediately turns on him. “Oh is that what he told you when he kept you locked in a basem*nt?”

“Yeah, he did.” Bakugou glares back, Eri holds on tighter to the blond and that’s what reminds the teen of the situation at hand. “You’re scaring the kid.” He tells her and she looks taken aback by the words.

“Sensei? What is going on?” Iida finally asks and Shouta takes a deep breath as he catches them all up on what he knows about their former classmate.

Monoma arrived a half an hour after Shouta had told the class of 2A everything.

The arrogant blond entered with a snarl and his hands in his pockets but his bravado calmed down when he saw the little girl. “I didn’t know you had a daughter?”

“My private life is none of your concern.” He replies simply and the boy shrugs. “I need you to copy her quirk for me and try to access it.” Shouta gets to the point and the boy shrugs once again but nods this time. “Can do.”

Eri holds her hand out like Shouta told her too and the blond holds it ever so gently. Shouta watches as the boy copies and grows a horn on his forehead but otherwise doesn’t do much.

“How about it, Monoma?” He prods the teen and the blond turns to him with a crooked smile. “Unfortunately, I can’t do what you asked of me, Eraser. It’s blank.” Shouta frowns. “I see, too bad.” But Eri doesn’t let it go. “What does that mean?” She asks softly and the blond seems somewhat shocked at her tenacity. “I copy the nature of the quirk itself. If it’s a quirk where you accumulate something and turn it into energy, I can't copy what needs to be accumulated.” He tells her slowly and she nods at the end before looking up at Shouta with curious eyes. “Why would he need to copy my quirk?” Shouta steps closer and kneels down beside Monoma to face the girl at her level. “Because even if you’re able to control your quirk again, it could be handy to know how to control it slowly by having someone more experienced take a go at it.” She co*cks her head at him in confusion but otherwise let’s it go.

“Thank you, Monoma, for trying.” He turns to the blond and Monoma shrugs with a smile yet Shouta senses there is something the boy wants to say, so he raises a brow to prompt him. The boy catches it and clears his throat. “I actually arrived a little earlier and caught some of what you were telling the A class. Is it true that Midoriya is not really a villain? Do you believe he’s really trying to make a difference?”

Shouta smiles earnestly at the boy. Of course, Copy likely didn’t have many fans when the boy was growing up. If Shouta remembers correctly, much like Izuku, Monoma chose his name in a way of turning a childhood insult and making it his hero name. Phantom Thief.

“Yes. He’s helping people Monoma and he’s doing it the best way he can. Society just hasn’t figured that out yet, but they will.” The boy nods as he looks back to the common room where the A class is still mulling over everything Shouta said. “It must be hard for them. Knowing a new side of a friend” Monoma says thoughtfully and Shouta nods. It wasn’t easy on any of them.


Ochaco can remember that day as if it was yesterday, the lineup of events still haunting her dreams now. Seeing him with Shigaraki in the mall, the villain's hand on Deku’s neck and then from one moment to another, she’d lost them in the crowd. She’d felt so stupid then for allowing her stupid crush to take over and separate them. She remembers finding the rest of the group and they started to call out for Deku together. That’s how she spotted him, sitting at a table hidden by the crowd excitedly talking away at the figure sitting across from him. She recognised the notebook for what it was and was shocked to see her friend talking so openly to a stranger. “Deku!” She had called out for him and the greenette had immediately reacted to it, it was only as he went rigid that the figure across from him turned to find the origin of the reaction. That’s when she remembers hearing only ringing in her ear. There he was Shigaraki, standing next to her friend and looking protective.

The rest of that day was a blur. They never managed to catch up to the greenette and after that he was deemed missing with no leads to follow up on.

Ochaco had never met Deku’s mother before until the day that she, Iida, Todoroki and Tsuyu-chan decided to go pay their respects to the woman. It was a curious experience yet it explained quite a lot when thinking back to how skittish and tense the boy would sometimes become. The way he hid how smart he really was in those coded notebooks of his. Ochaco used to think it was mostly Bakugou’s personality that affected the greenhaired hero, yet that day they learned so much more of the boy’s past.

It was scary to think they knew the boy and yet find out they knew next to nothing about him.

It seemed they really knew nothing at all.

The whole class sat in silence as they digested all the information, the only one not all that shocked was Bakugou who stood up after Aizawa-sensei was done to hand their former teacher the little girl back and then proceeded to make tea for the rest of them. It was entirely out of character, but Deku always did that for him.

“Damn, Bakubro said that Midobro wasn’t all that bad after he came back… but I didn’t think it went that deep.” Kaminari suddenly broke the silence and Kirishima frowned, it stirred something up in the brunette as she lashed out. “Oh for goodness sake! Get over yourself Kirishima!” The redhead jumped up and placed his hands up in a placating manner. “Wow! No, I-I was on that raid too, remember? I saw first hand everything that happened and if Midoriya is the reason that we had next to no casualties and all that insider information…then he’s got my respect.”

“‘Bout f*cking time.” Bakugou sneers as he comes back in with a pot of tea and 20 mugs. Kirishima smiles sheepishly at his friend and the blond scoffs it off. “Zuku may not be a student of UA anymore, but he’s still the same old self-endangering bastard he’s always been. He just got a scary ass partner that keeps him in check.” The class swap glances between them. They remember a very different villain than Bakugou does, yet by the way the blond talks and from what Aizawa-sensei mentioned, that villain has mellowed and gained a lot of self control.

“So what are we supposed to do now? They told us after the USJ event that because of Shigaraki we’d need to grow into heroes sooner. If he’s not a problem anymore, then what are we supposed to do?” Mineta complains and Bakugou scoffs as if it’s obvious. “Screw that plan, we stick to becoming heroes. So we can do right by the change that Zuku plans to f*cking bring.” Ochaco frowns down at her hands. “So he’s really forgotten us then?” She asks in the quietest voice and Tsuyu-chan comes around to comfort her. Bakugou looks over at them with a nicer scowl. “Yeah, so you better make damn sure that the next time you see him Round Cheeks, that you made a f*cking good impression.” She quirks a smile at the familiar Bakugou mannerisms. Sure Deku remembers him but he doesn’t remember all the good parts that UA brought out of the blond. He learned that all over again, the same way he’s likely learning to be friends with Todoroki again. It’s a fresh slate for all of them, good or bad.

“Then let’s do our best to make Deku proud!” She jumps off the couch and pumps her fist in the air. Bakugou scoffs once more but a grin tugs at his lips. “Forget your f*cking best, we’re UA students. We do things PLUS f*cking ULTRA!” The class echoes the sentiment and they all look around with smiles.

“We should probably consider dropping ‘Deku’ since he doesn’t remember using the name as his codename. He’ll likely assume we’re insulting him.” Shinsou suddenly pipes up and Ochaco gasps as she slaps her hands over her mouth. The purple haired boy sends her an understanding look for her reaction and she smiles sheepishly back at him. Izuku would have loved to know that Shinsou joined their class and Ochaco knows that Shinsou was really looking forward to apologising to the greenette for what he said during the Sports Festival. They all had words that have gone unsaid and now the context is lost.

“What about Todoroki?” Sero speaks up and the room goes silent again. “He chose his path and considering all that sh*t with Endeavour, I don’t blame him.” Ojirou replies, crossing his arms. “At least he’s not alone. Midoriya will take care of him.” Kaminari chimes in and the group makes sounds of agreement. “I do kinda wish we could be a group again once more. It feels wrong that we’ve lost two.” Hagakure says softly and Mina comes over to hug her, not having said much after her initial reaction to Eri.

“We could pin a collection of photos on the pin board in the common room? That way they're always with us as a group.” Aoyama suggests softly and everyone makes sounds of agreement before taking out their phones and starting to group together the photos they’d want to use and print off. Laughing at old goofy memories and moments, forgetting that the group is missing two.

Ochaco retired to her room once they’d placed all the photos in a shared album to be printed physically the next outing they went on. She opened her chat history once again as she’s done multiple times over the past year and even more frequently since he showed up again a couple months ago. Chats she had drafted up but never sent. The first million were pleadings to hear from the boy again, to make sure he was okay. The most recent ones were simple things, updating him on day to day nonsense from their class.

Now it made sense why she never got a reply to the first million. Why they were never delivered. She sobs as reality washes over her with the realisation that she lost her best friend that day because she ran away from her crush. She felt stupid then… but it’s far worse now.

She lost her best friend that day… and he doesn’t even know it.


A week after Shouta had dropped the bomb on the class of 2A, Toshi and he were called back to their dorm building for a special surprise. They brought Eri along too since they could hardly leave her alone and it seemed the students had expected that as they greeted the trio at the door. Bakugou came barging through the welcome committee with a stack of cd’s in hand and thrust them into Toshi’s arms. “Zuku would have poisoned the kid with his music. So she might actually enjoy this sh*t.”

“Metal?” Shouta asks, shocked and slightly disturbed, he wouldn’t have expected that from his former student. Bakugou gave him a pleased grin for his reaction. “Heh, good luck with that sensei. Call the hag if you need pointers.” With that he left them standing at the entrance with Eri who curiously looked through the cd’s with gleaming curious eyes. Toshi looked equally disturbed at the idea that the sweet little girl would be a metal fan and that they’ll likely have to listen to it from now on.

Momo handed them a bag to put the cd’s in for later before they were escorted off to the common room. It took Shouta a while to spot that the class was surrounding a certain wall and as he got closer he saw that there was a drape placed over some sort of frame. Iida stood proud beside waiting for his vice president to stand by the other side. “Aizawa-sensei, All Might - sensei, to commemorate our former classmates we put this together to keep them by our side.” He nods to his vice and both of them pull the drape back dramatically to show a pin board around A2 size filled with class pictures and solo pictures of Izuku and Todoroki. A memorial board of sorts. “We compiled our photographic memories of them to always remember the two that started with us.” Momo finishes as the whole class turns to Shouta and Toshi. Toshi doesn’t hold back his emotions as Shouta hides his face in his scarf, they may not be his students anymore but he won’t show them a drop of weakness. Lest they think he’s gone soft. His eyes focused instead on all the pictures that are hanging together, photos taken from class outings, sneaky ones taken in homeroom or heroics class. Goofy moments of them teasing each other or training together. All in all they spent almost a year together, having hung out for a while before the summer break and camp and those moments showed on the board. With Todoroki, they had been together longer going through a year and a half, almost. The dorms had become a new home for them and Shouta was happy to see that what he’d told them didn’t change the way they regarded their former classmates, this gesture made that clear.

“This is also to say that we will do our best to remain by their side in any way we can, to support the goal they are trying to achieve.” Ochaco adds confidently. “We don’t yet know if Todoroki has officially joined the league or not…” Hagakure chimes in softly but Kaminari waves her off. “It doesn’t matter, it’ll likely be a matter of time and we’ll support him either way.” Shouta nods at his students with pride as Toshi blubbers next to him overcome with his emotions.

The class spend the rest of that afternoon talking to Eri about each moment on that board that they had with Todoroki and Izuku and she shared hers of her time with them and the league. It got to a point where she was likely diverging somewhat secret information but the class seemed to look past that for getting to see the publicly named villains in a new light. The innocent eyes of a six year old to be more exact.

Shouta was proud to discover after he officially started teaching her that she knew how to read somewhat and that she learned quickly. It was no time at all until he found her writing outside of her schoolwork.

“What are you doing there Eri?” Toshi asks her as he leans over her shoulder to see what she is doodling on the coffee table. She’d decorated the sheets of paper with colourful swirls and had made drawings on the others, yet it seemed she was currently writing on her decorated ones. Shouta looked over his shoulder to see them both just as she answered the blond. “I’m writing letters. To say thank you.” She says happily with a small smile and Toshi pats her head. “That is very sweet, Eri. I’m sure they’ll be happy to receive them.” They didn’t need to ask for who they were for and Shouta pats her on the head when he joins them around the coffee table with drinks in hand. “I’ll send them for you when you’re done.” He tells her and she smiles wide in thanks. Shouta’s eyes don’t miss the drawings on the side, two separate drawings of stick figures. One which likely depicts the league members since Shouta can spot unruly green curls, red eyes and blond buns with vampire teeth. The other makes his breath hitch, under the words of ‘new home’ he discerns who the two figures on either side of the grey haired girl with red eyes are. A black haired man with a grey scarf and a blond man with messy blond locks.


One more chapter to go for this arc and then onto arc 3!!

It's one of my favourite headcannon of Eri that she's into metal so I incorporated that in here :)

Next chapter back to the League!!

PS: thank you so much more all the kudos and support!! It's very encouraging to keep writing this story so thank you so much!! It's very much appreciated!! <3 <3

Chapter 28


Izuku meets up with one of the hero’s known contacts and another old one in particular that has much to say about the hero and about the vigilante that Izuku has become


This chapter was funny cuz I kinda started writing separate paragraphs of plot and then suddenly the ending and then I had to stick everything together and build the middle part up...


Enjoy!!! (+ some fanart to round this part of the story off, they spent a lot of time indoors and I thought I could share some moments)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I hear you want to speak with me, analyst?

It would be my pleasure.

I’m sure you know the bar I frequent, your friend Jin-san works there.

Come in and have a drink with me.

It would seem Compress gave along Izuku’s contact details only hours after their talk and Izuku didn’t know how to feel as the control of the situation somehow slipped out of his hands. Tomura scoffed where he read above his shoulder before huffing back down to lay on their bed with his manga. A historical romance. “I know that scoff. I’m not taking anyone with me, I’ll be just fine on my own.” Tomura scoffs again and looks at the greenette. “I know, bunny.” He reassures him softly and Izuku leans down to kiss him on the lips. “I just don’t like anyone offering to buy you a drink.” Tomura tells him in the breath between their lips and Izuku cracks a grin. “I only have eyes for you, Tomura.” Tomura smiles at the words and pulls Izuku closer into a kiss once more. “Be careful.” He whispers into the kiss and Izuku hums in acknowledgement. Tomura pulls away with a suspicious raised brow. “That's not a yes.” Izuku smiles. “I’ll do my best.” The pout he receives makes Izuku dive in for one more kiss only to miss and hit the manga instead. “Hey!”

“No kisses for you. Only safe bunnies get kisses.” Tomura argues and Izuku harrumphs but pulls back to get suited up. It’s a bar so he won’t go in his fancy ass suit, his gear will be just fine. Tomura eyes him as he straps his weapons on and Izuku gives him a side eye when he’s done strapping the last one. “Happy?” Izuku sneers grudgingly and Tomura smirks. “Ecstatic.”

Izuku bumped into Dabi on the way out as the man seemed to be leaving too for the night. “A late night rendezvous with a winged hero?” Izuku asks him knowingly and the man grins, Izuku chuckles. While the winged hero did seem to make Dabi happy, Izuku didn’t like the feeling that while he said he’s playing a double agent, he could be playing them as well and those two getting closer would not bode well for a double crossing scheme. “And what are your plans?” Dabi asks him, scanning the greenette from head to toe before noting that he wouldn't be joined by his partner in crime. “I’m meeting up with someone that can help me learn more of our underground hero problem.” Izuku tells him simply and Dabi nods in understanding, clicking his tongue. “Right well, be careful.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that! I’m not defenceless!” Izuku huffs, offended, and Dabi chuckles. “No, but you have to admit. Trouble seems to find you.” Izuku huffs again at that and grumbles under his breath that that is out of his control. To which Dabi laughs. “I’ll walk you to the station at least, boss. Just to be safe.”

“f*ck you.” Izuku growls at him and storms out of the house, the ravenette right on his tail.

“I found out where Shouto is working.” Dabi tells him a few minutes into their walk, Izuku turns to him and lets the man catch up to him. “So did I. He told me.” Izuku answers and Dabi nods. “Do you want me to keep an eye on the situation?” Izuku looks at him, the older boy looking so casual with his hands in his trouser pockets and his shoulders a little hunched over but not anxiously so. He’d become quite a good informant and Izuku could not be prouder at his development in a whole since joining the team mere months ago. Izuku smiles softly before turning to look ahead of them again. “Yes please.”

They split ways at the station and Izuku walked the rest of the way alone. No one bothered him on the streets as if recognising who he was and fearing what might come upon them if they got any closer. Izuku believes that's likely the effect Tomura has had the criminal world believing yet the recent fall of the Shie Hassaikai after having rumoured to be constructing a deal with them likely sealed the fear or respect of their status. Fear was not really the effect Izuku was going for but, he’d rather have the respect of many instead. But Tomura once told him, respect is gained with a little bit of fear to make it clear that one is not to be messed with.

He had no trouble entering the bar even though he was clearly underage and the patrons seemed to recognise him. Twice even winked at him upon entry, his face covered by a balaclava so that his eyes and mouth were still visible yet he was ‘whole’ and slid a drink right to him that Izuku caught perfectly. Izuku nodded to the man in thanks before making his way to the woman he sought.

Magne found his eye at the far end of the bar counter and smiled wide. “My, my, my, Midoriya Izuku. What an honour.” She mockingly bows her head to him as he pulls up a bar seat to sit next to her. “Though I don't know if I should feel insulted that you decided not to dress up for me. Doesn’t a lady deserve to share a drink with a gentleman?” Izuku snorts. “I think neither you or I deserve the title of lady and gentleman.”

“Maybe so. Though I’m sure your partner prefers you running around in your gear anyway. I hear he’s rather possessive.” Izuku snorts again but doesn’t comment, she sends him a knowing look for it. “You and I both know I didn’t come here to discuss my relationship.”

“Actually I wouldn’t know. What are you here to learn, Midoriya-kun ?” She takes a long sip of her drink as she waits for his answer with patient, curious eyes.

“What do you know of the underground hero Eraserhead?” Magne coughs into her drink in surprise and draws attention from other clients in the room. Izuku rolls his eyes at the dramatics she is causing and glares at them to look away. Twice is immediate to stand in. “Oi! Keep your eyes to yourself, f*ckers! Control yourself, woman! It’s not nice to stare!”

Twice sends a worried look Izuku’s way that the greenette waves off so the man goes back to work. Magne coughs a little as Izuku leans over to pat her back to help with the choking. She clears her throat when she’s good and sends him a grateful smile. “My apologies. I was not expecting that.” She mumbles if not a little croaky from the sudden choking. “Do you need a moment?” Izuku offers her and she waves him off. “No, no, I can tell you.” She clears her throat again and pushes her drink away seemingly no longer trusting it not to try and kill her. She turns to Izuku with a kind look in her eyes. “I just want to say thank you first, officially for the analysis you did for me. In many ways, you saved my life. You helped me accept my identity and who I was and helped me gain control again.” Izuku blushes a little at the attention. “I’m glad it had that effect on you.” She nods and smiles softly before the kind gesture turns into a grin. “But enough of that now. You came to talk business. Eraserhead and I have an i nformant- informed relationship. I have the info, he comes asking for it.”

“You give it that easily? Compress mentioned that you have a certain code you go by for information.” Her grin ticks at her lips and she chuckles low. “Yes. Eraserhead defended me after an attack of self defence went wrong and I killed nine men. He saw it for what it was and knew I would be unfairly discriminated against so he arrested me and took my statement before offering community service to work off my crime. My hands have been clean since and I am forever in debt so I offer my information gladly.” Izuku lets there be a pause for a moment before carefully asking. “You trusted me very easily with such personal information. Why?” She chuckles again. “Because I know I can trust you Midoriya-kun. Eraserhead asks about you all the time. I am continuously aware of your movements and actions to report back to him. He cares about you.” Izuku’s eyes widen in understanding and he hesitates in his movements to want to stand up and put some space between them. She seems to get this immediately and throws her quirk out to him to pull him back in. Izuku pouts as he holds in awe at her control and the pride that she managed to get there with his notes. “Not fair.” He mumbles and she coos too familiarly for his liking. “I assume you came here to ask whether you could trust him ?” She then says matter of factly, not as much of a question as it sounds. Izuku sits up straight on his chair again and she lets go of her quirk. “I usually like to learn these things for myself but matters have changed.” He admits under his breath, suddenly feeling like a child in her eyes. “You’ve helped a lot of people, Midoriya-kun. So has he, you’re just on different sides of the tracks.” She tells him softly and Izuku regards her curiously. She picks up her drink again and chugs it down before continuing. “I asked him once, you know, why he wouldn’t just join you? And he said he can better help your cause the best he knows how. Being a hero.” She gives him a small smile at the end and if anything, Izuku understands the story behind that smile. He didn’t know what else to ask or what to say to what felt like her final words so he simply nodded to her in thanks and finished his drink. “I won’t tell him of this. You deserve this privacy.” She hastily tells him as he turns to leave. Izuku turns his head somewhat. “Thank you.”

He stood outside for a couple of moments in that alleyway, being suddenly reminded of the last time he was here and how that ended. Izuku heard something jump down from the roof and land in the alley behind him and slowly reached for his broad knife across his lower back. Cursing Dabi and Tomura’s voices in his head saying that trouble always found him. He had been minding his own business, collecting his thoughts, it’s not his fault that he continuously ends up coming across people who want him harm. Yet Izuku straightened his stance when he recognised the shape of the figure, conveniently someone he was hoping to come across one of these days. Stain co*cks his head curiously before sheathing his swords, to which Izuku does the same with his knife. Both stand straight towards each other, or as straight as a hunched character like the hero killer could stand, before Stain climbed the wall and jumped onto the roof once more. Izuku didn’t hesitate to follow, the invitation clear.

They play a good game of cat and mouse before Stain finally halts on a roof overlooking the better parts of the city, not an environment he would usually be associated with. Izuku joined him cautiously. “I assure you, analyst-kun, you are not someone I deem worthy of dying at my hand.”

“I’m not worried. What concerns me though, is your choice of rooftop.” Izuku comments, trying not to portray his thoughts on his face. The man grins, all teeth. “You and I both know a certain blond figure that has a habit of coming up here. I thought it would be fitting to finally meet here, Midoriya Izuku .” Izuku scowls at the use of his full name in that tone but returns the favour. “Clever move, Chizome-san.” Izuku didn’t need to use the man’s full name, his last name was a sufficient warning. The man seemed to get that and grinned gleefully. “So it was you. I was wondering who was digging up on my past.”

“If you weren’t sure, why did you seek me out?” Izuku asks, toeing the edge of the roof cautiously before jumping onto the flooring. The killer grins. “Because you enthralled me, Midoriya. I wanted to meet the new vigilante on the street that tamed Shigaraki Tomura.”

“That can’t be all?” Izuku challenges as he crosses his arms over his chest and the man hops onto the ledge in a crouch, his classic pose. “No. I heard from sources that you doubt Eraserheads intentions. I know you were harbouring that girl caught up in the Shie Hassaikai mess. I also know he was the one to offer to foster and make her a ward of UA as a favour to you and his former student which you are housing.” Izuku hums impressed at the information gathered and smiles as he kicks a pebble. “I’ll admit, I was hoping you’d seek me out if I dug deep enough. I also know quite a lot about you, Stendall. I knew you had an understanding with him at some point or another before you transformed into Stain. I want to understand his intentions and where his heart lies.” The man cranes his head back to the greenette and sighs before answering truthfully. “He’s a hero. One of the good ones, that’s why I have never gone after him on my new path of abolition of fake heroes.”

“You haven’t gone after anyone in more than a year?” Izuku points out a little confused and curious actually. No one really figured out why Stain all of a sudden stopped his serial killing. The man chuckles. “That’s right. He may not even remember, but after I met Shigaraki-san I was angry. I wanted to kill and prove my point to people like him . And then he disappeared. The death I planned to bring didn’t feel right knowing he wasn’t looking and that it wouldn’t bruise his own ideals. To top it off, the only true flashy hero I've ever seen to fit the title and job, retired due to injury. I, unlike the public, knew why. I’d heard the whispers of the fall of All for One. I wanted to watch and see how the hero's world would look with the Symbol of Peace gone.” Stain turns to meet his eye and Izuku feels like the man is looking to find something in particular. “The public hoped for a successor to lie within the first years at UA where All Might had been rumoured to teach, but no one ever came to claim that title.” He looks back to the skyline of the city as he continues. “Then you showed up at the Billboard Charts. I heard your speech and your passion and intent behind your words convinced me. I’m sure you can imagine how popular a child would be with a quirk that paralyses at the drop of blood.” The words overwhelm Izuku and he feels the need to move closer to comfort the killer. Even with all that blood on his hands, he was pushed to be a vigilante because they wouldn’t allow him to be a hero with his quirk. In the end, it was the close minded minds of heroes that pushed him even further to give up on that notion entirely and bring justice into his own hands by the way society made him believe was the only way for him.

“I’m glad my words helped you find understanding. Spilling blood doesn’t do anyone any good.” Izuku tells him softly and the man snorts to himself as if it were an inside joke. Izuku raises a brow but otherwise lets it slide. “You are very much like him. Eraserhead told me the same.” Izuku looks at him curiously and he sighs before continuing. “He and I were of similar backgrounds, he yet managed to get to UA where I didn’t and fought to be a hero while I became a vigilante. We were both kids with villain quirks, yet he proved to become a hero.” Izuku looks down at his red sneakers, the only shoe brand still selling shoes with room for the extra toe joint. Izuku later learned, the only reason that this brand is even still in business is because people with mutant quirks sometimes still have the extra toe joint. Even Tomura has it… though for that reason Izuku suspects something more sinister. When he was a kid, those shoes were a clear statement of what he was. Quirkless. It has an effect on you growing up, defines in a way who you become later. Izuku refused to be worthless, useless and fragile. Eraserhead refused to be a villain and Stain… he only succumbed to it all like many do as well. Izuku knew he was a rarity, many felt the need of revenge for how they suffered. Tomura had started out down that path before Izuku knew him, but he’d turned back on time.He agrees that how they are treated is wrong, yet violence won’t help either. Stain proved that. With all the heroes he killed, Endeavour still rose to be number 1. While he wasn’t necessarily a fan favourite, he still gained a high title through the amount of liberties that were taken on his behalf.

Stain looks at him curiously as if his last words should affect the greenette somehow, but they don’t. “You had an understanding.” Izuku says simply after a breath of silence. “I think you’ll find, he’s a very understanding man.” The man replies in an out of character soft tone, he seems to remember who he is a moment later and clears his throat gruffly. Izuku gives him a true smile. “That is what I am starting to learn.”

Izuku stepped closer to the man as they continued to talk, joining beside him on the ledge of the roof, Izuku letting his feet dangle. Leaving such sombre topics behind and talking instead about what the league’s next steps are for the future. “If I can give you some advice, analyst. I would keep an eye on Detnerat. The Meta Liberation Army is building their following.”

“Destro’s ideals are becoming popular again?” Izuku asks somewhat surprised and the man chuckles. “It might not have been your intention, but the stir you caused led them to it. Are you ready to face those consequences?” Suddenly, Izuku is brought back to those same exact words he feared after saving Eri so abruptly. ‘Do you think I rushed it? That…maybe I missed something?’ ….Whatever the consequences are to that, we’ll deal with them then.’

Izuku was in a daze of his thoughts the whole way home. His meetings left a lot to think on, the last one in particular. He just couldn’t shake Stain’s comment, were they ready to face the consequences of reawakening a toxic movement’s ideals?

A letter was waiting for him in their postbox when he finally made it back, stuck between the door and the flap as if it had been made to show there was post. To be honest, in a house owned by criminals…they didn’t get much of it…Dabi and Keigo’s inappropriate love letters excluded.

Izuku eyed it curiously before seeing it was addressed to him, no one was supposed to know of this address. Still, he broke open the seal and pulled its contents out to find a drawing and a letter, signed by Eri. Two waves crash into him with understanding, 1. Eri sent them a letter and a drawing that he was surely going to share with the team and the drawing will be framed, 2. Eraserhead knows where they live. Yet after the events of tonight Izuku isn’t too worried for the latter, one way or another, Eraserhead will prove to be a helpful and loyal ally.

If anything, he’s proven by this letter alone to acknowledge that Eri was a part of their family for a short while and that they deserve to be a part of hers in the future. They have that understanding in their favour at the very least.


Last chapter of Arc 2!!
There will be a following Arc 3, it will continue, just not right now as I have to outline the plot and chapters coming.

I hope to not keep you waiting long.

Thank you to everyone reading so far!! <3 <3
Thank you for the kudos!! <3 <3

You can find me on Twitter if you want to say hi!
I'm also new to BlueSky

Enjoy the ✨Art✨!

Chapter 29: Arc 3


Six months have passed since the last ones and the billboard charts are up again with some new advancements.
Hawks gets a new mission.


Ok! It has been two weeks roughly since I posted last! I honestly thought it would take longer to shape this last part but then I broke my toe, so I had a lot more time on my hands to invest in it.

Everything's fine! I have a special boot to walk and I'm getting around!!

So, Enjoy!!

TW: abuse, not very graphic but is implied

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“It’s come around again!! The Japanese Hero Billboard Chart! Just to summarise it up! Rankings are based on the total number of incidents involved, contribution to society and approval ratings from citizens. Active heroes are ranked twice a year. In other words, the higher the rank, the more peace, light and happiness a hero has brought to their country.” Present Mic announces for the channel once more before it transitions to the reporter on the scene as if the hero isn’t there too now. The league gags at the camera’s large view of the stage and audience.

“Ok, the game spot Hawks is a go! Damn f*cking hero. ” Twice whoops and the others invested in finding the hero sit on the edge of their seats. Izuku scoffs from where he stands in the entryway of the sitting room, Tomura behind him with an arm wrapped around his shoulders. “There’s a good chance we might not see him get on stage. With all his out of public missions for the commission regarding you guys, he hasn’t been seen by the public for a while.” Shouto comments as he sips on his juice carton, Dabi clicks his tongue. “That would be the dream, but the commission would never allow that of their perfect project.” It feels weird to think that six months ago Izuku and Tomura found themselves on that stage and announced their plans on national tv. Now, they are watching it from their shared home with their team and yet the event still goes on unchanged. Tomura seems to sense his line of thought and kisses his curls. “You never know bunny, a lot of a hero’s rating has to do with the public opinion. Theirs might have changed how they see their top hero's over the last half year. Give them the benefit of the doubt.”

“You’re telling me?” Izuku chuckles and Tomura kisses his cheek. “Yeah.”

“You can feel the excitement, folks! This is an important moment, since the previous one’s interruption the heroes plan to take the stage again and announce their intentions and gratitude to the public for their ranks. The top ten are summoned one by one and told to make a short speech for their new placements.” The reporter announces on the stage as Nr 10 and 9 start climbing the steps to take their place on the stage, counting up with the rest of them. Izuku and Tomura walk into the room but stay behind the others as Hawks and Mirko take to the stage, Sir Nighteye right behind them.

“Huh, it looks like Nighteye shot up in ranks after the Shie Hassaikai raid.” Himiko grumbles. “He didn’t even do anything, he just followed ‘Zuku’s orders and plan.”

“The public doesn’t know that.” Shouto reminds her.

“They don’t even know about Eri, how did he rank so high, so suddenly?” Dabi asks no one in particular. “I can’t believe any of you even want to watch this.” Tomura grumbles, interrupting their discussion and the team groans at the judgement.

“Hawks is nr 5? He dropped down!” Himiko gasps as the hero takes his place in line with the others, Dabi leans back in his seat in huff as Twice consoles him that his boyfriend is a loser.

“The public doesn’t know how to feel about him, likely. First he was a known Endeavour supporter and now they haven’t seen him on the scene. The commission won’t be happy about this.” Izuku comments on this and Tomura grins.

“What the f*ck are you guys watching? You woke me up from my nap.” Spinner suddenly complains and Izuku and Tomura turn to see him in the doorway looking clearly rused from his sleep with his purple hair sticking up in all directions.

“Dabi’s simping over his boyfriend. We’re stuck watching these f*cking heroes prance like peaco*cks .” Twice answers teasing Dabi to which the ravenette flips him off.

“No grand interruption this time?” The gecko asks and Izuku shrugs with a smile. “No, it’s a good opportunity to see if what we’ve done so far has had an effect.”

“Even so, we’re working on something bigger so we’re on the down low until it’s ready.”

“We’re sitting on our f*cking asses is what the boss means.” Dabi complains from the couch and Tomura throws a coaster at him.

“Nighteye is fourth!” Himiko announces and they all turn to the tv once more to watch the hero take his place alongside Hawks, the winged hero shaking the man’s hand with a knowing smile, saying something that the camera’s don’t manage to catch. Edgeshot takes the number 3 spot as Best Jeanist stands strong on number 2. No one moves an inch, in the audience or in the league’s living room as the number one hero is finally announced.

“Mirko?” Himiko gasps utterly surprised and Izuku breaks into a grin amidst the confusion. Spinner and Shouto notice. “Mirko went to UA, right?” Shouto asks Izuku for confirmation and Izuku nods. “Yeah she did, she was one of the first heroes with a mutation to score as the top three of UA and therefore all the hero schools. She is known for helping out more as a Twilight hero than a Limelight one though she formed a strong friendship with Hawks over the years as they were young and budding heroes on the scene around the same time. Her quirk is actually misregistered, her mutation is in fact that of a hare and not a rabbit. Something the commission has overlooked since her debut due to the preferred advertisem*nt of a Bunny hero. Much like how they like to keep control of how much of Hawks’ mutation is advertised to the public eye. Since the hero chart rankings is still rather of a modern conception, she is also the second woman to have taken the title.

“So.. this is a good thing?” Spinner asks, looking overwhelmed by the information. “Look at the top three, two of the three heroes double in twilight heroics. It means that the public is taking more into consideration when it comes to their heroes. Neither one of them has a particularly flashy quirk, neither one has a bad standing with the public or so far any negative points against them at all.”

“That's true, Best Jeanist even took Bakugou-kun on as his work study student. He got many offers, sure, but many wanted him for his quirk. Best Jeanist specified that his quirk was well trained for but that he could help the boy with his lacking assets.” Izuku snorts at Shouto’s addition and the boy smiles wickedly. “I have pictures of his first day back if you’re interested.” Izuku returns the wicked smile. “Eraserhead-sensei, was actually the one to push him to it.” Shouto adds, suddenly remembering that fact. Dabi shares a knowing look with Izuku on that. They’d decided to give the hero the benefit of the doubt in trusting him since the letter. They’d decided so as a team, calling it important to make such a big leap to trust the hero.

“Well if Eraser approves, then he must be decent. f*ck all the heroes, they’re all trash.” Twice chimes in and Himiko pats his shoulder in sweet agreement. Shouto looks back to the tv and then back to Izuku in sudden thought. “Didn’t Best Jeanist and Edgeshot attend UA too?” Izuku grins proudly at the boy’s notice. “Yes they did, at the same time in fact.”

“So the top three heroes… are all UA alumni.” Tomura realises in a shared understanding. “I have no doubt that Nedzu had a paw in this, after his recent humiliation and embarrassment of Endeavour, also a UA alumni.” Izuku hums and everyone looks shocked at the idea to which Izuku hurries to explain. “He didn’t rig the voting! I mean he just seriously checked the candidates for any foul play. Not wanting to be caught out again.” The room goes somewhat silent, considering the reporter interviewing the heroes present on tv.

“Yotsubashi-san, it must be quite an honour for you to be invited to this event for the first time as an outsider to the heroics industry?” At the sound of the name, Izuku turns his attention back to the screen where the reporter is now interviewing a quite impressionable man in a suit that is clearly not a hero. “Yes, it is. I am very fortunate to have been invited to this grand event. It surely gives me the opportunity to converse with potential future clients of the support items my company can soon provide for them.”

“Yes. You have recently entered the field of heroics support items, it must be quite the change from lifestyle support items?” The reporter continues probing the man for information that the business man seems happy to share, answering with a winning smile. “My company is proud to be able to produce items for members of society that don’t conform to usual quirked body types, but we have found that we can further help our audience within the heroic field. Look at our newly made number one, I surely can imagine she struggles daily finding lifestyle items quirked to her body. We could offer that for her.”

“He’s a good smooth talker, I can give him that. Even though he bugs me.” Dabi grumbles, everyone’s attention has seemingly also gone back to the tv. “Isn’t that the company that you work for, Shou-kun?” Himiko asks Shouto and the boy nods, sipping at his juice. “Have you ever met the man?” Tomura pushes and Shouto shakes his head, irritating Tomura a little at the wordless response. “I’ve only seen him pass by a couple of times.” He finally answers and Tomura grunts in acknowledgement. Izuku eyes the man on tv curiously, if he’s expanding his business… maybe that’s what he’s using as cover to expand his following. “If what Stain said is anything to go by, this man may be a politician as well as a businessman.” Izuku comments and Tomura huffs, they had a disagreement about the killer. Tomura still doesn't like or trust the man, while Izuku somewhat understands him. He also has left behind his serial killer ways, he’s trying to turn himself back around.

“Yeah, well if that's so, he’s keeping clean. I’ve barely heard anything of Re-Destro, which is a stupid name but I guess if you’re trying to reawaken your ancestors' movement you must keep somewhat of the original name.” Dabi informs them, judging the man.

“He’s smart, he likely knows people are watching. We may not be the only ones.” Izuku tells him and Dabi shrugs watching the reporter move on.

A feather shooting through the house is the vague warning they get before the ringing of the doorbell. “Dabi, your boyfriends here!” Himiko screams through the house, getting a very angry growl in response. Though it is protocol that only Izuku, Tomura or Dabi open the door for the hero, minimising his interactions with the team in case they ever get bugged.

Izuku opens the door for the blond, allowing the disguised hero inside. “Congrats on getting fifth place, any wounds that need tending too?” Izuku deadpans in lue of greeting and the hero flinches. Izuku sighs. “Come on, let’s get you to the bathroom.”

Tomura finds them there and leans against the doorframe with his arms closed. “My condolences on getting demoted.” He says bluntly but with a softness in his eyes, Keigo sighs and winces as Izuku tends to his wounds. Slash marks across his back right under his wing bone and talons pulled out in his fingers and toes. All that pain at once…

“Tomura, don’t let Dabi see this. Please.” The hero begs and Izuku halts mid movement to look at his partner. The hero has never shown them this much weakness… Izuku nods at his partner and Tomura leaves, closing the door behind him.

“You don’t have to explain anything.” Izuku reassures him softly as he bandages up the now tended to wounds. “Yes, I do.” Keigo sighs, placing his head in his hands. “Because it changes everything.”

Keigo came back a week later with a grim look on his face. At least he didn’t seem hurt.

“The commission isn’t happy.” He tells them in their study space, sitting at the table yet launching in his seat.

“You mean your handler?” Dabi scoffs and Keigo immediately retorts with a glare at the interruption. “My handler is the president.” Izuku knew this, Dabi, it seems, didn’t by the way that his eyes dilated in sudden surprise. The ravenette’s eyes look down in realisation as if he’s suddenly understanding the whole picture.

“They have asked me to infiltrate the Meta Liberation Army. They suspect that Yotsubashi Rikiya is planning something and they want to know what.” Keigo informs them bluntly and Tomura turns to Izuku with a knowing grin. “We have become the lesser evil.”

“Make sense, we haven’t shown any action in months.” Izuku tells him and Dabi scoffs again. “Good to know that sitting on our asses for months was actually good for something.”

“You don’t seem surprised?” Keigo comments and Izuku smiles at him. “No, we’re not. We’ve been keeping an eye out for the man as well. He goes by Re-destro.”

“And we already have a foot in his business. Even by accident.” Dabi adds proudly, the hero raises a brow in curiosity. “I’ll admit, that wasn’t the answer I was predicting.”

“Shouto got a job in their building by accident.” Izuku tells him. He’d long gotten over his paranoia and trust issues when it came to Keigo, after having seen all his wounds of abuse… how couldn’t he? The hero shared this with them, albeit reluctantly, he felt safe with them. Besides Dabi was emotionally attached, he couldn’t turn him away now.

“I’m amusing you got this assignment a week ago when you came by?” Izuku asks the hero and he nods, a small thankful smile towards the greenette for asking the question so vaguely. Dabi as they all knew, was crazy protective, it’s why Keigo kept a lot of his current abuse from the man, he didn’t want the ravenette to know that the torture was still going on. That he was still receiving punishments for stepping out of line or not doing as expected of him. It is why Izuku has been hurrying to get all they needed to threaten the commission into submission. He wasn’t crazy, he knew that simply overthrowing them would be chaos. They needed to be careful and calculated and not look like tyrants throwing off another tyrant. So far they have held a good eye in the public, they needed to hold that for the public to accept the change.

“So? How hard can it be if Shouto got in by accident?” Dabi scoffs again, likely losing his patience and interest.

“Shouto, disguised himself as an uneducated teen civilian. Hawks here is a well known hero in the top ten.” Izuku says simply.

“They have procedures, they don’t simply take you at your word… but apparently I'm not the first hero to want to join.”

“They likely swallowed up your ‘I want to live in a world that doesn’t need heroes’ crap.” Tomura comments and Keigo grins. “They did.” Proud for a moment before he sighs. “But they’re not convinced yet. They’re going to keep an eye on me in the initial parts of my induction to make sure that I’m not a mole. The main guy is paranoid as f*ck and he has some powerfull people in his inner circle.”

“So you coming here will start to be dangerous. Got it.” Izuku says out loud thinking about their options. Dabi tenses at this, suddenly entirely concerned in the conversation. Tomura notes it with a grin.

“They can also track tech. So no more messages.” Keigo adds and Izuku frowns. “That’ll make researching them a hassle, but I might know someone that can bypass them.” Tomura snorts. “You know a better hacker than you?”

“Yeah, she’s on the government blacklist. They just can’t find her.” Izuku tells him with a proud grin. “How do you even know it’s a her ?” Dabi questions and Keigo looks amused at the new information.

“She taught me how to code, in real life. ” He adds to specify and Tomura gapes. Izuku learned to code before they met… in middle school if he remembers right. He ended up finding himself on some dangerous forums and met her there. She taught him how to find illegal information without leaving a trace of your presence in the system. Then they met in real life, she was a little older but didn’t look it and was amazed that he was only 12. She was a good friend back then and her quirk was something amazing to behold. He loved analysing it and in the end it helped her get with the guy she loved.

“Then good luck. I will try and find a way to contact you. The commission has me doubling down on patrols and public appearances so that I rise back up the ranks so I have a lot of hero work ahead of me to keep me in their sights.”

“If you can find a way. Contact us through a hero, Eraserhead has been deemed to be a safe bet.” Tomura tells him and Keigo nods with a smile. “Happy to hear that, the guy’s good.”

“Yeah, we learned that.” He retorts and a small silence passes by remembering those days with Eri. It was at Keigo’s insistence that they handed her over to Eraserhead, but it turned out alright in the end.

“Okay and what about me?” Dabi insists and Keigo turns to him sheepishly. Izuku and Tomura silently communicate until Izuku sends him a glare and the man sighs. “I guess that’s our cue to leave.” They both stand and Izuku shoves his boyfriend out of the door to give them some privacy. They close the door behind them and Tomura silently raises a brow to which Izuku places his index finger against his lips in a shush motion. Tomura grins and leans over him to kiss his lips strongly. “That’s my bunny.” He whispers before they both turn their attention to listening in on the conversation inside. It’s muffled but they hear enough.

‘We’ll figure something out. We did before this…’

‘Yeah and what about them watching you? Will you get in trouble?’

‘We’ll be careful and if we get caught I can make something up–’ Izuku pulled away not wanting to hear more. “Let’s leave them to it.” He tells Tomura and the man huffs. “I thought they’d have a screaming match about it.” Izuku laughs softly and they start walking away and to their room. After a while he asks. “What would you do if it was us?” Tomura looks at him curiously. “If we were in that position?” He asks as if trying to understand and Izuku nods. Tomura doesn’t think too long on it. “I would do whatever I could to keep you out of it.”

“Even if it meant not seeing each other for a long time?” Izuku asks him softly and Tomura stops to wrap an arm around his waist so that they stand face to face. “I would find ways to see you of course, but if it got too dangerous and they got too close to finding you. Then yes, I would block contact to keep you safe.”

“I don’t want to ever do that.” Izuku tells him firmly and Tomura chuckles but Izuku is serious. “Whatever you do, whoever you join, wherever you go, I'm coming. We do things together.” Tomura regards him with an equally serious look and nods firmly before slowly leaning in and holding Izuku’s chin to kiss him strongly. “Always, bunny.”


There will be background DabiHawks angst ahead as you can imagine :(

Next chapter a new POV!!

(heh, the 29th chapter posted on the 29th of march)

Chapter 30


Hatsume Mei's request to do an internship work study at Deternat and gets accepted.


Fun fact related to this chapter: Roki means road, path, route

It'll make more sense in the end notes.

Also... ALMOST 100 BOOKMARKS! This is insane!! Thank you so much <3 <3


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s widely unknown that the support and business course at UA and any other school face as much competition in the workplace as the heroes do. While the hero students have internships in their first year after the Sports Festival, so do the support and business students. In their second year, they too get placed in the workforce for work studies alongside their school studies. Of course, unlike the hero students, they don’t get many public opportunities to showcase themselves, instead they get offers from companies their teachers recommended their top students to.

As much as Mei loves Power-Loader sensei, his offer in her first year wasn’t exciting enough, she didn’t learn anything new and her babysitter wouldn’t allow her to help with any projects. So she took matters into her own hands regarding her work study and sent out her resume and applications out to the top companies in the support industry that interested her and would be willing to allow her to use her talents. She knows she is somewhat of a sensation with her designs being used for the second year heroics class. Power-Loader sensei had given her the rights to being their support engineer as they were updating and regulating their suits to new fighting patterns and quirk accomplishments. That’s likely why many of the companies accepted her application. Yet she knows better than to pick just one and roll with it, she will be thorough this time and examine her options personally.

Starting today with her introduction and tour of Detnerat. A company that for years has been known to supply lifestyle support items to civilians who’s quirk affects their day to day life. It is actually thanks to them that she was able to get a support item for her eyes when her quirk first came in. Zoom may be a simple sounding quirk but she couldn’t control it at first and it would give her horrible migraines. She would always be seeing so far in the distance and wouldn’t be able to see right in front of her. So her parents got her a pair of glasses, that would moderate her quirks ability to zoom in and out, as training wheels. By the time she was six, she’d personalised her own and that is what got her started on her dream.

It felt right to be a part of the company that helped her as a child and allow her to help people now. Especially since the company has now branched into heroics support items. Much like what she’s been up to for the past year.

“How proficient are you with analysis? It’s an important factor for us to be able to self analyse a quirk outside of what the registration says and go further into depth about its capabilities.” The woman who was in charge of leading Mei around asked, reading from the list in her clipboard. It seemed Mei walked into an interview of sorts, which is fair, they wanted to know what she could offer them and she wanted to prove herself. Mei stood up tall and fought the urge to look around in curious awe, fighting the further itch of her eyes to scan the entire place. She was feeling very excited and hyper, even though she’d made sure to take her dose of Ritalin and Adderall.

“I would like to say I’m rather good at it. From the hero students I’ve worked with, they tend to already have a good idea of what they need when they come to me. I work on that, seeing how their previous equipment has survived. I take note of what seems to not hold up right and build further from that, adding in extra bits and pieces in precaution. The thing with heroes is that they are always developing some new moves, so I make sure to understand my client and predict what they may further develop and be a couple of steps ahead to make it easier on their body.” Mei dutifully answers the woman and she nods, seemingly happy with that answer. “You are already quite knowledgeable about the field, regardless of your age. It is rather impressive and very useful. The change is still new to us so we are learning the ropes, anything you know that could help would be appreciated.” The woman tells her and Mei nods along as she continues to show her around.

“May I ask a couple of questions?” She tries when they’ve gone past the research and labs. They're currently in the lift going down to the equipment room and the woman nods. “Of course. Shoot.” She tells her with a smile and Mei smiles back at the poor woman, unaware of what she just unleashed. Mei pulls out the folded list she made with Power-Loader sensei and starts rambling off her questions. The poor woman’s eyes widened and tried to keep up with the questions but by the time the lift dinged to announce their arrival she looked rather pale. “I-I will have to ask you to forward your questions towards the boss. I-I can give you his contact details and he will happily answer them all.” Mei pouts a little before offering a smile. It would seem she would have to wait a little longer with all her questions.

When she originally came in she had been far too entranced in the excitement of it all that she had paid no attention to the reception. Now that she finds herself back there, she’s noticing quite a lot. First of all, the woman guiding her today has to request a special pass for the equipment and manufacturing labs down below and secondly, there by the side of some heavy duty looking door is a young boy she would never forget the look of. Mostly because his face has been splattered all over the news lately after the reveal of Endeavour's dark family persona. Not that the gossip is any interest to her, but the boy on the other hand had a fun quirk to work with. Very impressive, she was sure he’d go quickly into the top ten after he graduated so she always made sure her work was perfect for him so that he’d always call back on her for his support items. That is how the business worked. Loyalty and selling yourself to the top players of the game. She would have loved to further help the anxious green boy from the first year sports festival, his quirk was absolutely wild.

Her eyes zoom in to make sure it is him and then she smiles softly when she’s positive. He looks up at her in that moment and the small look of panic in his eyes tells her enough to read the situation. She can’t mention knowing him, she can’t show any signs of recognition.

Thankfully the woman leads her past the heavy duty door a moment later and Mei doesn’t have to worry any longer.

Mei considered mentioning it to Eraserhead-sensei when she got back on campus but wasn’t sure how she should bring it up. In the end she simply went for the best way she knows, calling it as it is upfront. Luckily for her, he was the only one still left in the teachers break room. “Hatsume-san.” He greeted her when he spotted her in the doorway. “Maijima-san isn’t here right now.”

“That’s fine, I was looking for you.” She reassures him and he raises a brow in surprise, dropping the file he was reading on his desk and turning to her properly in his chair. “What can I help you with?” He seems unsure but she shrugs it off, it’s not really any business of hers. “I saw your missing student today. He seems well. He has a job at the company I will be doing my work study at.” She tells him simply and his eyes widen with every bit of information. He sputters for a moment before clearing his throat deeply. “Right. Thanks.” She raises a brow in surprise this time at his nonchalant reply but once again shrugs it off. “Okay then. Good afternoon.” She bows to him and leaves the room.

Mei was sure that she’d scared the boy off by recognising him. But he was still there when she went in on her first official day. He was the one that led her to where she needed to start since there was no other staff available to escort her. The woman at the desk gave Mei her temporary employee card that would get her access to the levels and area’s she needed. “Your senior manager will give you your lab coat and assign a locker to you.” She informed her before Roki led her off. It was the name on his badge but she didn’t recognise it as his. Usually when she heard a name she’d have an ‘aha!’ moment and it would click. She’s sure the boy is who she thinks he is, but the name doesn’t click. He seems to understand her confusion.

“Had to get a fake name.” He simply tells her and she hums in understanding. “So you’re not kidnapped then?” She says to hold onto the conversation and he smiles softly. “Not really, no. For once I’m actually free.” She smiles broadly for him and pats him on the shoulder. “Well congrats to you then. Though I will miss you, I loved designing your support items for you. Your quirk really is something fun to tinker for.” Roki co*cks his head to her a little but ultimately lets it slide and she does too. Clearly being a hero wasn’t his dream and she couldn’t make it so. “Are you with that broccoli kid then?” She curiously asks instead and Roki laughs. “You’d like him a lot now.”

“I liked him back then already.” And she really did, he was the only hero student at that sports festival who didn’t outright reject her for being a support course student and for looking a little absurd with all her items. Not only that but his whole plan wasn’t to fight like the others, but to evade and defend, his plan was entirely surprising to her. She had never imagined it from a hero student and was glad to have met one with his head on right. That was of course before she saw him blow his fingers apart during the 1 on 1 fights. Yet… he quickly learned control after that. Mei hadn’t quite followed the recent issues regarding the boy but from what she had picked up is that he doesn’t seem to have a quirk anymore or never had. It would usually confuse her and make her itch for answers… but she remembers the skittish boy… she wouldn’t be surprised if there is much more to the story than she has any right to.

“Well, this is your stop. Good luck on your first day, Hatsume-san.” He nods to her, a small bow before turning on his heel back to his post. She smiles at his retreating form before a professor comes out to greet her and take over from there.

At the end of the day Mei could comfortably say that this was a far better experience than her first year internship. She received a desk! She received blueprint paper! And was handed a support item that needed fixing for test order! To say that the professors were a bit disturbed at her motivation would be an understatement. She was the last one left in the labs and even the last one to go seemed unsure at leaving her there unattended. Yet Mei was able to successfully reassure him that the building had every nook and cranny covered with security cameras, she would be perfectly watched over. Power Loader-sensei did always say she had a talent to manipulate. She was just very motivated and simple things such as eating and sleeping were just a barrier to her excellence! She was sure that she could do more and she knew that if she went home she would still end up lying awake thinking off all she could do so she might as well simply power through now and work as she thinks.

“You’re still here?” A voice breaks her through her thoughts, the question partly asked as a statement. Mei’s eyes zoom in on the source to spot Roki in the doorway without his uniform. He must be going home… or wherever he’s staying at.

“Don’t act that surprised.” She tells him and he chuckles. It is baffling to someone like Mei, she was an outsider to their class when he was at UA and now… now he’s openly showing emotion to her, not as much as she does, but he’s less distant and cold.

He doesn’t come further into the lab and simply stays in the doorway as he watches her tinker with her project. “You really should head home though.” He tells her with a sense of a warning and it piques her interests. “Why?”

“They like having the place empty by 10pm.” He simply tells her and she doesn’t believe it to be the whole truth but suddenly the nervousness of the last lab tech makes somewhat sense. He wasn’t worried for her, he was worried that she wouldn’t leave on time . She cleans her greased hands on her lab coat and moves to the sink to wash them properly. Understanding washing over her before starting to clear her table a little and put the support piece safely back in its box. Roki nods approvingly at the movement. “I'll wait for you at the reception.” She nods back ever so slightly and rushes a little to get cleaned up.

It didn’t take that long, only 20 minutes or so before she was rushing up to meet him at the reception.

“I’m not your go between for you and your boyfriend. Train a carrier pigeon if you're desperate. Pun intended.” She catches him saying as she gets closer before realising he’s on the phone with someone and suddenly feeling embarrassed that she’d overheard a clearly private conversation. He seems proud of his pun while the recipient clearly isn’t by Roki’s answering snort. “Yeah, yeah. Tell them I’ll be home soon, I’m just going to walk the UA student to the train station.” He finishes up before ending the call and suddenly spotting her in the room. Not at all fazed that she may or may not have heard his phone call. “Ready to go?” She nods, grasping at her backpack straps.

“You know you don’t have to walk me to the train station.” She tells him as they beep out of the building, Roki shrugs. “I have a sister. I know it’s dangerous for girls to walk home alone at night on the streets. Besides, it's the polite thing to do.” She giggles at the additional excuse. “Well then, thanks.”

Mei has never really walked to a train station with anyone before, she was always out far later than anyone else. A couple of times Power-Loader sensei would just drive her home if it got too late. So this was a new experience and she found that she liked it. Roki didn’t talk much but he was a great listener and seemed to be able to follow her rambling easily.

They parted ways at the station, he even waited for her to board her train before going off to get his own. It was as the train left the station that she spotted a dark haired older boy smack Roki playfully on the train platform and she laughed to herself at the gesture. He looked happy.

After that first day, they wordlessly had a routine going. She only really got close twice to leaving later than she should and each time Roki would be there to hurry her along. Still he was always there to get her at the end of his shift, which Mei later learned was half an hour before the deadline . So he wasn’t going out of his way to make sure she headed out on time, which reduced her guilt a little.

Once a whole week had gone by she was personally called up to the big boss’s office. Yotsubashi-san had sent Roki down to fetch her so he could lead her up. They didn’t say a word to each other the whole trip. It was something she picked up on but didn’t really push further since she was always in another headspace at work. He didn’t outright talk to her during the day, he only acknowledged her presence at best.

Yotsubashi-san's office was on the highest floor of the building giving over to an impressive view of Deika city below them. She’d seen him on tv during interviews before and had read about him in the past, but to see the man in real life was overwhelming. He gave off this aura that… made her uncomfortable in a way she couldn’t explain. She tensed immediately when he said her name and Roki went stiff next to her when he wasn’t immediately dismissed for completing his duty.

“I’ve been hearing some extraordinary things about you.” Yotsubashi-san tells her and she smiles forcefully but answers honestly. “Thank you. I’m just pulling my weight and doing what I can to gain some experience in the field.”

“You’re doing far more than that. You’re doing far better than my engineers have been doing on the more precise tech development.” He praises her and she doesn’t know what to say. Then his eyes turn dark. “I also noticed your lack of punctuality. It's very important to us that people arrive and leave on time.” Mei stays still at the words. “Of course we wouldn’t want that to affect your work efficiency, so you may take your project home as long as you remember that it is confidential work and bring it back.” He adds to seemingly placate her and she simply nods as he smiles, it’s not a warm one and it scares her.

“Good. Keep up the good work.” With those final words it is clear that she has been dismissed but he isn’t done. “Roki-kun, you’ve been making sure that she gets home safely?” He asks the boy and Roki goes stiff and stands tall before nodding firmly. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. I will adjust your shift to end a little earlier so that you are both scheduled to leave around 8.30pm. It’ll be safer around that time.” Mei’s eyes widen at the change, that is an hour and a half earlier. It makes her uncomfortable when she thinks that the man is rushing to get them out. Roki doesn’t let any of his potential discomfort show, he only bows in thanks.

Mei releases a breath when they are back in the lift going down. As she looks over to Roki he looks eerily undisturbed as if he knows something she doesn’t. And that thought scares her.

He’s here for a reason and she just happened to accidentally get involved.


Coming back to Roki; so symbolically one could think that he chose that name because he also chose a new path for himself.

Just a little detail I found amusing as i wrote this chapter :)

Next chapter, back to the league and they get a friendly visitor!!

Chapter 31


The team gets post. A book and a visitor.


Dabihawks angst ahead :(

I've already started plotting out the ending.... it's gonna be a lot.... but I haven't yet figured out how many chapters are left

Anyhew, i'm turning old tomorrow (21) so I thought I'd post this today so I can spend my day crying tomorrow.


(edit: HOLY sh*t 100 BOOKMARKS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It sucked. Even the commission wasn’t as nosey as the Meta Liberation Army was, or the MLA as he had started to shorten to in his mind. The full title was a mouthful, same as the HPSC, the Hero Public Safety Commission. All these titles meaning important things yet are an absolute mouthful of words to remember and use at every turn.

Keigo hadn’t been able to see Dabi in weeks. The Commission insisted he do joint missions and take on solo villain attacks, while the MLA was watching his every other move during his sparse moments of peace. The closest he’d gotten to his boyfriend is spotting the man’s younger brother escorting a UA support engineer to the station. He’d flown down to seemingly help out under the cover that too young teens shouldn’t be out this late on their own. Especially in a city that has barely any heroes patrolling it on the roster. The night after he didn’t spot them so he assumed they’d listened and left work earlier. Keigo knew it was by accident that Shouto got a job at Detnerat but he didn’t like the idea of the Grand Commander being so close to the boy. The whole outlook of it… doesn’t feel like a coincidence. Yet maybe that’s what they believe about him as well.

Keigo can’t deny though, that he’s been doing his job well under the pressure of being apart from his lover for so long. It’s getting to him and it’s motivating him at the same time. He bets it's not the same for the other man. Dabi is likely driving the whole household mad with his grumbling and grumpy moods.

He’d been playing his role as spy well. The commission kept nagging him on it and he delivered the parts he wanted them to know through the hero network of heroes under their leash. When it came to the full story, he needed to get that info to the League. The only problem was the how . The MLA is tracking him 24/7, so to pass the information on he needs to be smart and be able to explain it if he gets caught.

His phone rings in his pocket and he fishes it out, his attention not leaving the city below him for any ruckus during his patrol. He doesn’t need to read the caller ID to know who it is. “Eraser!” He greets the hero and gets a grunt in response on the line. ‘Fine. I’ll meet you at that Cat Caffe on XXX street. Be there in 10 min or I’m going home.’ Keigo grins at the answer. “I’m the fastest hero, Eraser.” He jokes and the man scoffs. ‘It’s always the ones that should be on time that are late.’

“Such a teacher line.” Keigo pouts, as the line goes dead he grins to himself. He wasn’t sure whether the man would get his request to meet up but he’s glad he did. Eraserhead is the only hero he could use to pass a message on to the League.

Keigo landed at the coffee shop within the nick of time and the underground hero greeted him with a ‘told you so ’ look that Keigo waved off as he sat down across from the hero. “Did you order something yet?” He greets him kindly and the hero grunts throwing the bunched up note at his face. Keigo doesn’t even dodge it. “Yagi doesn’t appreciate the hole your feather made in the wall.” Keigo grins, Izuku had since spilled who Yagi Toshinori is or who he used to be. It seems the former hero has a new role now. “I’ll make sure to apologise to him the next time I see him.” Eraser gives him a look for that as if he doesn’t believe him before sighing. “What do you want?” Keigo’s eyes go a little dark and the other hero tenses at the shift. He pulls the book out of his jacket and places it on the table before sliding it over to the underground hero. “Some reading material. I’m sure you’ll find some value in it. I personally recommend the second part.” Keigo hoped the hero would remember his exact words. The book held one half of the code, but if he forgot the hint Keigo just gave, none of it would make sense. Eraser raises a brow. “You can’t just read half of a book, Hawks.” He chastises and Keigo chuckles. “True, but I still strongly recommend the second part.” Eraser seems to get the hint and nods ever so slightly and pockets the book. “I’m sure one of your students would be interested to read it too.” Keigo then adds and Eraserhead seems to get the final hint, the full picture of his intentions finally understood. “I can think of one or two.” He answers, a double meaning lined within. He’s figured it out. Keigo nods in thanks before asking for his cold coffee to go and heading back out to continue his patrol.

Hours later Keigo receives an image text. The picture is simple, the book he gave the hero on the coffee table, bookmarked by a child made drawing of a green haired boy. The book had been delivered and the recipients understood. He’s being watched from all angles.


In hindsight, maybe he shouldn’t have let Dabi open the door. The man has been in a foul mood for weeks since Keigo had to cut contact. The hero hasn’t been able to reach out once to the ravenette and the man is not happy. It’s gotten to the point that each time Izuku and Tomura are even a little affectionate, he’ll get pissed and turn ice cold towards them. It didn’t make for a nice atmosphere.

“The f*ck do you want?” Dabi sneers at the underground hero standing awkwardly on the doorstep. “Let him in, grumps. Your hero is not the only one allowed in here.” Tomura chimes in from the stairs as he’s coming down. Dabi huffs and leaves the door wide open before pushing past Tomura to go back to his room.

“Don’t mind him, he’s salty about his boyfriend ghosting him.”


“Oh, why d’you agitate him about Keigo? You know he’s sensitive.” Izuku complains from the study doorway before spotting the underground hero still standing awkwardly on the doorstep. “ Takami Keigo?” Eraserhead asks as he steps through the door by a wave of Izuku’s hand. He’s toeing at taking his boots off to place by the genkan when the greenette answers with a sigh. “Yeah….”

“So to what do we owe the pleasure, Eraser?” Tomura asks as he joins his boyfriend at the bottom of the stairs. “Aizawa.” The man corrects him and Tomura rolls his eyes. Izuku looks at him curiously as the man pulls a book from his jumpsuit. “Wouldn’t have thought you were a Destro fan?” Izuku comments with a raised brow and Aizawa chuckles. “I’m not. As a hero, it would be hypocritical. I’m just a messenger.” Izuku looks very interested at the implications. “For who?”

“Hawks.” He simply says and suddenly Dabi is there snatching the book right out of the hero’s hands desperately. “Keep your hormonal hands off it! It’s not a coded love letter!” Aizawa snarls at the ravenette in the tone he no doubt uses for his students. Izuku shivers at the tone before chuckling at Dabi’s reaction to it. Tomura grins at the ravenette. “Just give Zuku the book, Dabi.” The man huffs and chucks it to Izuku who catches it perfectly before looking back at Aizawa. “I’m guessing you’re a part of the code, Aizawa-san?”

“He only said he personally recommends the second part.” Dabi snorts. “Classic, out of a book full of philosophical spiel, he only reads half of it.”

“To be honest, so would i.” Tomura replies and Izuku rolls his eyes at the both of them. “But you wouldn’t read the second half. You’d give up on the first.” Izuku clarifies for both of them and they raise a brow back at him. “The second part is a part of the code.” Aizawa sighs beside him as he clarifies and both men glare at him for the tone. Izuku pushes past all of them to go back into the study and read through the book. As predicted he opens past the half of the book to spot certain highlighted sentences haphazardly around the page. Tomura reads over his shoulder. “He’s just highlighting randomly.” He comments on the obvious and Izuku frowns. “He wouldn’t have made it that easy to crack.” As Izuku looks closer at it he notices a strange pattern. “The second part of the highlighted sections!” He realises out loud before scrambling to get his notebook only to have Dabi hand it to him with a pen at the ready and a knowing smile. “Hack at it, boss.” Izuku smiles back and does just that. Of course Keigo would have made sure to hide the hint of the code within a code, so not all the highlighted sections match up perfectly. It becomes a puzzle of finding the pattern but then Izuku remembers having shown Keigo his early notebooks of when Izuku started writing in his own code and gave him a sneak peak to the pattern behind it. Since then Izuku has complicated it by a lot and perfected it so that no one else could find the pattern, but it seems Keigo took notes. He made the code for only Izuku to spot.

“How long do you think it’ll take?” Dabi grumbles. They’d decided to leave Izuku to it and lead the hero into the house. They’d made peace with the hero as a group the moment that Izuku showed the letter from Eri with the drawing she made. Which is still hanging proudly and framed in their living room.

Tomura tosses the hero a cold coffee and the man thanks him. “Eh, it shouldn’t be long. But Izuku will be very meticulous about it.”

“Did you attempt to decode it when you got it?” Dabi then asks Aizawa and the man frowns. “I did. I couldn’t crack it.” Tomura grins at the words and chuffs with pride for his partner. Dabi rolls his eyes at the older man but doesn’t hide the small grin he’s wearing himself. They are well aware that the hero in front of them was Nedzu’s personal student and they are feeling just a little bit smug that their greenhaired analyst has once again one-upped the rat.

“Shochan said he’d be willing to go by the convenience store for some food stock up. Anyone want anything?” Himiko suddenly pokes her head into the kitchen fully confident before feeling struck when she spots the hero. “Oh.” Her eyes dilate a little before looking to Tomura for answers. “Keigo sent him to pass a message through. Izuku’s cracking the code downstairs.” He explains simply and Dabi scoffs, bringing her attention to him. She smiles mischievously. “Auww is someone upset it’s not a horny love letter?” He flips her off. “Aren’t you supposed to be playing maid? It’s your turn to clean the bathroom.” He reminds her smugly and she scowls in disgust. “You boys are disgusting.”

“Chores are chores, we’ve all done it.” Tomura chimes in and she scowls at him too. “Wait until Sho learns that you stole his UA tracks again and did the bathroom cleaning in them.” Dabi pokes at her and she glares at him. “He said I can wear them! He doesn’t have any sentimental attachment to them and they are really comfy!” She defends herself. “Besides you act as if you don’t practically live in that Keigo’s awful looking jacket that you told him you burned when you really kept it to have the smell of him.” Their little squabbling match is interrupted by a poorly hidden snort of laughter and they both glare at Tomura who points directly at the hero at fault. Aizawa doesn’t even flinch at the looks they send his way. “Forgive me if it’s amusing to see Japan’s pronounced villain group squabbling like siblings.” Both don’t waste a moment to flip him off and Tomura cackles.

Izuku is done by the time that the team has tired out the hero. Reminding him or a certain 1st year class that similarly drove him to exhaustion on a daily basis. Shouta was holding himself back by a lot by not asking where the bi coloured haired boy was. They’d mentioned he was out but not what he was out doing. There were moments where he felt like he was intruding on their personal space, they had a private home life and somehow it felt wrong to be able to see it so casually. Though this was Shouta could imagine how Eri felt comfortable the days she spent with them. The way that they interact together reminds him of a sewn together family.

“So what does he say?” Tomura asks the moment that the greenette entered the room with his notebook. The coded book likely left behind in the office or burned to destroy the evidence. Izuku seemed unsure to answer with Shouta in the room but decided before Shouta could stand to leave. “ The Meta Liberation Army has a large following and each of their members are trained warriors. They number 116,516 civilians and a couple of heroes. 90% of Deika city houses them and their numbers and following are growing .” Dabi whistles low. “sh*t. Stain could’ve at least given a bigger heads up.” He grumbles and Izuku winces as he immediately glances at Shouta, clearly not wanting the hero to know that . Shouta raises a brow at the fact that the boy is in contact with a serial killer but doesn’t press. It’s frankly none of his business, clearly.

“They’re revving up their preparations to make their mark on society in four months. They have something big planned.” Izuku adds as he seems to be reading through his notes. “Finally, Keigo was able to give some names of the high ranked leaders under the Great Commander. Chikazoku Tomoyasu, code name: Skeptic. He is a board member at Feel Good Inc. Hanabata Koku, code name: Trumpet, a politician, leader of Hearts and Minds Party. And Kizuki Chitose, code name: Curious. She is the executive director of Shoowaysha publishing, in charge of the republication of The Meta Liberation War, Destro’s book.” Izuku takes a heavy breath at the end of the information load before joining his partner on the couch. Tomura hums and Izuku hands over his notebook for the man to read.

“Ok. Let’s background search these leaders.”

“By that you mean me.” Izuku huffs with a smile and Tomura kisses his cheek. “That’s right, bunny.” Izuku shoves at his boyfriend playfully receiving another kiss as Himiko and Dabi simultaneously turn to Shouta quietly observing the room and wordlessly bring the team's attention to him. He raises his hands placatingly. “I get it. I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

“Not if you can be useful.” Dabi comments and Shouta raises a brow at him. “You’re an underground hero, you have contacts with vigilante’s. Someone has got to have heard or even joined the MLA. You could get that info.”

“Dabi would do it himself except he has a short fuse lately.” Izuku adds to that and Shouta is surprised that the greenette is open to the concept. His partner on the other hand looks doubtful which is fair enough but Shouta will take this possible olive branch for what it is. He did once tell Magne he would help the boy out if he ever got the chance.

Shouta nods. “I’ll see what I can find out.” Izuku thanks him with a bow of his head, Dabi just huffs seemingly content. “I can make time to see the bird again if there’s anything you want me to pass on.” He offers and the group smiles as they all look at their resident spiky haired grump. The man huffs again before standing up and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Give me a minute.” He mumbles before leaving the room and Shouta smiles softly at his retreating figure. “Are you surprised?” Izuku asks softly and Shouta shakes his head.

“Not really. Though I am surprised that Hawks has someone invested in this. He didn’t strike me as a hidden family type of guy.” Tomura snorts as he tightens his arm around the greenette and Izuku leans into his boyfriend. “Then you don’t know him well enough.”


Keigo grinned when he saw a certain hero calling him back. “Eraser! How did you like the book?”

‘Very educational.’ The man deadpans and Keigo chuckles, watching his landing as he perches on a streetlamp. ‘I have some notes regarding it. Think you have time tomorrow?’ The underground hero suggests and Keigo smiles softly to himself. “Yeah, tomorrow’s my day off.” Normally those would be the days he would try to reach out to Dabi, but recently… he doesn’t want them finding him. He doesn’t want them finding the family he slowly found himself in. The League may have their own plans regarding the MLA, but Keigo did not want them caught and exposed before they were ready to be revealed.

He’s glad that Izuku managed to crack the code. He just wishes he could do more.

‘Good. Same time, same place.’ Keigo makes a sound of affirmation and the call ends.

He stays perched on that streetlamp a little longer, thinking of a certain spiky ravenette, before making his way back to his penthouse apartment. That place stopped being a home after he understood what waking up in the arms of your lover feels like.

He won’t be going home for a while still.

He didn’t expect to be handed a pack of post-it’s the moment he sat down, the underground hero simply sipped his coffee.. “What happened to the book?” Keigo mutters as he starts curiously picking at the notes and Eraserhead shrugs. “I lent in to someone and they didn’t seem to appreciate it all that well.” Keigo grins, it got burned. Either by Izuku to destroy evidence or Dabi burned it once it served its purpose in a grumpy fit. “The Meta Liberation War is not for everyone.” He says matter of factly and the hero grunts in agreement. Eraserhead looks down at the notes that Keigo is now holding on too sweetly. He recognises that handwriting anywhere. The notes aren’t from Izuku as he would have suspected. They are still coded of course, but his heart flutters at the thought that Dabi has been writing to him on notes and remembering to keep it in code in case he’d have a chance to give them.

“Right. Well I’ve got a kid to teach.” Eraserhead announces as he stands and finishes his cup of coffee in one gulp. “ Text me if you have any more book recommendations.” Keigo grins at the emphasis at the start, it seems the hero doesn’t want to have another feather pierced in his wall. “Sure thing.” He winks and the older hero rolls his eyes. “And thank you.” He adds in a softer tone but the hero understands completely, waving him off kindly.

Without any other partings he flies straight to the highest part of the city to read his love notes in peace. He knew he might cry and didn’t want to do that in front of anyone, but the thought that the commission employed maid might find them in his apartment was far worse to imagine.

He read them all, one by one. The little moments that Dabi thought of him or comments or complaints regarding the team. Just little everyday things that they used to share and then the soft notes that broke his heart. The hidden ‘I love you ’s and ‘I miss you ’s.

Keigo lets his tears drip down his face as the emotion overwhelms him, trying to fight himself not to go over there as he flies over the city instead.


Eraserhead pov has upgraded itself to intertwine with the League, Hawks's pov does that too.
I enjoy placing these little tidbits in, how their relations evolved....

anyhew... Next chapter a new pov once again!!

Chapter 32


Patrol lines through Deika city are taken off the roster as the Meta Liberation Army makes a move.


.... I felt bad for posting a chapters regularly to not doing so....
I'm writing up the ending and I want to write that whole chunk in one go without posting so that I can get it perfect so it might take some time after this one but IT'S ON IT'S WAY!!

I also have uni exams coming so i don't have lots of time to write these days



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Sir. I might have something worth you taking a look at.” Skeptic tells him once he’s the last one left in the online board meeting. Rikiya sighs heavily, feeling his stress starting to bottle up at this new unexpected addition to his evening. He was supposed to be done with this tiresome day. “In regards to what?” He asks his fellow leader and the man shares his screen to show their latest follower. The hero Hawks. Rikiya sighs heavily once again. “What am I looking at?” Irritation swimming under his skin. The man is fast to deliver the answer and the image switches to one that makes him boil. There is the hero, talking to a well known face. Dabi. “This is not a coincident relation.” Skeptic adds as he switches to another image in which a very familiar face is shown, even in the grainy footage. “The new security guard?”

“It would seem his name is not Roki, but Todoroki Shouto. The boy was kidnapped by the League four months ago and hasn’t been seen since.”

“Except we just spotted him with Dabi and Hawks who didn’t seem to be rescuing the kid.” Rikiya states the obvious. Dabi, who the whole world knew was actually the estranged son that was supposed to be dead, Todoroki Touya. The card that the League played when they confronted Endeavour. It wouldn’t be surprising to see the boy with him, they are brothers after all.

“Why didn’t we know this sooner?” He accuses the man and Skeptic scowls. That kid has been working in this very building for more than a month and never did they get a hint that his identity was false?

“Hawks never gave us any indication to look there. He was spotless till now.”

“So either he slipped up or there is an extremely reasonable explanation for this.” Rikiya announces and the man nods in understanding. “I will dig into it.”

“And be watertight about it. I don’t like being surprised, you know it’s not good for my stress condition.” He reminds the man before ending the call and sighing heavily once more, his quirk thrumming under his skin. He takes a couple more deep breaths before feeling himself relax, the quirk once more held at bay.

He then takes one more deep breath before logging onto his security system and looking for the young boy. It’s late, the end of the day and the boy should’ve been off shift half an hour ago. If he really is just a motivated worker he would’ve left by now and shouldn’t be found. If not… then they would need to keep a closer eye on him. Rikiya is somewhat surprised when he does find the boy but chatting and helping the UA engineer pack up her table and clean up for the end of her day. She has been doing better by leaving punctually but another engineer had warned him that she was on the brink of breaking through on a prototype they hadn’t managed to get right and that he would be allowing her to stay longer till she felt she’d done all she could. It was the only reason he wasn’t fuming in annoyance. Yet the boy didn’t have to be there for that. He watches the two teens interact for a while as the girl laughs and smiles at the boy while he just cleans up where he is told dutifully. If what Skeptic found about the boy’s identity is true, then the two of them likely knew each other from UA. She might have even provided support items for him. It was all feeling too coincidental for him and he didn’t like being caught in the dark. If the boy really still is with the League, then they have a possible mole in their system and it’s not the one Rikaya thought it would be.


‘Hawks. You’re not scheduled for a check in, what is it?’ The monotone voice of his handler greets him. He rolls his eyes as he looks down at the city below him. Deika City, one the commission recently promoted to him to patrol, supposedly influenced by a member of the MLA within the system.

“I saw something curious in my patrol routes and wanted to know if it had been a mistake or not.” Hawks simply says nonchalantly. He can hear the president on the other side click away at the screen in front of her to understand what he’s on about. It’s still a while before he gets a response. ‘It seems our systems have been infiltrated. I suggest you ask your new superiors.’ That’s what he thought, he doesn’t say anything else and ends the call. It’s too early for the MLA to be moving forward with their plan, so why was he taking off the Deika city patrol routes?

He scrolls through his contacts and clicks on the contact of a fellow hero within the army. ‘Hawks!’ The hero answers overjoyed, hiding his absolute surprise no doubt. Keigo had met the hero only on one other occasion but had made sure to get his contact details, it's always good to know which heroes have betrayed their duties. Not that he has much to say of course, but he’s playing triple agent. “Slidin’ Go, hey, just calling in. I’m simply wondering if you’ve noticed a change in our patrol in the city?” Hawks plays his double face and the hero on the other side replies enthusiastically. ‘Oh, that! Yeah, the bosses said they want to keep attention off of the area.’ That peaks his interest. “Oh really? For what?”

‘I’m not sure, it’s not really in my place to question.’ He answers with less enthusiasm and Hawks gets the drill to back off. “Right, yeah, of course. Well it’s good to know it’s not due to something bad.” He chuckles it off and the other hero laughs on his end. “Right, well thanks, man. Have a good day.” Hawks hangs up the call and stays on his perch above the city. Looking down at the movement below. His shift for today would be the same, likely at the end of the day he would get a message telling him his duty is no longer needed in the area and he’ll have to find out why.

It’s around lunch when he finishes his shift and spots a familiar head of red and white. He can’t help himself and he flies in closer but only approaches him away from the lunch crowd to avoid being swarmed. One of his wings curls around the boy and Shouto doesn’t flinch at the sudden touch. “You two really are desperate. I’ll tell you what I told him, I will not be your go between.” Keigo laughs and shrugs, retreating his wing. “That’s fine Sho, Eraser has unknowingly volunteered himself for that role.” Shouto raises his brow at the hero and Keigo laughs again. The boy clicks his tongue when understanding washes over him, a small smile blooms over his face then and Keigo almost beams. The smile is all so familiar to the man he loves. “Just tell him I love him okay?” He says softly and Shouto jabs his elbow into his side. “Sure thing, lovebird.” Keigo gives him a small smile in thanks before snatching a piece of his lunch and flying off. He doesn’t miss the insult thrown at him. “f*cking seagull!” Yes, like big brother, like little brother, two peas in a pod.


Rikiya didn’t miss Hawks flying away from the city. The city in which they just let the registration pass to temporarily remove it from hero patrols, even the heroes following them. With the plan to potentially reach out to the League and further than plan their efforts for their plan in four months time they thought it better that no heroes occupied the area watchfully. With no heroes in the area, no estranged fans will come in either to potentially catch a whiff of what they are building up. While now it seems the League had been itching closer to them without provocation and Rikiya didn’t like that thought.

He planned to offer a fusing of a kind, partnering their ideals and using their new fame and attention to get his point across. Midoriya and Shigaraki gained the respect of many that rejected his ideals, if he were to work alongside them or even make it seem that way, the remaining people would flock to them and they would have a large army to overthrow the current hero tyrannical system. It would be stupid to go forth with their original plan without factoring them in in some way, yet it seems they didn’t have such courtesy.

“Sir, Chikazoku-san is here. He has something important to discuss with you.” Rikiya’s assistant interrupts his gaze over his city. “Let him in.” He tells her and she scurries off to do exactly that, such a skittish woman. He’s only lost control once around her, most of them would run after that, yet she insisted she needed the job so she stayed. He’s done his best since to mediate his control, for her sake and the people she provides for.

“Boss.” Skeptic greets him and Rikaya turns around from the view to the man. Skeptic simply holds a screen before him, showing him some new security footage. This time of the hero and the boy. “They clearly know each other.”

“Which means we have two loose ends and either one could be a mole.” Rikiya grumbles and Skeptic types away on his computer before pulling something else up. “The League likely planted him on purpose. Hawks on the other hand is where the confusion lies. They could of course know each other through Endeavour or via UA.” Rikiya hums in thought at the theories. “Do you have any hard evidence to back this?”

“Todoroki did his work study at his fathers agency, Hawks dropped by during this period on numerous occasions. There is footage accounting to this and paperwork in which both agencies worked together during this timeframe.” Rikiya hums again, feeling his irritation dissipate with this logical reasoning. “So they know each other via hero work.” He repeats to himself, it’s a loose fitting excuse but he doesn’t like any other option. “What about the boy choosing to work here?”

“I took a look at that. Based on the paper trail of his assumed identity, I found he applied for multiple jobs in which he wouldn’t need to face or have any contact with people. Likely to avoid being recognised. In the end he received two job offers, one for a retail stock loader and our job offer. He took ours, seemingly because of the higher pay and the access to our training gym. From the logs I obtained that he visits the company gym on the regular and sticks to a rather strict training regimen. Likely not wanting to lose his UA progress even if he no longer seems to want to be in heroics.” Rikiya hums. “Then we’ll just have to ask him.”


Rikiya paid Skeptic no mind as he made his way down to where the boy would be stationed at this hour, unless he’s having his lunch break which would be entirely possible. Luckily for him, he spots the boy at the back entrance coming in from outside with a bag of take-out lunch as he’s texting with his other hand. “Roki-kun. Just the young man I was looking for.” He announces himself to the boy who straightens up immediately at the attention and pockets his phone. So polite.

“Say, are you a big fan of Hawks?” Rikiya asks the boy joyfully and Todoroki shrugs, looking much colder than he had been only a moment ago and clearly a little surprised at the line of questioning but not by much. “Eh, not really but he’s chill I guess.” Rikiya hums.

“How are you liking the job? Is it to your liking?” Todoroki raises a brow. “Do you ask all your employees that during their lunch hour?” He retorts and Rikiya fakes a laugh. Clever boy.

“Only the ones that seem to have caught a hero’s eye. You see it’s rare that Hawks comes down to greet civilians on the street, yet you just said you’re not much of a fan. So I'm simply curious as to why he seemed to approach you so friendly.” Rikiya shares and the boy takes a step back at the Rikiya’s invasion of his privacy. “I like to know all of what happens in this building and how my employers behave outside of it. I have an important reputation to uphold and I don’t like being bettered by insignificant underlings. I’m sure you understand.” Rikiya notes how the boy steels himself and smiles slightly at the movement. The boy seems to be choosing his next words carefully but a voice interrupts them both. “Roki?” The UA support engineer asks, suddenly confused by the aura in the hall between him and her boss. The boy turns to her with a soft smile and holds up the bag. “I got us lunch.” She nods unsure and steps forward to take it from him. Rikiya spots her quirk in action as she controls her eyes zooming in and out in confusion. He straightens his jacket and offers them both a smile. “I’ll leave you two to it then. Thank you for humouring me, Roki-kun. Carry on.”

Rikiya didn’t miss the steel eyed glare in his back. He entered the elevator with a grin.

They spent the next couple of days focusing on the boy. The whole team was on it. That boy would be a serious problem if they found any real connection to the League. It was easy to say that the group kidnapped him, but with the lack of any real concrete evidence that he had been seen with the group since. It could be said that they let him go, that Dabi is his brother could explain the meetings with the ravenette but it wasn’t anything sure. It was also still a mystery as to why the hero and the ravenette had been spotted together but that could also be explained away by a very old footage found in a bar in which the two were spotted being very friendly to each other. As one would with their tongue down someone else’s throat. They couldn’t blame the hero for who he took to bed, they could however blame him if he was giving out important information along with his dick.

His phone rings and he picks it up immediately. ‘Boss. My viewers have found something of interest.’ Curious tells him upon greeting and he bites back an impatient curse. The information gets sent through in the form of a text with an image attached. One that has his blood boiling. “How did you get this?”

‘We’ve been following him for days and finally on his day off he met up with the girl from UA in a cafe in downtown Tokyo. Where he bumped into Dabi and Midoriya, both were friendly to the girl after dropping the girl back off at the station they then all took the same train home presumably. We lost them on the train.’ He slams his fist against his desk in frustration. “This is an act of war.” He growls and he can hear Curious start to worry about his stress levels. ‘We don’t know if him taking this job was an intentional act. It could be purely coincidence.’ She tries to reason with him and he growls. “No. Midoriya is far too devious for that. This is an act of war and I can’t stand for it.”

‘So what do you want to do?’ She asks unwavering and he sits up straight in his chair as he clears his throat and tries to make a reasonable choice undetermined by anger. “Since the League wants to play games to get to us, so will we. Kidnap the boy. That will force them to confront us face to face.”

‘Remember what happened to the Shie Hassaikai. Midoriya and Shigaraki don’t take well to being forced into play.’

“Then we’ll round up the troops. If it comes down to a fight, we’ll overwhelm them. It is time those children get humbled.” Rikiya simply defends and she hums over the line. ‘I’ll let the others know.’ She eventually responds and Rikiya smiles to himself. “Good. Then see if some of your little helpers are willing to do the job that needs to be done.”

He’ll send a message to the League. Any mole in this house gets trapped and used as bait. The League’s members are just kids, faced before him he’ll remind them of that.


Keigo didn’t like what he was seeing as he arrived on the balcony of his flat.

“Dabi, you’re not supposed to be here. If we get caught—”

“Screw that.” He shoves a finger at the hero and it takes a moment for Keigo to spot the distressed look in his eyes. “Those bastards have crossed the line and they are going to pay for it.” He growls out. “What? Who? Dabi what happened?” Keigo tries to get concrete answers and Dabi scoffs. “They took my brother.” His eyes widen in understanding, his wings flare ready for flight but Dabi pulls him back by the arm.

“No. You’re not getting involved.” Keigo turns to him, offended. “Excuse me?” Dabi only holds on more tightly. “This was a move against us, it’s our fight. You have a job outside of this that’s got far more at risk. You need to stay out of it and let us handle it.”

“What?” Keigo repeats again, not liking these orders. “Trust us. Trust me.” Dabi insists and Keigo relaxes in his hold somewhat, folding his wings behind him. “Okay.” Of course he trusts the man and whatever Izuku has planned he’ll respect. Even if he doesn’t like it, even if his instincts are crying out to help the boy he started to call family.

Keigo pulls Dabi in for a hug instead and the ravenette returns it immediately, falling apart in his arms. “I missed you Kei.” Dabi whispers in their hug, lifting his head out of it to kiss the hero softly. “I missed you too. I’m sorry it’s come to this. I’m sorry Shouto got involved.” Keigo whispers between breaths and Dabi only kisses him more. Anything else they wanted said, shared simply in their soft touches.


Next chapter is a pov we haven't seen a looooong time... ;)

Chapter 33


All might has a run in with his old protege who seems to be in distress and offers his advice.
Unbeknownst to the young boy, throughout the talk, the hero’s guilt heals.


All Might Pov is back, I realised I haven't had his pov since the first couple of UA chapters.... wow... its been a long ride...

Anyhew, I got the ending chunk written out so I'll start posting chapters regularly again. Now I only gotta write the epilogue chapters (I have three lined off to round it all off)

Thank you so much to everyone that has been reading since the beginning and the ones that tagged along for the ride!! You're support is really motivating!! <3 <3

Enjoy the chapter!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Since that day on the roof where his protege had run away from him, Toshinori had accepted that he’ll never get to speak to the boy again. He’d failed the boy and if this would be his punishment he’d been prepared to live with it.

He hadn’t been prepared to crash into the boy with tears rolling down his eyes in clear distress. It was a familiar sight, young midoriya had always been known to him as a crier. Yet now it felt out of place and brought him worry.

“Pardon me, Oji-san.” The boy dutifully apologies before continuing to run. Except Toshinori doesn’t let him this time and grabs him by the arm. “Hold on there, shounen.” The old honorific slips out of his mouth and Izuku turns to him in confusion, his other hand using his sleeve to wipe away his tears. “You don’t look so good. Can I treat you to some tea?” He offers the boy kindly and Izuku sniffs, wiping another tear away. Toshinori sees the doubt written all over the greenette’s face, he’s not sure it's a good idea but Toshinori doesn’t want to let him go until he’s sure that he’ll be alright and right now he’s clearly not. “I know a small place, barely gets any customers. It’ll be private and quiet.” He tries to reassure the boy and in the end Izuku nods. Toshinori lets go of his arm and Izuku immediately tucks it into his very large hoodie. The hood on him looks far larger than his figure which has the blond believing that it likely belongs to Shigaraki.

Toshinori had only come out that morning for some groceries while Shouta and Eri had decided to go to the park to see if they could socialise her somewhat with another hero kid around her age. Both kids had similar situations now and it might do both some good to have a friend that understood. That to say that he definitely hadn’t expected to run into his old mentee and especially not to find him in tears.

Toshinori held the door for the greenette when they arrived at the tea place he had suggested and just as he had promised, it was secluded and hidden. He discovered it back in his hero days when he just wanted to get a tea and would transform moments before entering. He was grateful that the woman who owned it never confronted him if she ever connected the dots, only continued to treat him simply as one of her regulars.

“Yagi-san, your usual?” The woman greeted him and he nodded kindly before gesturing to Izuku. “And the same for him.” He added and Izuku didn’t protest, only allowed himself to be led to a table by the window on the other side of the shop. It gave a good view to the door so that the greenette could see anyone entering, Toshinori didn’t miss the way the greenette had been scanning the room for all possible exits if the need arose. Shouta would be proud.

He cleared his throat after a long moment of silence, which was only momentarily interrupted by their orders arriving at the table. Izuku took a careful sip of his tea before relaxing somewhat. “This is my favourite tea.” He whispers and Toshinori chuckles. He knew that but the boy didn’t remember. “It’s mine too.” It was one of the things fanboy Izuku was surprised to find out when they got close. It wasn’t something known to the public or asked about in interviews so they boy could have never known before.

“I know who you are. You probably know who I am too. Why are you being so nice?” Izuku immediately asked for the obvious and Toshinori chuckles again. It’s more nervous this time as he clearly can’t give the whole truth without scaring the boy. “I’m a hero, even retired I can’t look away from a civilian in distress. Besides, Shouta-kun is quite fond of you.”

Izuku raises a curious brow at the name. “Shouta-kun?” Toshinori clears his throat, sputtering as he does so and Izuku frowns at the blood. “Sorry, Aizawa-kun.” At the name he recognises Izuku grins and ducks his head. “So you’re her other dad.” Toshinori smiles at the title and nods proudly. Izuku’s grin turns to a frown when his eyes catch on the bloodied napkin. “Is that due to an injury?”

“I lost my stomach in a fight 9 years ago.” Toshinori tells him honestly and Izuku gawkes disturbed. Toshinori waves him off. “It’s an old wound, I just learn to live with it. It’s easier now that I have retired from heroics and I don’t push my body as much.” Izuku hums. “I’m assuming Recovery Girl has done all she can?” Toshinori nods as understanding washes over him. Izuku is analysing the situation to find him a solution.

“Eri could probably learn to fix that. If she gets an idea on how the body’s anatomy and organ system works, she could probably rewind on the internal wounds.”

“She’s six.”

“Seven now and she’s smarter than you give her credit for.” Izuku retorts and Toshinori sighs heavily. They both leave it there. Izuku gained a lot more confidence then he ever had when the blond knew him and that thought alone has him prodding back to the moment that started this. “What happened?” Izuku lifts his head from where he was sipping at his tea and sighs. “I put my best friend in danger and now… the team is falling apart, they’re all fighting about what we should do next and I’m supposed to have all the answers and all I can think about is that I kept him in that position. The moment I knew he was in a dangerous position I left him there thinking it would be helpful, he agreed, he went of his own volition but… I should've kept a closer eye out. I underestimated them and now they’ve got him and I don’t know how to get him back without them hurting him.

Toshinori coughs into his tea, not expecting that and Izuku regards him a little self conscious. He apologies immediately and clears his throat. “If he knew what he was getting into, you can’t blame yourself for what happened.” Izuku looks up at him with those wide eyes that the blond knows so well and he smiles softly. “I’m assuming we’re talking about Todoroki-kun?” Izuku nods. “Then take a deep breath. Todoroki-kun trained to be a hero, that means he trained to be in a hostage situation as a test for his peers. He’ll be okay while you figure out how to get him back.” Toshinori tells him simply and Izuku looks surprised at his words, Toshinori just smiles back. “That’s a very level headed answer.” Izuku remarks and he just sips his tea. “I may not have thought like that as a hero, but I learned a lot as a teacher.” Izuku snorts at the irony but the blond can see the little gears in his head wiring with possibilities again. “You’re not a horrible friend for taking your time to do this right. The fact that your panicking shows how much you care. Your team will see that but everyone deals with panic in different ways.” Izuku hums as if he understands entirely what he means and Toshinori once again can see his student before him. They are the same boy of course, but the differences are eerie. “You are strangely wise, I just thought you were a loud hero with a stupid grin.” Toshinori coughs in his tea again. “You should really be careful.” The greenette chastises him as he pats his back from across the table and Toshinori coughs again before thanking him. He regains his composure before deciding to listen to the boy and pushes his tea out of the way for a moment. “I smile to trick the fear inside of me.” He tells the boy and Izuku’s eyes widen. “It was something I learned from my teacher. ‘No matter how scared you are, you should smile to show things will be ok.’.” Izuku scoffs under his breath. “And to think I used to smile to hide my suffering.” Toshinori rubs uncomfortably at his cheek. “I wouldn’t suggest that to be healthy. But in a moment of imminent danger, smiling can simply trick the fear and panic inside you and reassure those around you that nothing is lost, yet.” Izuku looks up at him curiously.

“Do you know who took him?” He suddenly asks and the greenette nods confidently. “Do you know where they are keeping him?” He nods again.

“Can you get the details regarding the place, number of exits, windows etc?” The greenette rolls his eyes but nods again and so Toshinori smiles. The meaning is clear that he doesn’t have to say it and Izuku grins understanding completely.

Neither stands up for a moment as Izuku seems torn to ask him something. “Who was Deku to you?” Toshinori goes quiet for a moment as he thinks it over, Shouta had mentioned that he’s talked about Deku with the boy on that roof months ago. It doesn’t surprise him that much that the boy asks now. “He was my protege, my personal student.” Izuku seems curious at what that entails but doesn’t push further so instead Toshinori continues. “But even so, I never looked deeper into his life, never stepped further than the simple bond we had and I will forever regret that.”

“So you feel guilty?” The greenette summarises a little untrusting and Toshinori shakes his head. “No, not anymore. I feel regretful and I feel like I failed him.”

“So why did you help me?” Toshinori chuckles. “I’m sure you’ve heard it before but you remind me of him. So in a way I guess it felt I owed it to him, it’s the least I could do.” Izuku frowns curiously but doesn’t ask further.

“I’m sure he’d forgive you. He doesn’t sound like he’d hold much of a grudge.” Izuku tells him softly after a beat and Toshinori nods. “I know he would but he was too good that way, he could have learned a thing or two from you.” Toshinori chuckles to himself and Izuku quirks a brow not understanding the irony. A sudden ringing of a phone breaks them out of the small bubble they created around themselves. Izuku’s gaze turns soft at the name displayed on the screen before picking it up.

“Hi.” He answers softly and Toshinori looks away to allow the boy a sense of privacy. “I just needed some fresh air, I’m not far.” He hums a couple of times to what the person he’s calling is saying, each hum stronger and more confident. “I’ll see you soon. I love you too.” The call ends with an audible click and Izuku shuffles to stand before bowing his head to the blond in thanks. “Thank you for the tea and the advice, Oji-san.” Toshinori waves him off. “Nonsense, it was my pleasure, shonen.” Izuku raises his head after a beat and straightens up. “Before I go. Can I ask you one more thing?” The blond nods and Izuku looks away. “Why did you visit my mother?”

Toshinori doesn’t show his surprise and doesn’t hesitate to answer. “To understand you.” The answer doesn’t seem to be the one the boy was looking for but it seems to be enough so he nods and bows his head again before leaving. Leaving a tip on the counter for the owner.

“You were gone long?” Shouta-kun remarks when he arrives back home and toes off his shoes at the entrance before picking up the bags again and bringing them to the kitchen. “I ran into Izuku.” He simply says and Eri peeks up at the name from where she’s working on the table. Shouta turns to him expectedly and Toshinori smiles. “He was clearly upset, we talked and it helped.” Shouta quirks a brow. “Why do I feel like more happened?”

“Because it was so much more for me, but for him, it was just that.” Shouta crosses his arms and leans back against the counter. “What was it for you then?”

“Healing.” Shouta grins and nods. “I wanna see Zuku!” Eri calls out from her homework and both men share a look. “Finish your homework first, Eri. You’ll wanna be clever and smart by the time you see him next.” Shouta calls back out to her and she makes a sound of agreement. They both smile at that before Toshinori decides he should probably update the underground hero about the tidbit of information he did learn from the boy. He gestures his head for them to talk in the hall away from the seven year old and Shouta follows in understanding. “Izuku did mention something that you may want to keep an eye for. Someone kidnapped Todoroki-kun.” Shouta curses and Toshinori nods solemnly. “He was very distraught and I found him in tears.”

“They were close before, it would be no shock to me that they’d get close again.” Shouta mumbles. “I’m sure they’ll get him back, but whatever the consequences that follow or whatever they got involved in…”

“I’ll keep an eye and ear out.” Toshinori nods in thanks and Shouta pats him on the shoulder. “Feeling better?” He asks knowingly and the blond nods truthfully. “It was good to be able to help him now.”

“And to see him too?” He nods again and Shouta smiles softly. “He is very different yet… you can clearly see Deku in him.” They’d gotten to calling his former self Deku since… it was the name he’d picked for himself back then. “He asked about him. About Deku.” Toshinori mumbles and Shouta looks up intrigued. “I wonder if the quirk of his retained that version of him, like it did with the vestiges and me.” He continues and Shouta looks like he wants to interrupt. Of course all of the staff knew about One for All, they just didn’t quite know about the vestiges… only Nedzu. “Vestiges?”

“Previous holders. Their essence remained present in the quirk even after it passed on.” Toshinori explains and Shouta looks somewhat disturbed at the idea that Izuku had voices living in his head. “If the quirk is dormant, likely the vestiges are too…” He adds to placate the man and Shouta does not look reassured. “You think he might be asking about Deku because he recognises the presence of the boy?”

“I don’t know. But it could be that Deku still lives in Izuku’s subconscious.”

“I need coffee.” Shouta sighs heavily at the information and Toshinori chuckles. “I’ll keep an eye out for their movements.” He promises the blond and Toshinori thanks him. He may have managed to heal the part of him that needed to help his old student out but he could always do more. He’ll help Shouta in any way he could that may help the League. It’s clear now to him that Izuku is no different now than he was before, he’s still a child, he still needs help from time to time. And even as a retired hero, he’s not done meddling.


some good ol' Izuku and All Might bonding.
(btw at this point in time, they never learned about the vestiges together they never got that far)

Next chapter back to the League!!

Chapter 34


Izuku and Tomura meet up with RE-destro to get Shouto back.
That is the plan.... or so it seems.


For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you might've seen a snippet of this chapter that I posted as I was writing it because I was hella proud of that one bit ;)


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dabi was stone faced when he returned from Keigo’s place. He was the one to receive the note from the Meta Liberation Army implying that they’d taken Shouto not wanting the spy to leave the premises. If they wanted Shouto back, they’d have to make an appointment and discuss terms of release with the Grand Commander, Re-Destro.

Izuku was the one who sent him to Keigo, knowing that it would help. He didn’t want to make it business immediately, but they were getting Shouto back and they needed the hero to stay out of the way. Izuku had a plan and the hero needed to respect his position in it, Dabi made sure to get that point across for him.

“What’s all that, bunny?” Tomura asked him as Izuku gathered up all which he collected till now. He got all he needed. He was done. “It’s everything regarding the project with Keigo.”

Tomura widened his eyes. “Since when were you done?”

“A couple of days ago. I’ve been trying to get in contact with that hacker friend of mine since.” Izuku tells him as he scans in his notes and final pieces before dragging them all onto three sticks and downloading it to two external harddrives and sending it on to two alternative contacts. Backup files are always a must. Tomura turns Izuku’s chin up to him and Izuku halts his movements to look at his partner. “Relax bunny. We’ll get him back.”

Izuku didn’t cry when they learned the news. He was in control of his emotions the whole time but he felt the tears in the corners of his eyes, he always has. And with Tomura’s caring and understanding eyes looking at him, those tears burst free. Tomura was right there to catch him as he lost his balance and held him as he cried out. “We need to get him back. We need to get him b-back.” He croacked over his words, his voice breaking with the strength of his tears.

“We’ll get him back, bunny. If it’s the last thing we do.”

It was the biggest fight they’d ever had as a team. The fact that Tomura demanded Izuku needed a day to rest and process before they would go storming in to get Shouto. Izuku knew what had happened but he hadn’t been allowed to be a part of it. Tomura had insisted that he’d cave and the man wasn’t willing to risk Izuku’s health over anyone.

Dabi wasn’t happy about it and the others were conflicted.

When Izuku returned after Tomura announced him missing, the team had cooled down. It was clear then to Dabi that this wasn’t easy on Izuku either, it was a difficult situation and unlike with Eri there were too many factors at risk. They had to be smart. Izuku didn’t mention who he’d bumped into, in the long run that wasn’t important. What was important was getting Shouto back.

Izuku had expected that the simple note announcing the kidnapping would not be all. The fact that they’d been asked to book an appointment yet not give them any further details made it clear that they wouldn’t be in control. Even so they were on the border of the city when they got the call.

“Re-destro I presume?” Izuku picked up and Tomura went tense beside him. They were suited up, all of them, in their gear. They were ready for a fight, but first they needed to get the ex-hero student out and hand him a black version of his hero suit. Izuku knew that if the worst was to come the boy would need the right gear to defend himself. He may not want his hero suit to be that gear so Izuku took a peek at it and redesigned it. Giran took care of the rest.

‘Correct.’ The voice knows who he is so he doesn’t bother greeting him. “Are you calling regarding our appointment to get Todoroki back?” Izuku asks, controlling his tone to stay neutral, Tomura stays tense beside him but softly lets his finger trace Izuku’s other arm. ‘Not going to demand to hear from him? To plead not to hurt him?’ The voice asks mockingly, Izuku scowls. “I don’t need to. You wouldn’t hurt a 16 year old boy as a businessman, you can’t handle the scandal it would bring you. He’s Endeavor's son, he’s been abused enough wouldn’t you think?” The voice goes silent and Izuku knows he’s right.

“I know your objectives, Re-Destro. I read the book.” Izuku says after a beat and he can hear a breath hitch on the other side. Clearly the man had his speech ready. ‘Then I’m sure we can come to an agreement.’

“I’m sure we can. If you release Todoroki-kun.” Izuku negotiates and the man huffs on the other end. Clearly not happy that he has to negotiate at all.

‘You know where we are. We’ll discuss this in the safety of my office.’ The call ends there. Izuku gazes up at his partner and Tomura nods grimly back at him, getting his own phone out and updating the team on their movements. “Stand by. Stick to your positions. If you get any trouble, text it via code. The moment we have Shouto we’ll send him your way Compress.” The call ends there and Izuku looks back at him as he comes back round and kisses Izuku passionately. “It ends today and then we’ll go home.” He promises and Izuku nods firmly before kissing him back.

The city is empty. They knew that already, Re-Desro for all he was was decent enough to make sure any non Liberation civilians would be evacuated and out of harm's way. “Quite in the suburbs when you think about it.” Tomura comments as they walk through the streets hand in hand. If one of his hands is occupied they look less dangerous. Izuku squeezes the hand softly. “It's a clever ruse, no one would think anything sinister would go on in a suburban city.” Izuku hums.

They don’t pause at the bottom of the tower and the doors simply open for them. The building itself is empty as well. Entirely deserted. Likely moved or spread around the perimeter of the city to avoid unwelcome guests.

Izuku gasps when the elevator opens at the highest floor and right in front of him is Shouto tied to a chair looking more bruised than Izuku would have thought. Tomura growls announcing their arrival. “You bastard.” Izuku holds him back and the man standing before them, Yotsubashi Rikiya, grins at Tomura’s reaction. “I never said I wouldn’t hurt him. Midoriya just implied it wouldn’t be smart of me to do so. Considering what I’m capable of, I would like to think he got off lightly.” Izuku lets go of Tomura with a warning look and the man chuckles. “I did wonder what your dynamic was.” Izuku doesn’t like the tone and implication but doesn’t react to it. “Ungag him.” He demands instead and the man doesn’t seem to like that tone. “I don’t think you’re in the position to make demands.”

“I would like to differ.” Izuku snaps back. “How strong is that chair, Shouto?” The boy makes a humming noise before falling back on the wooden chair, hard and breaking it on impact. He shuffles a little out of the remnants of it before limping slightly over to them and gesturing to his quirk suppressing cuffs. Tomura makes quick work of them before Shouto turns back to his previous captor. “I’m a former hero student. I know how to get out of a hostage situation. I was just waiting for back-up.” The man bristles but otherwise doesn’t flinch. “Well, I only needed your leaders. I have no further use for you anyhow.”

“Good. Shouto, call your brother.” Izuku tells him and while Yotsubashi-san doesn’t outright object, he seems displeased. Shouto does too but he trusts Izuku, so he leaves.

When the elevator doors close everyone tenses again. “Ready to talk?”

“That depends. Is this going to result in a list of reasons why we should let you exploit our name for your gain?” The man scoffs. “Goodness no. Though your League of Vigilante’s as the people are now calling you, is getting far too popular for our tastes. It would be a better decision for us to merge instead.” Tomura scoffs. “You want to get rid of us but you know that if word gets out they’ll be an uprising that you can’t afford to have. One out of your control.” The man bristles but doesn’t outright correct him.

“When superpowers first appeared, it was chaos. People across the planet had to find peaceful ways to adapt to a new reality Eventually an ideology started evolving around the metahumans. Not Quirk suppression but liberation. Many believed the liberation of meta abilities was a natural right. Especially the man that called himself Destro. The man that would destroy the present.” Yotsubashi looks at Izuku in utter rage at the fact that he’s the one telling the story of his own history. Tomura just watches as Izuku manages to control the speed of his rambling. “After they failed in doing what they wanted to accomplish he wrote a book in prison before commiting suicide. When he left this world, he had no idea he had a child. An heir. You’re a descendant of that child, aren’t you?”

“You seem to know a lot.” The man grumbles, clearly not liking that all his history was that easily laid bare. Izuku frowns. “I know that the ideology of the liberation army hasn’t changed to this day. If you bring forth what he wanted back then, you’ll only revert back to chaos. There is a way to do this cleverly and without upheaving the system as it is.”

“Are you attempting to tell me you have such a plan?” The man mocks and Izuku stands tall. “I would only divulge that information to an ally. You may think of me as a child, Yotsubashi-san, but I’m not an idiot.” The man hums and Tomura stretches his back, his shoulders cracking as he does so. Yotsubashi ignores him and looks firmly at Izuku, they always do, no matter who they’re up against. They only ever assume that Izuku is worth talking to, it makes Izuku’s blood boil but Tomura always reassures him that it works in their favour each time.

The man starts another story. The same one that the whole liberation army bases itself on, but from another angle. “Once there was a woman who gave birth to a child with a meta ability. This was back when people still had prejudices about them, when the world was in chaos, she pleaded to society on behalf of her offspring. Afterall he couldn’t be blamed for how he was born. ‘Please, make this a world where my child can live freely.’ I guess in your case, your mom pleaded in a world where society changed against your kind. You likely can’t really relate to this.” He jabs for no reason at all and Izuku doesn’t react. He’s not necessarily wrong except Inko didn’t defend him.

“I still know my history. I know they dug up her appeal when they were reforming the political system to establish order again. They adopted the term quirks and said they were natural. It changed how people thought. Though I’m sure you have more to say.” The man grumbled and huffed but as predicted picked up where Izuku left off. “Yes. In actuality the political measures that were implemented suppressed meta abilities more than ever. It was freedom in name alone. Destro said ‘This is not what my mother would have wanted.’ as his descendant, it's my duty to fulfil his revolution.” Izuku watches as the man’s hand goes steadily browner and slightly grows with his frustration no doubt. “I’m assuming this is your way of saying you won’t be deterred from your revolutionary line.” Tomura chimes in and the man grumbles. “No. I won’t.”

“Then I’m afraid we won’t find common ground.” Izuku tells him before jumping right into Tomura’s arms. It’s a split second move but he’d kept an eye on the man’s stress factor showing in his hand. It grew three times the size in seconds and made a move to whack them straight out of the window, missing narrowly but blowing the windows out. “Shouldn’t have picked a fight, buddy.” Tomura sneers at him while Izuku holds on tightly to him. “You won’t win this one.” Yotsubashi looks at them with a split second of fear before Tomura’s hand comes down to the ground and the building decays around them.

Izuku laughs upon their landing and Tomura kisses him to shut him up. “Now’s not the time to laugh, bunny.”

“We survived the fall from a 40 story building!” Izuku giggles and Tomura rolls his eyes. “I love you, bunny.”

“Love you too, Tomuchan.” Izuku retorts before their third wheel groans from afar. “Guess he made it too. I wonder how much stress he let go off.” Tomura raises a brow at that but really he shouldn’t, Izuku gave him a rundown on the man’s quirk.

“It seems I underestimated you.” The man growls as a shadow falls over them and Tomura grabs onto Izuku and jumps them back a distance away. It's something no one ever asks, not even on the team. Izuku has trained them all on various things, no one ever questions what Izuku and Tomura did in their year off. While Tomura may say Dabi is his masterpiece, Izuku disagrees. He took special care with the man he loves.

“I’m a man who bottles up anger, it's a disaster for my hairline I’m afraid.” The man grumbles as he stands up straighter, getting up from off his knees. “You’d believe in the saying ‘don’t judge a person by their quirk’ it's a good sentiment. But meta abilities have a direct connection to personality. In your case, your lack thereof makes you a little of a wildcard. You’re boyfriend, on the other hand, is dangerously predictable when it comes to his hands.” Tomura grins beside Izuku, still holding on tight. They have a wildcard up their sleeves, but there is no need to play it now. Not yet.

“I have done a lot of research on you as you likely did on us. But one thing that truly amazes me is you control even when under a torment of stress needed to fuel your quirk. Many start to panic when under so much stress, yet you find your power in it. Is that why you are talking to us in a calculated manner? So that you control the amount of stress you use at any occasion? How destructive is it?” Izuku dangerously prods at the bear and the man growls loudly before grinning maniacally. Tomura pulls away from him. “Bunny, go.”

“I’m not leaving you.” Izuku stubbornly relents and Tomura doesn’t have any time left as he launches the green far away before standing strong to negate the attack directed at him. He can sense the surprise from his opponent and grins. “Your attacks are weaker if I catch them before they hit.” That only seems to spur the man on more as he throws attack after attack. Tomura dodges them all or stops them with a small touch of decay. Not once do the hits catch him and relay any backlash to his body. Izuku trained his quirk to perfect control, he helped him mature his emotions while using it and he helped him awaken it further. Tomura has no limits using decay and absolute control. The man before him may have done so as well, but when it comes to quirk power, he is unmatched.

Something blows up in the distance. Izuku can see the use of flames and ice on one end and an army of clones on the other. The team found the nest of Liberation Army soldiers.

It wouldn’t be long now then. Izuku had made sure that all the pieces were in place for the blow they’d land. If the Commission thought that Hawks was busy overseeing an interaction between the Meta Liberation Army and the League of Villains, they wouldn’t think there was something else at hand. The hero would be playing his part as spy overseeing both parties, he wouldn’t be flying over somewhere else to receive information only to redeliver it to the final destination.

The League only had to play distraction for long enough and the sign would be clear. He’d made sure of that. He’d made that promise to Tomura, it ends today.

Izuku watches as they deliver blows and blows to each other, each that Tomura dodges but Izuku still winces and flinches at each of them. Hating that in a fight of quirks he can’t help. When the man seems to lose any remaining patience he had, pods erupt from the ruins of the tower and close in on him as armour. Izuku’s attention snags on that as his brain immediately looks for new weaknesses. Tomura makes a small movement towards Izuku and the greenette knows what that means. He’s waiting on the analysis. They put their comms in when they stepped into the city so Izuku doesn’t have to scream the information out. “His stress overload likely has consequences on his body. He can’t hold the pressure for a long period so the support items help him gain stability. They likely give him extra power in case his stress fuel runs out. The weaknesses are in the joints as they always are in suits that come in parts, your best bet though is to decay the ground under him and have it follow through on the suit alone.”

“Anything else?”

“I love you. Be careful.” Tomura’s laughter rings through his ears and Izuku smiles over at him. The words are reciprocated even if they aren’t said.

Tomura does as advised and goes for the joints in the suit. Decay thrumming at his fingertips, he needs to get this guy incapacitated. He’s only a roadblock for what is to come, a hell of a distraction, but he won’t lose. Tomura can’t lose, he has plans with his bunny, promises to fulfil, he has to end this. “You really should have considered my analyst's offer.” Tomura snarls at the man as he itches closer.

“You wouldn’t have kneeled down for me. Your pride is too great.”

“It has nothing to do with pride. You know nothing of our stories, you know nothing of how we got here. But you’re right, we wouldn’t have kneeled down for you. We wouldn’t have become pawns.” He emphasises his words with a small touch of the suit, it goes crumbling around the large man and allows for a simple gap in time as the man looks utterly surprised at the control. Tomura can see it in the man's eyes. This is not the boy he had expected to fight. Tomura grins with pride and gestures smugly at the greenette who comes running by in a flash and who goes to punch at the pressure points now vulnerable. The man gasps at the light jabs before collapsing somewhat to the ground. His stress clearly recedes somewhat before he spots the greenette. He snarls. “You know nothing about how the world works! Your half baked ideals are a testament to that! I could never have allowed you to merge and gain a place in the leading ranks of the MLA even if I wanted you to merge with us!” His loud voice booms at them and Izuku remains unfazed at the tone and level of it. “We never wanted anything to do with you. But I wasn’t going to let you go through with your plan when I uncovered what you planned to do. Nothing good will come from a world ravaged by chaos.”

“WHAT WORLD DO YOU WANT TO CREATE?” The man asks, in desperation. Izuku notes though how his anger seems to be refuelling his quirk. The question is a courtesy as if they have one more chance to redeem themselves. The answer is a simple one that he will always stand by.

“One where kids like each one that forms the League, can grow up in peace. Can grow up without prejudice of their quirks, without being discriminated against for how they look. ONE WHERE A BOY WOULD NOT HAVE TOLD ME TO TAKE A SWAN DIVE OFF A ROOF JUST BECAUSE I WAS QUIRKLESS!” Izuku ends up screaming at the top of his lungs and the man’s eyes widen in utter shock. Surely the man would have looked at their backgrounds, knowing that Izuku was quirkless if he knew of Tomura’s past as a villain. Yet he seemed utterly baffled. Izuku feels the tears stream down his face at the words. He doesn’t hold a grudge against the kid who told him that, that doesn’t mean he will ever forgive that it happened. Katsuki shouldn’t have been raised to think that that was okay.

For a moment, everything stands still. Yotsubashi’s power leaks from him as he suddenly goes smaller. His anger fading away as understanding dawns on his face. Likely memories of his own childhood coming to the surface as he rehears the meaning behind the words of Destro’s mother. ‘Make a world where my child and his quirk can live in peace’. That is the message and meaning that was lost to time.

For a moment it looks like the fight is over. Izuku is ready to collapse in his boyfriend's arms again and kiss him silly before hitting him for being reckless with his limits. He always forgets he’s not immortal and all regenerating. For a moment they could all release a breath and see the end before them.

And then that moment ended.


The idea that Tomura can use decay from his feet is credit to @HotPotatoPotat on Twitter with his Shiggy-Endeavour Agency AU. (or maybe that's been circling around for a while but I was inspired from there)

I said to myself that once i finished this plotline the fic would be done... and here I am plotting to add a small fic after this to couple to Shigaraki Tomura Origins....
This story just won't let me go!

anyway... next chapter is the rest of the League pov and some extras

Chapter 35


Hawks patrols the skies for the inevitable fight
The league is spread around Deika city as backup and find themselves face to face with MLA leaders.
La Brava answered Izuku's call to help.


A lot of switching POV's in this chapter but it was necessary for the build up, much like the canon episodes they correlate too.

The La Brava and Izuku scenes in italic are flashbacks (in case that's difficult to read)


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hawks really should have guessed that it wasn’t a coincidence when his MLA handler (ironic isn’t it, exchanging one handler for another) ordered him to patrol the Deika City skies even if he’d been taken off the roster. Better him than a non MLA hero, likely so that no one on the outside would get involved in whatever they are planning.

He immediately understood why he was here when his wings caught the vibrations of a very familiar set of voices. Izuku and Tomura. ‘It's a clever ruse, no one would think anything sinister would go on in a suburban city.’ Hawks smiles to himself. That’s right, Izuku. Also a suburban city is likely to have a lower crime rate and so less patrolling hero’s that they can get away with, say, taking away patrol routes to cover up a big attack. The reason he is out here suddenly dawns on him. He’s likely the only hero in their midst that has power in the air and therefore out of reach of Tomura’s decay… they were really planning for a fight.

His handler, Skeptic, was clear about his orders. Circle the district around the tower, make sure anything that happens there is entirely contained and uninterrupted. So Hawks did just that, perching on the top of the tower for a moment to send a feather down to overhear the conversation inside. I didn’t seem to be going all too well.

A shiver ran down his spine and made him shoot for the sky when another feather registered something in the distance. It burned up, but the flame was ice cold…Dabi. Suddenly Hawks understood it all and realisation washed over him as he further understood how Izuku was going to turn this to their advantage.

It really shouldn't have surprised him when the tower went crumbling down. But he watched in shock at how from one moment to the next it cracked… and crumbled within itself. ‘HAWKS come in! WHAT IS GOING ON?!’ Skeptic frantically yells through his ears and Hawks winces. “The tower just went down. From what I can tell, the grand commander is alive as are Midoriya and Shigaraki.”

‘THE TOWER WENT DOWN? NO sh*t!’ The man yells back at him and Hawks sighs. “Some of my feathers I put around the city burned a couple of minutes ago. We have company, the couple didn’t come alone.” He reports back and the man doesn’t yell at him anymore. ‘Good. We have forces out there already, they’re geared up to hold them back.’

“I’m assuming my orders stay the same.” Hawks determines and the man doesn’t correct him. ‘Keep an eye on the situation and if needs be, make sure none of them die.’ The man gives him his final orders before the line crackles off. Hawks sighs heavily as he watches as Tomura jumps him and Izuku away from the larger growing man before Tomura rejoins the fight leaving Izuku at the side lines. Both Hawks and Izuku turn to the commotion in the distance as large flames poke out on the horizon, coupled by a strike of ice spikes. Dabi and Geten are at it then. What really surprises him is when he spots the distant army of Twice clones… he got over his trauma… Hawks laughs. “How on earth did you manage that, Izuku?” He asks absolutely no one in particular but continues laughing. That boy is incredible.


Manami remembers him fondly, the little pre teen that found himself on the dangerous side of the web. She remembers how she tracked his digital presence to see what he was doing there before she covered up his tracks and then taught him to do it for himself. She was still in her own cage back then, depressed, never leaving that room. The little boy was a light for her, a reason for her to use her useless talent of hacking. He learned fast for a little Deku, a name she suspected was not chosen by him but stuck nonetheless.

She was honestly surprised and impressed when she finally met him two years later and it turned out he’d just turned 12. It worried her that a ten year old had been on such dangerous forums, but upon learning that he was quirkless… it made sense. The world is unfair. She’d only been 18 then but she’d already started giving up on her own existence. Her quirk was simple, it could only work to boost the person she loved, yet when she loved, it was obsessively so and passionately that people ran away. No one dared to get too close, they were scared to have someone love them so passionately.

“Then they’re stupid! Your quirk is incredible and the person that you fall in love with will be extra lucky to love you!” Deku had insisted back then in that coffee shop. He’d made her cry at the thought that she could be loved back in return.

By the time that she found that video of Gentle that brought her out of her darkness, Deku and her had long parted ways. It had gotten harder for him at school and making the trips out to the coffee shop became more dangerous. She had wanted to share her new found love with the boy, especially when she learned he loved her back. But… she then saw his face on the news… that he’d gone missing.

Much like the rest of society she was left with nothing to chase after, he left without a trace for her to find. Only to show up a year later looking a far call away from the shy stuttering boy she once knew. Gentle was impressed by his show and his words as was she. Which is why she immediately accepted the request to meet up.

“I am somewhat disappointed you did not bring that lovely boyfriend of yours along. I hear he’s quite a gamer.” She tells him as a form of greeting as he sits down in the booth she chose. “You stalked him.” He tells her knowingly and she grins. “Potato Potato.” She dismissed the words and he laughs. “It’s good to see you again. Manami-san.”

“Likewise, Izuku.” His lips quirk into a smile at the change of name, she can tell he’s grateful. Afterall, the only reason for the nickname was because that was the only identifier he gave her and she didn’t really have any right to pry. Yet now that all of Japan knew his name from the missing posters, it felt right to address him by his given name.

“I’m assuming you didn’t ask to meet up just to catch up?” She starts off and he shakes his head a little guilty. “No, I need your help. I know you’re spoken for…” She giggles interrupting him and he looks at her a little confused. “You’re still so sweet. Thank you.” He smiles back at her. “I would be happy to help. What do you need?”

She smiled with pride when he pulled out his piles of notebooks and his own laptop. “I need help to take down a government.”

“Why the f*ck do I keep getting kidnapped!!” The blond cursed and screamed when he reawoke in the study tied up to a chair. “Because apparently you owe Izuku and I need protection for what I’m about to do.” The blond, Bakugou, scrutinised her. “I don’t feel like puking my guts out. How’d they get me here?” He asks her and she shrugs. “They didn’t. Gentle did. You crashed one too many times into his quirk, head first, with enough force that you knocked yourself out.” She pulls up three different monitors up as she starts the process. Bakugou scoffs but doesn’t say anything else as he tests his restraints. “If you’re calm enough, Gentle will take your restraints off.”

“So what? I’m your f*cking bodyguard now? And where the f*ck is that coward anyway? Gets someone else to kidnap me? Huh? YOU WANT ME TO DO SOMETHING FOR YOU COME ASK YOU f*ckING ASSHOLE!” Bakugou pulls at his restraints in a fit and Manami just looks at him unimpressed. “Izuku’s occupied at the moment. Do you want to help or not, hero?”

The blond looks at her utterly disturbed at her cool reaction and scoffs, understanding that he’ll clearly not get anything more out of her. “Fine.” Manami smiles. “Thank you.” She’s heard about the blond, she knows that he hurt Izuku when they were kids. But she also knows that he was recently taken by the League. Whatever happened in that time, she trusts that Izuku has a reason for recommending him to keep her safe. He is a hero student after all, Eraserheads student as a matter of fact and that hero was part of the plan too.

Gentle is quick to take the blond out of his restraints and hand him some equipment. Not part of his costume that they removed to tie him up but something that Izuku had given them. “The green bean said these would work better.” Gentle carefully tells him and the blond seems unsure at first before trying them on and fastening them to his suit. His silence following tells Manami all she needs to know. He turns to her once more. “What is going on?” This time his voice sounds serious. “They are fulfilling their threat and promise.” His eyes widen for a single moment with understanding before he takes a defensive pose.

She smiles and lets the light from the three screens light up her eyes.

Time to do what she does best.


‘Stand by. Stick to your positions. If you get any trouble, text it via code. The moment we have Shouto we’ll send him your way Compress.’ Dabi grunts in acknowledgment of the order and the call hangs up. Spinner squats beside him, twin swords on his back at the ready. “How long are we supposed to wait?”

“Until someone finds us. We are the distraction.” Compress answers before he dips his tophat and leaves to take his position to intercept Shouto.

“D’you think it’ll work?” Spinner asks once Compress is no longer in sight. Dabi shrugs as he places his hands in his pockets and lounges back. “Yeah. I do. Izuku’s been working on this whole operation for months and these guys are getting in the way. We’ll be hitting two birds with one stone.”

“What happens after that? What will we do then?” Spinner asks in a small voice and Dabi gets it, he’s still new to the team. He’s likely scared that once this is over, they’ll split up. If it were up to Shig, that might be the case, but Izuku has grown attached. He shrugs again and turns to the gecko. “We’ll finally take a real holiday.” Spinner grins back. “You think Izuku will manage to convince Shig to go to the beach?”

“f*ck yeah!” Dabi grins and they both chuckle.

A gust of cold wind shocks them back to their job at hand. “Ice? Sho, wrong way!” Spinner remarks and Dabi turns to look at where he spots it. Falling out of the way as a whole chunk of ice comes falling down at them. “That’s not Sho.” He tells the Gecko and Spinner’s eyes widen in understanding as he looks up to where the ice was connected to, or rather whom.

“sh*t! How did we not hear this guy coming?!” Spinner panics as they see a figure attached to the limbs of ice. “He must have trained hard to be that good.” Dabi answers easily before grinning and spreading his arms to fire up his quirk. “Lucky for us, so have i.”

“Blue Flame user, Dabi.” The person says in a strange voice. “Why don’t you use your flames right away?” They ask and Dabi grins and shrugs his shoulders as spikes of ice come shooting for him only to stop and recombine to allow their user to grow longer legs to fly up higher, supposedly away from the reach of his flames. “Are you waiting for something?” They ask again and Spinner grins this time, crossing his arms over his chest. “Nah, he’s just cooling down. You’re boss there hasn’t caught the memo it seems.” With those words Dabi lets out a cold breath before shooting his fire straight out and high, cutting down at the ice and melting it all. “You control ice right? I think you and I will be evenly matched. This fight will be one of stamina.”

The figure halts in the sky as it gatherers more ice and water to rebuild its protective defensive armour. Dabi grins wider and takes a deep cold breath before gathering his flames. “I spend hours training this quirk, quitting school and dedicating myself to make myself stronger. In a world where you are criticised by your quirk. I will be the strongest of them all!” The figure calls down to him and Dabi frowns. “Your quirk doesn’t make you, idiot. It sounds to me that you dedicated your life to the wrong thing.”

“I guess that depends on who wins this fight, Todoroki Touya.” Dabi growls at the use of his birth name and unleashes a wave of invisible fire to knock the ice bastard off his pedestal.

A blast of wind hits them both and this time Dabi knows exactly what it is. He shares a wordless look with Spinner and the gecko runs through the streets. Geten looks towards the origin of the blast and Dabi sees the moment that it registers to the ice user. “Gee, I hope your Grand Commander is okay after a fall from a 40 story building.” Dabi sneers and the ice user seems unsure of what to do next. Dabi doesn’t give the boy any room to make a choice as he barrels fire at him, forcing him to defend himself with ice and keeping him in a fight. Dabi grins when his phone buzzes once to let him know Spinner is out of range. Time to let loose.

He moved to the side when he felt a warm heat prickle on his skin. That wasn’t part of the plan but Dabi will never say no to his brother's flame. What truly amused him was the ice that followed.


“Holy sh*t?! Did Shigaraki do that? Ha! One down, a city full to go!” Jin gasps as they watch the Tower crumble down. Himiko doesn’t react though, keeping a wary eye on the woman that was assigned to find them when they entered the city. It seems while Izuku had predicted that they’d be hunted, he also predicted well on who would likely go after who. Himiko and Jin were stuck with Curious, a down right pain in the ass. Her quirk, Landmine, can detonate anything she touches at will. Stay clear of her hands at all times. Twice’s doubles are there to avoid that. Izuku was clear to instruct and remind them. They haven’t needed it so far, but Jin is always at the ready to create doubles of her.

Curious was entirely shocked to see that building go down, it made Himiko a little smug knowing they one upped her. Considering she has been blabbing her mouth as if she knows a single part of Himiko’s past and family. The woman has no idea that Himiko long ago gave up her family, that she found a new one for herself. She doesn’t need to know that the love Himiko feels for her family fuels her quirk to new extremes, extremes she can accomplish no matter the quirk or blood of the person. She’s evolved, she’s grown and Curious could never comprehend any of that. “I guess the headline of today won’t be the shocking interview of a story told before my death. It’ll be how the MLA came crumbling down at the hands of The League of Vigilantes. You must’ve heard what the public calls us by now.” Himiko smugly tells her and the woman’s attention swiftly turns back on her. Himiko smirks. “You wanna see my true face? This is it.” She smiles wider, showing her fangs and teeth. “I may have given up a normal life in your eyes, but to me, I gave up a prison.”

Himiko drinks the blood she was given for this moment exactly. Trained to use the most complicated quirk the team has. A pair of crimson wings sprout from her back immediately as she spreads them wide before releasing a whole swarm of feathers to grab hold of the annoying woman and each one of her loyal followers. Himiko, still grinning wide even in this new skin of hers as the purple haired woman is brought up higher and higher where her quirk has no effect.

“Huh? On her quirk form it only said she could change appearances? Don’t tell me…”

Himiko grins at the woman from afar as Jin starts doubling himself over and over. She can see how Curious looks afraid that they’d been given false information, that she’s been played this whole time. With all her explosions and babbling, Curious has realised now, they were running her into a trap of their own in the same way that she herded them like cattle. Not only that, but Hawks was supposed to be an ally of theirs. Himiko sees the moment that Curious truly gets the whole picture, they have been played in more ways than one.

Himiko controls the feathers to stab themselves into concrete buildings and keeping their liberation warriors hanging and pierced against them.

It's a good thing that Jin had his doubles ready as a new annoyance arose. Himiko could hear him coming from a distance as she flew up into the sky, a little uncoordinated, but practice coming back to her like muscle memory.

Trumpet. Quirk: Incite. Allows the user to enhance the physical and mental state of devout followers. Their meta ability gets advanced as well, making for loyal and strong warriors. Himiko remembers that from their briefing, but he wasn’t hers to fight. Yet she was hesitant to leave Jin on his own to face the man and his army of followers. “Go, Himi-chan! You did your part, now you need to do the rest!” He calls out to her knowingly and she nods back, not that he can see it from this far. “Good luck, Jin!” She calls back and all his clones give her a thumbs up making her giggle. She is so proud for how far her friend has come, in the months planning for this he’d gotten more and more open to the idea of developing past his quirk trauma and confusion about if he was the original. Yet one small fall from the stairs where he broke his arm, solved that issue for him in a heartbeat. It was unfortunately easy but none could have done this sooner and risk losing his trust.

But he’s right, she did her part here, now she needs to complete it in the skin she wears. Flying higher up into the sky, she spots her blood donor near where the tower went down and flies straight up for him.

He stabilises her when she has to come to a stop beside him in the air. “Himi? Since when do you have my blood?”

“Since that first time you came round. Izuku had me steal the blood of many potential allies with handy quirks.” He gapes at that not knowing what to answer and she giggles to which he scowls, likely not liking the sound coming from his face. So she straightens her face back to the seriousness the hero is known to wear. “I’m here to replace you. I’ll be the dummy to watch over the fight, you need to head back and find Spinner. He has your orders.”

The hero looks at her sceptically before raising his brows. “Izuku’s plan.” He says in realisation and she nods before gently shoving him. “Go. We don’t have forever.” He nods firmly once before flying off at a speed she could only hope to accomplish one day. She sighs heavily as she sees him fade in the distance before looking back down at the commotion beneath her.


Keigo didn’t have to look long for him. Considering the ice and fire coming from one side of the city and the army of clones on the other, he could only guess that the gecko would find himself as far away from the quirked mess that he can. “Hawks or Himiko?” Spinner’s voice scares him suddenly before Keigo spots him in the dark alley. Keigo puts his hands in his pockets and leans back aloof. “Keigo, I’m off duty.” He jokes and Spinner rolls his eyes. “Not the time for jokes.”

“That’s right, I would have appreciated being notified that Himiko had my blood.” Keigo bites back and Spinner shrugs. “Take that up with the boss. Don’t shoot the messenger.” Keigo scowls and huffs. “Fine, what does the boss want me to do?” Spinner raises a brow and hands him a note making Keigo feel like this is some shady back alley deal. “A note really?”

“The plan hangs off that most of us have no clue what the others orders are. We are all running around blind.”


“To not give any indication away here that there is more at stake.” Spinner answers simply and Keigo stays silent at that. Izuku had really thought this one out. He reads the note quietly before folding it into his pockets and spreading his wings. He halts for a moment when a though snags in the back of his mind. “Is Shouto okay?” Keigo asks, he needs to know, even though he already suspects. Spinner gives him a knowing smile. “Yeah, he was supposed to be with Compress but decided to veer off to back Dabi up. Compress is watching over both of them.” Keigo nods and sighs relieved, once this is all over it would really be over. He knew it in his bones. His orders were clear. A route and a link. The commission was falling today.


a doosie

Next chapter the fight behind the scenes!! With some special guests.

Chapter 36


Keigo delivers Izuku’s note over to La Brava who finishes what the greenette started and Eraserhead is called to assist in the final strike to the commission.


I am an art student, I know sh*t of coding and hacking so don't quote me on any of this.

I also wrote this chapter when reading vol 38 of the manga so La Brava's assistance in all of this is likely inspired from there. (No spoilors tho)


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Keigo hadn’t realised how much he missed being at the League’s base until he was ringing on the door. Yet instead of the faces he’d come to associate as home, the door was opened by a grey haired man with a moustache. “Oi! Don’t just stand there with the f*cking door wide open! Get the f*ck in here or piss off!” An extra voice yells and the grey haired man seems at the end of his patience as Keigo watches a vein in the man’s head burst. Keigo pats the stranger on the shoulder in pity and walks past him to enter the house. “Takami Keigo.” The hero offers and the man shakes his hand. “Gentle Criminal.” He says tiredly, Keigo perks a little in surprise. “Oh, we’re using our codenames. Then I’m Hawks, pleasure to meet you.” The criminal gives him a one over and then looks at him curiously.

“Hawks? So you’re the Commissions child prodigy.” A female voice calls out and Keigo heads to the study from where the voice originated. There at Izuku’s desk is a small young woman sitting in front of three screen monitors doing what Keigo can only assume is hacking. Keigo hides his hands in his pockets and leans against a nearby wall. “That would be me. I will assume that you’re the one that taught Izuku how to hack then. He mentioned he’d bring you in a while back.”

“Yes and now he’s entrusted his months-long research package to me.”

“Right. So what am I here for?”

“Two step encryption. Izuku didn’t allow his research to be that easily accessible.” She simply tells him and Keigo moves in closer. “Paranoid f*cker.” The blond, Bakugou , mutters nearby.

“Now the link he gave me makes sense.” Keigo mumbles absently as he fishes for the note in his pocket and hands it to the young woman. She seems to know exactly what to do with it. “You’re a key part of unlocking the rest of his research so I may need your help.”

“Has it taken you this long to get this far into his encryption walls?” Keigo asks surprised, Izuku made it sound like his teacher was better than him…

She laughs, interrupting his trail of thoughts. “Goodness no, I’ve been working on getting through Japan’s national media encryption walls and through the Meta Liberation Army security systems. There’s a bastard codenamed Skeptic that has a firm hand on all their databases and I’m trying to slip past him while his attention is on Izuku and Shigaraki.”

“What do you need Japan’s national media system for?” Bakugou asks from his little corner in the room. “We’re going to be broadcasting the Hero Commission's secrets on a national level.” She answers simply and Bakugou scoffs a laugh. “Dramatic f*ckers.” Keigo grins at the comment. Yes they are.

“So why are you here?” Keigo asks the boy as the young woman pulls up what she needs for Keigo to crack Izuku’s lock. Bakugou shrugs and that's when Keigo spots a new design to his grenades that he’s never seen before. “I’m on guard duty for pink nerd here.” Keigo looks between said nerd and the blond. “The name is La Brava, I would prefer his version not to catch on.” She offers Keigo instead and he smiles. “You’re in good hands then.”

“I still don’t know what the grey haired f*cker is here for.” The blond reports to him and Keigo looks back at said man who pinches the bridge of his nose. La Brava answers that. “He’s my partner.” Keigo raises a brow at the blond as if saying ‘well there you have it’ and the boy scoffs. “How can you even afford to be here?” He bites back and Keigo shrugs. “Himiko has my blood and is playing as a replacement.” Bakugou grins at that. “Stole your blood too, huh?” Keigo gapes. “You too ?”

“I’m pretty sure the nerd got her to steal as much blood as she could get. She’s a dangerous little f*cker.”

“She’s got my blood as well. Though Izuku did ask me nicely for it.” La Brava chimes in and the hero’s turn to her flabbergasted and Keigo somewhat confused of why he hadn’t been asked . “If you’re done with your chit chat. I need your help now, Hawks.” Keigo turns back to her and leans over her shoulder as she brings up the portal they need. He unlocks it with ease when he recognises the question and hint. The love of your life’s favourite date.

The date is an easy one to remember, the day that Dabi got justice for what he went through. The night of the Hero Gala where they revealed all that Endeavour had done to his family. The day that he was reunited with the brother he hated as a child, yet is the only one that would understand his pain and joy. Keigo had promised they would celebrate the day for the years to come until the footprint of their abusers has faded away.

Izuku knew too much. Is the first thing he thought when the date unlocked it all and La Brava gasped at the secrets behind it. Keigo recognised each face on the file, each word from his own story and that of his predecessors. This is it.

“Boy am I glad the hag wasn’t impressed by their special program for gifted quirks or I would have ended in that mess.” Bakugou absentmindedly speaks up and Keigo turns to him with surprise akin to horror. If the hero commission would have managed to get their hands on Bakugou… he would have turned out very differently. Keigo knows from Best Jeanist that the boy’s quirk is incredibly skilled. He would have made a good soldier, but his personality would have been broken down to become a puppet.

“Do you guys know any other hackers?” La Brava suddenly speaks up and Keigo looks at her confused. “Other than Izuku that is out of commission currently…no?”

“Hah? Need an extra to come help you? I thought you were the big bad hacke r?” Bakugou unhelpfully jabs and she scoffs. “If I want to get this right I might need a co-pilot.” He huffs back and crosses his shoulders. “Then call the hobo, he likely knows how to do illegal sh*t.” Keigo raises a brow at the blond. “What happened to respecting your elders?”

“I respect the hobo, doesn’t change what he is though.” Bakugou easily retorts and Keigo decides to ignore him but dials Eraser anyway.

Gentle is quicker to open the door to the man and close it back up then he was with Keigo before going right back to his novel. The man didn’t have much else to do, Aizawa on the other hand gave the man a long look before deciding he’d put it aside to follow the winged hero into the study. “It feels weird to be in the house without its owners.” He comments and Keigo snorts. “Tell me about it, I rarely spend time in this room. I felt like I was overstepping for a moment when I first got here. I’ve always associated this room with Izuku working, that it feels weird for him not to be in it.” Bakugou scoffs from where he is now seated. Having complained that all that standing around and not doing sh*t was starting to hurt his back. Aizawa turns to the owner of the sound immediately and Keigo watches as a wordless conversation goes on between Bakugou and Eraserhead till eventually the underground hero asks. “Why are you here?” Clearly having learnt nothing from their glaring contest. The blond shrugs. “I was kidnapped.”

Eraserhead sighs heavily as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Again?”

Keigo bursts into laughter at that and the whole room turns to him in shock to which he quickly clears his throat. “I apologise.”

“Don’t. That was funny.” Bakugou grins and they both chuckle.

“You’re supposed to be at UA.” Aizawa focusses back to the moment at hand and Bakugou shrugs. “So are you but yet here you are.” The man doesn’t retort anything back and simply turns back to the hero that called him. “Don’t look at him, he doesn’t know sh*t. Can you hack?” La Brava speaks up in a tone that may be starting to lose her patience, Aizawa recognises it and nods firmly. “Good. I need you to stand by on this monitor, I should be able to hold them both but in case I can’t you need to hold on to this one for me.”

“What am I looking at.” The hero asks as he sits down per orders. “Japan's national media system. When the window opens, we’re bringing out a pre-recorded file of the Hero Commissions crimes along with the footage and proof required.”


“The Secret Hero Building Project, the institution that I came out of, sponsored entirely by the HPSC.” Keigo explains quickly for him and La Brava sends them a confused look. “He didn’t know?”

“No. He wasn’t in on this part of the mission.”

“How did Izuku find out?” Aizawa pushes.

“I told him, right after he uncovered Endeavour. We’ve been planning this since.” A long whistle echoes through the room and all the adults, currently not occupied, look back to the blond. “Guess that explains the inaction.” Keigo doesn’t tell him that Izuku was still in action throughout all of this. He was still producing analysis for those who asked for his expertise, he was still helping those in need. Like the hero he used to be .

Aizawa’s expression steels for reasons Keigo can’t distinguish as he looks at La Brava, ready for orders. “What do you need me to do?”

They met resistance from the side of the MLA. “That bastard, he’s caught me in the system.” La Brava curses as she furiously types at the keyboard. “The media system is ready to go at any moment.” Aizawa reports to her and she curses. “The Commission package was too until the bastard caught on to my presence.”

“Lay a trap.” Bakugou suddenly chimes in from where he was reading one of Izuku’s notebooks it seems. “Make yourself a ghost that he chases instead and work around him.” The room goes silent at his input and Bakugou looks up over the notebook to a room of confused faces. “Tch. Don’t look so surprised! You think I wouldn't learn sh*t with all of you mumbling as you work and all of the nerds shaggy manuals?”

“Guess Izuku predicted more use for you than what we would have thought on the surface layer.” La Brava snorts before going back to her monitor and trying out what he just suggested. It took a little more time than preferred but she seemed to have gotten out from what Keigo could tell by that manic smile. “Okay, we need to do it now. I may have gotten out but he knows I was in and he’ll report that to his boss.”

“Get this done so that the League can get Izuku and Shigaraki out.” Keigo tells her and she nods, he gets his phone ready on standby where he’s been keeping Spinner and Compress up to date. It seems Dabi, Shouto and Geten are racking up millions in property damage from their still ongoing stamina fight. A worthy distraction next to Twice’s everdoubling clones that are taking on every other still standing warrior of the Meta Liberation Army.

“Out of curiosity, when this inevitably takes down the HPSC and leaves a dent in our national government who seems to have been sponsoring and giving too much leeway to the Commission. Who do you plan on putting up in power to keep control of the chaos?” Aizawa asks as he leans back in his chair, finger at the ready to release all the information to the media. Likely also wondering how many contacts Izuku has in the media for this to go national in seconds.

“A board of heroes and vigilante’s. The safety of the people will be in the hands of individuals the public trusts. A board of voted members, that will stand and bring up a new system. The role of heroes may be the same, but the way they are presented to the public will be different. No longer will the job that consists of being a hero be seen as a means of fame. It’ should be a civil duty to be a hero, not one that includes strutting on red carpets.”

“Big words for the former number two hero, you were a public favourite.”

“I much prefer being a hero that does their job and then comes home to their family without having to worry about the press and thousands of eyes on their tail.” Keigo easily retorts and Aizawa looks intrigued.

“Besides, they ain’t his words.” Bakugou adds and Keigo frowns. “Not true, these were ideals brainstormed and formed by the League as a whole. I may not be a vigilante, but I do agree. I am a hero because I wanted to save kids the way I wanted to be saved as a child. I was only saved by the wrong people.”

“I guess then it's easy to distinguish the right heroes from the wrong. It depends solely on why someone wants to become a hero.”

“Good thing that’s the first thing you ask any student that walks through your door.” Bakugou chimes in and a smile appears on his teacher's face.

The moment is interrupted by a chime on Keigo’s phone. “La Brava, do it now.” She nods and both her and Aizawa simultaneously release all the information. Months long amounts of research and digging up each of the Hero Commissions secrets now live for the public to see and broadcasting over national tv. At the same time that the Commission receives a packet of their own regarding everything they required Hawks to look into in his briefing. Enough to distract them from their own secrets being spilled.

Keigo’s phone starts ringing and he picks it up immediately. The room goes quiet and La Brava sighs in utter relief and stretches her fingers. “Dabi, are you okay?”

‘We literally just took the ice bastard down and Twice has apprehended everyone else alongside Spinner. We’re heading towards Shig and Zuku now. Did you do it?’

Keigo sighs in relief and smiles. “Yeah we did it. Go gives those guys back-up.”

‘We saw a lot of dust coming from where they were and Sho spotted some weird pods coming out from the ground a while back.’ Dabi says in a worried tone and Keigo doesn’t know what to say. He trusts that they should be fine… but they have no way of communicating them to be sure. “Worrying does nothing to help, just focus on getting there.” He says instead and Dabi sighs on the other side. ‘Be careful on your end too. Keep the house safe.’ Keigo snorts. “You got it.”

Now that their role was over it was antagonising waiting to hear something back from the last members unaccounted for. They ended up tuning in to the mess that was the media now with all the spilled information as some high profiled Members of the MLA who haddend been in Deika City today are arrested on the spot by police and hero’s while simultaneously the Commission president is taken into custody by government officials to be questioned. It was to be expected so he wasn’t too surprised when an unknown number called him. He left the room to take it.

‘Takami Keigo, codename Hawks. I’m sure you’ve seen the news. As an associated member with the Hero Public Safety Commission’s crimes. We would like to bring you in for questioning.’

“That is entirely understandable.”

Thank you for your cooperation. It would be best if you were available for question at your home address by tomorrow at 0900 hours .’

“Of course. See you then.” He bid the person goodbye before hanging up. He knew when he started this that he would have to come clean about his experience under the HPSC’s thumb. His childhood, how they recruited him, how he was trained, the abuse… He knows it will only help their case more, but the memories, the idea of speaking up about them… will not be easy or comfortable. “They want to take you in for questioning, I take it?” Aizawa asks making him jump out of his thoughts. Keigo hums. “It’s not surprising, I just never prepared myself to actually talk about it all. I do wonder how they plan on getting my predecessor out of Tartarus for this.” Aizawa chuckles. “I’m sure somewhere in that masterplan package of his, Izuku planned to send a small message out to her in warning.” Keigo chuckles too. “I’m sure he has.”

“Did you ever meet him before? Deku.” Aizawa clarifies with the greenette’s old hero name and Keigo shakes his head. “I knew of him from that student of yours I took on during their first year’s internships. But I never met the boy personally.” Aizawa nods.

“Their situation is a curious one. Some people’s personality changes when they lose key moments of their personal development, case in point. Shigaraki. In Deku’s case, his core remained exactly the same. He wanted to be a hero that saved people in order to win and be the best. Saving was always the key and now that’s exactly what he’s still doing.”

“One way or another he still has the heart of a hero.” Keigo finishes for him and the underground hero nods. “You must be a proud teacher.” Aizawa shakes his head mournfully.

“I didn’t teach Izuku. I taught the boy who was a UA student. And I failed that student.”

“I think you made it right by being here now.” Keigo offers and the hero accepts it with a smile. “Don’t let your abusers win by not speaking up. Even with all you’ve done, talking about it will deliver the last nail in the coffin.” He says suddenly and it takes Keigo by surprise, the way the man said it made him feel like he understood what it is like.

“Oi? Heard anything from the creep and the nerd?” Bakugou breaks the moment and Keigo glares at him. “No, Shigaraki and Izuku are still unaccounted for.” The boy rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue. Yet as if summoned, Keigo's phone rings once again. He hesitates for a moment when the contact isn’t who he was expecting.

“Himiko? What’s going on?” He asks desperately and the sobbing he hears coming from her is really not helping his worries. “Himiko? What happened?” He presses her but the sobs don’t stop. There is some rustling on the other line as someone takes over. ‘Kei?’ Shouto.

“Shouto, what is going on?” At the name of his former student, Aizawa takes immediate interest and Keigo puts the call on speaker. There is some more rustling and Keigo can hear faintly as someone yells. ‘ Put pressure on the wound.’ f*ck, that’s Shigaraki. Keigo shares a look with Aizawa. He does not sound okay.

“Shouto!” Keigo demands and the boy finally answers. ‘Izuku’s been shot.’


Next chapter back to some Izuku and Tomura pov's :)

Chapter 37


Re Destro fires a bullet when he learns that Izuku and Shig used him as a diversion, planning their own strike to the commission at the same time.


A lot of you were worried for Izuku in the last chapter and that was very sweet.
I can assure you he is fine.

Though it would seem that one of his choices did have consequences in the end.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The signal hadn’t boomed yet. No appearance of Himiko that told them the blow had been made. Instead it was a cackle of a comm yet not one connected to Izuku or Tomura. The man that had reformed back to his human stature was growling in anger again. “You deceived me! YOU USED ME! YOU STOLE FROM ME AND YET YOU TRY AND WIN ME OVER WITH LIES! WITH FAKE UNDERSTANDING!That is the sign that they dropped the blow. Izuku stands up tall against their growing enemy. “You were never our target. Until you took Shouto.”

YOU HAD A SPY INFILTRATE MY BUILDING!” The man yells back and Izuku looks him dead straight. “That was entirely a coincidence and in all the time where he worked for you, he did only what his job required. He never told us a word because there was nothing to report.” For some reason saying this only made the man angrier and Izuku took a couple of steps back so that Tomura could shield him and protect him like he knows his boyfriend wants to. The man chuckles wickedly as he takes deep breaths and seems to cool down in size somewhat. Neither buy it as some sort of sign of surrender, so Izuku doesn't move an inch. “I lured you in here for a fight to humble you!” The man yells at them. “We accepted that offer to take back our friend. The rest was just good timing.”

“WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?!” The man yells angrily and Tomura growls at the tone.

It was incredible really. What he manages to dig up once he created a ghost presence in their system. It was temporary, sure, but with the information Izuku had gotten from Keigo, he knew a big meeting was due to occur and Izuku couldn’t pass up the chance to listen in. Manami sugoi.

He’d already managed to get intel on all the higher up members so he recognised each face and voice to their quirk and social alter ego. It was genius to have a legitimate company to hide illegal marketing and a growing fanbase for a revolution. Izuku would be impressed if he could agree with their reformation, which after a lot of in depth research… he can’t. The destruction and losses of innocent lives is not worth the change that they think they can create.

“What you got there, bunny?” Tomura whispered to him as he placed down a plate of food before pulling up a chair to sit next to him. “I hacked into their cameras and I’m overseeing a MLA board meeting.” Izuku explains simply and Tomura whistles low before kissing his head of curls. “Did your hacker-sensei help with that?” Unlike what he’d made Manami-san believe, Tomura had been there the whole time. She may have been an old friend, but his place in society had changed and Tomura wasn’t taking any chances.

Izuku hums and his boyfriend picks up a piece of chicken with his chopsticks to feed him. “Eat. You’ve been glued to that screen all day.” Izuku opens his mouth to protest and that’s all Tomura needs to force feed him the chicken. Izuku pouts but eats it while glaring at the older boy. Tomura smiles. “I’m not leaving till you’ve eaten the whole thing. Now you can cooperate and eat it yourself or I will force feed you.”

“You mean hand feed.” Izuku retorts with a frown and Tomura chuckles. But Izuku takes the chopsticks from him and eats a bite while glaring at him. “Good bunny.” Tomura coos and Izuku sticks out his tongue before focusing back on the camera feed.

They both sit there and listen quietly as Izuku eats a bite bit by bit. He rests his chopsticks on the bowl when the last member enters the room.

‘How are the preparations?’ Yotsubashi addresses the room and Hanadbata stands to reply. ‘We have a predicted date in place when our forces will be ready to strike.’ The room murmurs and both members sit down at the table. ‘With the added resources from our benefactors we have a secret weapon that no one will see coming.’ Yotsubashi chuckles wickedly. ‘Good. In the world where our meta abilities will determine our status and power in society, we will have the ability to choose who stands with us and who are just ants beneath our shoes.’

‘Manufacturing will be complete in four months. We have perfected the formula and will start mass production now.’ Chikazoku reports and Yotsubashi nods. ‘Good. May we bring liberation in the name of Destro.’ They all salute one another with a form of an L to their foreheads before filtering out of the room.

Izuku deletes his ghost presence from the system and turns the feed off. Turning then to his partner in utter silence. “They have a serious plan and by the sounds of it, whatever that weapon is, it could become a real problem.” Tomura says it outloud and Izuku nods. “Whatever it is, we’re not giving them a chance to use it. We’ll strike first.”

They never did figure out what the weapon was. Even as Izuku prepared for this battle and further required assistance from Manami-san, they never found any plans or research that hinted towards the weapon. Izuku only hoped that they’d interrupt the flow of manufacturing by striking them earlier than they were ready.

“I stole your deadline. The plans you may have had to overpower the government, I used them as a distraction to get to the HPSC myself.” Izuku replies and the man growls menacingly. “You think you’ve got it all figured out? That everything is going according to plan? GUESS AGAIN! You miscalculated!” Izuku sees the bullet for what it is as he fills it into the gun and a flashback comes back to him of that day in the alley where Overhaul had one of his members point it at Tomura before.

Suddenly a voice comes to mind. “I can give you a couple of our current products and you may take a look at them in your own time if you wish. You may even test them out and come back when you’ve satisfied your curiosity.” The man never specified that they were the only dealers on the table. Izuku knew that there would be consequences to how fast they acted, how quickly they decided to hand him over to the heroes after saving Eri. At the time there was no question about it… but he should’ve kept an eye out, he shouldn’t have allowed himself to think that the Yakuza always make sure to land on top.

“Time to reacquaint yourself with the latest version. Its effect is permanent.” Re Destro doesn’t take a second to shoot right at the pale haired boy and Izuku doesn’t doubt it for a moment as he jumps between them, feeling a sudden rush of energy fill him up and power up his movements. He gets between them at lightning speed, the bullet hitting him right in the shoulder. He doesn’t feel the pain of the collision, instead he senses the rush of energy that overcame him leaving him. He distantly hears Tomura call out to him as their team finally touches down. Waves of fire swarm past him to likely incapacitate Re-Destro, he feels soft hands cradle his head as his vision blurs with light.

Nine figures fill his senses but the one that trips him the most are a reflection of his green eyes looking down at him as if they are cradling him with their body. ‘Deku?’ He asks in his mind and the boy nods softly. ‘You did it, Izuku.’ The boy reassures him with pride and Izuku sighs, feeling his body relax at the words. Izuku feels the boy softly fade away but is somehow reassured that he’ll never really be gone. With the feeling of rough scarred hands holding him again, he lets his eyes slip shut.

For once he seems to have his own presence in his dreams. For one mast moment he sees Deku before the boy leaves with the other eight figures in his mind. ‘Don’t worry, Izuku. Our time has passed.’ He can’t answer back as he is covered in a green mist but Deku holds his hand. ‘Thank you for being the hero that we wanted to be’

‘What happened to you? Where did you go?’ Izuku pleads to know and the boy smiles back at him. ‘I was forgotten the day you met Shigaraki Tomura.’

‘I’m sorry.’ Izuku says not knowing what else to say to a subconscious version of himself. Deku seems to understand. ‘Don’t be, you fell in love and you became a quirkless hero, even if society doesn’t see it that way.’

‘You were a hero student.’ Izuku states simply and the boy nods. ‘And I made friends there, friends you can trust should you ever need them.’

‘And my memories?’ Izuku asks and at that the boy shakes his head. ‘Those you don’t need. They reside within me and soon enough, I'll be gone too.’

‘How?’ The boy smiles. ‘That’s a secret from my life. It won’t affect yours.’ For some reason that answer is enough so Izuku nods. ‘Thank you for helping me save his life.’ He adds for an unknown reason but Deku understands it and squeezes his hand before following the eight other figures out of some literal door. The boy doesn’t look back so Izuku closes his eyes and feels the embers of a flame slowly die out.

Tomura can still see that bullet coming for him… but never hitting him because Izuku appeared in front of him as fast as lightning. He could have sworn that the moment before the bullet collide into his boyfriend, he saw green lightning covering the greenette. Yet the moment the bullet hit, he fell right against Tomura with the impact and any moment following Tomura was blinded with rage against the man that hurt the love of his life. Himiko cradled Izuku as Dabi and Shouto joined him in taking out the villain for good. Or knocking him out…. Izuku would never forgive him for taking a life in his name. Eraserhead called trusted heroes in to clean up and arrest the Meta Liberation warriors after Keigo had taken Izuku’s body to the nearest healer that wouldn’t ask questions. Thankfully enough, Izuku and him had a personal healer who knew them well. She’d treated them before and Izuku had given her a free analysis that changed her practice for life.

She gasped then chastised him when they came in with Izuku’s body. “You promised me you’d take care of eachother.” She tutted him and Tomura couldn’t face her. “You know he’s a self sacrificing bastard. There’s only so much I can do.” She rolls her eyes but doesn’t say anymore because she knows from first hand experience. Izuku had saved her first after all.

“What happened?” She asks as she starts taking off the layers of Izuku’s suit, the team looks away in respect and she guides them to the waiting room to which they all happily go except Keigo and Himiko. Tomura doesn’t ask why they stayed as he simply looks down at his unconscious boyfriend. “He took a bullet for me.”

She raises a brow at the greenette’s now unclothed chest. “That doesn’t look like a normal bullet wound to me.”

“That’s because it's not. It's a quirk- erasing bullet.” She gasps at that. “The yakuza? You got yourselves muddled up with them?”

“No. The Shie Hassaikai and we made sure the creator got arrested, we just didn’t think he’d managed to get a deal through with someone else before we got him thrown in Tartarus.” Tomura defends quietly as he brushes a hand softly through those green curls. “sh*t. Izuku’s going to feel so guilty for not seeing this coming. He felt guilty enough that there may be consequences for our quick actions then but… he took a bullet for me, so that I wouldn’t lose my quirk.”

“He’ll heal fast, those quirk-erasing bullets only harm the quirk gene. He should wake up soon once I heal his other wounds.” Tomura sighs softly and thanks her, leaving her to her work. He knows she needs the space.

“At least you know he had nothing to lose from it.” Keigo attempts to reassure him when they wait outside of the door. Not quite a cosy waiting room, but Shig wanted privacy.

“He did, actually.” Himiko speaks up in a small voice and the other two spin to face her. Keigo with a whole new look in his eyes. He knew. He knew Izuku had a quirk. Himoko can’t believe it when those golden eyes don’t look surprised at the information but more genuinely shocked at how she discovered it.

Shig on the other hand has a murderous look in his eye when he understands how she could have known. "How?" Tomura snarls at both blonds and Himiko cowers a little at the tone while the hero doesn't show any sense of fear. "It doesn't matter." A new voice interrupts and Shig spins his attention over to Eraserjead standing at the end of the small hall with his hands in his pockets looking rather relaxed, next to him is the lanky blond. All Might.

"His quirk was one passed over generations to maintain peace and balance against a quirk similar to it. One way or another that peace and balance was reached. It doesn't serve a purpose anymore and clearly Izuku didn't even need it in the end to do what needed to be done."

“How?” Shig spits and Keigo jumps between them. “I told them where we were, they’re worried for Izuku too. Eraser helped us get the information out.” That’s new information for all of them but Himiko isn’t too surprised, she suspected that she’d heard more than one voice when she’d called Keigo on the battlefield. She was just too out of it to really distinguish who.

"How?" Shig repeats back to the previous secrets given out. "He didn't even know?" He tells them and both adults share a knowing look. "He didn't remember." Eraser says simply and suddenly it seems to dawn on him. The day they met. The League wasn’t fully aware of what brought them together, but Himiko had asked Izuku once curiously. She had expected some sappy or awkward story, not the one the greenette told. It always left her with questions as an outsider looking in, but she never asked them because she saw the way they were and she couldn’t find it in her to ruin it by disrupting it with the truth.

Upon discovering the quirk hidden in his genes and blood, however, she did some digging and spying of her own. The blood she stole from the Bakugou brat came in handy after all. "This feels wrong." Shig mutters to himself, grasping at his hair, looking like he does moments before Izuku would take his hands and kiss his fingertips. It has to do with an itch and his quirk.

"No. It's not. We can't be certain that Izuku would have brought any of the good he had had he continued on being a hero. Either way he definitely saved you. In his eyes, that would be all that matters." Keigo tells him softly and Shig knows he's right. Himiko does too about the second part at least. Izuku would have saved anyone in need if they looked like they needed it. It’s what he did for all of us.

“I can’t keep this from him.” Shig mutters and Himiko reaches out to give him a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. “I can tell him if you want. I did steal his blood in the first place.”

The moment is interrupted when the healer opens the door. “He’s awake.”

Izuku blinked a couple of times to get his eyes adjusted to the harsh lighting in the room before he attempted to sit right up. A searing pain shoots through him coming from his shoulder and he winces announcing his waking to the healer in the room. “Always getting yourself in situations where you need to be stitched back up.” She tuts and Izuku groans. “Oh come on, it's been almost a year.” She chuckles. “Almost.” He groans again and falls weakly back onto the bed. “A nice group of people you’ve found for yourself.” She comments and Izuku turns his head back to her. “Yeah, they’ve become a family I guess.” He tells her and she smiles. “Good.”

Tomura storms through the door a moment after she notifies him. Izuku struggles to sit up for him and he helps before cradling his face and kissing him stupid. “That was reckless you idiot!” Izuku leans his temple to Tomura’s. “You know I would take a bullet for you anytime. Besides I’m quirkless, I wasn’t going to loose anything from it. You may say you hate your quirk, but it is a part of you.” Tomura pulls away ever so slightly. “You weren’t Izuku. I don’t know when it changed, but you did have a quirk. You just forgot.” Izuku’s eyes widen before something snags in his mind. “Deku…” Suddenly the memory of what he saw after he got shot comes back to him, the dream he had… “That’s what he meant…” Izuku mutters and Tomura looks worriedly at him, Izuku kisses him gently. “I don’t care what I had before. As far as I know now, I never had it so I don’t miss it.” Quirks were a part of the soul, a quirk can hold memories of its holder as well as its essence. Deku left when the quirk was cancelled out from his genes, the only mystery are the other eight figures but in the end Deku is right. It’s not his secret.

“Are you sure?” Tomura asks quietly, as if he’s guilty he’s the reason Izuku lost something he didn’t know he had. Izuku kisses him again. “Positive. I have you.” For some reason those words seem to seal the deal as Tomura pulls him in closer for a deeper kiss. Izuku laughs in it and Tomura only holds him closer. The kiss turns passionate soon enough as Tomura pushes him down onto the bed once more. “D’you think she would mind if we had sex here?”

“What part of this room turns you on?” Izuku judges him with a frown and Tomura grins. “You.”

A cough interrupts them. “No, you will not be having sex in here. If you’re energised enough for sex you’re healed enough to leave.” Both turn to the healer in question and Izuku smiles sheepishly at her. “Thank you for healing me.” She smiles back. “You know it’s my pleasure. Besides, don’t think I didn’t spot the number one underground hero in the waiting room. For that networking alone, I owe you.” Izuku chuckles and Tomura helps him off the table carefully before letting the greenette stand on his own. Himiko joins to help Tomura on Izuku’s other side when the door opens and the team greets him with a range of happy faces. Dabi scowls at him. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” Izuku chuckles sheepishly. “I’m sorry for worrying you.” Shouto envelops him in a hug not a second later. “Thank you for rescuing me.” Izuku hugs him back with Tomura still holding him stable. “What are friends for?”

“Oh, come on Zuku, I think we’re more than that by now.” Spinner smugly comments and Izuku smiles as he pulls away from Shouto. “You’re right, we’re family.” Keigo sniffs in the background and the group laughs as Twice spreads his arms wide. “Group hug! Get in here jackasses!

Izuku may not know what and who he lost the day that he met Tomura but he does know all he has gained. And for his family right now grouped in a hug around him, it outweighs it all.


Cannonly La Brava hacked skeptic before, so she taught Izuku and helped him do it again so that he could spy on the MLA cameras

Also there was a small easter egg to another fic of mine: My will, your dream, our way. The healer in this chapter came from that fic ;)

Lastly, there was a small ending to the internal Deku/ Izuku existence within their subconsious, it wasn't that big in the plot but I thought it was important to round off since this last 2 arcs Izuku has been confronted with the existence of Deku.

I will also write a seperate work on Midoriya Izuku's origins kinda like I did for Shig in this series, where Izuku and Tomura will discuss what he remembers of the past and what happened for Izuku in those moments after he got shot. which memories resurfaced etc. (Its a vague idea write now but I wanna write that aspect)

Chapter 38


The political aftermatch and a reunion.


Posting the chapter today instead of tomorrow since I have an exam tomorrow and it will get stressful


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The heroes cleaned up the mess that was made of Deika city and took care of the MLA warriors that the League managed to round up for them. With the mountain of evidence against them it was no trouble getting them sent off to Tartarus. The following arrest was much bigger in the news.

It happened on national television, the arrest of the HPSC president and her inner circle and certain government officials too for supporting the secret program that Hawks found himself in. Detective Tsukauchi was in charge of verifying the facts and illegally gained information that would build the legal case Izuku already but together.

What the League shared and revealed took a toll on the hero world as the people started making their own principles by which to judge a good hero from a bad one. This in all changed the way they viewed the ranking system. They started taking into account past misdeeds and demanded that heroes get the same qualification trials that police officers are required to take. Such as; psychological exam, medical exam, records check and background investigation. These requirements need not be open to the public, but the assurance that these are underdone should be shared. Which are test that are currently not taken.

The League didn’t have to put their own demands in place after having knocked over the main denominator. The public did it themselves having had their minds open to the horrors of the wrong hero in charge before.

Even so, they may have changed and swayed the publics mind but the people in power were still remaining neutral on the whole affair. Focussing their powers on the legal case that is set to come forth from the Secret Hero Building Project for gifted protogees. They couldn’t say it as it was but they trained children to be their secret missionary’s disguised as heroes. Tsutsumi Kaina formerly known as Lady Nagant, made her own statement regarding her time in the program and what led to her landing in Tartarus. After her came many more senior heroes who admitted that the HPSC had come by in the past, granting their strongly quirked kids a chance at a special program. Endeavour included, making him seem just a little better in his crimes.

“How long will it take for them to put someone new up in power. The entirety of the HPSC may be under investigation but the limelight and twilight heroes depend on them to function.” Toshinori thinks out loud as they continue to listen to the situation on the radio. Shouta leans into the sofa where he’s looking over Eri’s homework as a break from grading half of Vlad’s students' essays because the hero is helping out with the whole social issue at hand. “The undergrounders have a Hero Commission as well, it wouldn’t surprise me if power shifted to them as the government figures this whole mess out.”

“They can’t possibly take on two more hero factions. That’s far too heavy of a workload, besides limelight is very different from underground.”

“Maybe that’s exactly the point. Limelighters should start thinking more along the lines of twilight heroes again if not undergrounders. Maybe allowing the underground Hero Commission to take over will make the transition of a new system easier. Heroes will have to start adapting soon enough.”

“With regards for the law and looser in underground heroics, how will that keep order?”

“Maybe due to this change, those rules might get a little tighter or open eyes to more understanding to bending the rules in necessary situations. Underground heroes still have a moral code, they know which rules can be bent and which are there for a reason. They also know that a criminal, villain or vigilante are more than what they seem. Their experiences give away what made them, in some cases, that allows them to receive a second chance. In limelight that thought process is never made and because of that Izuku is named a villain. We both know he’s not.” Shouta turns his head around to look at his partner frowning at his crossword. Its a good brain stimulant. It’s an interesting debate to have between an underground hero and the retired symbol of peace. Shouta doesn’t expect the man to agree with him right away but he’d hope that he has some trust in Shouta’s own heroic experience.

“What type of heroics will we be throwing Bakugou-shonen’s class into?” Toshi then asks and Shouta smiles softly. “A better system, I hope.”

They continue listening to the members of state make a statement to the public regarding the arrest of the HPSC president and the continuation of the heroics department. This was a rush of a statement and decision to make since the whole world of heroics cant stop and wait for them to gather themselves of the villains and criminals will go on a rampage. That much was clear.

As Izuku had stated in a separate document where he apologised for sending the heroics system somewhat into chaos by removing its powerhead, he suggested that until it was resolved and a better system was drawn up, the heroics department should have a board of trusted heroes run it. Heroes that are voted in by their coworkers, the public should have the right to know who they are and how they passed the psychopathy scale and their background searches. A new trust needs to be formed between civilians and the people sworn to protect them. Shouta was there when the document in question was brought up in a room with the HPSC second in command that was cleared of any connection to the secret program and crimes related to it. Mera Yokumiru.

It was there that in a rush of a moment, the board of heroes was decided. Some of the members were underground and so their identities remained secret much like the other heroes, only known by their code names. The identities would remain secret, so that no one on the outside could abuse the power or buy it in their favour. To no surprise, Shouta was voted in by Mera as was Midnight. They’d both owned their respective trust in the community, as have Edgeshot and Sir Nighteye. Lastly to bring in the voice of a younger generation, Thirteen was voted in as well. Apparently the offer had been made for Best Jeanist, but the man turned it down for reasons that Shouta respects even if he doesn’t know. The man has a good moral code, yet he’s always made it clear he’s not good at taking control. It was also decided in that moment that whatever the new system may be, the ranking system would be discarded and so will the notion of celebrity heroes. Being a hero was a job and a sacrifice, it is not some flashy commitment and it is time heroics went back to its roots.

As Shouta had indeed predicted, the underground commission did take up the mantel of supporting all three factions of heroics yet allowing the voted board of heroes to take matters of power and decisions. There would not be one figure in charge, it would be a council of trusted peers, evenly distributed over factions.

There was an outcry of course from the heroes that suddenly no longer fit the mould of what a hero should be. These heroes were told to either take up a course again and pass the test to regain their hero licence or retire. Hero agencies took a hit and soon enough they disbanded as well or they remodelled themselves into a system similar to the underground and twilight operation agencies. Missions became a lot more teamwork related and not a stunt for the camera’s. Everything became more efficient and with less property damage. Heroics made a full turn and stayed up float. With this new system, flashy quirks were no longer praised as highly and it became more about how you used what you had to save lives, as a hero should be.

But these are all thoughts and reflections of the future. It hasn’t come yet but it’s reassuring to know that The League brought the change they promised.

Shouta turned the radio off when the door rattled and their daughter came bursting through the door, halting only a moment to take her shoes off haphazardly. She happily waved a letter in the air with a wide smile. “It’s from Zuku!!” Shouta cleared the coffee table and couch of all the papers littered on it and she jumped right beside him. Toshinori came over to Shouta’s otherside to watch over his shoulder as Shouta opened the letter for the girl before handing it over to her to read. The letter was accompanied by a drawing, a reference to the letter she sent only a month or so ago. The drawing was less childish that Eri’s obviously, it seemed that someone in the League was quite an artist as the drawing held a portrait of each member.

“What does the letter say?” Toshinori asks curiously and Eri smiles up at them. “They have a question for you, they want to take me out to have ice cream!” Shouta lip tugs into a scowl. Sneaky bastards. They could’ve texted him and asked before getting their hopes up. Toshinori smiles humoured by their sneaky moves and Eri only looks up at them expectedly. “Can I? Can I?” Shouta sighs and looks over at his partner. “You know we can go with her. Or you can at least.” Toshi adds the last part remembering that his interactions with Izuku have been few and none with the rest of the League. Shouta sends him a comforting smile. “We can go with her.”

“Yeah, Eri you can go.” They finally tell her and she squalls from excitement jumping off the couch to go hang the drawing up on the fridge before running to her room.

He sent Izuku a text the moment she left the room.

Sneaky f*cking bastard.

Toshi laughed when he read it over his shoulder and they spent the next 30 minutes helping their daughter choose what to wear.

Halfway into the dress up game that somehow included during Shouta’s hear up in glittery bows, his phone pinged with a message reply.

You have Eri. I have Himiko. We have the same problems.

Shouta snorts and goes back to playing dress up with Himiko the stuffed cat and Eri.

It took some backwards and forwards but humorously enough, they ended up settling on the mall where they lost Deku almost two years ago. It was the middle ground between their two locations since even though Shouta has been to their base, Toshi hasn’t and Shigaraki wasn’t willing to take his word that the man was considered safe.

They’d agreed to meet for lunch and then go out for ice cream. As far as Shouta knew the whole team would be joining, but they’ll be disguised one way or another. So all Shouta had to go buy was that his daughter would likely spot them first and that they are a mismatched group of teens and adults.

He was right in the end, he didn’t even hear Izuku and Himiko rolls up to him. Only knew they were there when Eri giggled at the raspberries that were being blown in her face as Himiko hugged her. The girl was in a pastel red hoodie that covered her hair that seemed to be plaited and she was wearing biker shorts and thigh high socks with sneakers. Looking like a perfectly innocent teenage girl. Izuku to no surprise was wearing a hoodie that Shouta has long since understood has been stolen from Shigaraki and a pair of ripped jeans with a beanie containing his wild green curls under his hood. The rest of the group was less quiet arriving as Dabi and Spinner were squabbling while Keigo was under Dabi’s arm pretending not to be related to either one of them.

To be honest Shouta is surprised they hero joined and even more surprised to see him without wings… but that’s likely to keep a low cover. He’s still the former number 5 hero. Former only since the ranking system practically crashed overnight.

Eri ran into Shigaraki’s arms the moment that Himiko released her and the young man laughed as he caught her. Similarly to his boyfriend he was wearing a hoodie too with a light jacket and a pair of jeans, his hands donned his artist's gloves.

“Oh, you’re so big now. And much heavier too.” Shigaraki joked and Eri laughed before being booped by Dabi and surrounded by Shouto who demanded attention from her too.

“I’m surprised the whole lot of you came. After the UA Gala scene you guys went off the radar for months. Its only been a week.” Shouta stated and Izuku shrugged. “I was outvoted.” To that Shouta snorted and Izuku broke out into a smile. “Besides, I promised her we’d see her again when the dust settled. Now's a good time as any.”

“Got any more plans? Any statements to make?” Shouta jokes and Izuku shrugs. “Only plans we have are a break for the team. They’ve voted for the beach so I guess we’ll be heading down to the coast at some point. After that… who knows.” Shouta laughs, the boy is speaking like a 50 year old man.

“You’re 16, Izuku. You still have your whole life ahead of you.”

“There is no place for quirkless people in Japan.” Izuku shrugs and Shouta places a hesitant hand on his shoulder. “Then go somewhere where that isn’t the case.” Izuku looks up at him as if that never occurred and Shouta is once again struck with the reminder that the boy is only a child.

Shouta was introduced to members he’s never met before. A Mr. Compress and Jin or Twice. Both men were the oldest members and by the looks of it Compress was the one to keep them all fed and looked after as a parent would. It comforted him to know.

Eri was at home in their group in a way that she’d never been around anyone at UA and it told enough of how those four days with them treated her.

“Sensei.” Shouto bowed at them before sitting down at their table as they watched Izuku and Himiko take Eri into the childrens area and play with her. Dabi and Keigo had disappeared a while ago, looking rather handsy that the thought of what they were up to gave Shouta a migraine. Compress and Twice had decided to take this trip to do some necessary shopping for utilities and other things the league wanted when they understood a list was being made. Leaving Spinner some peace and quiet to play games on his phone. Other anti social kids started flocking beside him and now there is four of five of them on that bench playing on their respective consoles.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Shouta tells his former student and the boy gives him a shy smile. “I’m not coming back to be a hero.” The boy tells him confidently with no room for protest and Shouta nods and smiles. “I figured as much. But you might want to visit your brother and sister once more. They miss you.” Shouto nods. “I’ll take Dabi too, they deserve to know that he’s okay as well.”

“Do you know what you do want to do, Shouto-kun?” Toshinori asks and the boy thinks it over. “Go back to school with Izuku somewhere. I want to take a course I chose in a school where he’ll be accepted for his genius.” Shouta smiles to himself, he’d given Izuku that same advice. “Sounds like a plan.”

“What are you looking so jolly about?” Shigaraki interrupts sitting down next to the dual haired boy. “I think you need to get a highschool diploma.” Shouto suddenly tells him and Shigaraki scowls. “f*ck no.” Shouto didn’t push as Izuku joined to sit with his boyfriend and soon Himiko joined with the young girl that brought them all together. Himiko looks around the table with a mischievous grin as she points at Izuku and Shigaraki. “Who’s that?” Eri beams. “Zuku and Shiggy.”

“And what are they?”

“They are lovesick.” She answers proudly and Izuku and Shig gawks at the words she was clearly taught while Himiko moves on to turn and point between Shouta and Toshi. “And who are they?”

“Sho and Toshi.”

“And what are they?” Himiko asks with her grin widening to which nothing good can come from. “My daddies, they’re always flirting.” She says the last part with a pout and Himiko grins proudly at her point being made while Shigaraki sends them a knowing grin. “Flirting eh? Guess that explains the lanky blonds involvement.” Both adults go red in the cheeks and look away quickly as their daughter giggles at their reactions. Shouta dares a look at the blond in question and the man looks just as guilty as Shouta feels. I guess they would have to talk about it eventually and maybe for the sake of their daughter that talk should be sooner rather than later. Kids do pick up on the smallest things. It’s ironic in a way that the boy that brought their daughter to them is the one that brought them to each other in the first place. It all started that day that Toshinori burst into the meeting where they were discussing Izuku’s return statement. He believed the blond and they went in search for answers together. To think those simple steps led them right here around this table. Surrounded by Izuku’s found family and the answers they sought to find.

Compress and Twice returned with Keigo and Dabi in tow who were blushing like idiots. “I bet they got caught.” Shigaraki comments with a grin and Izuku shoves at him. Himiko and Shouto groan in disgust. “Did you get everything?” Izuku asks in a polite tone that indicates it’s used to being listened to. That alone reminds Shouta that yes, he is their leader. Compress nods his head and Twice opens the bags slightly to show for. Himiko pouts. “I still would’ve liked to get my own bikini.”

“It was shopping or time with Eri.” Shigaraki reminds her and her pout deepens. “I know.” She whines and Izuku chuckles. “You know Twice knows your style. I bet he got you something you’ll like.” She lights up at that and Twice nods in agreement to reassure her.

Shouta turns to look as his daughter is doing her utter best to stay awake but the day’s excitement is starting to wear her down as she clutches onto Himiko’s hoodie in the girls lap. “Hmmm, Himichan, I wanna come to the beach.” Eri mumbles and Himiko coos. “I know kitten, but you’ve gotta stay with your dads. Maybe when you’re a little bit older.” Shouta ducks his head into the collar of his jacket to hide his small smile at the familiar nickname. “Dad calls me that too.” His daughter gives it aways and Himiko’s eyes shoot up to meet his in surprise. “That’s because you are a little kitten.” She coos sweetly and the girl giggles but Shouta knows, he’s got her approval now. That’s what today was really about, Himiko needed to know that the girl was okay, that she was safe and taken care of. Needed to see it with her own eyes. “Always keep smiling, okay kitten?” Himiko tells the little girl with a soft smile of her own and Eri hums as she closes her eyes finally and dozes against the older girl.

“She’s out like a light.” Dabi comments fondly and Izuku smiles softly at Himiko, telling her in that silent way of his that it is time to go. She stands up carefully not to jostle the sleeping girl and Shouta stands to meet her to take his daughter out of her arms. “You are always welcome to visit her.” He tells her and she nods. “Thank you and thank you for taking good care of her.” Shouta doesn’t say anything in reply, he doesn’t need to so he nods instead.

The League slowly stands up from the table and shuffle around to share the load of bags as Keigo takes a look at the public transform system to see when the train they need arrives. “We’ll send you a postcard.” Shouto promises and Shouta chuckles. “You keep doing that. I’ll stick them up on the fridge next to the drawing that you sent Eri.” Shouto pouts in thought for a moment before turing back to look at Shigaraki and Izuku in their own little world. “Shig drew that. He’s a good artist.” Shouto tells him in that familiar monotone tone, Shouta snorts before taking a good look at his former student. “I’m proud of you. Both of you.” He adds the last part hesitantly not sure what happened when Izuku lost his quirk to the bullet. Shouto doesn’t give him any indication that he knows of anything knew and bows his head. “Thank you, sensei. For all you’ve done for me.”

Shouta doesn’t hold back from pulling him in a hug and the boy seems surprised for a moment before hugging back. One way or another, Shouta knew it would be a while till they see eachother again. The boys may want a future, but Japan for all they’ve done for it, won’t accept them to be anything else then as the vigilante’s they are.

“I’ll send you postcards.” Shouto repeats his earlier words and the small change to it makes Shouta smile into the hug. “Good.”


Next chapter back to the league and their special beach episode!! A well earned vacation.

Chapter 39


The team goes to the beach and start thinking of their futures.


The aftermatch with the league going on the holiday that they voted on.

I tried linking bits and pieces to the first celebration they had after the UA gala, since in a way they've come full circle piking up some strays on the way.


PS: I also drew some


for this chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was comedic to watch as Compress finally revealed his identity to them because their beach house would be in his name and the leaser would need to see his identity card to give them the keys. Tomura looked like a toddler having a fit that now he would tell us for such a domestic reason. Sako Atsuhiro . The great grandson of a renowned thief back when quirks were becoming more popular but there was still a grave imbalance in the world. Izuku enjoyed hearing his backstory and the reasons that he kept it from them for so long. Honestly Izuku never really minded, he trusted the man from the moment they met in that alley.

The team was more focused on what he looks like than the identity reveal which seemed to gravely relax the man. Tomura kept his thoughts and complaints to himself with a single warning look from Izuku. “Who knew you’d be such a looker under that mask.” Dabi complimented the man to which Atsushiro hid his face and coughed into his fist.

The team was looking forward to this retreat after “Being cooped up for f*cking too long!” Dabi’s words. It would seem that they had already decided unanimously on where they wanted to retreat too before even bringing it up with Izuku and Tomura so there was really no room for protest. Izuku was excited, he’d actually never been to the beach before. With Inko she was always scared he would drown or eat sand or get kidnapped . Tomura had been once before when he was still with his family , but apparently his allergies back then made it a nightmare. Keigo, much like them, had also never been. When he was a kid he’d always been confined to a shed and afterwards the Commission wouldn’t allow him to do such frivolous things. Everyone else had been a couple of times and were looking forward to some sandy fun.

To say that Izuku and Keigo actually needed guidance on what to pack… was an understatement and rather humbling as the team excitedly advised them. Tomura himself was entirely amused to see Izuku try on various beach outfits before fussing as he compared his outfits to the ones Tomura had started to pack away. “Why are you bringing long sleeved shirts?” Tomura looked up from where he was admiring his boyfriends ass in those shorts up to anxious eyes. “Because I don’t want to wear ridiculous amounts of sunscreen to avoid getting burned.” Izuku looked at him in worry. “Won’t you get warm?”

“I go in the shade bunny, I’m not in need of lying in the sun. My eyes are sensitive.” Izuku frowned and looked down at what he was wearing. “Should I pack my cargo trousers and long sleeves too?” He mutters to himself and Tomura has never said no so fast in his life to which Izuku’s frown deepened. “Why not? I don’t wanna get burned either?”

“You won't, bunny. I’ll make sure you apply your sunscreen properly.” Tomura tells him with a smug grin and understanding washes over Izuku's face as he throws one of his shirts at him. “Pervert!” Tomura laughs.

They decided to take the train down to Okinawa, their beach house was settled in a nice coastal town that wasn’t too tourist populated or populated in general so they didn’t have to fear being recognised. Any train ride with the whole team… was a nightmare. Though Izuku put ground rules in place.

“1. No setting card decks on fire when you’re losing.” Everyone looked to Dabi in particular and the man flipped them off. “2. Remember we are in a public environment, no using quirks in general.”

“And 3. We have a buddy system, stick to your buddy.” Tomura finished and the team groaned at that and Izuku stuck them down with a glare. “Really? We’ve lost Shouto and Spinner too many times now.” Izuku retorts and Spinner immediately protests. “I wasn’t lost, you guys left me!”

“Maybe if you played less on your phone and were more aware of your surroundings you might have spotted us leaving. We weren’t subtle about it, Spin!” Himiko rebuked and the man sat back down in huff.

“What are the buddy pairs anyway?” Dabi asks and Izuku lights up with glee. “Glad you asked. Himiko and Twice. Atsushiro, Spinner and Keigo. Dabi and Shouto.”

“Oi! So me and Keigo are split up and you guys are unchaperoned? That’s not fair!” Dabi protests and the team shushes him to which he flips them off again.

“We weren’t the ones caught doing indecent behaviour in a public bathroom at the mall.” Tomura easily retorts and the man goes red at the reminder and sits down promptly after losing the argument. Keigo doesn’t meet anyone’s eye.

“Good. Any further complaints?” Tomura asks everyone and they all shake their heads of shrug which makes the older boy smile. “Good. Now behave.” Izuku giggles as he sits down beside his boyfriend and they cuddle up to watch an anime together.

They all behaved throughout the whole journey. Atsushiro spent his jolly time doing sudoku’s, Twice and Himiko played I spy and Dabi, Keigo and Shouto played poker. Spinner just napped. At first Dabi voiced some complaints for playing poker with nothing to lose or gain but then he was convinced at it being a training ground for his baby bro. In the end Izuku joined and wiped the floor with the lot of them. “I think I want Izuku to teach me, now.” Shouto had deadpanned and Dabi honestly looked betrayed. Izuku winked at him with a smirk. “It's okay, Dabs. I’ll let you win back your pride at strip poker.”

“Over my dead body.” Tomura grumbled as he snaked a possessive arm around Izuku’s waist. Izuku wasn’t deterred by the show of words though and that alone told Dabi that the game was on. “Looks like your bunny says otherwise, Shig. Don’t worry, we won’t go lower than underwear.” Dabi grins smugly and Tomura growls. “That’s already too far in my books.”

“I guess it’ll depend on his poker face then won’t it?” Izuku looks past the ravennette to Keigo behind him who looks slightly worried at the scene unravelling before him. “I think I’ll teach you some tricks too, Kei. You have a killer poker face, you just need the skills to match.” Keigo grins in understanding. “That just sounds like you want to see Dabi eat his words.”

“Eh, no fun if I’m the only one winning.” Izuku shrugs and Dabi doesn’t seem to like what he’s implying. Himiko suddenly groans in complaint and they all turn to her. “I don’t wanna only play poker.” She whines. “Then what games would you want to play?” Shouto asks her and she grins mischievously at him. “Nothings ever any real fun if we don’t get some drinking involved. I vote we play some drinking games.”

“You’re underage Himichan.” Atsushiro points out and she sticks her tongue out at him. “Underaged drinking really isn’t my worst crime.” She points out and the man gives her kudos for that point. Luckily for them the discussion is put on hold when the conductor announces their stop.

Once they got out of the station, finding the truck rental took some work and asking friendly elderly couples for directions. Izuku was benched for his uselessness when it comes to his sense of direction so he was stuck with Himiko desperately trying to convince him to have a night playing drinking games and getting drunk to start off their holiday. Shouto who’d been benched too hummed thoughtfully. “That first night I spent with you guys you drank too, to celebrate your win at UA.” Himiko paused at that reminder. “That’s true, we got out all the classic games that are much more fun to play drunk.” She giggles and Shouto looks out to the sandy beach in the near distance. “I didn’t drink that night, but I would like to try now.” He says absentmindedly and Himiko jumps at the opening as she cups Shouto’s face in her hands and shoves it to Izuku for him to pity. “Would you really deprive him of such an experience?” Izuku sighs heavily before giving her a soft smile. “Fine. Let’s start off the holiday by getting plastered.” She whoops and jumps from the bench in time to spot the boys coming back with the truck in tow and Spinner at the wheel. Her whoop dies down and she groans. “Has no one gotten their drivers licence since?”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. In a town full of elderly, Spin will likely be the fastest.” Izuku tries to cheer her up and she frowns as she stops over to them with her bag in tow, leaving everyone else’s luggage next to Izuku and Shouto. Luckily for them, Kei gives them a helping load of feathers. “Rule number 2!” Tomura wacks the feathered man over the head and he glares. “You’re welcome!” Izuku decides to let the quirk use slide because it was a handy move and there was hardly anyone around.

As promised they stopped off at a convenience store on the way to the beach house where they got a week’s worth of groceries and a ton of alcohol for the night. It was their holiday after all, they deserved to go all out.

The house itself was perfectly placed, giving them a small private beach at the edge of the terrace. The owner didn’t seem to question everyone's face masks and baseball caps and they likely could have gone without seeing as the old man was pinching his eyes every once and a while to read the contract over before handing Atsushiro the keys.

The team whooped when the old man left and everyone’s bags were brought in with the help of Keigo’s feathers. It was no time at all before everyone had dibs on their rooms. For once Izuku and Tomura joined the fight since now they had a second couple in the running. Keigo may have wings but Tomura was the fastest and most agile of them all so he scored them the second floor double bed bedroom with a balcony and adjoining bathroom. There was one bathroom per floor and an extra toilet on its own. Keigo and Dabi found themselves in the second double bedded bedroom on the first floor which gave way to the terrace. Once everyone was settled in their rooms and unpacked enough to dress themselves for the beach, the team ran for sandy planes waiting to be played on. It was already late afternoon so they didn’t have to worry too much for the sun, which was the only thing that helped Izuku convince his boyfriend to go swimming with him.

“Do you even know how to swim?” Tomura asks him as Izuku sheds his shirt leaving him in only his swimming trunks. He scoffs and looks back at the grump still in his long sleeved top and trunks. “Yes, I learned in primary school.” Tomura hums unimpressed, Izuku rolls his eyes and holds out his hand. “Come on. Come swim with me.” Tomura seems to look over Izuku’s shoulder at their laughing family splashing in the ocean with distrust but finally decides to take the greenette’s hand. “I’m not a fan of the ocean.” He pouts and Izuku laughs. “I know, you’re like my own personal cat.” Tomura scowls. “Don’t start calling me kitten, bunny. I’ll decay my napkin drawings that I know you kept.” Izuku gasps and Tomura grins. “You found them?” Izuku prods as they walk down to where the waves meet the sand and their toes “Wasn’t hard, bunny. You tucked them in that old hoodie of mine. The first one you stole .” Izuku pouts. “I didn’t steal it, you gave it to me to wear after our first date.”

“I didn’t plan for you to never give it back though.” Tomura retorts and Izuku waves him off, making Tomura laugh. “You said you never liked that hoodie anyway.” Izuku’s pout deepens and Tomura smiles. “True, the graphic design on it is cringy as f*ck but it was the one I was wearing when I met you.”

“Then you’ll understand why I wanted it to hold all those napkin drawings you made during all our coffee dates.” Izuku defends and Tomura pulls him in for a hug as they stand knee deep in the ocean. “You’re gorgeous, Izuku. I could draw you better.”

“You can draw me for the rest of our lives, Tomuchan. That doesn’t mean I’ll ever give up the napkin ones. They were your first.” Tomura chuckles and tilts his head down to kiss Izuku’s lips. “Look at you. You got me in the sea.” He whispers to the space between their lips when they pull back slightly from the kiss. Izuku smiles and looks up at him with so much love in his eyes that makes Tomura’s breath hitch for a single moment.

The moment is ruined when they are both jumped on and ducked into the sea. Tomura comes back up looking like a drowned cat and Izuku can’t hold back his laughter. The next time he gets dunked is by his boyfriend himself and izuku comes back up sputtering water but still with a wide smile. Tomura doesn’t hold himself back from kissing that smile and their friends boo and groan before Tomura flips them off. Izuku laughs into the kiss and Tomura only pulls him in closer to fully devour Izuku’s lips before pulling back and sticking his tongue out a little. “Salty.” He complains and Izuku bursts out laughing again. With one last kiss Izuku manages to compose his laughter enough to make plans of revenge.

Atsushiro and Tomura left the water earlier than everyone else to get towels and beach chairs for when Izuku and the others would have tired themselves out from playing chicken fights. It wasn’t long before the greenette came out of the water to be wrapped up in a towel by his boyfriend. He successfully got his revenge back winning two rounds against Himiko and Dabi alike. Spinner was a good stable partner and wouldn’t let Izuku get knocked over. Shouto was a quick learner when he had to take over since the gecko couldn’t stay in the water for too long due to his mutation.

The other two teams played a couple more rounds before calling it a day and soon enough they were all wrapped up in towels watching the sunset reflect on the ocean in all its gorgeous colours.

The ones who left the water early had already taken their freshwater outdoor showers to take all the sand off before changing inside into casual clothing again so they were the first to start on dinner and setting up for the small party they were set to have. As promised there was alcohol and with some teamwork and lots of stuck together sheets of paper, they managed to diy themselves a Twister mat since it was insisted upon that it is the epitome of drunk games. Shouto and Izuku shared a single glance when Dabi grinned at the makeshift Twister and then looked at Twice, who was happily maskless now that he knew for a fact he wouldn't be splitting apart, as the man poured his drink. It was disturbing watching Twice fold over himself the first time.

Shouto’s eyes then catch onto something else. “New hoodie?” He asks as he looks down at the large hoodie Izuku’s wearing over his cargo shorts. Izuku finishes up getting the snacks into plates and bowls, smiling to himself. “No, an old one actually.”

“And it’s not even his.” Tomura adds from where he suddenly stands behind them and Izuku blushes. “You gave it to me!” He defends again and Tomura rolls his eyes but smiles softly at the greenette wearing his old hoodie. “You should wear it more often. Maybe then I can take the other one you stole from me.” To that Izuku has no response because, yes, he does steal Tomura’s dark hoodies a lot. “Fine, it stopped smelling like you anyway.” He settles on instead and Tomura laughs.

The rest of the night goes as predicted. Izuku still won at strip poker much to Tomura’s amusem*nt and distress since he found himself in his underwear alongside Dabi. Shouto held out well for himself and Himiko spent the entire time cheating and still ended up losing her clothes up to her shirt. Spinner, Twice and Atsushiro played a separate round of classic poker with Keigo where they simply betted money… as the only ones with legitimate jobs and Twice ended up winning the whole lot. While Izuku may count the cards, Twice, it seems, learned to play all types of card games to control his boredom and anxiety after his clones tried to kill him.

When the team abandoned the card games and Dabi started pushing everyone to spin for your colour or drink, Izuku noticed Shouto making a familiar escape and followed him up to the roof once more. This time taking two beer cans with him so they could still enjoy drinking without being pushed or made to play Twister.

“Looking for the stars?” Izuku asks softly, announcing his presence to the other boy and Shouto nods up to the sky. “They are much clearer out here.” He answers and Izuku hums. “Likely due to the lack of pollution.” Shouto hums back. “I know we’re supposed to be on holiday… but what are we going to do now?” Izuku sits down beside him and hands him a beer can which the boy opens and then sips as Izuku sips his own. “It’s a fair question. I've been thinking about it too.”

“Aizawa got to you, didn’t he?” Shouto states more than he questions and Izuku laughs and nods. “Yeah, he did. I think I might want to go back to school or get my highschool diploma so that I can go study something cool.”

“America is more open to quirkless people. The population of quirkless people is higher there.” Shouto tells him and Izuku nods along. “Yeah, but America and Japan are well connected due to All Might's networking. We’ll be too much in the spotlight.”

Europe?” The boy offers and Izuku thinks about it. “Europe is cool.”

“What about you?” Izuku asks after a long space of silence and Shouto sits up straighter and sips his drink. He looks down into it as he whispers. “I don’t want to be separated from you. You’re the only friend I have. I just got used to being part of the group.” Izuku shuffles closer to him and places both hands on the boy’s shoulders. “The group isn’t separating. We’re family.” Izuku reassures him and Shouto meets his eyes. “I wanna go back to school with you.” The way the boy says it makes it sound much deeper and much more important than it is but if anything Izuku is overjoyed to have a friend to go back to school with. “Okay.” Shouto smiles at him happily and they lie back down against the roof side by side with their drinks beside them as they look up at the stars.

“I promised that I’d send Aizawa-sensei a postcard.” Shouto suddenly says absentmindedly and Izuku chuckles. “We can go down to town tomorrow and pick one out.” Izuku offers and the boy turns to look at him with a smile. It reminds Izuku of another roof, another time when it was just the two of them while the others were drunk inside. “Bet you didn’t think that you would end up here after we kidnapped you.” Izuku jokes and Shouto laughs. “I’m happy you did. I finally feel like I’m living.”

“What are your hero plans now that we overthrew the HPSC president?” Izuku jumps the question onto Keigo at breakfast. The bird blinks a couple of times before shrugging and chugging at his coffee as if drinking it faster will help with the effects of the hangover. “I don’t know, Zuku. Kinda depends on your plans I guess.” He finally answers mumbling as he goes to sit down with the others at the table serving himself to the burnt pancakes he tried to lovingly put together for Dabi early this morning. While the rest of the table served themselves to the pancakes that Twice is still making now, inspired by the burnt monstrosities.

“Great!” He whoops, pouring his second cup of the morning and Tomura’s too before coming over to the table to join them. “Then how do you guys feel about Europe?” He throws it out and Shouto blinks his morning tiredness fog away to register the conversation as the rest of the table groans at the idea of having to think through their hangovers. Izuku isn’t perturbed.

“I think my mum will finally be happy that I am doing something with my life.” Spinner answers truthfully before taking a bite out of his breakfast. Izuku beams. “Good. Because Shouto and I wanna go back to school.” Dabi suddenly seems interested at the name drop and turns to his brother who nods earnestly. “I guess I’ll have to fill out an application to change my heroing country.” Keigo mutters and Dabi seems relieved to hear that.

“Do I have to go to school too?” Himiko asks and Izuku shrugs. “Not if you don’t want to but I suggest you get an online diploma at least. Having a highschool diploma helps with looking less suspicious.”

“f*ck. Then I have to get one of those too.” Dabi groans and the table laughs.

“It’ll take a while getting everything together since we’ll need potential new identities too.” Tomura adds and the team seems to think it over as a real thing.

“We’re a family, we do things together. f*ck that! Go do your own thing!” Twice states and the team coos, ignoring his contradiction as they always do. Izuku smiles softly at Tomura and his boyfriend gestures carefully for a hug which Izuku happily obliges in the comfort of their family.

Izuku had broached the subject to Tomura that morning, in the early hours when they were just simply resting in eachothers arms. Tomura had mostly been sad about leaving their hidden apartment. Their promised home once they’d completed their promise. “We can still keep it. It’s in your family's name and we can come back to it later.” Izuku promised him again and that seemed to sell him. “As long as we’ll come back to it eventually, then yes. I’ll follow you anywhere, bunny. You know that.”

“Would you go back to school for me?” Izuku had then tried and his boyfriend had scowled. “No. I’ll get an online diploma.” He countered and that was enough for Izuku. If they moved to a new country, they would need qualifications to not raise any flags, a highschool diploma is the minimum. “We’ll need new identities.” Tomura then reminded him and Izuku hummed. “Can I take your last name?” Tomura had turned to him surprised before chuckling and kissing his boyfriend. “ Shigaraki would still raise red flags.” Izuku smiled. “That’s not the name I was talking about. I think Shimura Izuku doesn’t sound too bad.” Tomura's eyes had gone a tad sad before softening as he smiled fondly. “The day you take my name we’ll be back on home soil, not a day before.”


Tomura kissed him. “Promise.”


Next chapter is the epilogue with a time jump and some fanart to close it off.

I want to already start thanking everyone who has been following this story from the beginning. Bookmarking, commenting and giving kudos!! It means a lot and I am very thankfull for the support!! <3 <3
This is the first fic I've ever written to get this much attention so it was really nice and I hope you enjoyed it up to the end!!

Chapter 40: Epilogue


Tomura and Izuku find the prospect of peace and quiet with their cat in a new home.
Finally living as themselves.


Last chapter!! And this time it really will be the last.

It's shorter than the others but it's an epilogue so it's really just sweet.



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku jumps on the bed and flutters the postcard into his boyfriend's face. “If you decay this, I'll kill you.” He adds warningly and Tomura grumbles. “Then don’t wave it in my face first thing in the morning.” Izuku giggles but doesn’t let up until Tomura sits up in bed and carefully takes the postcard from his hands. “It’s from Eri.” He says and Izuku nods enthusiastically. “It’s coded from Aizawa. The paperwork went through so our home is legally safe in Japan under her name.” Tomura smiles and mirrors Izuku’s happiness. “Fine. That was worth being woken up for.” He mumbles and leans in for a kiss which Izuku happily complies with. Their home , that small little apartment of theirs that Tomura promised they would return to under the same name. Once the excitement of their overthrowing the government died down and settled.

An extra weight joins them on the bed and Izuku pulls away to coo at their cat. “Shou-cat-chan.” Izuku greets him and the cat whines indignantly. “I don’t think he wants to be cuddled, bunny. I think he wants to be fed.” Tomura chuckles as Izuku kisses and holds the cat up like a baby. Shou-cat , named after Shouto due to their apparent uncanny resemblance. Tomura doesn’t see it but Izuku is insistent and he’s a smart man, he won’t deny his bunny. They got the cat a week or so after they managed to get a studio apartment of their own. Izuku picked up the stray on the way back from uni.

The move originally happened with the whole league and they managed to get a home together as they had in Japan. A lot of their necessities came with them, personal belongings went into storage and are now protected legally under Eri’s name. Keigo managed to get his hero licence reapproved under the new continent laws and then got double approved when he chose his country base. Otheon. A nice small country in Europe that already has a lack of heroes so they were glad to take on Japan’s former number 5 hero. It was easy for all of them to get new identities and move out of the country unnoticed. Izuku and Shouto were enrolled in an English speaking school and Dabi, Tomura and Himiko took online classes to get a highschool diploma prior to leaving. Izuku’s brain was far too advanced for a normal school but he stayed at the pace they worked so he could be with Shouto. Of course it only took the other boy two weeks to notice and with some tutoring from Izuku they graduated highschool under two months at the age of 17.

Now, Izuku is studying quirk analysis at university and Shouto is studying to be a children's doctor. The former hero student has decided he still wants to help people and more specifically kids. He wants to be able to spot and save any kids in dangerous homes, like he was once. Shouto and Himiko still share a place with Atsushiro, Twice and Spinner, happily co-living in the penthouse of the apartment building that Tomura and Izuku reside in. While Keigo and Dabi similarly have a space of their own, a studio apartment across the hall. They may have moved out, but they really haven’t gone far. They’re all the family each one of them has and family stays close in their culture.

“C’mon bunny. Just feed him and he’ll leave us alone.” Tomura pleads and Izuku gasps, outraged. “You want me to just neglect our baby? For what? Sex?” Tomura sits up on his elbows and looks at his boyfriend blankly. “Yes. I want to make love with my ever-studious boyfriend. Sue me.” It’s Izuku’s day off from uni, the first one in a while where he doesn’t even have to study. So yes, Tomura has plans that include the bed and a cat free zone.

Izuku smiles against a fluffy head and the cat mews again. “Oh, don’t worry Shou-cat-chan. Daddy does mean it, he’s just grumpy from his lack of morning love .” Izuku coos and Tomura pouts as he watches the greenette slip off the bed with the cat in his arms and leave the bedroom. He groans when he hears the sound of kibble being poured into the cat bowl and then the telltale wiring on the coffee machine.

Izuku grins when he feels strong arms hug him from behind. “I’m making you a cup too, Tomuchan.” Tomura grumbles into his neck before leaving a couple of soft kisses and pulling away to get some food for their own breakfast. Tomura spots the postcard littered in with the others stuck to the fridge and smiles. “Guess, we’ll need to send one back soon enough, huh?”

“Maybe you could draw one.” Izuku grins and Tomura frowns at him over the shoulder. He’s been building up a portfolio slowly to apply to the art department of Izuku’s uni. He’d never thought of it before but when Izuku sneakily dropped the brochure into his lap, he can’t say he wasn’t intrigued by their game design course that included coding and designing.

He turns once he’s fished out ingredients for breakfast and Izuku jumps on the counter having picked up their system again the moment that they were just the two of them again.

“Maybe, or we could just buy a commercial one that wouldn’t raise too many flags, bunny. We’re still trying to go under the radar.”

“Eri would like it though.” Izuku pouts and Tomura rolls his eyes. “I’ll think about it.” Izuku smiles as the coffee maker beeps and he jumps down from the counter to pour their mugs just the way they like their coffees. Handing Tomura his coffee as the man starts working on their breakfast. Izuku watches him happily from where he jumps to sit on the counter again. “Keep watching me like that, bunny, and my morning plans will move to the kitchen.” Tomura eventually tells him in a controlled voice and Izuku hums and sips at his coffee before smiling suggestively over the mug. “Shou-cat-chan has gone back to bed. He’ll likely won’t disturb us until he wants cuddles.” Tomura stops mid movement and turns the heat off on the stove moving anything dangerous that could catch fire or burn out of the way and stalks towards Izuku to smash their lips together. Izuku chuckles at his boyfriend's eagerness and moves his coffee cup out of the way to be able to wrap his arms around Tomura’s neck to pull him in closer. Tomura pushes against him rougher and Izuku winces a little when his back hits the cupboards behind him making Tomura pull back with a frown. “Good initiative, bad planning of location.” He tells Izuku, kissing him on his temple and Izuku just wraps his legs around Tomura’s waist. “Then let's go back to the bedroom.” Tomura kisses his lips again with a smile before hauling Izuku up in his arms and moving them to their bedroom. Letting Izuku fall onto the bed laughing as Tomura gets his morning love , the way he wanted to. No matter what, they always end up back here, Izuku in his arms on their bed, smiling and laughing as Tomura kisses him with all his love.

Izuku might have dozed a little after their morning round but soft kisses from his boyfriend and cat to the forehead slowly woke him up again before the ringing of their doorbell. Tomura can say all he wants about Shou-cat-chan but Izuku didn’t miss the purring cat in his boyfriend's arms as Izuku went to get the door. “Shouto.” Izuku greets the bi-coloured haired boy. “I have post.” He says an excuse for disturbing their morning and Tomura cranes his head from where he’s now positioned himself with their cat on the sofa. “Morning Shouto.” He calls out and Shouto reciprocates it. “He asked me out.” Shouto says softly as Izuku goes through the post and Shouto steps into the apartment. Izuku’s eyes shoot up to his friends as a wide grin breaks over his face. “I knew it!!” Shouto blushes and Izuku jumps to hug him which Shouto returns. “I don’t know what to wear or do? What is expected of me for this?” The boy mumbles anxiously and Izuku pulls away but doesn’t let go. “Be yourself. Be your amazing self. That’s all you need to do.”

“And go to Himiko for fashion advice right?” Shouto adds and Izuku nods. “Duh, that’s a given.” Izuku’s smile only gets wider the more adorably nervous Shouto gets. The date in question is Soul Rody, or just Rody in this country. The two had met at this coffee bar next to the uni where Shouto likes to go to watch the pigeons and Rody works there. Izuku was there the first time the waiter decided to strike up a long term conversation with Shouto and watching them connect was so heartwarming to watch. He’s been holding Himiko back ever since to go along with Shouto to see for herself. As much as she means well, she can be a little too overpowering. Luckily enough, Himiko has her own romance brewing ever since a fellow analyst in Izuku’s course caught her eye. They have yet to exchange names or have a single conversation but Himiko is convinced she’s in love.

Shouto left when he decided he was all blushed out and wanted to go hide in a dark corner. Izuku didn’t stop him, knowing that the boy sometimes just gets overstimulated. He continues going through the post instead with a soft smile before halting as he pulls out a letter. It was addressed to him with no return address so he placed the rest of the post on the entry table as he opened the letter. Inside there was a postcard and a newspaper clipping.

UA’s nearly graduated heroes stand by the new system that is being formed due to the leaks provided by the League of Vigilante’s.

This wild statement shook the public as Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu debuting heroes joined to support their competing school.

“A hero shouldn’t be praised for saving lives. It’s their job.”

“A hero shouldn’t be a celebrity. Saving lives is a duty.”

The small article goes on to not name the debuting heroes in question since it’s less about the public image anymore, yet Izuku has an idea of who it could have been that led this grand statement. He pulls the postcard up and turns it over to see that he was right.

Izuku smiles softly with pride at the postcard signature.

‘I’ll be a hero worthy of the title. - Dynamight.’

He takes both the news clipping and the postcard over to the kitchen to stick it next to the others before walking back to Tomura and joining him on their couch with Shou-cat-chan as they start their morning. Going past their wall of pictures and framed articles of the evolution back home. One day they’ll update their ‘Wall of Documented Villainy Milestones’ .

They may have left the moment they dropped the bomb, but it will still be their responsibility and their achievement. Izuku kept an eye on it from the moment they left and printed each article that mentioned their involvement from conspiracy theorists and leaks within the government. The new waves of hero’s graduating knew who changed the system, that much was clear from this single postcard alone. They know they are the embodiment of this new change. Izuku can forgive the blonds' past, if he does right by the future kids that struggle the way he and the League did. No system is perfect but Izuku can only hope that the heroes will be better.

‘Your past does not define you.’ He’d once said to Tomura after one of the many nights that he awoke from a dream where he'd spilled someone’s blood with his quirk. Izuku would be a hypocrite if he didn’t offer others that same chance. It’s the same one he gave himself, having seen Deku in those moments after the bullet hit. Whoever he used to be doesn’t define him now. So he can forgive Bakugou and watch the boy grow to be the hero he promised to be.

In another time or universe, things might have been different for them all. Maybe Izuku and Bakugou’s friendship would have been restored, Izuku and Tomura might have never found each other and would have met instead on different sides of a war. Fighting against each other without ever understanding or knowing how it turned out that way.

Yet, here and now as far as they are both concerned a darkness surrounded them each step of the way till that fateful day at the mall. Izuku and Tomura learned to love each other despite the gaps in their memory. Love found them in that moment and whatever their pasts may have been they forgave themselves and each other for them.

In their case, love wasn’t blind, their forgiveness was just a result of forgetting.


I've said it before but I'll say it again, thank you so much for all the continued support while writing this story!! It was heartwarming and really motivating to see readers loving this story as much as I do!!

Thank you for all the kudos, bookmarks and comments, you're all sweethearts!!
<3 <3

✨and some more art✨

Love isn’t blind, forgiveness is forgetting (love finds you in the darkest rooms) - ghostgirl_anna - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.